Not to be outdone, supporters of the Balikas Bats also formed a human wave.

Wherever the Balikas bats flew, waves followed.

Bagman stopped scolding his old friend and took over the conversation and said: "The players on both sides are ready. Appleby Arrows currently ranks third in the league winning rate. As its old rival, Bally Cass is in fifth place.”

"This is a tough battle, and our focus will most likely be on decapitation tactics."

"Mr. Bagman, what do you think is the probability that Rob Marshall will pick off the Golden Snitch?" Ernie asked humbly.

Bagman thought for a while and said: "The Appleby Arrows relied on decapitation tactics to win the previous three games. If they cannot win the Golden Snitch before the behemoth Joachim Reigns warms up, , I’m afraid it will be difficult to win.”

"The Balikas Bats cannot win this time and will miss the finals."

His words sparked outrage from fans of Appleby's Arrows.

When the fans of the Balikas Bats heard his ‘curse’ about their team, they also joined in the abuse.

Fortunately, Bagman was already thick-skinned. After all, he dared to owe the second king money.

Mente Metaxas was looking at the World Cup-like atmosphere with his mouth wide open.

Of course, the number of people is not as exaggerated as 100,000 people in the World Cup.

But for the sparsely populated magical world, this lineup of nearly 50,000 people is scary enough.

Because this is not a World Cup, a match in the top Wizarding League, not even a final.

Only then did he intuitively see the influence of these three leagues.

Oh no, there is also an existing league, the UEFA Cup.

It was a competition for the British and Irish Quidditch League. Compared with the three leagues, there were no restrictions on levels and cross-level competitions could be held.

Even so, making these wizards so crazy still scared Mente Metaxas, the head of the Quidditch Committee.

He was holding a piece of Balikas Bats clothing in his hand. A piece of clothing like this was not expensive, but the combined amount could earn him close to several thousand galleons in peripheral fees for a game.

Don't forget that John's level is low, but don't forget that the Minister of Magic only has a few thousand galleons a year.

This is just clothes. Counting other items, this amount can be doubled.

This isn't selling anything, it's just picking up money.

Not to mention the increase in the number of games, the increase in influence and endorsement fees.

For example, in this game, various advertisements will flash on the big screen and on the edge of the stadium.

What about silver-hand fashion buildings, silver-hand wine cellars, silver... etc. Why are there so many silver hands?

I almost forgot who the richest person in the country is.

Mente gasped.

If this model becomes popular in the wizarding world, the status of the Quidditch Committee will skyrocket.

This is not looking for trouble, he is simply the God of Wealth.

His son Kalon was cheering in his Appleby Arrows Seeker outfit.

Just now Appleby Arrows scored a goal.

"Want butterbeer?"

Carrying a case with an advertisement for Butterbeer on her back, the pretty girl asked Mente.

"This is?"

"Butterbeer," the girl took out the cup, her eyes bright, "Do you need it?"

"Give me a drink."


The girl pointed the wand-shaped nozzle at the back of the cup, and butterbeer with thick bubbles appeared in the cup.

"It's amazing." Mente couldn't help but exclaimed. He took a sip and it tasted very good.

He also saw people selling various snacks walking around.

Those who need it just need to call them.

This is simply not great.

"I could stay here all day."

Mente laughed and joined in the mood.

It turned out that he supported the Balikas Bats and almost got into a fight with his son.

In the end Appleby Arrows emerged victorious, winning the game by a thrilling ten-point margin.

The beheading tactic was once again successful.

After Mente left the court, he couldn't wait to find John.

"Father, this is great!"

Ka Rong was still reluctant to leave, while Mente smiled and said: "In the future, the whole world can enjoy such an atmosphere!"

He asked Kaerong to go back first, while he headed to the Ministry of Magic without stopping.

John was already waiting there, with two cups of coffee in front of him.

Mente thought one of the glasses was for him, so he drank it down.

John hesitated and said, "That was what Minister Roland left just now."

Mente froze and looked at the empty coffee. He thought of Roland's old face.

"Tell me what you think." John snapped his fingers and refilled the cup of coffee.

Anyway, I drank it all.

Mente got excited when he mentioned this, and he said excitedly: "Is it really possible to do that? I mean, the whole world is allowed?"

"Of course," John chuckled, "You should have seen that portal."

"Yes, I saw it. It felt like a dream."

Mente's heart was beating wildly.

John was not surprised to see this, after all, this was a reform that changed the magical world.

"The greater the crisis, the more entertainment." John picked up his coffee and took a sip, "Do you see fear on their faces?"

Mente recalled carefully and found that none of those people were afraid of the saints.

Even I briefly forgot about it.

"This is the charm of sports. When they need it most, it can boost their morale so that they will not fall into the saints."

John shrugged and said: "There will be a top wizard league in a few days. You might want to take a look and then consider it."

"No, I've already decided." Mente said, "I support your approach, Mr. Wick."

He has been conquered.

Chapter 684 Singing and dancing bring peace, the world is scorched

Compared with the singing and dancing in Britain, some parts of the world have become a scorched earth.

Death filled the manor, and flames lit up the three-hundred-year-old house.

In front of the fire, little Barty was calm.

"Captain Crouch, he has something to say."

The Auror dragged a bound saint over.

Barty Jr. waved his wand and the saint regained his ability to speak.

This is a witch, her face is stained with dust, but she can tell she has good looks.

She looked at the fire and roared heartbreakingly: "My brother, my brother is still there!"

"He is innocent. He was just confused by me. He has just turned eleven!"

The female saint shouted hoarsely, hoping that this cold-blooded and ruthless man would be noble.

"So... you are willing to die for him?"

Little Barty looked at the female saint, with a bone-chilling chill in his voice.

"Of course!" the female saint replied without hesitation.

Little Barty slowly knelt down and looked at the beautiful face of the female saint.

He stretched out his hand to lift the long hair of the female saint and said in a hoarse voice: "Then why did you make him a saint?"

"I..." The female saint's voice was stuck in her throat.

Because she saw the look of the person in front of her without any mercy.

"It was you who killed him," Barty Jr.'s voice sounded like a demon. "It was you who made him the most damned guy in the world. You erased my sympathy for him."

"It was you, you killed him, your dear brother, and he was struggling in the flames, and you would see his skin burned off, and you would see his body, maybe huddled in a corner, or in the fireplace. Or maybe under the bed.”

The female saint roared: "No! You can't do this, he is still a child!"

"He's not a child, have you forgotten? It was you who turned him into a damn little beast!"

Little Barty grabbed the female saint's hair and dragged her to the house sealed by flames.

He pulled her up forcefully and made her watch her family wailing in the fire.

"Your recklessness and your doing whatever you want will all be reflected on your family!"

"He should have gone to the magic school next year, enjoying favorable conditions and no disasters. The king's mercy will shine on him, and he will get everything he deserves!"

"It's you!"

"You destroyed him! You destroyed this family! You destroyed this world!"

The anger on Little Barty's face was visible to the naked eye, and he swung hard, causing the frightened Saint to come into close contact with the ground.

Little Barty stepped on her head with his foot and said in a cold voice: "When you become a saint, all of this will be destroyed because of you."

"Just like the families you hurt."

He kicked the female saint on the head one after another.

"elder sister!"

The female saint's nose was broken, and she looked up with difficulty.

The burning brother was lying in front, less than ten meters away from the door.

His body was burned black, but he struggled to crawl over.

The flames engulfed him completely.


That is more painful than death.

The female saint regretted, regretting that her brain was hot.

Regret my so-called ideal.

She has a perfect family, her parents are still alive, and her younger brother is a troublemaker.

This moment, with the flames, no, with the moment she became a saint, was destroyed.

After little Barty had done everything, he looked at the Aurors calmly and said, "Don't let her die. She needs to tell everything."

"I don't mind if she's sane or crazy." His words already told everyone the outcome of the female saint.

The flames gradually died down as the combustibles disappeared.

Little Barty stood there quietly, looking at the dead family of three.

There was some fluctuation in his eyes.

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