They are responsible for the alchemy and potion competitions respectively.

In the alchemy competition, the Hufflepuff student missed a move and only finished fourth for the items he made.

The first place is the Beauxbatons students, these things are their strengths.

In the potion competition, although Astoria was not low in talent, she was unable to defeat the students from Wagadu and Mesmer, and unfortunately finished third.

Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astoria regained a victory.

As a person with a background in the Star Society, she has a wealth of knowledge in dealing with those magical creatures, and successfully won the first place, with Durmstrang second.

The last one is a duel match.

Astoria stood out among ten schools and won first place with the golden bell engraved in its bones.

Although not first in all, Astoria also became the focus of attention.

The last star left in the Society of Stars at Hogwarts finally begins to shine.

Mr. Greengrass went specially to watch the game, looking extremely proud.

His smile faded until he saw another with platinum blond hair.

Christmas is coming.

Johnny Silverhand has gradually become able to operate autonomously.

John didn't need to worry about the holiday.

After the snowflakes fell that day, it snowed in the Wizarding City for several days.

The ground is covered with a layer of white snow.

The magic tower is also covered with a layer of cool white.

Owls are not the same as dogs.

Tom likes to be inside and Basil likes to be outside.

The year is coming to an end, and Basil stands at the top of the magic tower, with a layer of snowflakes covering his head.

Riddle flew next to Basil and stretched out his wings to sweep away the snowflakes.

Tom was once again abandoned by the two owls, who circled around the tower chasing their tails.

The little golden man sat cross-legged like John.

Helmer is a lively and active child. He soon became unable to sit still and went to find Tom to become a dog knight together.

Hector was still insisting. He moved his feet and saw that John did not open his eyes, so he had to continue sitting cross-legged.

John's consciousness fell into the palace of thought.

In front of him was the Wick house.

Watson was discharged from the hospital for a month and finally recovered.

As the head of the family, Watson's biggest task every day is to pick up his daughter from school.

Christmas is coming, and Watson takes out the gifts he prepared this year.

A little white bear.

Mrs. Wick looked at her husband helplessly, wondering why Watson was so obsessed with the bear.

Suddenly, Mrs. Wick seemed to sense something.

She looked toward the stairs leading to the attic, her eyes gradually turning black.

John's consciousness came down from the attic and saw his mother's piercing eyes.

He came down and gently touched his mother's face.

Although invisible, the darkness in Mrs. Wick's eyes gradually dissipated.


"What?" Watson looked up and looked around, "Where is John?"

Mrs. Wick wasn't sure either. "I feel like he's here," she said.

Mother and child are connected, and Mrs. Wick can feel that her child is watching her in this house.

Watson put down the wrapped box and shouted into the air: "John, don't peek at the gift I prepared for you."

Mrs. Wick's murderous eyes fell on her stupid husband.

John was speechless when he heard this, and his father's ability to accept was still so strong.

Don't you have any doubt about the authenticity of this matter?

Watson shouted, "I feel it. It's John. He must be watching us over there now."

John turned his head silently and watched his father pointing to the sofa and himself at the stairs.

A little feeling, but not much.

With a thought, John's consciousness came outside the house.

Those agents who monitor the situation are really around the clock, and they are still keeping an eye on the sentry.

Ariana is at school and John is going to check it out.

Hopefully Ariana gets used to Muggle school life.

His consciousness left, and Watson was still there talking to the sofa and asking John to come home for Christmas this year.

Mrs. Wick didn't expose it and just watched her husband nagging for half an hour.

Chapter 830 The Lady of the Wick Family

Westminster School.

One of the oldest and best-known independent schools in the UK.

This school has always been a holy place of learning in the minds of most British people.

Ranked among the top ten in the UK, there have even been British Prime Ministers and Nobel Prize winners here.

It is known as the cradle of the elite and the ladder to the upper class.

Different environments create different values ​​among students.

The original Westminster School only admitted boys, and over time, even the school had to change.

But this is still one of the best schools.

Ariana arrives as a transfer student in her school uniform.

Although this is a very good school, sometimes it has to succumb to the power of senior officials.

Miss Wick, who came in through connections, is full of mystery.

Students of this age are no longer ignorant novices. On the contrary, under the elite education system, they have more mature minds.

Based on your own needs and plans for the future, you will start to screen among the best interpersonal circles.

Ariana's appearance attracted the attention of many people because of her outstanding appearance and taciturn personality.

"Wick? Is it that Wick?"

A boy with brown hair whispered to Ariana's back in his small group.

"What Wick?" The other boy didn't understand what he meant.

Seeing that he didn't know, the brown-haired boy had fear on his face and said in a deep voice: "Underground President."


Although he is more mature than his peers, the title of Underground President still makes boys look confused.

Immediately, the brown-haired boy began to learn more.

If it weren't for some underground transactions in his family, I might never know anything about the underground president in his lifetime.

"That is something you absolutely cannot mess with. There used to be many big bosses in the London underground.

Until the man named Wick appeared, it took less than two months to integrate the entire underground kingdom.

Those who opposed all became the dead souls under the Thames River, their eyes were gouged out, and they could never see clearly the road to heaven. "

The brown-haired boy said with a scared look on his face, and even shuddered.

Only those who know the underground president better will know what this name represents.

"My father said that even those in the cabinet have the shadow of the underground president."

The boys gasped, and the way they looked at Ariana changed.

Originally, they had some thoughts on the new transfer student, but after hearing these words, they directly listed him as someone they should not mess with.

In London, with a surname of Wick, it is probably the only one who can make an exception for the school.

It was also from here that the news about Miss Wicker's stay at school spread.

Ariana was walking on campus, blinking her eyes, feeling like everyone around her was avoiding her.

The boy who greeted her eloquently yesterday was so frightened that he turned around and ran away when he saw her.

Ariana tilted her head.

His cute appearance cannot make people relax their vigilance.

"Hello, this beautiful lady." A man appeared in front of Ariana and took off his hat with a smile on his face. "If I want to listen here for a while, I wonder if there is any way to find the principal?"

Black hair, with a hint of evil and naughty smile.

Sirius Black chose to go to this school to attend classes.

When Ariana saw that face, an image of someone listening to music and killing people in a house with a gun immediately came to mind.

With a gleam in her eyes, she circled around Sirius.

Sirius smiled a little uncontrollably, shouldn't he? With his handsomeness, shouldn't he make girls of this age fascinated?

This is the first time the two people meet.

As soon as Ariana saw Sirius, she thought of the villain in that movie. The two people were so similar.

And Sirius didn't know yet that this was the most precious daughter of the man who almost killed him.

That's how we met.

The former daughter of Dumbledore and the rebellious son of Black.

John saw how the students discussed his sister.

He didn't expect that in Ariana's normal life at school, her biggest enemy would be her father.

Everyone is afraid of the underground president, afraid of getting too close to Ariana, and floating in the Thames the next day.

John was also speechless. His father's evil reputation had spread throughout the school.

But it was really unfair, those things were clearly done by my uncle.

He goes looking for Ariana.

But Ariana and Sirius met.

It was the first time that the two met and they didn't know each other.

But Ariana recognized Sirius as an actor and wanted to get some trolls on Sirius.

And he also made the classic killing gesture of the villain in that movie.

Sirius couldn't handle this girl either.

Ariana suddenly turned her head and stared in one direction.

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