The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

"What? Huole has sold the copyright of the circular bus to another company?"

On the set, Bai Qinning had just had some free time and was calling the person in charge of Bailu Film and Television.

Because of Li Shuo's matter, she didn't follow Huole's novels these two days. She only finished reading the novels in the afternoon when she had time. She wanted Bailu to get the copyright. Now she knows that Huole has chosen another company to cooperate.

Regarding this, the person in charge of Bailu Film and Television was also helpless and replied: "Boss Xiaobai, we proposed 450,000 at the time, and gave our company more rights to choose actors, let him consider it."

"But I didn't expect that this person would directly refuse and didn't give us room for further discussion, and cooperated with a small company."

The person in charge felt that Huo Le was a little ungrateful. Can the size of Noon Sunshine be compared with Bailu Film and Television under Bai's Group?

It was Huo Le's loss to fail to cooperate with Bailu Film and Television.

After all, that company is not well-known in the film and television industry, and its resources are far inferior to Bailu Film and Television.

This time, it was Huo Le's author who made a mistake and chose the wrong person!

He will regret it sooner or later.

Bai Qinning didn't think so. She had just finished filming the play, and she originally wanted to fight for this role and let Bailu Film and Television buy the copyright. Unexpectedly, she had some family conflicts with her husband, and the opportunity to buy the copyright was gone.

But it's not a big problem. She can take the initiative to contact the person in charge of Noon Sunshine.

This is a high-quality novel, and the popularity of the adapted TV series will not be much worse than that of the fishmonger.

Bai Lu didn't get the copyright, so she must fight for the opportunity to perform.

Today, the scene was finished. Tomorrow, she will personally contact the person in charge of Noon Sunshine. If she shows her sincerity, she will definitely get the opportunity to perform.

She wants to play the pressure cooker aunt!

Thinking that the person in charge didn't buy the copyright, she said seriously: "In the future, for high-quality novels written by Huo Le, we must take the initiative to give the other party satisfactory conditions and buy all his novel copyrights. This time, we failed to get the copyright of the circular bus, which is our loss."

The person in charge, who was about to scold Huo Le, wiped his cold sweat: "...Okay, Mr. Xiao Bai."

It was five o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Shuo had already finished writing the manuscripts for today and tomorrow.

He also signed the electronic film and television copyright contract with Noon Sunshine.

The copyright fee of 400,000 will be credited to the account tomorrow morning.

There is no need to write tomorrow. When the money arrives, I will immediately send 100,000 to my father Li Xuejun.

Li Xuejun only paid the down payment for the equipment, and the rest was all loans. It seems that the total loan is more than one million, which will be paid off in three years. The monthly loan must be repaid 30,000, and there are also site water and electricity management fees, which add up to at least 50,000.

The company does not have income so quickly, and Li Shuo has to pay at least 100,000 in these two months.

But it should be paid by him, after all, the company is now completely considered to be his boss.

Although Li Xuejun has 10% of the shares, it is only a technical share. If he is there, the shares are there, but if he is not there, the shares will be gone.

His father did this because he was afraid that Fang Lanying would know about the company and make trouble with him.

If the company was in his father's hands, Fang Lanying would definitely make a fuss about getting half of the shares.

Now the shares are all in his hands, and it is useless even if Fang Lanying knows about it.

Otherwise, let alone Li Xuejun, Li Shuo himself would not want Fang Lanying to come to the company to share half of the shares, and he didn't want to honor her.

Who made her look down on his father and couldn't wait to divorce him?

After the contract was signed, Li Shuo did not stop.

Noon Sunshine gave him a dozen actor reference materials and videos, asking him to help choose roles. They were all actors that the company manager thought were suitable when he was reading Li Shuo's book.

Now that the copyright has been obtained, they can't wait to send them to him for selection.

Li Shuo was also happy to help choose. He sat in front of the computer and watched from day to night, and went out for dinner in the middle.

It must be said that Noon Sunshine's vision in selecting actors is really amazing.

Whether it is the male and female protagonists or the pressure cooker aunt, they all won Li Shuo's heart.

After reading the information and film and television drama videos of these actors, he only picked out one or two actors who were not suitable, and all the others were passed.

Especially the pressure cooker aunt, who is so close to the original work and has excellent acting skills!

After replying to the person in charge of Noon Sunshine, Li Shuo walked out of the room.

He looked at the time and it was already 9:30 in the evening.

When he had nothing to do, he took Da Yuanzi to the balcony to watch the night view and put

Relax your eyes.

After sitting for more than half an hour, the cool sea breeze made him drowsy, and he couldn't help but lean on the sofa to take a nap.

Until a familiar fragrance approached and he heard some movement vaguely.

Li Shuo slowly opened his eyes and saw the girl who had quietly stood beside him.

The simple white T-shirt couldn't cover her exquisite curves. Her hands were hidden behind her back. She was slightly turning her body to look at him. Her long hair cascaded down, her eyes were cold and charming, she had an oval face, and the yellowish light shone on her flawless skin, with an indescribable beauty.

Li Shuo immediately sat up straight and woke up.

"You're back." He greeted calmly.

Bai Qinning put her hands behind her back, stood up straight, and answered softly. After hesitating for a while, she said, "I have something to give you."

"Ah?" Li Shuo looked at her in surprise, "What?"

After he finished speaking, Bai Qinning stretched out her hand hidden behind her back and handed him a dark blue square box, her pretty face slightly flushed.

"Here, this is for you, as an apology gift for misunderstanding you two days ago."

"Ah, no need to do that." Li Shuo knew that this thing must be expensive as soon as he saw the box, and reached out to push the thing back.

However, Bai Qinning grabbed his wrist domineeringly and stuffed the box into his hand: "This is my apology gift, you have to accept it."

After speaking, without giving Li Shuo a chance to refuse, she turned and walked away: "It's getting late, I'll go back to the room first."

Li Shuo stood up with the gift that his wife stuffed into his hand. He wanted to speak, but the latter had already walked away quickly.

Li Shuo: "..."

This apology gift was a bit domineering...

He sat back on the sofa and opened the box.

It is a men's mechanical watch.

The leather watch is not ostentatious, and the dark blue dial gives people a mysterious and noble feeling, like an endless ocean, eye-catching and fashionable.

Li Shuo actually doesn't have much feeling for watches, but he likes the appearance of this watch at first glance.

Since she has given this apology gift, just accept it generously.

It just looks expensive.

He checked the box and found nothing except the watch and the card information label.

It should be because she was afraid that he would know the price, so she deliberately took away all the labels.

In the room, Bai Qinning was already sitting on the bed, looking at the same beautiful and exquisite women's watch in the watch box, her cheeks flushed.

She regretted bringing Hua Wan to help her choose an apology gift.

They agreed to buy watches, but the ones she helped choose were all couples' watches.

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