I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 79 Cheating, Kill Him!

Especially Nuosi, the seventh-level magister who once had the name of a genius mage in the imperial capital, he also stood at the apex of the same level back then.

None of the people present could understand how difficult it was for Wang Zibin to load a sixth-level spell, which is second only to forbidden spells, into the innate spell slot at the sixth level!

almost impossible!

If it was an old mage who spent his whole life doing that and succeeded by luck, North wouldn't be so shocked.

But now the young face of Wang Zibin makes it difficult for North to accept the reality:

The reality is that Wang Zibin's talent far surpasses him who was once a genius mage.

"Spell ban!"

In shock, the seventh-order magister North made a move.

Because if he doesn't make a move again, Wang Zibin's [Ice and Snow] will spread out of the ring, causing a larger area of ​​damage!

As soon as North made a move, it was a standard high-level mage's oppressive spell against low-level mages:

"Spell ban."

Spell banning is a spell that a high-level mage uses the huge mana of an absolute advantage to block and restrict the spell-casting area and even the spell effects released by a low-level mage.

The spell ban of the seventh-level magister North suppressed Wang Zibin's [Ice and Snow] within the scope of the ring.

Not only that, but the spell ban also rapidly reduced the effect of [Ice and Snow] above the ring.

In just a few seconds, the white snow stopped spreading and melted visibly with the naked eye.

Wang Zibin on the ring has a clearer perception of "spell ban":

It became more difficult for him to release spells to the outside world.

In an invisible place, something is restricting Wang Zibin from releasing spells.

However, this has no effect on Wang Zibin, who has no mana in his body at this time.

Anyway, he doesn't have the mana to release spells.

Not long after, melting white snow came from the edge of the ring towards Wang Zibin.

This scene is really a bit like going backwards in time. After Bai Xue spread to the boundary of the ring, it went back backwards.

However, after the white snow had completely melted, the sixth-level sky knight who had recovered from his snowman appearance did not make any moves.

From Wang Zibin's perspective, one can see that the knight's eyes, although still wide open, are dimmed and turned into dead gray.

He died, the moment the snow covered his body, he died.

The seventh-level magister North flew from the sky and landed beside Wang Zibin. He waved at the knight, and a beam of healing light landed on the knight's body.

This is a very powerful healing technique, but the healing technique that was supposed to penetrate into the knight's body to treat his injuries scattered into light spots and fell in everyone's eyes, which was too beautiful to behold.

But such a beautiful picture made everyone's heart tremble:

Only the dead cannot be healed!

Such a phenomenon is undoubtedly telling everyone that this sixth-order sky knight is dead!

In fact, the seventh-level magister North has already seen it, but what he did is just to show with practical actions that he is practicing what he once said———— "Heal the wounded and control the wounded."

Of course, it is not a big problem if it cannot be treated now, and the failure of control is not a big problem.

After all, North emphasized, as long as it's not so exaggerated

The reason why he couldn't control the current situation was because it was too exaggerated.

North had already found an explanation for himself.

Therefore, after he swung a powerful healing wave, he didn't care about the dead knight, but looked at Wang Zibin.

This is the first time that Nuosi seriously examined Wang Zibin. He had never looked at Wang Zibin before, but at this moment, he looked at Wang Zibin very seriously:

Young, handsome, extraordinary bearing.....

A series of feelings emerged in North's mind.

To be honest, at this time, North began to suspect that the Wang Zibin in front of him was an elf:

Like Oswald back then, North also believes that only elves can achieve such a step at the stage of the sixth-level archmage.

But unlike Oswald, he, the seventh-level magister North, has seen real elves, so he can know that the Wang Zibin in front of him is not.

Could there really be such a perfect human being?

Not only the appearance, but also such talent?

The seventh-order magister North thought about this problem.

The existence of Wang Zibin is already the answer to this question.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Princess Qiyue, who just came back to her senses now, screamed loudly, refusing to accept the facts in front of her.

…ask for flowers………

"North, he cheated, he must have used magic props, spell scrolls!"

Princess Qiyue stood on the viewing platform, pointed at Wang Zibin, as if she found him cheating, and ordered:

"Kill him, North!"

But the seventh-level magister ignored Princess Qiyue's order at all, still staring at Wang Zibin, lost in his own thoughts:

Obviously, Nuosi, who was called by her first name directly by Princess Qiyue, was disliked by Princess Qiyue through practical actions.

As for the previous response to Princess Qiyue, it was just a routine reply by Nuo Si who was employed by the royal family.

But this does not mean that Nuosi, the seventh-level magister, obeyed her own words.

Rather than greet the unruly and willful Princess Qiyue, Nuosi now prefers to think about Wang Zibin's problem as a seventh-level magister.


Seeing that Nuosi ignored her, Princess Qiyue became even angrier, turned around and shouted at the seventh-rank titled knight Baqiang beside her:

"Uncle Ba, go ahead and kill this shameful cheater, and let him pay for my royal heroic knight's life!"

Although Princess Qiyue was savage, she still had some brains. While accusing Wang Zibin of cheating, she also involved the dead knight, making her orders appear to be "righteous and benevolent."

And from Princess Qiyue's address to Ba Qiang, it can be seen that Ba Qiang is very popular with Princess Qi Yue.

The second after Princess Qiyue finished speaking, the seventh-rank titled knight, Ba Gun, reached for the long spear behind him, ready to obey Princess Qiyue's order and kill Wang Zibin!

Princess Qiyue's words and Ba Qiang's movements instantly made the situation tense:

Gu Jin and Oswald are going to jump on the spot and announce the identity of Wang Zibin's elf, so as to prevent another elf murder that will spread to the entire empire!

The seventh-rank titled knight, Heiguang, the lord of Xingyue City, put his hand on the hilt of his sword:

As the city lord, he had to make a move out of emotion and reason, preventing Ba Qiang from attacking Wang Zibin, who represented Xingyue City in the battle.

Felton, the seventh-rank magister and president of the Star-Moon City Mage Association, clenched his wand tightly:

Like Black Light, he also had to take action to save Wang Zibin, this is the face of the Mage Association, of course he could see that Princess Qiyue was completely framing Wang Zibin and !.

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