This is a holy realm that can enhance John's magic and prevent curses from approaching.

Especially white magic, similar to the Patronus Charm, is more effective.

The divine blood frees him from all possibilities of being poisoned, and his blood will eliminate some toxins.

Opening his palm, John stared at the red blood mixed with golden threads, feeling as if he could no longer be called a human.

"This posture is more like the White Demon King than the Second King."

John smiled helplessly and raised his hand to create a mirror.

The self inside reveals the incomparable holiness. With another white robe, I can directly become a white-robed wizard.

Taking two deep breaths, he suppressed all the strangeness.

When I looked up at myself in the mirror, I had changed back.

It's just that the skin has become delicate, maybe this is the inherent effect of unicorns.

Putting the mirror away, John noticed the fourth blessing.

Improve psychic abilities?

John has been using psychic magic well, but he is curious to what extent it can be improved.

He uses psychic abilities.

In an instant, countless voices crowded into his mind, the voices were clear and noisy.

John stumbled and suppressed his ability.

Those voices disappeared, and he looked a little ugly.

"The area just now was Surrey County? No! It's bigger!"

John adjusted for a moment and used his abilities again.

The coverage of his psychic abilities is expanding bit by bit.

"Watson Wick wore the wrong tie when he went out today. Is this a codeword?"

"The school will organize a competition next week, and I will win the championship this time!"

"Hey, Kiki doesn't eat much cat food today. Isn't it time to change the taste?"

These were the neighbors on Privet Drive, John expanded, and more voices came.

"That dog boss asked me to deliver documents even though I was on vacation."

"Fivepenny coffee beans cost five pounds, so nothing will happen, right?"

"Tsk, where are we going to get some French fries today?"

"Made, where is that dog man hiding?"

"It's so dangerous. Fortunately, I hid in the closet. Wait! Why is there someone else in the closet? Where are you touching!"

"Hehe, deliver it to your door."

John continues to expand his psychic abilities.

In the past, he could sense what the other person was thinking, but now he could expand this range to the size of London.

John operates his psychic powers, and finally takes them all back.

It was really too noisy. If it continued, he might be annoyed to death.

Unless he learns how to filter out those noisy sounds to find what he wants to know, it would be better not to use this ability on a large scale.

And John had a strange feeling that he wanted to test it out.

Walking out of the basement, John stood at the window and moved his gaze to No. 5 Privet Drive.

There are two agents spying on Watson.


"Ouch, what are you doing!"

The old agent looked at his palm and then at the subordinate who had been wronged by his slap. He was stunned.

"I don't know, I just want to hit you suddenly."

The young agent was also dumbfounded. He suspected that he had been insulted in disguise, but he had no evidence.

Just when the young agent was doubting his life, the old agent slapped the young agent on the face again.

After the beating this time, the old agent scratched his head: "I suddenly wanted to beat him, and I don't know why."

The young agent was filled with grief and anger, and he got angry for a moment.

After all, he is his superior, and he learned to obey orders in the army.

He suspected that the old agent was deliberately humiliating himself in order to temper his character.

Yes, that must be the case!

He is indeed a senior agent, and his method of training people is so unique!

The young agent suddenly understood the old agent's good intentions.

And John was confused by what the young agent was thinking.

Brother, it’s okay to lie to others, but don’t lie to yourself.

John withdrew his gaze and completed his guess.

To a certain extent, John can manipulate others through his psychic abilities.

This ability is even more terrifying than the Imperius Curse.

It’s simply impossible to guard against.

"It's an unexpected gain." John said with a smile on his lips.

The unicorn really brought him too many surprises.

Chapter 655 Azkaban Prisoners, Father and Son

Silverhand Manor.

A special guest arrives.

The wand twirled between John's fingers, his eyes scrutinizing.

The person he was staring at was silent, but his inner peace could be seen from his clenched fists.

"Want to meet your father?"

With a slight smile on his lips, John looked at the person in front of him and said casually: "Is it a request or an exchange?"


The wand stopped in his hand, and the notch on it made people guess that the owner of this wand had a lot of experience.

Theodore struggled when he heard John's question.

He clenched his fists tightly and didn't notice the nails pricking his palms.

Nott is heading towards loneliness, this is something that everyone can see.

In the Ancient Alliance, Nott's name was removed.

This once sacred twenty-eight tribe did not adapt to the arrival of the new king and became an abandoned son.

Theodore also began to understand the burden he shouldered as Nott, and his grandfather could no longer bear it.

Only one of the ancient purebloods remains.

The inner struggle, the glory belonging to Slytherin echoed in his mind.

He slowly knelt down and lowered his once proud head.

"I beg you, great king."

He lowered his head and said, "Please let me see my father. This will be the last time."

He understood that he wanted to cut off that family relationship.

"For the sake of retrieving things for me," John raised his wand slightly, "I said, you will lose everything."

Theodore responded in a deep voice: "I don't regret it."

Putting down the wand, John nodded and said calmly: "Go to Knockturn Alley tomorrow. Someone will take you there."

He stood up and looked down at the former Slytherin.

The other party proved his loyalty with actions, but he was not firm.

Having wavered back and forth between loyalty and fatherhood, I finally made up my mind.

This wand has been in John's hands for some time, and there is a ring hidden in Lippi's wand.

The ring is now in Old Batty's pocket.

In this election, the ring will be the weapon that kills the hero.

John glanced at Theodore casually, "You can go."

"Thank you, great king." Theodore stood up and stepped back.

Just as he turned around, John suddenly asked: "You are not a good man, Theodore."

Theodore stopped.

John didn't look at him and continued: "You are not a bad person. This will make your life miserable. Don't let Pansy down. That silly girl has been waiting for you all the time."

During this time, Pansy was looking for news about Theodore.

Ever since Theodore was sent to Poland by John to take the things away as a student, he never went back.

Pansy Parkinson did not give up. She begged her father, Mr. Parkinson, to use the power of the ancient alliance to find it.

Maybe this is a love brain and not too smart.

But her love is not annoying.

Putting the wand on the desk, John said: "The old Nott has been eliminated, and the new Nott is in your choice."

As long as Theodore is still around, Nott will not exterminate the entire clan.

He understood what John meant. The only way to get Nott back to his former position was by himself.

Step out of the study.

Theodore murmured, "It's time to make a decision, Father."

Theodore wanted to see his father one last time and tell him his decision.

Wait until the next day.

Theodore went to Knockturn Alley, where a Ministry of Magic employee was waiting for him and said with a smile: "Mr. Nott, please come with me."

They got into the Thestral carriage, and the employee shook the reins.

The Yeqi carriage flew up, and the surrounding scene quickly retreated.

Theodore sat in the carriage and remained silent until he fell down again.

During this process, he said nothing.

The employee walks Theodore into the new Azkaban.

"Please don't stay too far away from me." The Ministry of Magic employee is the caretaker of Azkaban.

Once Theodore moves two meters away from him, he will be targeted and attacked.

The new Azkaban is even more magical than the previous one.

The Death Eaters and dark wizards who were imprisoned inside saw someone coming in, and their empty eyes locked on Theodore.

The members of the Holy Twenty-Eight Clan are also there, but there are some differences.

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