After chatting for a while, Ye Xuan wanted to ask Li Shuo out to play.

When Li Shuo thought about the feeling of being the center of attention when he went out with Ye Xuan, he felt very embarrassed and politely rejected the other party's request, saying that he had something to do.

Ye Xuan has a good personality, but he is too social.

Now he should avoid going out together.

He also wants to speed up the completion of the novel "The Fishmonger" in the next few days and start writing the next one.

A short story that can be published is really great.

After the copyright of this novel is sold, he will sign up for a music class, learn some knowledge about music, write songs and compose music for others, and blossom in many aspects.

Everything is going well for Li Shuo.

Li Xuejun, who was also busy with his career development, also met his old classmate smoothly.

This old classmate owns a machining company, which is not large in scale. He has more than 30 pieces of equipment and manages 40 to 50 workers.

In recent months, he received an order from a J worker. The demand is huge, but the product is very difficult. He needs to invest hundreds of thousands to add a machining center and a programming master who can debug the product.

He has no problem investing hundreds of thousands to open a machining center, but the difficulty of this product has stumped him and many bosses in the same industry.

He took the drawings everywhere to find programming masters for debugging. After several months, no master could debug a perfect sample.

Even if there is a barely debugged one, the yield rate is too low. The materials used by the J worker are excellent. Wasting a hundred grams of material will at least lose two or three hundred, so the yield rate requirement is very high.

Chen Jingnian wants to earn this money again, but he can't make this money. After several months, he is getting a headache.

Today, when Li Xuejun came to entertain his old classmate, he was a little absent-minded.

It was not until Li Xuejun said that he came to him for this matter that he immediately perked up and was surprised.

"What? You want to open a machining center and take over this order from me?"

He heard it right. Li Xuejun has been driving a bus all the time. He was exposed to this industry when he was young and dropped out of school to study this major.

I am afraid that J-gong's products are too simple.

When talking about machining, Li Xuejun seemed to have changed. He confidently said to Chen Jingnian: "Although I haven't been engaged in this industry for a long time, I usually study it when I have time. I have also studied the drawings of your product for a long time. I am very sure that I can debug it."

To be conservative, Li Xuejun continued: "As long as you give me a week, I will try it on your domestic machine and debug a sample."

To produce this product, the equipment must be imported, and the yield rate will be higher. However, Li Xuejun is not 100% sure that he can make it now. It is best to debug a sample on a domestic machine first.

Give Chen Jingnian a clear answer, so that he can be more confident to open a processing center.

Chen Jingnian almost gave up the order, but now Li Xuejun actually said that he could do it. Although he felt that there was little hope, he still agreed after thinking for a while.

If Li Xuejun can do it, and is willing to take the risk of investing hundreds of thousands to open a processing center, he will take the order with zero risk and come to Li Xuejun to produce it, and it will be good to take a profit in the middle.

But the premise is that Li Xuejun can really do it.

Men are vigorous and resolute in these major matters.

The two men sat in the office for a while, and Chen Jingnian took Li Xuejun to the production workshop and lent Li Xuejun the best domestic equipment in the company, allowing him to play freely.

Li Xuejun finally touched the equipment he had been thinking about, and he couldn't hide his excitement. He took the drawings and looked at them for a while, and soon started debugging on the equipment.

Of course, for such a difficult product, even the old programming master who has been working in this industry needs a lot of time to explore.

It is impossible for Li Xuejun to adjust it in one or two days.

At least a week.

The next week.

Li Shuo and Li Xuejun are both busy.

Li Shuo finished the novel "Fishmonger" perfectly, and the monthly fee for the novel "Fighting Emperor" was also released, 15,000 yuan.

This is only the early stage fee when the novel is serialized. When it comes to the later stage, you can get at least 6 figures a month.

If I write a few more short stories, I should be able to buy my own small villa in Lucheng soon.


It is the second day after Li Shuo finished the novel "Fishmonger", and he has already written the beginning of the new book.


This novel mainly tells a bizarre cycle of explosion and death experience on a bus. It is a suspense novel that combines infinite flow, confined space and puzzle style.

A moving bus suddenly exploded on a cross-river bridge. The bus was burned beyond recognition and the scene was in a mess.

It was thought that all the people on the bus were killed, but unexpectedly two people "resurrected from the dead" and survived.

One of these two people is a rational, cowardly, and even a little selfish game architect.

The other is a kind, introverted, and morally strong junior student at Jiashida.

After this novel was made into a TV series, it was also very popular and once caused a "pressure cooker" and "bus" panic.

Li Shuo thought he could write it out and see if it would be popular.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Li Shuo threw the beginning of the novel into the editor's mailbox, and then picked up his mobile phone to transfer money to his wife.

He quickly cashed out the 15,000 yuan in royalties, transferred 10,000 yuan to Bai Qinning, and left a message: I've received royalties again, this is for you, I've kept some for myself, you must accept it (smile).

Tangyuan Community is a mid-to-high-end community, and the cheapest rent here will not be less than 3,000 yuan.

Adding his living expenses, 5,000 yuan is enough at most.

It's okay to transfer 5,000 yuan, but when he thinks that Bai Qinning is his wife now, he feels it's necessary to hand over more.

Although he doesn't know when they will divorce, before the divorce, Li Shuo actually enjoys this kind of life as an ordinary couple.

When Li Shuo transferred the money to Bai Qinning's WeChat, she was still filming.

It wasn't until the filming ended at 5:30 that he picked up his phone and saw Li Shuo's transfer.

In Bai Qinning's exclusive lounge.

Hua Wan had asked the Di Le Hotel to deliver the meal. After bringing the meal to the table, she saw Bai Qinning staring at her phone and said to her, "What's wrong? You're so absorbed in looking at your phone."

Bai Qinning tapped the screen with her finger and took the salary her husband handed over: "It's nothing serious. Li Shuo just got his salary and handed over more than 10,000 to me."

Hua Wan was stunned: Good guy, another bite of dog food that caught me off guard!

Li Shuo is not bad. In less than a month, he not only bought a bracelet for his wife, but also handed over 10,000 in salary at one time. Is he a wife-loving maniac?

"Brother-in-law is very sensible."

Hua Wan suddenly felt a little sour, but she was still hungry. She praised Bai Qinning and said, "No more talking, let's eat first."

Bai Qinning stood up from her seat and refused, saying, "I won't eat outside. Someone will cook at home. I won't play at night, so I'll go back to eat."

After eating too much of Li Shuo's food, she really doesn't like to eat outside now.

Hua Wan: "..."

Looking for a boyfriend online, it's urgent.

He should be able to cook.

Xiangfu Community.

Fang Lanying returned home after visiting her family for more than a week. She saw that the house seemed to have been empty for many days. Her flowers were all withered. She called Li Xuejun in a hurry.

After calling several times, Li Xuejun finally picked up the phone. As soon as he said "Hello", Fang Lanying started to curse him.

"Li Xuejun, where have you been? The flowers I kept on the balcony have all withered!"

"I'm out of town--"

As soon as Li Xuejun opened his mouth, Fang Lanying interrupted him immediately: "You really went out of town, so you've been playing outside for more than a week, right? Do you really think you can find a good job if you go out of town? Why don't you go to a good construction site to work? You don't have to worry about Li Hao and Li Shu's living expenses next month, right? I've never seen such an irresponsible man like you!"

Fang Lanying is now 100% sure that if she divorces Li Xuejun, Wu Wenfeng will accept her. Now she has a way out, and she is even more unscrupulous.

Li Xuejun was at a critical moment of debugging the product. Fang Lanying started to scold him as soon as he answered the phone. In addition, his wife had ignored him for a week, which made him angry: "I'm very busy now, don't be unreasonable with me!"

"Okay, what's the big deal that makes you ignore your own children? The flowers I have raised for several years have died. You are still rude to me after asking me a few questions. You are really not a man! Just divorce!"

Fang Lanying said angrily.

She knew that Li Xuejun was soft-hearted and would definitely not dare to divorce her.

He would definitely compromise immediately when she said divorce.

This trick is tried and tested!

What she didn't know was that Li Xuejun was investing in an important juncture of his career. Now Fang Lanying called and interrupted him and he kept scolding him. He also got angry and said angrily: "Okay, divorce if you want!"

After saying that, he directly hung up the phone in Fang Lanying's astonished expression.

Fang Lanying: "???"


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