The two of them were so close, and the two of them were so close.

He looked at this innocent girl and didn't know what to say.

But the anger in his heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

At least he was completely sure that Bai Qinning had misunderstood him yesterday and provoked him.

There was no partner either.

He blocked him because he was angry because of the misunderstanding.

It's just that some words are too hurtful to say, even if her apology attitude is very sincere, Li Shuo can't let it go for a while.

He didn't respond to Bai Qinning's apology immediately. Seeing her hands getting redder, he got up and went to the drawer in the room to search for a while, found a tube of burn ointment, and returned to the living room.

After hesitating for a while, he finally sat down next to her: "Give me your hand, I'll apply the medicine for you."

This is painful, so it's not appropriate for her to apply the medicine herself.

Bai Qinning originally thought it was not that serious, but after hearing this, she still obediently stretched out her hand.

Li Shuo unscrewed the lid of the plaster, pinched Bai Qinning's wrist with one hand, squeezed the plaster on her hand, lowered his head slightly and blew gently on her hand, and then gently applied it on the burned part.

The back of Bai Qinning's hand was blown cool and itchy, and the originally hot hand was really comfortable and relieved a lot.

Feeling the man's gentle and meticulous care again, an inexplicable emotion surged in her heart, and her eyes turned red slightly.

She thought it was just a small problem to burn her hand, and she didn't know why, but Li Shuo sat down and treated her carefully, which made her want to cry.

This was the first time in the past two days that he didn't treat her coldly.

Her nose was sour, and she bit her lip. She wanted to say something, but she wondered if she would suddenly cry and it would be embarrassing.

When Li Shuo was applying medicine to Bai Qinning, he subconsciously looked to see if she was in pain. When he looked up, he saw tears in her eyes and asked, "Does it hurt a lot?"

He slowed down his movements again.

Bai Qinning lowered her head, her emotions completely broken, and she couldn't hold back her tears after all, sliding down her cheeks.

Maybe it hurts a lot.

She couldn't help crying because of the pain.

She was also very sad when she misunderstood Li Shuo these two days.

She was also very sad that Li Shuo was determined to divorce.

She came here to apologize today, but Li Shuo always ignored her, and she felt bad.

Now that she had apologized to him and was cared about by him, she didn't know why she couldn't hold back her emotions.

Bai Qinning suddenly burst into tears, and Li Shuo was a little panicked. Seeing the tears in the girl's eyes falling like they were free, he hurriedly stopped the action in his hands.

"I was too hard?"

Bai Qinning didn't answer, but sobbed and said, "I don't want to divorce."

Li Shuo was stunned for a moment: "Well, then don't divorce first, didn't you lose your ID card? Wait until you get a new one and you want to leave us."

Bai Qinning was still crying, and it seemed that she was crying even harder...

"What happened before is in the past. I don't know if you misunderstood me. I wrote the love letter for my friend. Don't cry, okay? Or is your hand too painful?" Li Shuo asked comfortingly.

Actually, think about it, it's meaningless for him, a grown man, to keep arguing with a girl about these things.

He didn't expect that she misunderstood him before.

If Bai Qinning went out with another man and wrote a love letter, he would feel uncomfortable.

Even if they were nominally husband and wife, he couldn't accept it.

Or she did it after she got drunk. He had no reason to argue with her now.

The main thing was that he didn't expect Bai Qinning to cry suddenly.

Instead, he felt a little guilty.

What's going on?

Wasn't this girl apologizing just now?

Why did he become the one coaxing people again?

"I didn't mean to chase you away." Li Shuo's last words of comfort were quite useful. Bai Qinning felt better, but there were still some tears on her face.

"... It's normal for you to chase me away. You think I cheated and was drunk. Don't cry. I'm really not angry anymore."

He said, reaching out his hand to wipe her tears. Bai Qinning subconsciously wanted to avoid it, hesitated for a moment, and still did not move obediently. Her fair skin felt the temperature of Li Shuo's fingertips.

He asked: "Does your hand still hurt?"

Bai Qinning looked at him coquettishly: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Then, Bai Qinning finally stopped crying.

Maybe her hand really didn't hurt anymore.

The two were silent for a while, and Bai Qinning adjusted her mood. After thinking for a while, she suddenly said to Li Shuo: "You don't like to flick my head, otherwise I'll flick it for you to calm down."

She didn't know why she cried just now.

I don't want to play the sympathy card and just let it go.

At least let Li Shuo calm down.

If she were to be misunderstood by Li Shuo like that, she would also want to beat him up.

She also let him tap her forehead to calm down.

Li Shuo hesitated after hearing this and said, "If you insist on hitting me, it's not impossible."

He also felt that he had been angry for two days, and it seemed that it was all in vain if he just let it go.

Hitting her forehead to cool down would be fine.

Bai Qinning heard this, without thinking, and immediately moved her face towards Li Shuo with sincerity, her nose still red, and said, "Go ahead and hit her."

She would bear it no matter how hard he hit her.

After all, she was wrong.

If you are wrong, stand at attention and get hit.

Li Shuo looked at the sincere face that was presented to him, so cute and innocent, and couldn't help but smile. The anger in his heart almost dissipated completely. He raised his hand and gently tapped her forehead, saying, "Okay, I'm cool."

Suddenly, he felt reluctant to hit her.

Li Shuo felt that he was so disappointing.

He should have hit her hard to make her cry again, as he had stimulated him like that yesterday.

Bai Qinning opened her eyes unsatisfiedly, wanting to tell Li Shuo to be polite, but she saw the handsome face flushed with smile, blinking her eyes, slightly stunned.

This guy, how can he look so good when he smiles.

Very gentle.

A thought suddenly flashed through her mind, if the two were real husband and wife, could she... kiss him hard now?

This thought came up, Bai Qinning scared herself, her pretty face blushed and she sat back quickly.

"Don't regret it later if you don't play well." She muttered.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became a little subtle.

At this time, there was a sudden movement outside the door.

It was Li Xuejun who was worried about the young couple.

Both of them moved their positions awkwardly.

Li Xuejun came to the living room and noticed the changes between the two at a glance, then coughed unnaturally and asked: "Do you need me to go out and take out the garbage again?"

Did he think he came back too early?

Hearing this, the couple immediately stood up from the sofa.

"No need, Dad. If there is any garbage left, we will throw it away when we go back later." Bai Qinning said.


Li Shuo was stunned and looked at his wife. He didn't say he wanted to go back.

They kicked him out.

Bai Qinning noticed Li Shuo's gaze and could probably guess what he meant. She took a step closer to him and looked back at him with wet red eyes. She wanted to be more domineering and let him go home with her.

However, in Li Shuo's eyes, the red eyes seemed to indicate that if he didn't agree to go back with her, she would cry immediately.

He was really helpless.

Seeing this, Li Xuejun also hurriedly spoke up to smooth things over: "Ah, it's getting late, you two should go back early."

He then looked at Li Shuo: "It's rush hour, there are a lot of cars on the road, Ningning will drive later, you have to keep an eye on her and remind her."

Father-in-law gave another way out, Bai Qinning immediately put her arm around Li Shuo and said to father-in-law: "Then Dad, I'll take Li Shuo back."

"Okay, okay, go back." Li Xuejun waved his hands quickly, winking at Li Shuo, almost pushing his son out the door.

Li Shuo was simply at a loss for words.

But he really missed Da Yuanzi.

It would be nice to go back and see her.

That was the main thing.

This girl pulled him away.

It was so funny.

He couldn't get away at all.

Li Shuo spoke only after his wife pulled him downstairs.

"Okay, okay, let go, don't hold me like this."

"... No, what if I let go and you run away."



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