After chatting with the funny and coquettish Ye Xuan for a while, Li Shuo felt much better.

After the call, he remembered that there were some drinks in the refrigerator at home.

He didn't need to relieve the heat.

It was just that a while ago, I saw an author in the group saying that he could write very efficiently when he was slightly drunk after drinking.

Anyway, he couldn't write well, so Li Shuo simply tried to drink some wine to see if he could write well when he was slightly drunk.

If he can't write well, he really has to stop updating today.

When the time comes, I will inform the readers that I will meet my father-in-law and brothers-in-law, and they should understand.

He came to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and started to choose.

When he moved in, there were some drinks in the refrigerator that he didn't recognize.

Most of them were foreign names, and he had never taken them out to drink.

But now that he paid Bai Qinning's living expenses, he could drink a bottle of these expensive drinks occasionally without any psychological burden.

In Li Shuo's eyes, his wife was at most an elite white-collar worker. The drinks she drank would be more expensive, but they couldn't be so expensive.

He could afford it.

He picked a bottle of beer called Schorschbock from the refrigerator, took a glass from the cupboard, and went back to the room.

This was the largest bottle in the refrigerator, and it didn't look as exquisitely packaged as other drinks. It should be the cheapest one.

Back in the room, Li Shuo sat in front of the computer desk and poured a small half cup of wine into the glass, and the sweet wine aroma came out.

Pick it up and take a sip.

The taste of this wine is very unique, with a smoky and nutty taste, and a hint of raisin taste when you taste it carefully.

Li Shuo doesn't like to drink these, but this beer is better and stronger than any beer he has ever drunk.

After drinking half a cup of beer, he felt a burning sensation in his stomach, and his tense nerves began to relax.

Li Shuo felt that he was much more relaxed, but he was not drunk yet, so he stopped drinking. When he was slightly tipsy, he immediately started typing.

The effect was beyond his expectations.

In this state where the mind was relaxed, the brain speed increased, and the hand speed naturally increased.

After writing for an hour, Li Shuo was surprised to find that his typing speed was indeed much faster, from more than 3,000 words per hour in the best state before, to 4,000 words per hour now.

This is the number of words that some authors with less talent and slow brain speed (such as the dining table) can type in a day.

After drinking half a cup of wine, Li Shuo seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

While typing crazily, he did not forget to have a glass of wine every two hours, and always stayed in a slightly tipsy state.

He sat in front of the computer for four or five hours.

In order to finish the manuscript, he even forgot to cook dinner.

It was past seven in the evening.

When Bai Qinning got home from get off work, the lights in the living room were not on.

She turned on the lights and saw that Li Shuo's shoes were still on the shoe rack. Only then did she confirm that this guy had not run out to fool around and had not returned home. The tense expression on her pretty face eased.

She came to the door of Li Shuo's room, gently pushed open his half-open door, and poked her head in. Only then did she see the man sitting in front of the computer, concentrating on typing. From her angle, she could just see Li Shuo's handsome and serious profile, and his hand speed was also frighteningly fast.

She secretly smacked her lips, thinking that this taciturn guy didn't like to talk, but he could type so fast!

It was outrageous that he could earn tens of thousands of yuan a month from the articles he wrote.

Bai Qinning didn't interrupt Li Shuo's typing.

The big round ball lying on the bay window just found its owner and raised its head high, and the door of the room was gently closed.

She went to the kitchen, confirmed that Li Shuo had not eaten dinner yet, and then tied on a floral apron and started to cook today's dinner.

As the daughter of the Bai family, Bai Qinning is not really a layman.

In addition to learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since childhood, she also took a lot of interest classes such as cooking and baking.

Before she married Li Shuo, she would cook some delicious food in her spare time.

Of course, Bai Qinning pursues the beauty and appearance of the dishes, and the taste of the dishes is definitely not as good as that of Li Shuo.

She has eaten on the set today, and this meal is for Li Shuo.

She has eaten so many meals with Li Shuo since she got married. He doesn't have time today, and she is in a mood, so she will cook one meal.

If next time, she will ask the Di Le Hotel to deliver the food directly to the door.

Put the rice in the pot.

Pick out the ingredients needed for the evening from the refrigerator.

Wash, cut and prepare the dishes in an orderly manner.

She has always been resolute in her work, and this is no exception in the kitchen.

In less than an hour.

Shanghai greens, garlic prawns, fried pork chops, and a bowl of delicious tomato shrimp soup were served.

After taking off her apron and applying some hand cream in her room, Bai Qinning rubbed her hands, walked to the door of Li Shuo's room, and knocked.

"Come out for dinner."

Li Shuo had just successfully published the manuscript that took more than five hours to code. When he heard the voice coming from outside the door, he was stunned for a moment, and then he realized it belatedly.

"Ah, OK."

He responded, but it felt a little unreal.

Bai Qinning not only came home but also asked him to have dinner?

Li Shuo got up with doubts.

Then he realized that he was a little dizzy.

He drank a large glass of wine an hour ago, and it was obviously not metabolized yet.

But fortunately, he doesn't get drunk easily and his face doesn't get red.

Even if his head is still a little hazy, it's not a big problem to go out for a meal normally.

Li Shuo walked out of the room with a bit of frivolous steps.

When he came to the restaurant, he was shocked to see a table full of food.

His wife can cook, right?

And she cooks so beautifully.

Bai Qinning had just taken two pairs of bowls and chopsticks from the kitchen and put them on the table. He got a little closer to Li Shuo and smelled a hint of alcohol. He looked at him in surprise and asked, "Did you drink?"

"Ah, I couldn't type well, so I drank some." He picked up the bowl on the table, poured a small bowl of rice, and handed it to Bai Qinning: "I didn't know you would come back for dinner tonight, and I didn't expect you to cook."

Bai Qinning took the bowl and understood why Li Shuo was still typing so late today.

She didn't mention that she had already eaten dinner. She sat opposite him and said, "I'm not some rich lady who has never touched women. It's normal for me to cook."

Of course, she is a rich lady who has touched women.

As for this meal, if she didn't eat with him, it would feel like it was specially made for Li Shuo, which was a bit weird.

Even if she didn't want to eat, she had to eat something.

The young couple always kept silent when eating.

It was the first time for Li Shuo to eat the food made by his wife. Although the taste was not as good as his, the appearance was very appetizing.

He ate two big bowls of this dinner very flatteringly.

After dinner, he also insisted on going to the kitchen to wash the dishes together.

He was embarrassed to let Bai Qinning cook and wash the dishes.

In the kitchen.

The young couple stood in front of the sink, one was responsible for washing the first time, and the other was responsible for washing the second time.

Bai Qinning tied a floral apron again, wearing gloves on both hands, and was washing the first bowl. At the same time, she said to Li Shuo: "We could have bought a dishwasher, but I think the dishes washed by the dishwasher are definitely not as good as those washed by hand."

She was a little bit of a clean freak and felt that the dishes washed by the machine were definitely not as clean as those washed by hand.

Hearing this, Li Shuo turned his head to look at his wife.

From his angle, he could just see Bai Qinning's tall and straight nose under her long eyelashes, as well as her moist lips. Her extremely beautiful face made people unconsciously feel distant.

The thin apron she was wearing gave her a hint of life, and Li Shuo inexplicably felt that the distance between them was much closer.

Just like... the two of them were really a couple.

Bai Qinning lowered her head, but she could still feel the man's eyes on her. She looked back calmly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Perhaps it was the alcohol that emboldened him, and Li Shuo replied boldly and frankly for the first time: "I think we are really like a couple now, and you are really my wife."

Bai Qinning was used to Li Shuo not being able to say anything bold, and he suddenly said this, and she couldn't adapt to it.

Her pretty face was slightly hot, she turned her head, handed him the bowl with bubbles, and whispered, "You're dreaming, I won't be your wife."

Miss Bai's arrogant words instantly distanced the two of them.

It also woke Li Shuo up.

He came back to his senses, took the bowl, and smiled awkwardly: "Yes, we are fake. After meeting your parents, we may get divorced."

Everything now is just a dream, and he almost took it as real.

Li Shuo said the word "divorce" very smoothly. Bai Qinning heard that he didn't seem to care about it and felt that he could divorce her at any time.

For some reason, she clearly said that she would not be Li Shuo's real wife. Now seeing that Li Shuo didn't care at all, she felt very uncomfortable.

Even angry.

She didn't want to talk anymore.

Bai Qinning suddenly fell silent. Li Shuo was a little confused. He took the bowl from her hand again and asked: "What's wrong with you?"

She glanced at the man in front of her, and a sense of resentment inexplicably arose in her heart, making her irritable and not wanting to wash dishes with him anymore.

She took off her gloves neatly and put them aside. She glanced at him with her beautiful eyes and turned away.

Walking past Li Shuo, she couldn't help but reach out and pinch his waist.


Li Shuo gasped in pain and cried out in pain, looking at the girl who pinched him and left angrily: "???"

What happened again?

How did he offend her?


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