I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 81 The Violent Bear With An Evil Smile In The Dark Night, Bang!

On the day when Wang Zibin fought on behalf of the mages of Xingyue City, nothing happened.

The death of the guard knight of the royal exchange team, the victory of the Xingyue City mage Fang, such big news did not even get out!

But behind the scenes, these messages were passed on in the upper floors of Star-Moon City in an undercurrent.

That night, when Wang Zibin was meditating daily, almost all powerful families in Xingyue City knew the news.

Moreover, they also know that the conflict between Wang Zibin and Princess Qiyue has intensified and cannot be reconciled!

So on this seemingly calm night, they are already planning their own interests and preparing to set off even bigger storms!

But after preparing various plans, they encountered a problem during the day:

That is Wang Zibin, never come out!

Not only Wang Zibin, but none of the servants in his manor came out.

This made them dumbfounded.

This made them take action, and they couldn't find any reason!

It seems that there is only one way to forcefully break through 12, which is in front of them.

But no one dared to do this, forcibly breaking into the manor of a sixth-order great mage would mean alarming at least half of Xingyue City!

Not only the Xingyue City officials who maintain law and order, but even the Xingyue City Mage Association will also participate.

Because Wang Zibin is a mage.

The Mage Association will indeed govern the Mage, but at the same time it will also safeguard the rights that all Mage should have.

Forcibly breaking into Wang Zibin's manor will inevitably lead to the help of the Star-Moon City Mage Association.

Thus, the day passed peacefully amidst the dumbfounded eyes of a group of people.

But when the time came to night, it was a completely different situation.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, it's a good time to kill and set fire!

Taking advantage of the cover of the night, a casual sixth-level sky knight quietly entered Tian Zibin's manor.

This casual knight was naturally hired by those people at a great price, with only one purpose, to find out the specific situation of Wang Zibin's manor.

After knowing Wang Zibin's combat power, they didn't imagine that they could attack Wang Zibin with only a sixth-level untrained sky knight.

What they thought was very simple. Without meeting Wang Zibin face to face, they would make other arrangements after confirming the reality of the manor.

This uninitiated sixth-level sky knight is not stupid, he moves extremely carefully, and if anything goes wrong, he will immediately retreat.

When he tiptoed into the manor from the side, and then passed through the servant's room and kitchen of the manor, there was no obstacle along the way.

After secretly noting down the distribution inside the manor, he cautiously came to the central area of ​​the manor.

Looking at the brightly lit room, the sixth-level sky knight did not approach any further, but stopped walking, and heaved a sigh of relief:

He has already confirmed Wang Zibin's room, the distribution of the manor, and personally confirmed that there is no warning spell cast by Wang Zibin in the manor.

For him, this is considered to have completed the task of investigation.


At this time, he suddenly remembered that according to the data, Wang Zibin should have a fifth-order monster bear, why didn't he see it?

But this idea was immediately thrown out of his mind. He thought that a mere fifth-order monster could not change the situation at all, so there was no need to pay too much attention to it.

After confirming that he had completed the task, he turned around on the spot and prepared to withdraw from the manor.

However, when he turned around, he almost had a heart attack!

A naive violent bear, with bright bear eyes, stood behind him, just facing him who turned around!

Why is the violent bear here?!

Thinking like this, he was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his chest, and he calmed down slowly:

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's just a fifth-level monster, as long as it doesn't alarm the sixth-level great mage...

At this moment, the knight who was looking at Volibear the violent bear even felt that the violent bear was really naive:

It's great to find that he didn't make any movement!

But then, he realized something was wrong:

As a sixth-level sky knight, he didn't realize that the violent bear had circled behind him at all. In this situation, he should never go out on a stupid fifth-level monster bear!

The moment he realized something was wrong, he poured blood into his feet, ready to jump up and flee the manor directly.

However, although his speed is very fast, the violent bear is even faster!

The moment he saw this sixth-level sky knight about to run away, the violent bear Volibear smiled evilly in the dark night, and then his two big bear paws swept across the afterimage and "smacked" on the knight.


Accidentally doing mental calculations, this sixth-level sky knight was slapped by the violent bear's palms before even bursting out the blood in his body.

With a sound like slapping a mosquito, the knight was slapped into a pulp by a pair of bear paws of the violent bear!

After killing the knight, Violent Bear took a special look at Wang Zibin's room, and found that Wang Zibin inside didn't notice anything, and nodded in satisfaction:

The sound that I deliberately controlled was still very useful, and it didn't disturb Wang Zibin.

In fact, the violent bear Volibear sensed it as early as when this sixth-level sky knight entered the manor.

The violent bear who wanted to rush directly to kill the knight suddenly thought of Wang Zibin in the room when he got up.

Therefore, in order not to alarm Wang Zibin, Violent Bear chose this method and unexpectedly gave the knight a loving slap.

All this is to try to control the sound as much as possible.

To be honest, for Wang Zibin's peace of mind to practice, Volibear can be said to be 637 with good intentions......

One night passed, waiting for someone from the sixth-level sky to bring the news of the investigation, eager to see through.

They didn't see the knight until the sky was bright, and their hearts sank to the bottom:

A sixth-level sky knight just disappeared in the manor without a trace?!

Such a result is really hard for them to accept.

After knowing that Wang Zibin's strength is terrifying, in fact, they did not send fourth- and fifth-tier people to investigate first, but directly sent sixth-tier sky knights.

They thought, at least they can't fight this way, and they can still run, and with their support, there shouldn't be any problem.

But the current reality tells them that even the sixth-order sky knights can't escape!

The one that disappeared without a sound!

Under the sun, Wang Zibin's manor suddenly turned into a huge mouth of an abyss in their eyes!

They looked at each other, Qiqi shuddered, then quickly dispersed and returned to Hakka.

They belonged to different forces, and these forces jointly funded to invite the knight to investigate the reality in Wang Zibin's manor.

Now they need to tell the people behind them the horrible news.

This day, after learning the news, many people passed away peacefully amidst the fear.

And this night, no one tried to enter Wang Zibin's manor...

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