No wonder everyone has this question, Wang Zibin did not participate in the last campaign to wipe out monsters!

It can be said that although the World of Warcraft riot is a good opportunity for revenge, as long as Wang Zibin does not participate, then all opportunities will be lost!

This is a very real problem!

Yu Feiguang and Li Xing would not worry about this. With Karma, Wang Zibin would not be able to go!

Soon, following the news released by Baixing Academy, all the students let go of such doubts.

"Warcraft Riot, all formal knight students must participate!"

With the academy's official emphasis, it means that Wang Zibin must participate in this action.

So the question discussed by the students after dinner became what kind of revenge Wang Zibin would receive.

After knowing that he had to participate in the Warcraft riot, Wang Zibin sat in the dormitory and began to think about countermeasures:

Although Wang Zibin did not know what Karma said to Li Xing, from the analysis of the current situation, Wang Zibin could also see Karma's tacit attitude.

This is not good news for Wang Zibin.

This means that even if Wang Zibin took the initiative to expose the strength of his second-tier knight at this time, he might not necessarily get the corresponding treatment.

In a worse case, after Wang Zibin exposed the strength of the second-tier knight, this action against him will further increase the level of danger.

Therefore, not only can Wang Zibin not reveal his strength now, but he also needs to hide it.

In fact, with the strength of the current third-tier mage and second-tier knight, Wang Zibin was not too worried about Li Xing and Yu Feiguang's revenge.

He didn't believe that for the sake of the strength of the first-order knight on his face, the two of them could dispatch the fourth-order sky knight!

Let's take a step back, even if it is a Tier 4 Sky Knight.

He, Wang Zibin, is an unscrupulous third-tier mage. With the blessing of the flower planter civilization, it is not a big problem to fight over the next level!

Even if Karma made the shot himself, Wang Zibin felt that he could run even if he couldn't beat it.

At any rate, under the strength of a first-order mage back then, he activated [Leaving Home] and came here.

But now, Wang Zibin is a third-tier mage, so he can run without any problem.

It's just that Wang Zibin doesn't need to run away if it's not necessary.

It can be said that for this World of Warcraft riot, Wang Zibin is already invincible!

What he was thinking about was how to deal with Yu Feiguang and Li Xing, and the pressure that would follow after they were moved.

As for admitting defeat and forbearance, sorry, they are not in Wang Zibin's dictionary!

After roughly confirming in his mind how much he should master in this operation, Wang Zibin put it behind him and continued his daily exercise.


Warcraft riots, as the name suggests, are due to too many low-level monsters, under the influence of some mysterious power, they will attack human cities in groups in groups.

Because Baixing City is located at the border, there are large forests around it.

Every once in a while, there will be behaviors of Warcraft riots.

In order to deal with every monster riot, the army of Baixing City will not only attack, but also call for the Knight Academy in the city, recruiting formal knight students to participate in the battle.

However, this kind of recruitment is not mandatory, and each knight academy can freely decide whether to participate.

Baixing Academy, as an academy under the control of City Lord Baixing, naturally participates every time.

It's just that this time, it was unexpected that the academy required all formal knight students to participate.

The day before the Warcraft riot.

Wang Zibin walked out of White Star Academy.

This act of breaking through the conventional meaning is naturally necessary.

Wang Zibin, gear needed!

You know, to fight with monsters in the wild, armor, weapons and other equipment are essential for every knight.

In the previous Warcraft Suppression Operation, Wang Zibin made up his mind to participate, and naturally he didn't need to prepare equipment.

But this time he must participate in the World of Warcraft riot, Wang Zibin must equip himself with equipment.

As for who to get the equipment, of course it is my cheap uncle!

When he came to the blacksmith shop, Wang Zibin met his uncle Dean.

"Good nephew!"


The meeting between the good nephew of the tool man and the cheap uncle is very touching. At least from the perspective of outsiders, the two are full of family affection.

Cheap Uncle Dean expressed great surprise to Wang Zibin's arrival, and after some greetings, Dean equipped Wang Zibin with armor and weapons.

The armor and weapons provided by Dean are all real materials.

The thick armor has greatly improved Wang Zibin's defense, but in terms of movement speed, it has naturally decreased.

And the weapon is even more incredible, a huge hammer!

Different from the swords equipped by ordinary knights, the hammer provided by Dean is almost in the same line as the hammer he usually used for blacksmithing.

Except for the difference in size and weight, the shapes are exactly the same.

Just like that, Wang Zibin walked into the blacksmith's shop in casual clothes, and turned into a knight in heavy armor when he came out!

Uh, this heavy armored knight looks a little bulky.

So much so that when Wang Zibin returned to the academy, all the students who saw him couldn't hide their smiles.

Compared with them with light helmets, the shape of Wang Zibin's heavy armored knight is really different.

But apart from the smiles, the students also have contempt:

When fighting Warcraft, defense is the stupidest choice!

Because the price of increasing defense is the reduction in speed.

Once under siege, it is impossible to run away!

Normal students wear light helmets, so that while gaining a certain amount of defense, they can still run if they cannot be beaten!

And someone like Wang Zibin, who uses a hammer as a weapon, seems to be powerful, but it is actually difficult to hit Warcraft;

Using a heavy helmet as a defense seems to increase defense, but in fact it is difficult to move and easy to be besieged!

They all saw Wang Zibin's problem, but they only laughed secretly, did not point it out, and let Wang Zibin make a fool of himself.

Doesn't Wang Zibin know?

No, of course he knew!

But he has no choice!

Dean provided him with such armor and weapons.

Wang Zibin returned to the dormitory and took off his armor and weapons.

Afterwards, looking at the armor and weapons, Wang Zibin thought of the old scars he saw on Dean's face, and thought about it.

Coupled with Yu Feiguang's unlucky broken leg incident earlier, Wang Zibin's thinking became clearer:

The mark on Dean's face shows that Yu Feiguang really used an outside trick!

Yu Feiguang's broken leg was not a bad luck, but Dean's revenge on him!

The heavy helmet and hammer in front of him were also deliberately provided by Dean.

During the days when he was exercising hard, Dean and Yu Feiguang had already been dog-eat-dog, and now the equipment provided by Dean wanted him to die!

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