I Will Assign You Ten Female Secretaries And Build A Space Carrier On The Spot.

Chapter 29 Superman Su Hao Is Online Again! Head To The Drone Company!

Su Hao's smile brightened.

Xiao Huo on the side suddenly became thoughtful when he saw this scene.

The last time he showed such a bright smile was when he met Wang Xiaoxiao.

The last time was when I met Lin Wanran.

It seems that the scientific research team is growing again?


Jiang Yinong glared at Su Hao: "It doesn't matter what level of second-generation young master you are."

"In my class."

"You are all my students."

"Listen carefully to the class. This is the only request I have for you."

"No sleeping is allowed in my class from now on!"

"You're also not allowed to let anyone else check in for you."

"I remember the faces of the three of you."

For Jiang Yinong, it was easy to identify the three people Su Hao.

Su Hao is easy to identify. He has this unique bookish temperament that anyone can remember at first glance.

Lin Wanran is also easy to recognize. After all, in this society, there are many girls who are so beautiful with just light makeup.

As for Xiao Huo... he wears glasses and is thin. She tried to look at it a few times and finally remembered it.

"Okay! Teacher!"

Su Hao said directly: "Teacher, can I invite you to join my research group?"

A sudden sentence.

Jiang Yinong was not only stunned.

Xu Mengdie on the side was also dumbfounded.

"Are you coming, brother?"

"What international joke are you making?"

Xu Mengdie didn't know about Wang Xiaoxiao.

So from her perspective.

Su Hao recruited Lin Wanran into the scientific research team.

He immediately extended an olive branch to Jiang Yinong, a female teacher.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this shocked Xu Mengdie for the whole day.

You are a student, and you want to extend an olive branch to a female teacher?

Who is Jiang Yinong?

The undergraduate degree is from the University of Science and Technology of China, and the master degree is also from the University of Science and Technology of China.

Then to Dr.

After Ph.D.

She has become a partner of Jixing UAV Company by virtue of her strength. She is equivalent to a technical director and can talk directly to the board of directors!

So a talented female teacher was offered an olive branch by her own student?

It’s going to be outrageous!

And at the same time.

Jiang Yinong also laughed angrily.

"Student Su, you may not be aware of something."

“In the UAV research laboratory I established, the lowest ranking students are all master’s students.”

“Undergraduate students can’t get in, even for some basic maintenance work.”

The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

Su Hao's words were too direct.

It's like a child suddenly said to his father: "Can you call me daddy?"

Even Xiao Huo, who had been prepared for a long time, was shocked.

He knew Su Hao was going to extend an olive branch.

But is it really good to be so straight?

You must know that most olive branches are curved in reality.

Even Lin Wanran was surprised.

But Su Hao was very upright, with a bright smile, and the eyes he looked at Jiang Yinong were sincere.

"Teacher, can you join our scientific research group?"

“Our team has three undergraduate students, including me, and one graduate student.”

"If you can join, it will be another great general!"

Hear what Su Hao said.

Xu Mengdie was stunned for a moment: "Graduate student?"

Su Hao's social skills are really strong...

In such a short period of time, he even deceived a graduate student.

I don’t know whose daughter she is, whether she knows her...

Xu Mengdie started to gossip in her heart.

But Jiang Yinong directly rejected Su Hao: "No."

Su Hao: "Why?"

Jiang Yinong said: "Because joining your scientific research group is completely meaningless to me."

"you say."

“For me, what can I learn from this?”

Su Hao thought for a while: "A lot. Including some extremely advanced technologies."

"What exactly?"

"What specific technology is it?"

"Is it advanced technology in the field I am good at?"

Su Hao shook his head: "I can't tell you yet."

Only by bringing Jiang Yinong into the team can he obtain the advanced technology in the mysterious prize.

Not yet.

"Look. You can't even tell yourself."

Jiang Yinong finished speaking.

She glanced at her watch and saw that the time had reached twelve noon.

She frowned slightly, as if she was going to do something she didn't like very much at this time.

Jiang Yinong stood up immediately.

She said: “Don’t even think about joining a scientific research group.”

"I don't care about other teachers. You will not be allowed to sleep in my classes from now on."

"You will know later that no amount of money can buy one of my lessons from outside. You must cherish it."

After saying that, Jiang Yinong was ready to leave.


Xiao Huo shook his head, Brother Su failed.

But this is to be expected.

Wang Xiaoxiao was excusable that time, after all, the gap between them was only undergraduate and graduate students.

But this time, the gap is between students and teachers.

Students want to recruit teachers into scientific research groups

Isn't this nonsense?

I'm afraid no teacher would agree.

What's more, this teacher Jiang seems to have a great background.

He just wanted to comfort Su Hao.

Su Hao walked to Jiang Yinong and followed her out simultaneously.

"Teacher Jiang, what are you going to do now?"

Jiang Yinong replied: "Work!"

"Going to Jixing Drone Company?"


While speaking, Jiang Yinong was a little irritated that was hard to detect.

Su Hao noticed it and his eyes lit up.

This is definitely not just the irritability of going to work, it must be mixed with some other things.

"Teacher Jiang!"

He stopped in front of Jiang Yinong and asked with a smile: "Teacher, how can you join my scientific research group?"

"Unless one day your achievements exceed mine. Or one year in the future, you also become a teacher."

"Maybe I'll think about it then."

After Jiang Yinong finished speaking, he continued to walk forward.

Su Hao stood there and said to himself: "Being a teacher seems a bit difficult, but if you succeed...it should be relatively simple."

Jiang Yinong's steps suddenly stopped and he turned to look at Su Hao amusedly.

Her: "How to provoke generals?"

Su Hao stepped forward with a bright smile: "Hey, you saw through it."

"Teacher, you know that I can't complete these two things in a short time. Is there any other way?"

"Yes, I have."

Jiang Yinong smiled and said a solution that she thought was the most impossible:

"You go to Jixing Drone Company now."

"The customer service will ask you in front of you, who are you looking for?"

"You said: I'm looking for General Manager Huang Muyuan."

"Then, say a word to Huang Muyuan in his office:"

"Jiang Yinong wants to terminate the contract with your company!"

"If he promises you."

"How about I join your scientific research team?"

She thought that after she said these words.

Su Hao will retreat when faced with difficulties.

Unexpectedly, Su Hao smiled brightly and agreed: "Okay! Teacher, this is what you said."

Reach out.

Su Hao stopped a car and said to the master:

"Go to Jixing Drone Company."

Jiang Yinong immediately looked at him in disbelief: "Are you really going?"


Su Hao said with a confident smile: "Teacher, wait for my good news."

Jiang Yinong said quickly: "That's Jixing UAV Company! One of the four top UAV companies in the country!"

"I know."

"General Manager Huang Muyuan is very busy. If you don't make an appointment, he won't see you."

"I'll find a way."

"I am an important research partner. I have asked him to terminate the contract many times, but he has not agreed. Naturally, he cannot agree to you!"

“You have to try it to find out.”

Su Hao got into the taxi.

He waved to Jiang Yinong with a bright smile: "Teacher, wait for my good news."

Then, the taxi sped away.

Jiang Yinong was left in a daze.

Behind Jiang Yinong, Xiao Huo, Lin Wanran, and Xu Mengdie came out and witnessed all this.

"It's time for Brother Su's best project again." Xiao Huo sighed with emotion.

"There are going to be new team members again!" Lin Wanran looked at Jiang Yinong's bulging figure, and felt a sense of crisis inexplicably!

"What? Is he really going?" Xu Mengdie was confused.

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