I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 67 It's On The Verge Of Firing! Intensify!

"Xiao Qi, don't be so rude!"

Just when Wang Zibin frowned slightly, the eldest princess Hui Yue, who also heard Princess Qiyue's words, scolded Princess Qiyue.

Then, Princess Huiyue came down from above, bowed slightly to Wang Zibin, and expressed apology:

"I'm sorry, Xiaoqi is still young, she said such disrespectful words to Your Excellency, please let me apologize to Your Excellency on her behalf.

Princess Huiyue's words and etiquette left Wang Zibin speechless and could only nod his head to express his acceptance.

Not only Wang Zibin, but everyone else felt the same when they saw Princess Huiyue scolding and then immediately apologizing:

This is the member of the royal family, behaves in the world, and is moral.

Although they are all afraid of the power of the royal family and dare not show it, it does not mean that they will not have other thoughts in their hearts.

If it is said that Princess Qiyue's savage nature made them feel displeased and at the same time lowered their impression of the royal family.

Now the behavior of the eldest princess Huiyue has restored her image, on the contrary, it has brought her to a higher level.

Of course, if things stop here, so be it.

However, Princess Qiyue, who was scolded, was extremely unhappy, but seeing the majesty of the eldest princess Huiyue, she didn't dare to make a mistake.

Princess Qiyue stood there, turned her eyes, then suddenly pointed to the violent bear behind Wang Zibin and said:

"Then I want the bear behind him!"

From Princess Qiyue's point of view, Wang Zibin couldn't move anymore, so it would be a joy to snatch his magic beast away.

At this time, in the eyes of Princess Qiyue, the Violent Bear is Wang Zibin's beloved, and taking away the Violent Bear is a lesson for him.

After all, it was because of Wang Zibin that she was scolded by Princess Huiyue.

Princess Qiyue said these words, although she still couldn't change her savage look, it was far better than letting Wang Zibin be a servant directly.

The others didn't have the empathy they felt just now, and they thought that it would be good to use a magic beast to settle Princess Qiyue, and they could even take the opportunity to make some connections.

However, after hearing the words, Oswald and Gu Jin's expressions changed slightly:

They thought that Wang Zibin was an elf, but they knew that in the eyes of elves, monsters were partners, and it was impossible to hand them over.

Although it is different from what Oswald and Gu Jin thought, Wang Zibin, who has already regarded the violent bear as a member of the family, is indeed impossible to hand over the violent bear.

It's a pity that the eldest princess Huiyue has the same idea as the others. It's just a fifth-order monster, and it's still very good to deal with the wayward Princess Qiyue.

Therefore, Princess Huiyue said to Wang Zibin again:

"I'm sorry, it seems that Xiaoqi likes the bear behind you better. How much do you think, I'll buy it twice...々..."

In the eyes of Princess Huiyue, it seemed that she never thought that Wang Zibin would refuse, so she directly offered twice the price.

But Wang Zibin did not hesitate at all, and resolutely refused:

"Volibear is my family and I'm not selling it.

Wang Zibin's refusal was beyond everyone's expectations, only Oswald and Gu Jin knew it.

The eldest princess Huiyue was stunned, as if she was at a loss because of Wang Zibin's refusal.

But Princess Qiyue was different, she quickly ran to Eldest Princess Huiyue, grabbed her hand and shook her:

"Sister, sister, you see that he doesn't give our royal family face at all, let Uncle Ba take action and catch him even a bear!"

Princess Qiyue's words made the old seventh-rank knight Ba Qiang who followed him directly lock onto Wang Zibin.

Needless to say, Ba Qiang is ready to act, and only waits for the order of the eldest princess Huiyue.

Even Wang Zibin can feel the danger of being approached by the spear from the lock of the bully gun!

In an instant, the prince prepared for the worst.

As long as Ba Gun makes a move, he will immediately run away with the Violent Bear!

At this moment, because of Princess Qiyue's words, the situation in the arena immediately became tense.

The expressions of Oswald and Gu Jin changed drastically:

Shooting at elves is one of the taboos in Chia Continent!

Even the Elven Kingdom has not left the Chia Forest for many years, but that is not necessary.

And once the Elf Kingdom knows that an elf has been captured, it will inevitably walk out of the Chia Forest and show the terrifying power of the elves!

Decades ago, a female elf was caught out of the Chia Forest, causing the elf kingdom to send power, and then alarming the three major human empires.

With the joint efforts of the three human empires and the elf kingdom, everyone involved in the capture of this female elf has been traced out, involving tens of thousands of people!

Among them, the person with the highest status is the person who bought this female elf. He is a prince of the Haori Empire and the younger brother of the emperor of the Haori Empire.

But even such a person was captured by the Haori Empire and handed over to the Elf Kingdom to calm down the incident!

As for the tens of thousands of people involved, more than half were executed, and the rest were sold as slaves!

It can be said that even though so many years have passed, no one would think of doing anything to the elves, let alone let the elves be their slaves!

Because the prince back then just wanted to catch the elf to kiss Fangze, and he had already ended up like this.

If you want the elves to be your slaves, you will definitely create huge waves!

Even the emperor of the empire would not dare to do this!

Because doing so will definitely cause a war between the empire and the elf kingdom!

However, the three major human empires are all fighting on their own. They wish that other countries would go to war with the elf kingdom, and they will not hesitate to add insult to injury, choose to help the elf kingdom, and then enjoy the fruits of victory in the war.

This is human nature!

That's why Oswald and Gu Jin's complexion changed drastically, because if Princess Qiyue really let Ba Qiang do it, then no one present (Wang Wang Zhao) can escape being implicated!

Oswald and Gu Jin looked at each other and reached a consensus in an instant:

If Ba Qiang really made a move, then try to expose the identity of Wang Zibin's elf and stop it.

Rather than continuing to hide their identities as elves, the two slowly drew closer to Wang Zibin, and they obviously felt that their lives were more important.

Just when the scene was on the verge of breaking out, the eldest princess Huiyue, who could call the shots, slapped Princess Qiyue off holding her coquettish little hand in extreme displeasure, and then apologized to Wang Zibin for the second time.

After apologizing, Eldest Princess Huiyue didn't say anything else, she directly dragged Princess Qiyue up and scolded her in a low voice while walking.

To be honest, the unruly and willful Princess Qiyue has already made Princess Huiyue feel ashamed!

Even she didn't expect that Qiyue, who was just a little wayward in the imperial capital, would become so intensified in a border city!.

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