I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 71 Take On Trouble! Hidden Master!

"Black Mage?"

Wang Zibin, who was practicing knight strength in the room, had a sneer on the corner of his mouth:

That's where it gets interesting.

As a person who was born as a black mage, this is the first time that Wang Zibin is about to meet his colleagues outside!

Moreover, Wang Zibin also knew that according to the black mage's characteristic of being useless, since this black mage dared to come, he had confidence in himself.

In other words, this black mage must also be a sixth-order great mage!

It would be a lie to say that Wang Zibin doesn't care.

After all, Wang Zibin himself is currently only a Tier 4 Archmage, while the black mage outside is a genuine Tier 6 Archmage.

But to say that Wang Zibin is flustered, that's not enough.

Although Wang Zibin has never really fought against the sixth-order archmage, it can be seen from the appearance of Oswald after he released [Ice and Snow] that day.

Wang Zibin is still confident in his own strength.

Even if Wang Zibin's [Ice World and Snow] only has the power of one blow, but Wang Zibin knows 12, if it is operated well, it should be no problem to be a sixth-order archmage in seconds.

What's more, Wang Zibin's [Ice and Snow] is still instant!

Under normal circumstances, no one should be able to react, especially people at the sixth level, even if they are able to react, it will be difficult to escape!

Of course, except for sixth-order space spells.

But Wang Zibin didn't believe that this black mage knew any space spells.

So Wang Zibin didn't panic, but directly said to Marcus:

"Never mind."

Marcus, who received Wang Zibin's instruction, carried it out well although he was a little confused.

So much so that no matter how strenuously the group of four and the black mage performed at the gate of the manor, the gate of the manor was always closed.

It wasn't until late in the evening that the spectators dispersed, and the group of four and Hei Er left the gate of the manor.

Markas, who was hiding behind the door, didn't show any joy when he saw them leave.

Because Marcus understands that staying out behind closed doors cannot solve this problem, and in a sense, staying out behind closed doors actually confirmed the performance of the quartet, which seemed to Wang Zibin a little "guilty".

The next day, the group of four came to the door again, and the black mage was still standing beside them.

Strange to say, as a sixth-level great mage, this black mage was able to endure being ignored by Wang Zibin, standing there without saying a word.

If any of the white mages were changed, it would probably have happened long ago.

Even if it is a gray mage, he will definitely not just stand at the door like this.

Only Wang Zibin knows that black mages are like this, they don't value the face of any mage, they only care about achieving their own goals.

Wang Zibin, who heard Markus report this matter again, did not ignore the group of four and the black mage outside like yesterday.

Today, a response must be made.

Wang Zibin thought to himself, if he chooses to stay behind closed doors, then according to the usual style of the black mage, he will definitely try to force Wang Zibin to do something!

For example, the servants in the manor died suddenly or something.

This approach is very in line with the behavior of the black mage.

Because although the black mage doesn't care about face, he definitely can't accept that Wang Zibin stays behind closed doors. This will make the black mage use all means to force Wang Zibin to come forward!

In addition, although Wang Zibin has confidence in himself, he can't protect his servants at all times.

Therefore, Wang Zibin must respond, instead of using the servant's life to test the black mage's patience!

"Two days later, outside the city..."

Wang Zibin asked Marcus to deliver such a message.

At the gate of the manor, after receiving the message from Markas, the black mage looked at the manor gloomyly, turned and left:

As Wang Zibin expected, if there is no response today, the black mage will decide to kill the servants in the manor first.

For example, Marcus is a very good target.

But now Wang Zibin's response just happened to make him unable to attack.

Not only that, but the time set by Wang Zibin also made the black mage feel very uncomfortable.

Two days later, it means that the time has been delayed a lot, which is also an acceptable but uncomfortable time point for the black mage.

As for the location being outside the city, that's understandable.

Wang Zibin will solve this matter in the way of a mage.

What is the mage's way? Same as the knight's way, fighting!

Through fighting, you can solve the problem of asking for trouble like this.

After all, for a sixth-order great mage, not only can't use it in the city, but it will also attract the attention of the mage association.

But it is different outside the city, the place is big and the impact is small, it is very suitable for mages to fight.

It is worth mentioning that the location Wang Zibin decided on happened to be the location where Oswald invited him to attend the mage gathering last time to test his strength.

There is a wide area, all means are clear at a glance, and they are fair to each other.

After Wang Zibin settled on the outside of the city as a place to solve his troubles, he continued to practice.

The current him is not far away from breaking through the fifth level.

If it wasn't for the black mage who came to make trouble, Wang Zibin would definitely wait until he breaks through to the fifth level before accepting the move.

Although Wang Zibin is confident in accepting the battle of the black mage this time, but if he is not a fifth-order great mage, he only has the power of one move after all, so there are still risks.

And, don't face the sixth-level black mage directly, the risk is too high. 767 As for how to reduce the risk?

Wang Zibin's eyes turned to the outside, as if he had penetrated the door, and saw the violent bear Volibear lying on the chair, basking in the sun.

After completing today's knight power training, Wang Zibin opened the door unhurriedly and went outside.

Storm Bear Volibear, like an old man, was lying on the recliner specially made for him by Markus, lazily closing his eyes, feeling very happy.

Wang Zibin came to the side of the violent bear and patted its soft belly.


Volibear opened his eyes with a puzzled expression, and looked at Wang Zibin puzzled.

Obviously, it hasn't realized the seriousness of the matter, and still behaves like a fool.

Looking at this violent bear, Wang Zibin smiled slightly:

Still pretending to be with me?

If the former Violent Bear was able to rely on his cute talent to try to be "cute" to pass the test, then Wang Zibin, who has experienced the incident the day before yesterday, has already seen through its disguise!

Before Wang Zibin could react, he took the initiative to protect him.

Wang Zibin couldn't believe this kind of behavior. This violent bear was the one that showed its naive appearance.

After that incident, Wang Zibin has always felt the extreme intelligence of Storm Bear.

This made Wang Zibin understand that the violent bear Volibear is definitely the "master" hidden by his side!.

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