I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 95 Dying! A Doomed Bear?

"don't want!"

"don't want!"

After Wang Zibin yelled no, Gu Jin and Oswald rushed to the air and also yelled no.

Those who regard Wang Zibin as an elf know the importance of Warcraft partners to an elf.

But no matter how they shout, will the seventh-rank titled knight, Ba Qiang, listen?

of course not!

Tyrannical Spear directly blocked their voices, but swung the long spear in his hand at the violent bear Volibear who was biting towards him.

This time, Ba Qiang really made a murderous attempt, and did what he said, if he didn't give in for the last time, he would kill him!

Therefore, Ba Qiang swung the long spear, and in an instant, the long spear drew countless afterimages in the air.

"Spearmanship: Stormy Pear Blossom!"

At this time, the long spear, in the hands of the tyrant, is really shooting like a torrential rain, and it is as bright as a pear blossom! "Three five seven", but everyone can clearly perceive that the bright spear skills contain extremely deadly dangers !

Every afterimage of the spear passing through the air will emit a red light.

In an instant, the red light formed by the condensed blood energy covered the huge body of Volibear, the violent bear who rushed towards the tyrannical gun.

The body of the violent bear Volibear stopped its charge and was suspended in the air.

In the next second, the violent bear's body burst into blood in the air, and the blood that was shot out turned into a blood mist, and the violent bear's body fell from the air to the ground.


The heavy sound of falling to the ground is not only ringing in people's ears, but ringing in people's hearts!

In all fairness, at this moment, everyone can feel the Warcraft Volibear's willingness to die rather than submit, which makes people's hearts unavoidably aroused a sense of tragedy!

They ask themselves, as a fifth-level body, will they succumb to the seventh level?

The answer is yes.

Regardless of the factors of status and status, it is still the nature engraved in the living body that the strong are respected!

It is precisely because of this that they can feel the tragedy of the violent bear after his hands were crippled, but also to pounce on the seventh-rank titled knight, Tyrant Spear, and bite him away!

Although they would not choose to shoot because of the difference in species, this did not stop them from admiring the violent bear in their hearts.

At this moment, the violent bear Volibear has gained the respect of almost everyone!

However, it is just respect.

No one would express any dissatisfaction under the gaze of the seventh-rank titled knight Baqiang standing in the air.

Even Wang Zibin is the same.

Because Ba Qiang pointed the tip of the gun at Wang Zibin after using "Gun Skill·Rainstorm Pear Blossom".

If Wang Zibin yells and accuses without thinking at this time, he will be regarded as disrespectful to himself by Ba Qiang, and he uses this as an excuse to launch an attack.

From the perspective of Ba Qiang, what Eldest Princess Huiyue confessed was not to take the initiative to hurt Wang Zibin, but if Wang Zibin gave him a reason to do so, it would be another matter.

Wang Zibin is well aware of this.

Unwilling? Angry?

None of these, because Wang Zibin has long known that the anger of the weak is useless.

What he did was to keep Ba Qiang in his heart, and one day, he would kill him!

At this time, Wang Zibin's eyes were calm, and he walked steadily to the side of the violent falling body.

If you had to use something to express Wang Zibin's mood, it would probably be him who walked out of the room, letting the rain falling from the sky fall on him, wet his body, and soak his heart.. ...

Black Light, the lord of Xingyue City, and Felton, the seventh-level magister, arrived when Ba Gun was shot, floating in the air.

Gu Jin and Oswald arrived later, and after making a sound, they landed on the ground.

Princess Qiyue, who saw Violent Bear so willing to die rather than submit, had a sullen expression on her face.

Deputy city lord Zhao Yuanbai watched the violent bear fall, and saw Wang Zibin let the rain drenched him, an unparalleled pleasure of revenge arose in his heart.

The major powers in the city and people of various sixth ranks were watching what happened in the manor from afar or near.

While everyone was watching, Wang Zibin came to the side of the violent bear Volibear and squatted down.

At this moment, Violent Bear is not dead yet, but he is not far from death and is dying.

The violent bear can no longer maintain the transformed super-large form, and has returned to its normal size.

The rainwater hit the violent bear's body drop by drop, soaking the ground together with the blood it bleed out.

Violent Bear sensed that Wang Zibin was coming to his side, glanced at him slightly, and then turned his gaze to the sky.

Looking at the sky, the dying Violent Bear recalled his life:

Ever since it was a little bear, it has had the dream of becoming stronger...

When other bears are playing, it is exercising, when other bears are acting like a baby in their parents' arms, it is still exercising...

In order to become stronger, it spends all its time exercising, never stops, and never relaxes...

This allows it, which has not yet matured, to possess the strongest strength of the Violent Bear Clan.

In order to break through the restriction of rank, it followed the guidance of the great wise men of the elves, and left the Chia Forest without looking back.

In order to become stronger, for the dream, it has really gone far and far.

When it was tired, because it lay flat, it met Wang Zibin.

The encounter with Wang Zibin is probably the happiest thing in these years.

Check out the possibility of seeing what you want come true for it!

However, at this moment, it felt the rapid loss of vitality, and knew that it would never see that day again...

Regret? Of course not.

From the moment it came out of Chia Forest, it told itself that either die or dreams come true!

Facing the Tyrannical Spear, it can succumb, but after succumbing, it will definitely become Princess Guiyue's monster pet.

It's a dream that can't come true.

Therefore, it chose to fight back against Baqiang regardless of death.

This is its resistance to oppression, its resistance to fate, and its resistance to everything that hinders its dream path!

Its only emotion now is regret.

5.1 I regret that I still fall on the road of pursuing my dreams after all.

What a pity! It looked at the sky covered with dark clouds, and uttered its last voice.

Then, it slowly closed its eyes and fell into darkness.

Seeing that the violent bear was about to die, Oswald quickly came to his teacher, the seventh-level magister Felton, and prepared to beg his teacher to perform a healing technique.

However, before he could speak, Felton shook his head lightly:


Yes, there is no help!

This is a skill launched by a seventh-level titled knight on a fifth-level monster. From the moment the violent bear endured it, it was already hopeless.

The reason why the violent bear didn't die immediately was only because of its own physique, which delayed it for a little time.

But, in the eyes of everyone, the death of Violent Bear is already doomed!.

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