After a while, the two of them went to school.

At about six o'clock in the evening, Li Shuo finished updating the manuscript, packed up and went out.

After waiting for a few minutes at the gate of the community, a yellow Lamborghini stopped in front of him.

The man in the driver's seat took off his sunglasses and smiled coquettishly: "Good evening, Director Li."

Li Shuo: "...Good evening."

"Do you want to take my car or Li Che's? He will be here soon." Ye Xuan asked with a smile.

The few sports cars in his garage now are all double-seaters. One car can't fit three people, so they just drove one each.

When Li Shuo heard this, his eyes stayed on the eye-catching golden sports car for a moment, and he subconsciously looked at the car coming behind Ye Xuan's car.

Ye Xuan's car is too ostentatious, otherwise I'd take a seat--


The car behind is a more ostentatious red convertible...

The people in the red sports car saw Li Shuo, who had long heard of his name, and waved enthusiastically: "Hey! Coach Li, come sit in my car."

Li Shuo: "..."

He smiled slightly reservedly, greeted the other party, and chose to get into Ye Xuan's sports car.

Anyway, any car would be a social mess, so it's better to be social mess next to someone familiar.

So, in the spotlight of everyone, Li Shuo dug his toes on the ground for more than ten kilometers and finally reached his destination.

Arriving at the hotel entrance, Ye Xuan and Li Che handed the keys to the parking attendant, and the three of them walked into the hotel lobby together.

On the way to the box, Li Shuo officially met Li Che.

Li Che is handsome, with a pair of peach blossom eyes that always smile and narrow, and his personality is also ridiculously cheerful.

They had just met for a few minutes, and he started by saying, "Coach Li, I think we are destined to be together, and I feel close to you. We both have the surname Li, so we must have been a family five hundred years ago."

Li Shuo gritted his teeth and said, "...Ah, I think so too."

He was not being completely polite. Although the other party's outrageous personality made him a little uncomfortable, he felt close to him inexplicably.

He felt that he might get along with this Li Che, perhaps because they both had the surname Li, and the other party did not have the airs of a rich second-generation.

The three of them came to the box, and a table of exquisite dishes was served.

After sitting down, Ye Xuan dismissed the waiter who stayed, picked up the decanter, poured expensive wine into Li Shuo and Li Che's glasses, and poured himself a glass.

"This is another signature dry red wine of the Di Le Hotel in addition to the noble rot wine - Chambertin Grand Cru. It is only available at the Di Le Hotel in the world, and it tastes very good."

Of course, the aftereffect is also very strong.

After Ye Xuan's brief introduction, the three of them stood up, clinked their glasses, and drank the wine in their glasses.

Li Shuo had drunk red wine several times in his previous life, but this was the first time he had drunk such expensive red wine.

After drinking a small glass of wine, the wine was sweet and indeed much better than what he had drunk before.

From the beginning of the dinner, Ye Xuan and Li Che kept talking, and forced Li Shuo to discuss the topic of Ye Xuan chasing his wife.

Li Shuo was worried that Bai Qinning misunderstood his sexual orientation and he couldn't prove it.

Being asked by the two people, he drank a glass of wine and said frankly: "I said, I don't have much experience. It was my boyfriend who took me to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

"The idea I told Ye Xuan was also the method my ex-girlfriend used when she pursued me. I have never chased a girl."

Ye Xuan: "..."

Li Che: "..."

The two super rich second-generations are now inexplicably a little depressed.

"That's because you are awesome. If Ye Xuan and I were just ordinary people like you, we would look pretty, but if we were any pretty girls, we would definitely not be dragged to the Civil Affairs Bureau." Li Che saw through it and said bluntly.

He couldn't help but be a little curious about Li Shuo's wife's appearance, and asked him: "Is sister-in-law pretty?"

He thought she should be average, after all, Li Shuo was just an ordinary man except for his handsomeness.

She might not be too pretty to be able to be dragged to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Ye Xuan came over immediately: "Everyone who has seen her in the jewelry store said she is very beautiful." He looked at Li Shuo: "So when will you take us to see sister-in-law, Lao Shuo?"

Li Shuo and Bai Qinning are only temporary couples now, and they are in a secret marriage to the outside world. To avoid affecting her life after the divorce, he couldn't take them to see her, and said: "Let's talk about this later."

"Tsk, Lao Shuo, you are not authentic, is she too beautiful to hide from us?" Ye Xuan pretended to be unhappy.

Li Che didn't say anything, thinking, no matter how beautiful she is, can she be as beautiful as Bai Qinning?



Although he didn't dare to marry Bai Qinning, he absolutely recognized Bai Qinning's beauty and appearance.

A few people ate and chatted, and most of the time Ye Xuan and Li Che were discussing how to pursue Bai Muge. Only when Li Shuo took the initiative to ask for his advice, Li Shuo would speak a few words.

Anyway, his principle is that even a strong woman is afraid of a clinging man.

As long as he pesters her until the right time, and then plays hard to get, 99% of the time he will succeed.

In addition to answering the two people's questions, he spent most of the rest of the time drinking, thinking that this wine was not as strong as the beer in Bai Qinning's refrigerator, and it tasted good, so he could drink more.

But he didn't expect that this red wine didn't feel good when he drank it, and the aftereffect only came up when he was almost finished.

Ye Xuan and Li Che were busy discussing chasing his wife. When the two found out, Li Shuo, who was drunk, had already finished a bottle of dry red wine and fell down.

The two came back to their senses: "..."

"What should I do? Should I take Coach Li back to your villa?" Li Che asked with a frown.

Ye Xuan shook his head: "That won't work. What if my sister-in-law has strict family education and doesn't let him stay out overnight? What if I take him back and cause a conflict between my husband and wife tomorrow?"

So, after a brief discussion, the two decided to call a taxi and send Li Shuo back together.

It was a little after nine o'clock in the evening.

The taxi stopped at the gate of the community. Ye Xuan and Li Che carried Li Shuo into the community on one side each.

After being dizzy for more than half an hour, Li Shuo sobered up a little. He came to the elevator door downstairs, waved his hand to refuse the two people's kindness to send him upstairs, and stumbled into the elevator.

He had only one thought in his mind: his wife might be angry if he suddenly brought a stranger home.

Ye Xuan and Li Che didn't want to disturb him presumptuously. After seeing Li Shuo's elevator reach the 7th floor, they left together.

Li Shuo stumbled back to the door of his house, reached out and touched all his pockets, only to find that he didn't bring the door card and key when he went out today.

He leaned against the door and fainted for a while, then raised his hand to ring the doorbell.

Bai Qinning had already finished her shower, and now she was holding Da Yuanzi, sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for her husband to come back late.

Hearing the doorbell, her beautiful eyes glanced at the wall clock.

It was only half past nine, not too late, and she could open the door.

She put Da Yuanzi on the sofa, stood up, and walked behind the door with her slender legs.

As soon as the door opened, she saw a man leaning against the wall with a dazed look in his eyes, and her beautiful face frowned slightly: "Have you drunk?"

"Ah, I drank a little, but I'm not drunk." Li Shuo pushed the door open, trying to stand straight to prove that he was fine, but as soon as his body left the wall, he staggered to one side.

Bai Qinning looked at him with disdain, but her body was honest. She supported her husband before he fell, wrapped her soft arms around his back, and carried him into the house.

The drunk Li Shuo was much heavier than she had imagined.

After carrying him into the house, she smelled the alcohol on him and said dissatisfiedly: "Who did you go out with to drink like this!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she could faintly smell the perfume on Li Shuo's body.

It was not the perfume used by women, but the cologne that many upper-class men like to use.

She carried him into the house, locked the door with some difficulty, and glanced at the man with complicated eyes.

"Are you going on a date with your boyfriend?"

Li Shuo: "..."


Treat him as an abnormal man again!

Even though he was drunk, Li Shuo got goose bumps when he heard these words.

He suddenly stopped, turned his head to stare at her, and corrected her strictly: "Bai Qinning, I said, I don't like men!"

Now there is still "evidence" left on Li Shuo, Bai Qinning naturally doesn't believe it, and said coldly: "You don't need to quibble, I won't discriminate against you, and it's normal to like men."

Whether the orientation is normal or abnormal, she respects it very much.

Li Shuo was misunderstood by his wife again, and he was almost sober!

The unhappiness that had been accumulated for a day broke out completely at this time.

He must prove himself immediately!

He stood still, raised his heavy hand upstairs to the girl's slender waist, and wanted to hug her in his arms and kiss her, but his steps were too light and his body center of gravity was also biased. With a big hand, he hugged the unprepared girl and bumped her against the wall, and his tall body followed closely.

He put one hand on the wall to prevent himself from falling, and in Bai Qinning's gradually widening pupils, he lowered his head and kissed her slightly opened lips, swallowing her exclamation completely.

Bai Qinning's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at the handsome face in front of her in shock.

The next moment.

Her face was as red as blood.

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