
The entrance to Hengdian.

The police car driven by Qin Dajiang particularly attracted attention.

It immediately attracted many staff members from Hengdian.

Those who didn’t know better thought they were here for a major inspection!

Some people also want to ask what the situation is.

But Qin Dajiang was worried about an accident now, so he had no time to pay attention to these people.

Just drive forward with all your strength.

Soon, we arrived at the crew of Wandering 2.

The producer quickly stood up to greet him: "What's wrong?"

After Qin Dajiang got off the car, he only had the most urgent words: "Please stop filming! I have something very important!"


How can the producer stop filming with just one sentence, even if the other person seems to be a big leader.

He said in a roundabout way: "We all have certificates when we shoot."

“There was no footage that was leaking to the state.”

"The shooting has started now. If it stops suddenly, it will be a useless shot."

"What a waste of money police shit."

Qin Dajiang told him: "Where is the prop master? There is a problem with the fire truck that the prop master borrowed. If it is not handled properly, something will happen. Call him out quickly."

"Props master?"

The producer called the prop master out.

Qin Dajiang knew after a few questions that it was indeed this crew.

They made no mistake.

At the same time, the prop master also recognized the two fire station leaders who were traveling with him and told the producer.

The producers finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

He quickly found Guo Fan.

"Director Guo, the police asked us to stop filming. Look..."

Guo Fan finally reacted: "Police scumbag? Then stop for a moment. Wasting film and so on is a trivial matter."

"Okay, I'll stop everyone from working."

The producer stood up, holding the walkie-talkie, and was about to say stop filming.

at the same time.

In the lens.

In the fire truck, a staff member looked at the red and green buttons and thought for a moment.

But time is urgent. The director said that now is the time to release the water, and he can't let him think about it.

He pressed the red button!

"Stop shooting...BOOM!!!!"

The producer hasn't finished speaking yet.

A huge roar echoed across the sky.

The whole Hengdian seemed to be shaken.

"Fuck! What's going on!"

"Whose prop master made this prop? It's so awesome?"

"Is this a prop? Why does it feel like it's real!"

"If this were a prop, I would swallow the King Arthur's Sword, which is over one meter long and made by a prop master."

"This is an earthquake!"


at this time.

In the monitor:

The fire truck was safe and sound.

But that house had collapsed and turned into ruins.

Many actors looked at this scene and suddenly felt horrified!

One actor shouted loudly: "What the hell! The next shot is me standing in front of the house, watching the fire truck put out the fire. If it was this fire truck, I wouldn't shoot it!"

nnd, this is not a matter of whether to pay or not.

This is a matter of life!

Whose fire truck is so awesome? Blow down the house with one cannon?

Guo Fan was also shocked: "Props master! Where is the prop master? Are you sure this is a fire truck? Where did you get the props from!"

"From the fire brigade, Director Guo."

The prop master was crestfallen.

Behind him, Qin Dajiang took a step forward: "Director Guo, there is something wrong with this fire truck. Now we need to recycle it. I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter."

Guo Fan's eyes sparkled: "Can I use this lens?"


Qin Dajiang was stunned for a moment.

"I said, can I use this lens?"

Guo Fan said: "Let's use it as an easter egg, or create some special effects or something."

Qin Dajiang thought for a while and looked at Su Hao: "You shouldn't be involved in anything confidential, right?"

"It's not involved." Su Hao shook his head.

Qin Dajiang turned around and said to Guo Fan, "Okay. The camera can be kept."

"I still want to ask."

Guo Fan hesitated for a moment and asked, "What's going on with this fire truck? Why is it as powerful as a tank?"

"Well...you have to ask the designer."

Qin Dajiang did not explain Su Hao's identity, but glanced towards Su Hao.

Guo Fan glanced at Su Hao, a little dumbfounded and surprised.

So young?

Just created such an awesome fire truck!

Guo Fan handed over a business card with a bright smile: "My name is Guo Fan, hello, hello."

Su Hao touched his chest. Zhongke Renovation Factory had just been established, and he hadn't found anyone to customize his business cards yet.

After thinking for a while, he pursed his lips at Xiao Huo.

Xiao Huo understood the meaning, which was to ask him to find paper.

But there is no paper around it?

He thought for a moment and glanced at the white shirt he was wearing.


After a while.

Su Hao took a piece of white cloth that was forcibly torn off and wrote his message on it.

Guo Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He wanted to say that there was a blank sheet of paper not far away.

But Xiao Huo's weird style unexpectedly made him like it!

After taking the white cloth with bright eyes.

Guo Fan sent everyone off.

Xiao Huo always covered his left waist when leaving.

Because that piece is leaky!

After Guo Fan sent everyone away.

Looking at the ruined houses, I took a deep breath:

"This fire truck is fucking awesome."

“This young man is such a fucking talent!”

"This shot is so damn cool!"


Indescribably cool!

This suddenly opened up a new world of imagination for Guo Fandu!

Fire truck modified into a tank?

What a great idea!

On the side, he looked at Director Guo who was going crazy.

The producer kept comforting himself.

It's okay, it's okay.

Genius directors are always crazy like this.

How can you shoot top-notch works of art without going crazy?

It's okay, it's okay....


Leave Hengdian.

Wang Teng and Zheng Aimin left first.

Qin Dajiang decided to give the three of them a ride in a police car.

On the way back to Zhongke Renovation Factory.

Qin Dajiang suddenly said: "Su Hao. Your renovation factory accepts all orders, right?"

"Of course. I'll take orders only if you have money." Su Hao nodded.

Qin Dajiang said: "I have a one million order that I would like you to take part in?"

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