The next day


"Good morning Minami-san. I'm the one you will marry." Tamotsu said

"Nice to meet you." Minami said

"Nice to meet you Kaori-san I will be your groom." Koji said

"Nice to meet you." Kaori said

"Later we will be get married." Tamotsu said

"I see." Minami said

"What's wrong?" Koji said

"Nothing." Kaori said

"I see" Koji said

While the others are busy arranging things for the wedding

While Yuki and others

"The wedding is in the afternoon." Harumi said

"We must to move fast." Ryohei said

"We must stop the wedding before they take a vow." Kenta said

"Yeah" Yuki said

"Let's move now." Kaito said

"Yeah" everyone said

"Let's save them in any cost!" Yuki said

"Yeah!" everyone shouted

"Minami… Kaori… just wait we will be coming to save you two." Ryohei said in his mind

"We will save you two in any cost!" Kenta said in his mind


The hair dresser is arranging their hair. After a few minutes their mother arrived.

"The time is almost come please hurry up." Mizuki said

"I'm sorry we will done soon." The hair dresser said

"Mother..!" Minami and Kaori said

"Bye then, I'm looking forward seeing you with wedding dress." Mizuki said

After a few minutes

They done and Minami and Kaori is wearing wedding gown

While Yuki and others

"What is this place?" Ryohei said

"This is a secret path. We must hurry the wedding will start soon." Harumi said

"Yeah" everyone said

"Wait for us." Kaito said in his mind

While Minami and Kaori

"Minami how are we going to run away." Kaori said

"Idiot! Have you forgotten them? I believe they will come to save us. Didn't they say that they will come to save us." Minami said

"Yeah" Kaori said

"Don't lose hope! I will trust them. I trust them that they will come to save us." Minami said

"I will believe to them too." Kaori said

After a few minutes

The maid come

"It's time Minami ojou-sama… Kaori ojou-sama." The maid said

They stand up and they go to the hallway and they saw their groom.

"Let's get along well today no from now on." Koji and Tamotsu said

"Please take care of me." Minami and Kaori said

They walk to the aisle.

"Through sickness and through health, to honor and love each other for the rest of your lives." The priest said

While the priest is speaking

"I know we are never able to escape to mother. Kaito….Please come and save us." Minami said in her mind

"Please save us Yuki-chan… everyone…" Kaori said in her mind

"Will the bride pledge your unending love?" the priest said

Both of them are not answering.

"Your silence is an answer in and itself. It is accepted as your vow." The priest said

"I will never lose hope. I believe they will save us." Minami said in her mind

"Then the exchanging of rings and now you may kiss the bride." The priest said

They are trembling.

"Please save us!" Kaori said in her mind

Koji is about to kiss Kaori and Tamotsu is about to kiss Minami

"Stop this wedding!" Kaito and Ken shouted

They kick the door. Kaori and Minami look and their tears fall.

"Kaito…" Minami said in her mind

"Ken…" Kaori said in her mind

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