I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 429 Past, Present, Future!

A series of flames and thunder pierced the sky and shot towards Besk.

The magic barrier on Besk's body was instantly broken by the flame and thunder.

If it weren't for Besque's constant release of teleportation magic, he would have been pierced by the thunder long ago!

Compared to the ice dragon generated by the forbidden spell, Besk didn't think that his defense was higher than that of the ice dragon.

The flame and thunder that can penetrate even the ice dragon, penetrated the body of a mage like him, isn't that simple?

As a result, the offensive and defensive roles on the battlefield have changed.

Wang Zibin violently swung the hammer of thunder and lightning, shooting out flames and thunders one after another!

As for Besco, he could only dodge in embarrassment.

Although Besque dodged many flames and thunders, the thunders he dodged did not dissipate directly, but shattered into tiny thunders.

These tiny thunderbolts have their own concealment effect, silently hiding in the air without revealing their figure.

As Besque dodged more and more flames and thunders, there were actually countless tiny flames and thunders swimming in the sky.

This leaves Besk with less and less room to dodge.

The danger it faces is getting bigger and bigger!

Not long after, when Besque used the space spell to teleport to a certain place, as if some switch was triggered, the tiny thunder was instantly activated, rushing towards Besque's body like a riot.


All kinds of thunder's wandering sounds sounded, and the thunder was like an electric snake, biting towards Besk's magic barrier.


Basker immediately let out a scream.

It turned out that a small thunder broke through his magic barrier, got in, and touched his body.

What this tiny thunderbolt brought to Besk, most of his body was paralyzed by electric shock.

To be honest, Besk hasn't suffered for many years since he became a holy mage.

The sudden shock almost made Besque feel like he died on the spot.

Moreover, Wang Zibin would not let go of the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, and shot out another flame and thunder.

Predictably, it was very difficult for Besque to dodge this attack when half of his body was paralyzed by electricity.

And even if Besque dodges, there is a high probability that he will be hurt by other tiny thunders again.

"Stop stop!"

Bethke stopped immediately, realizing that the sky was covered with tiny thunder, and he didn't want to suffer such harm at all.

Following Besk's call to stop, Wang Zibin also dispersed the flame and thunder in a timely manner.

The battle is over.

Besque held the magic wand, and said to Wang Zibin helplessly:

"I really don't know how to take care of the elderly at all. This old man with old arms and legs, how could he stand such torture!"

The current Bethke doesn't dare to do any fighting moves.

Because now his surroundings are equivalent to a minefield densely covered with mines.

A slight careless touch may trigger a riot of tiny thunder.

The complained Wang Zibin laughed:

"I was just forced to fight back."

"No more fights, no more fights." Basker waved his hands emotionally:

"Young people nowadays really don't respect the old and love the young..."

The reason why Basker was so excited was because Wang Zibin's words hit his sore foot:

Indeed, this battle was provoked by Beisi Ke.

It's just that before the fight, he was full of confidence, but now after the fight, he knows Wang Zibin's.

As Wang Zibin said, although he wields a hammer, he is really a mage.

Nothing frustrates Basker more than being deflated by magic.

In the end, the battle ended with Basker's resignation.

When Wang Zibin fought against the emperor of Haori Empire, he took Baguio and the others away.

This time in the fight with Besque, as the victor [Wang Zibin will not pretend to be generous and let Besque leave easily.

All Wang Zibin asked Basker to leave behind the technology of "Magic Mirror".

What's interesting is that Bethke readily agreed to such a compensation condition.

When handing over the magic mirror technology to Wang Zibin, Basker said:

"The magic mirror is in my hand and it has been perfected."

"I hope you will live up to it."

"The past of the mainland is the ancestors who resisted foreign enemies."

"And now, it's us who strengthen our background."

"As for the future, I will leave it to young people like you!"

Listening to Bethke's implicative words, Wang Zibin seemed to realize something:

The ancestors resisted the powerful enemies of foreign invasion;

In order to prevent the re-invasion of powerful enemies, they followed the guidance of their ancestors and continuously strengthened their own heritage;

That's why there is a half-orc race, magic mirror technology, and mage towers all over human cities.

In the future, what Wang Zibin has to do is to carry forward these ideas!

And this is also the root cause of Mosul's willingness to stay in Los Angeles and Besk's willingness to hand over the magic mirror technology!

After defeating Besco and getting the magic mirror technology, Wang Zibin didn't return to Los Angeles immediately, but took the magic mirror technology and flew into the sky.

Above the sky, there is a small floating island.

The real seat of the dwarf kingdom, the island of the dwarves.

Wang Zibin set foot on the island for the second time.

The last time, he was invited by the dwarf clan elder Tong Hammer after he broke through the double ninth rank and overwhelmed Moss Ur.

At that time, here, Wang Zibin saw the artifact created by the dwarves for the magic of the elves. "The hammer of thunder and lightning"!

The copper hammer asked Wang Zibin to try to pick up the Thunder Hammer, saying that as long as Wang Zibin can get the approval of the Thunder Hammer, he will be able to travel unimpeded on the mainland.

And Wang Zibin would definitely not let go of the chance to get the artifact, and stepped forward to get the Thunder Hammer without saying a word.

After that, it was Wang Zibin who picked up the hammer of thunder and lightning, and was finally sure to go to the Haori Empire.

Now that Wang Zibin landed on the island for the second time, he wanted to hand over the magic mirror technology to the dwarves for research. (Good Wang Hao) Wang Zibin has always believed in leaving professional matters to professional people.

For things like magic technology, it is naturally better to leave it to the dwarves.

As for the issue of trust, it definitely does not exist here in Wang Zibin.

After all, the dwarves gave Wang Zibin all their artifacts.

When the dwarves got the magic mirror technology and started researching it ecstatically.

But Wang Zibin left the island and headed for the Dragon Valley in the Xingyue Mountains.

Wang Zibin realized the problem after listening to what Basker said:

That is to say, the invaders from the outer domain may make a comeback.

For this reason, Besk and the others have been working hard to enhance the foundation of the human race.

In order to get the most accurate information, the prince needs to talk to Elvis, the patriarch of the dragon clan.

Only the Dragon Clan, who has inherited memory and has always been the peak race in the mainland, is very clear about these ancient information. .

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