I Will Assign You Ten Female Secretaries And Build A Space Carrier On The Spot.

Chapter 34: Beyond 100% Drones! A Guilty General Manager!

Jiang Yinong never expected it.

The entire drone industry has been pursuing naked-eye invisibility for so long.

At this moment, Su Hao spoke openly and openly.

She has been engaged in drone research for many years and is best at stealth drones.


She understood better how difficult it was to become invisible to the naked eye.

Across the drone community.

The best drones can evade the best infrared detection, radar monitoring, and even satellite monitoring.

But it can't be truly invisible to the naked eye.

How many military industry tycoons are there in the UAV industry?

They spent who knows how many billions to achieve this almost obsessive goal.

but no.

So far, no one has succeeded.

It's too difficult to achieve.

But now, Su Hao suddenly came up with such a technology.

It made Jiang Yinong feel unreal.


at this time.

After Su Hao finished his lecture, he asked everyone: "Is there anything else you didn't understand?"


Except for Jiang Yinong, everyone else said in unison.

Jiang Yinong stood up at this time: "Su Hao! How did you do it?"

There was a look of disbelief on her face.

And excitement!

Su Hao was confused: "How did you do it?"


Jiang Yinong couldn't help but feel excited: "How did you obtain this technology? Did you research it yourself?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"


Jiang Yinong said: "Naked-eye stealth technology, no matter how many companies spend billions of dollars, can't develop it, but you did it."

She is very complicated in her heart right now, with all kinds of emotions.

But I admire Su Hao’s mentality for occupying more!

Su Hao smiled and said: "Without diamonds, how can we stop porcelain work?"

"How dare I be so arrogant when I don't have any skills at my disposal?"

"Teacher Jiang, I have told you before that I will help you get out of the Jihang Company contract."

"Remember to come early tomorrow and get ready to start work."

Jiang Yinong: "No! I want to start work now, is that okay?"

Su Hao was stunned and looked at Xiao Huo and the others: "Do you want to start work?"


Xiao Huo took the lead: "I can't wait any longer! It's best to start work now!"

Lin Wanran was also very excited: "After the renovation, I will receive 20 million! I can buy a new house for my mother!"

Wang Xiaoxiao nodded: "Complete this transformation work. It just so happens that I can add some more content to my resume."


"Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I will accompany you!"

Su Hao faced everyone: "I'll say it for the last time."

“Our drones are more than just extreme challenges.”

“Our drones are challenging the entire drone industry!”

"Now, let's get started!"


The days passed.

The trio headed by Su Hao continued to go their own way in the school.

He slept in class during the day and went back to work in the renovation factory after school.

But when it was Jiang Yinong's turn for class, the situation was a little different.

Although she was quite sleepy herself.

But Jiang Yinong insisted on teaching seriously.

They will never let go of three people sleeping in class, and only allow three people to sleep for twenty minutes.

Jiang Yinong said: "This is a sign of professionalism."

"In my class, the three of you who can sleep for twenty minutes are already special cases."

Wang Xiaoxiao has a lot of free time.

At the request of Wang Aiguo.

She returned to the laboratory and continued her research on military vehicles.

However, as the boss in the laboratory after Wang Aiguo, she has a lot of free time to rest.

that's all.

In the blink of an eye.

More than a month has passed.

The military science and technology exhibition is imminent.

The gambling contract with Ji Xing is also about to expire.

Just the night before.

All the efforts finally bear fruit!


Zhongke Renovation Plant.

There are already five deck chairs in the yard.

Su Hao ceremoniously stood up from the recliner and announced: "The renovation work... took one month and twenty-six days and was successfully completed!"


In the courtyard, everyone cheered.

It took almost two months.

Finally, the renovation work was successfully completed.

Enter the factory.

The appearance of the two Jixing-1s has not changed much.

I just applied a layer of paint and wiped away the rusty areas with emery.

But the internal performance has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Jiang Yinong stood beside Su Hao.

Hold a small notebook.

I read the data of Jixing No.1.

"Based on testing."

"The performance of the two Jixing-1s is exactly the same."

"The performance exceeds 99% of drones."

Su Hao corrected: "It's 100%."

Jiang Yinong nodded: "Yes, 100%. I was too humble just now."

100% drone performance!

This is the modified Ji Xing No. 1!

The original Jixing No. 1 was a basic civilian drone.

They are all bought by adults as toys for children.

Not just ordinary batteries that can be bought on the street.

The speed is as slow as a snail.

The battery life is incredible, with a maximum of one hour of driving.

The battery died after an hour.

Even as a product, it was a huge failure.

But after the magic modification.

The speed directly crushed all civilian and military drones.

It doesn’t matter whether you are from Yingjiang, Maoxiong or domestic.

As long as you are a small drone, you will crush them all.

In terms of battery life, the electricity generated through solar and wind energy can still have electricity even if it is driven at full speed for three days and three nights.

It can be said.

The original Jixing No. 1 was rubbish as a store.

The modified Jixing-1 has crushed 100% of the world's drones.

This is not arrogance, nor is it nonsense.

But strength proves everything.

Jiang Yinong just said it exceeded 99%, which was really modest.

In a drone of the same size.

No drone can defeat the modified Jixing No.1.


A black business car was parked at the entrance of the renovation plant.

The officer from before got out of the passenger seat.

The officer trotted in the door: "How is it? Is the drone modified?"

Su Hao nodded: "It's ready. Sir Hu."

The officer's surname was Hu, and his name was Hu Xingguo. He was a general under Major General Jiang.

Su Hao does not know the specific military position.

But the military rank is not low, at the level of major.

Hu Xingguo was very polite to Su Hao: "Okay, Director Su. Give me the drone. Tomorrow is the science and technology exhibition."

"Okay, please give me one more thing, Sir Hu."

Su Hao took out the second Jixing-1:

"Can you please send this Jixing No. 1 to Jixing UAV Company?"

"Just say it was given to Huang Muyuan by Su Hao."

"Tell him not to forget about the contract."


Hu Xingguo readily agreed: "It's just a gift, it's a small matter."


After a while.

Be the customer service of Jixing Company.

When I saw an officer in military uniform coming over with "vigor".

He was immediately startled.

When I heard Hu Xingguo say that he wanted to find Huang Muyuan.

The customer service was thoughtful again.

"Did General Manager Huang commit a crime and be arrested and shot?"

at the same time.

Huang Muyuan broke into a cold sweat when he received the call.

"Isn't it because my wife discovered that I was looking for Xiaoli?"

"My wife's brother seems to be a soldier."

"It's broken. He didn't come with a gun, right?"

"You're not here to shoot me, are you?"

Huang Muyuan, who had done something wrong, was in a panic!

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