I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 60 You Know, Daily Life

Besides, Wang Zibin feels that although the storm does not agree now, it does not mean that he will always disagree in the future.

So Wang Zibin gave Marcus a look you know, and asked him to work hard.

As long as Markas wins some energy and breaks through to the fifth-order knight, won't he have a chance?

Worst of all, it is very possible for Marcus to deepen his relationship with Violent Bear!

Not only Wang Zibin thinks this way, but also Markas, who understands his eyes in seconds, thinks the same way.

It's a pity that neither of them knew how smart and experienced this violent bear in front of them was.

To put it bluntly, the two of them together probably didn't have as many roads as Violent Bear had traveled.

So, when Markus was licking his face to make friends, Stormy Bear Volibear immediately showed a cute smile:

I'm the bear you'll never get in your life!

After Wang Zibin's energy recovered, he reduced the time spent with the bear on "297", returned his focus to the right track, and resumed a life of penance every day.

It's worth mentioning that it's also because Violent Bear seized the time and wisely used Wang Zibin's free time these days to draw in relationships and improve his family status.

So even if Wang Zibin spends most of the day in his room practicing penance, he doesn't worry about any accidents that may happen to the bear.

Under such circumstances, the violent bear has gained great freedom

Within the scope of the manor, do whatever you want.

However, the free-roaming bear only spent a day, and after visiting the entire manor, he lost interest in activities.

What Volibear the Bear likes to do the most is stand in front of Wang Zibin's room, basking in the sun.

It, a violent bear that has traveled far, far away, does not want to leave now.

What it is full of expectation now is to guard Wang Zibin and wait for him to become stronger.

That's right, the well-informed Violent Bear has already seen Wang Zibin's fiction and reality through the "Tianshichengjin" that day.

In other words, it already knows that Wang Zibin is the true strength of a fourth-order mage.

Because of this, there is no rush.

For it as a fifth-order monster, even if Wang Zibin could cast that miraculous qualitative transformation spell, it was useless to it because of the difference in rank.

Violent Bear has enough patience and time to wait for Wang Zibin to become a fifth-level archmage, or even a higher-level mage.

By the way, Grizzly can also slowly draw in the relationship with Wang Zibin.

Until then, everything will be a matter of course.

This is Violent Bear's current plan, and it is also a long-term plan.

So even now it is guarding the door of Wang Zibin's room, basking in the sun, and feels comfortable physically and mentally.

And even if the bear is lying down and basking in the sun, there will be someone to serve it.

Uh, it's Markas who fantasizes about signing a contract after he can get in touch with Violent Bear.

In order to get in touch, Marcus would bring food to please Stormy Bear from time to time.

In this regard, I will give him a humanized appreciation every time:

Well done, little brother, I will cover you from now on!

It's a pity that the admiring gaze of Violent Bear was mistaken by Markas as a proof of his relationship, which made him feel that his day as a knight of Warcraft is just around the corner!

Hey, this is the so-called, falling flowers intentionally flowing water is ruthless.

Days like this go by for days.

The peaceful life of the manor was broken:

The violent bear basking in the sun with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the gate of the manor.

It sensed a powerful breath approaching!

If it was in the wild, Violent Bear was already alert, but after realizing it was the human world, it closed its eyes again.

Compared with the wild, the biggest advantage is that the bear can lie down with more peace of mind, because this is a human city.

At the gate of the manor, Gu Jin, the vice president of the Star-Moon Knight Academy, the sixth-rank sky knight, glanced at the manor with some doubts:

Strange, why did I feel like a strong enemy just now?

Gu Jin recalled the information he had received about Wang Zibin, and after confirming that Wang Zibin had not been followed by the sixth-level sky knight, he shook his head, thinking it was an illusion.

Gu Jin's arrival was immediately notified to Markas.

Then Markus came to the door of the room and reported to Wang Zibin.

On the bed, Wang Zibin, who was meditating, opened his eyes helplessly, and stopped meditating.

This is why Wang Zibin doesn't want to get too involved with others:

It is easy to interrupt the practice.

Wang Zibin came to the gate of the manor and welcomed Gu Jin in.

After exchanging pleasantries, Gu Jin explained his intentions:

"I heard that you have moved to a new home, why don't you come to congratulate me?"

Gu Jin spoke at a very high level, and the word "heard" expressed the reason why so many geniuses came.

In fact, as early as the first day Wang Zibin moved, he knew...

But at that time, Gu Jin couldn't come to the door immediately, otherwise he would be suspected of surveillance:

You come to the house right after you move, isn't that surveillance?

After a lapse of many days, I came to the door now, not only to express my concern for Wang Zibin, but also to find an opportunity to build a relationship.

It's the best of both worlds, and just right.

However, Gu Jin's congratulations were not as simple as people coming, they even brought gifts.

With the current relationship between Gu Jin and Wang Zibin, it doesn't seem awkward to send gifts directly to the door.

Hearing this, Wang Zibin showed a wry smile:

To be reasonable, he didn't want to accept the gift, and Jianzhang would eventually return it one day.

However, he had to accept it.

After accepting the gift, expressing gratitude, and completing a set of standard communication procedures, Gu Jin left.

Not long after Gu Jin left, Oswald came to the door again with a gift.

After the same procedure, Wang Zibin sent him away.

Back in the living room, Wang Zibin looked at the two gifts on the side, dumbfounded:

Pretending to be too good is not enough, gifts are rushing to give.

Naturally, Wang Zibin understood that it was because he had disguised himself too well and so powerfully, which caused Gu Jin and Oswald to try their best to find opportunities to give him gifts.

And this gift, he will not accept it.

After all, on the surface, this is the kindness of the two friends.

Of course, it is because of two friends, Gu Jin and Oswald, that Wang Zibin's life can be so peaceful and smooth.

The former 5.1 gave Wang Zibin the urgently needed Knight's Secret Medicine, which is equal to the endorsement of the Mage Association.

The knight's secret medicine can allow Wang Zibin to complete the practice of knight power, and the endorsement of the Mage Association will allow Wang Zibin to avoid the disturbance of other forces.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible for an ordinary gray mage to be alone in Xingyue City.

The solicitation of powerful forces, the contact with other black mages and gray mages will make simple life complicated.

How can there be peace in Wang Zibin now?

Thinking like this, Wang Zibin opened the gift from the two of them.

What Gu Jin sent was a rare magic book.

After only turning a few pages, Wang Zibin decisively threw the book aside:

Something like a magic rune, Wang Zibin knows it, but it doesn't know Wang Zibin......

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