Being reminded by him, Old Barty also remembered that he had opened an emergency channel between Crouch Mansion and the Minister's Office.

Old Batty burned the document with lingering fear and looked at the impostor who was not dead yet with a sullen face.

"Who are you and why do you want to control me?"

"Hoho, it's too late."

The impostor covered his neck and let out a breathless laugh.

He looked at John and laughed crazily: "It's too late!"

John thought of something and his expression changed.

"Johnny Silverhand!"

Johnny Silverhand store.

Jin went to the Ministry of Magic and Tangmi went to the werewolf community.

In the current Johnny Silverhand store, except for employees and security guards, there is no one in charge of the overall situation.

A group of people arrived here with a seizure order signed by the Minister of Magic.

The employee confirmed the seal and signature on it and was at a loss.

A female Auror grabbed the employee's hair and pulled him out, saying angrily: "Didn't you see that this place is sealed?"

The security guard had to retreat temporarily because he was afraid of the Ministry of Magic.

When everyone inside left, the female Auror's face changed.

A ruined face appeared.


The small emerald snake was wrapped around her neck like a necklace.

The rest of the Aurors also showed their faces, each with a crazy look on their face, and took away the items from Johnny Silverhand's store.

After getting almost everything, Bellatrix took out her wand and pointed it at the conspicuous silver hand symbol.

The silver hand shattered and flames spread from inside.

"Second King, do you like the gift I gave you?"

This is provocation.

Counterattack from the returning Dark Lord.

When John arrived, the fire was put out.

He looked at the list of things taken away with a sullen face.

"Tom, you impress me."

Act in a high-profile and arrogant manner.

It seems that Voldemort wants to reappear in front of everyone in the form of the Dark Lord.

"It seems that after nearly a year of dormancy, you have enough strength."

John smiled instead of angry, a chill flashing under his eyes.

He didn't care about the damage to the silver hand.

The other party's looting of equipment and armed forces proved that Voldemort was determined to attack Hogwarts.

This allowed John to start putting his plan into action as well.

He glanced at Old Batty beside him and said calmly: "Old Batty, it seems that this is not a bad thing."

Old Barty thought that John was stimulated, and even Johnny Silverhand was burned, which turned out not to be a bad thing.

"The construction of the werewolf community is suspended. I want to give a big gift to an old friend."

John chuckled lightly, he was worried that he would not have a chance to leave.

Then Voldemort's wish would be fulfilled, and he could take advantage of this opportunity to travel to another country.

"A pure-blood family? I hope their hands at the Ministry of Magic can push this matter to a higher level."

John turned around, and the Johnny Silverhand store behind him was being repaired rapidly with progress visible to the naked eye.

He wants to go back to Hogwarts.

Chapter 476 Acting Talent

Who is Harry's favorite person at Hogwarts?

That was undoubtedly John and Slughorn.

Slughorn did it because he had a mission, and John, a strong person can always attract the attention of others.

John was in a bad mood.

This was something Harry could see.

Very strange.

In the past, John would not express his thoughts on his face.

Just now he saw Malfoy being scolded by John.

It's incredible.

"Look at this," Hermione had the habit of subscribing to newspapers. She held up the "Daily Prophet" in surprise and said, "Something happened to a senior official of the Ministry of Magic."

Harry looked at the newspaper and saw Amelia Bones.

He immediately recalled that it was Amelia Bones who had helped when he was being accused.

It said that the Aurors were investigating, and at the same time there was another incident, Johnny Silverhand was attacked.

Harry knew why John was so upset.

His shop was attacked.

Malfoy had a scowl on his face, as he had always done since he had been reprimanded.

Even others find it incredible that John has never been like this.

Daphne wanted to speak, but was forced back by John with a sullen face.

When class time came, John got up and left directly.

They all knew John wouldn't make it, and Malfoy shouted, "Is he crazy?"

"Shut up, Draco." Daphne told him to shut up.

John headed to the second floor hallway.

When he saw no one, he relaxed his stern expression.

He is acting.

Judging from everyone's performance, I still have a lot of acting talent.

Without conflict, how could you make up your mind to leave?

Myrtle flew out of the bathroom, a look of anticipation on her face.

"I saw a lot. The black-haired boy has a good figure." Myrtle was still not satisfied.

John was speechless: "You're not going to peek at Theodore taking a bath, are you?"

Apparently Myrtle was already a repeat offender.

But she still brought some useful news to John.

"The boy disappeared from a room on the eighth floor." Myrtle flew to John's shoulder, "I want to go in, but unfortunately I can't."

"A room on the eighth floor?"

John thought about the Room of Requirement, and he hadn't been to that place for a while.

Pulling out a pair of earrings from the small handbag, John kept his promise.

Myrtle was flying around with joy. When Peeves heard that she was so happy, he immediately came over to bully her.

When John saw it, John grabbed Peeves and said with a gentle smile: "Peeves, come down, I'm asking you to do a favor."

Peeves trembled but did not dare to resist.

As well-behaved as a good child.

John was not an unreasonable person and promised Peeves that he could give Peeves some joke merchandise as long as things were done properly.

This made Peeves even more respectful, taking off his hat and saying, "At your command, Mr. Wick."

In the days that followed, it wasn't just Harry who noticed it.

Even others could tell that John was in a bad mood.

Peeves, in particular, caused trouble once by smashing a water-filled balloon at John's feet.

Peeves was fixed in the air by John, causing him to let out a particularly miserable scream.

This scene alarmed Professor McGonagall.

"Put Peeves down, Mr. Wick." Professor McGonagall said with a straight face.

John snorted angrily and walked away.

This made Professor McGonagall frown. John was not such an impolite child before.

John laughed at Professor Rune's low level and insulted Professor Alchemy as a second-rate alchemist.

They were all humiliated, which caused John's reputation to plummet.

Slughorn talks to John, but the end result is a big fight.

Everyone felt something was wrong, and John seemed to be a different person.

But only those with knowledge of the matter would understand what was going on. Harry watched as the newspaper reporter asked Barty Crouch Sr. what he thought of Silverhand merchandise.

Barty Crouch Sr. felt that Silverhand had a monopoly and it shouldn't be like this.

Harry guessed that this was why John's temper was getting worse.

Malfoy wasn't around John as often as he used to, and it seemed like they had broken up.

There was no clue about the person who had poisoned him. Things spread, and many people looked at John with something wrong.

Some people say that John doesn't like Slughorn. After all, a Hogwarts can only have one king.

Others thought that maybe John was angry that Snape's position as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor had been taken away.

No matter which one, it seems that John was poisoned.

The gossip reached John's ears, and he cursed a fellow who was gossiping.

The student was scolded and cried, which made John seem to be no longer the king.

Hermione wanted to talk to John, but was refused permission to meet him.

This made Hermione heartbroken.

Harry thought John was going too far.

He found John one afternoon, hoping that he could apologize to Hermione.

John sneered, "Apologise? I don't remember what I did."

"Hermione cares about you too," Harry argued, "Do you know how long she has been sad for you?"

"So?" John said coldly, "I want to apologize for someone who pointed a wand at me?"

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