I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 91 See You In The Picture, Target, Violent Bear!

The eldest princess Huiyue, who was investigating on the ground, moved very quickly, constantly eliminating unsuitable places and narrowing the scope.

Of course, sometimes the eldest princess Huiyue is also difficult to judge, after all, memory is fuzzy.

At this time, Princess Huiyue would carry the seventh-level magister Nuo Si on her back, stretch her hands to her towering parts, and take out a map from it to start comparison.

As for why it is this place, it can be seen from the seventh-level magister North consciously avoiding his eyes.

Women who are good at using their own advantages are actually really powerful.

One day passed peacefully like this.

The eldest princess Huiyue who returned to Xingyue City still had a lot to gain.

Not only does it mean that she has narrowed down the scope of the dwarf kingdom's treasures, but it also refers to a fifth-order monster floating behind her.

It was a fifth-level magical beast with no eyes. It set its sights on the eldest princess Huiyue, and was killed by a spell from the seventh-level magister North.

Then, it was brought back by Eldest Princess Huiyue for extra meal for the royal exchange group.

And the reason why this monster floated behind Princess Huiyue was because of the levitation technique of the seventh-level magister Nuosi.

After all, it is impossible for Princess Huiyue to hold it by herself, and it is impossible for Nuo Si to hold it.

Levitation, is 12 a very good convenience spell.

A few days passed in a flash.

Princess Huiyue goes in and out of the Xingyue Mountains every day, doing investigation work just like clocking in for work.

The harvest is the ever-shrinking range, as well as the magical beasts brought back with meals every day.

But Princess Qiyue became more and more boring, because she had played all the fun things in Xingyue City.

This also made it more and more difficult for Deputy City Lord Zhao Yuanbai to make Princess Qiyue happy.

Originally, this was a question that would make Zhao Yuanbai very distressed, but in fact, instead of being distressed, Zhao Yuanbai was very happy:

Soon, soon, as soon as Princess Qiyue is completely bored, it's time for my plan to be implemented...

Zhao Yuanbai thought to himself.

Gu Jin and Oswald paid close attention to Princess Qiyue's movements every day, and the peace for several days in a row made them feel relieved gradually.

If Princess Qiyue also eats, drinks and has fun every day in the following time, then the royal family exchange group will leave soon.

If Princess Qiyue doesn't meet Wang Zibin, if she doesn't trouble Wang Zibin, conflicts and the like will eventually be forgotten with time.

In this way, at least many people in Xingyue City will breathe a sigh of relief.

But Zhao Yuanbai, who was in charge of entertaining Princess Qiyue, would definitely not let this kind of thing happen.

Therefore, on the day when there were dark clouds over Xingyue City and it was raining lightly.

The incident that broke the peace finally happened.

On this day, there were only three days left before the royal family exchange group.

Early in the morning, the sky began to rain.

Eldest Princess Huiyue was very dedicated, and was preparing to go to the Xingyue Mountains with an extremely excited mood.

It turned out that after these days of investigation, Princess Huiyue finally narrowed down to the final scope yesterday.

It can be said that as long as the treasure really exists, Princess Huiyue will be able to get it today!

That's why Princess Kaguya was so excited.

Even if the weather is bad today and it is raining lightly, it will not affect Eldest Princess Huiyue in any way.

But Princess Qiyue is different, although light rain will not hinder her as a fourth-order sky knight, but it will have a great impact on her mood.

Originally, Princess Qiyue felt more and more bored, but now it was raining lightly, which made her feel even more bored.

So much so that in the early morning, she exposed her willfulness and yelled at the people who made her uncomfortable.

Seeing Princess Qiyue like this, the eldest princess Huiyue, who was excitedly about to go out, stopped:

Just like her premonition that there will be a harvest today, she also feels that Qiyong Lamb is bound to create some troubles.

For the face of the royal family, Eldest Princess Huiyue thought about it, and felt that in the entire Xingyue City, only Wang Zibin would have problems.

Therefore, Eldest Princess Huiyue solemnly confessed to Princess Qiyue:

"Xiao Qi, we represent the imperial family!"

"You must not harm the sixth-order archmage who has conflicts with you, otherwise the royal family's reputation will be damaged!"

"Also, if you go out today, just don't cause trouble and protect yourself."

"Of course the weather is bad today, if you don't go out, it will be even better..."

After the eldest princess Hui Yue finished speaking to Princess Qiyue, she even took a special look at the seventh-rank titled knight Ba Qiang, she believed that Ba Qiang would understand what she meant:

When it comes to ensuring Wang Zibin's personal safety, her eldest princess' position is extremely firm.

Not for myself, but for the face of the royal family!

Seeing the back of the eldest princess Huiyue stepping off the spaceship, the princess became even more irritable.

The current Princess Qiyue is obviously in a rebellious period, she didn't want to go out at first, but after Eldest Princess Huiyue said this, she decided to go out by herself.

So not long after the eldest princess Huiyue took the seventh-level magister Nuosi out, Princess Qiyue also went out with the seventh-level titled knight Baqiang.

As soon as Princess Qiyue moved, the deputy city lord Zhao Yuanbai naturally followed up immediately.

When Zhao Yuanbai saw the obvious bored expression on Princess Qiyue's face, he knew that today was the day he had been waiting for for a long time.

However, it takes a while.

Zhao Yuanbai suppressed the little excitement in his heart, and decided to make Princess Qiyue's accumulated emotions more intense, and then launch the plan.

It was noon, and because Princess Qiyue felt that the food was unpalatable, she directly knocked over the dining table, turning from boredom to irritability.

At this time, Zhao Yuanbai felt that it was the best opportunity. First, from his point of view, he expressed his apologies to Princess Qiyue, saying that he didn't entertain Princess Qiyue well.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yuanbai pretended to be thinking hard, thinking about how to make Princess Qiyue happy.

After a while, Zhao Yuanbai talked about an interesting thing he heard:

He heard that a sixth-level black mage was actually killed by a fifth-level violent bear.

This unconventional incident naturally aroused Princess Qiyue's interest.

Then Zhao Yuanbai specially found an actor who was prepared in advance, a knight from the Zhao family.

Under the narration of this Zhao family knight, after completing the transformation of the fifth-order violent bear, it turned out to be ten times the size, and killed the sixth-order black mage with a single slap.

Seeing the knight's swearing appearance, those who didn't know it thought he saw it with his own eyes.

It is impossible to see it with your own eyes, and the foursome has left this world.

"Such a powerful bear? Really? Where is it? I want to catch it as my pet!" Princess Qiyue exclaimed with excitement.

At this moment, Zhao Yuanbai revealed the location of the violent bear as if "seeing the poor dagger".......

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