John rode over and saw the girl.

The horse's hooves stepped on the dead leaves, causing the girl to wake up.

The originally innocent and pleasant face turned into a ferocious and terrifying one in an instant.

The large mouth full of sharp teeth issued a warning to John.

Although his body looks weak, he has the power to crush rocks in one leap.

John tightened the reins to make the deaf horse stand up, and kicked the banshee away with his front hooves.

With a flash of light in his eyes, John held the sword in his right hand and rode the horse towards the banshee with his left hand.

The deaf horse's speed increased, and as soon as the banshee opened her mouth, it was chopped off by John's sword.

The silver light became sharper.

Blessing: Knight.

With his mount at his side, John's sword immediately stopped the banshee's voice.

Three seconds passed before blood began to seep from his neck.

Like a fountain, the surrounding plants are quickly polluted black.

"The appearance of this banshee here does not seem to be an accident."

John glanced around and found that the banshee's legs were tied with iron rings, and a chain extended under the huge statue in the garden.

The statue is of a scholar holding a book, but his other hand is holding a staff.


Is there a statue of a wizard in the Viscount's house?

John was keenly aware of something fishy inside.

Chapter 392 I walked into the black tower

A streak of blood flew from the Banshee's body and entered John's sword.

The second rune was lit.

This made Andre, who was watching, somewhat doubtful about life.

"That's it, gone?" Andre said confused.

Not to mention him, other uncles also fell into a life of deep doubt.

Is my nephew having a seizure disorder?

After thinking for a short time, Alexei concluded, "Yadani is decisive and has good luck."

Andre motioned for him to continue.

Alexey analyzed: "The most powerful thing about the Banshee is its cry that can kill people instantly. Yadani used earplugs to become immune to this ability, which cut the Banshee's ability in half. "

The uncles mused that this was indeed the case.

Alexei continued: "The other thing is his speed. Yadani on horseback is very fast. After repelling the banshee, he rushes up to kill the banshee without giving the opponent a chance to react. ."

After speaking, Alexei sighed with emotion: "If it were me, maybe I would hold back on the banshee because of her appearance."

The problem with the banshee is not only its scream, but also its deceptive appearance.

At first, Andre was confused by her little girl appearance, lost the opportunity, and almost died there.

But John was just the opposite. He could tell at a glance that the other person was not a human being, so he rushed forward decisively and killed him with one sword.

The battle ended without giving the Banshee a chance to continue her performance.

His decisive temperament perfectly suits the Witcher.

But it seems that my nephew has never been in love.

Thinking of what happened to the banshee just now, the uncles suddenly felt like they knew something.

Child, it’s easy for you to not have a girlfriend like this.

John didn't stop, he used his fingers to pick up a trace of sticky blood on the sword blade.

"There's poison in it."

His brows furrowed, the fire dragon's skin made John fearless of poison.

He was about to dismount and check.

I saw something squirming at the wound of the decapitated banshee.

If you look closely, you can see that there are strips of blood that look like worms.

The squirming blood spurted out and connected to the head.

Pull the banshee's head toward her body.

It was such a horrifying scene that others might have been frightened out of their wits.

But John reacted quickly and slashed at the connected blood first.

That thing is like water, and it can't be cut off by a sword blade.

The banshee's mind gradually recovered, and a terrible scream came from her mouth.

John turned around and pierced the Banshee's open mouth with his sword, pinning her entire head to the ground.

"The 'experience points' just came out, how come you are still alive?"

Staring at the banshee, John suddenly thought of another thing with a terrifying cry.


"Someone refined her into an Inferi?"

Seeing the bug-like blood, John could confirm that someone was controlling all of this.

Since the head was nailed into the ground, the body could never be reattached to the head.

The Banshee struggled physically.

John grabbed a handful of dried branches and threw them over the body.

A strange sound came out of his mouth, and John's branches were set on fire.

The body burned together.

As the body was scorched, the brain soon stopped struggling.

John kicked his head into the fire.

He saw the chains on the girl's feet retreating. He followed and saw the chains drilling into the feet of the wizard's statue.

Aiming at the stone platform with circular patterns, he kicked it over.

The stone platform shook violently, and John's feet felt a little sore.

After five or six times in a row, he kicked the stone slab into pieces.

Revealing a passage beneath the wizard's statue.

John walked in. Due to the size of the passage, the deaf horse could only be kept outside.

Without the banshee, there is no danger outside.

John was relieved to let the deaf horse stay there.

The torch on the wall of the passage lit up, and John walked along the light of the fire.

But as they walked further and further, John began to wonder where this passage extended.

He didn't take off his earbuds, not sure if there would still be a banshee inside.

He knocked on the wall with his sword and activated the supersensory spell, which reflected that the long and narrow passage had not reached the end.

Ahead, the sparks of collision from the dragging chains loomed.

"Are you trying to lure me there on purpose?" John narrowed his eyes and followed.

This chain seemed to have no end in sight. After walking for more than ten minutes, John still had no intention of arriving.

However, he found something interesting in the passage.

"This thing should be a magic wand."

Noticing a wand stuck in the ground, John pulled it out.

"The yew wand should actually be said to be a magic wand."

There are some differences between this thing and a magic wand. The biggest difference is its size.

Normal wands are long and thin, but this one is like the one held by the old man with the white beard in those stories. The wand is as tall as a man and can smash other people's heads.

He didn't know who inserted it, so John pulled it out and weighed it. It could be used to hit someone.

There was a time when there were wizards who hit people with their staffs.

Later, because it was too obvious and Muggles could easily discover their identity, such people gradually decreased.

At the end, basically no one will use it.

With his wand in his left hand and his sword in his right, John moved on.

The further inside, the darker the firelight becomes.

To the back, the torch disappeared.

John had night vision, so there wasn't much difficulty.

The chain's sparks suddenly shot up, probably hitting the steps.

Sure enough, John saw an upward staircase.

This means the passage has come to an end.

The material of the stairs was somewhat familiar to John.

He took a closer look, wasn't this the black stone of the central tower?

Stepping up, John suspected that he had walked back to the central tower.

Knocked on the ground again, this time what came back was a shape extending upward.

It looks like it should be the shape of the central tower.

Heiberg said that only one person had ever entered the wizard's tower built a hundred and fifty years ago.

That witch.

Could it be that a witch made a banshee into an inferi?

What is the purpose?

There are probably hundreds of stairs.

Walking up step by step, John reached the open area.

A blue flame ignited, and at the end of the chain was a gargoyle statue, holding a rocker in his hand to retract the chain.

The overall space is in cold tones, and the blue flames provide limited light.

There are very few things in the space and a spiral staircase extends up.

"This gargoyle looks a lot like the one in the principal's office."

John looked at the gargoyle with interest.

"So, the Banshee was locked up by the people in the Wizard Tower." John looked up at the spiral staircase.

The only people who have entered the Wizard's Tower in recent years are witches.

Did the Witch approach the Dark Iron Viscount from the very beginning just for the Wizard Tower?

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