I Will Assign You Ten Female Secretaries And Build A Space Carrier On The Spot.

Chapter 41 Dominate The World At The Technological Level! Su Hao’S Ambition!

Major General Jiang left after briefly explaining a few words.

"The type 59 research requires too much space."

"Come to the Kyoto Military Region to find me when the time comes."

"I'll arrange a venue for you."

After leaving.

Xiao Huo and Lin Wanran came forward.

Su Hao smiled brightly: "Twenty million research funds, received!"

Xiao Huo gave a thumbs up:

"Brother Su, you are really awesome."

"Why don't you go talk show talk?"

"You can definitely become the top talk show star that dominates the world!"

Su Hao smiled brightly:

“So what if it’s world-famous?”

"In the final analysis, no matter how powerful a star is, the final result will be final."

"That's just an actor."

"What's the use of making money?"

"A gun, a cannon, a word."

"It will make the wealth accumulated over the years go down the drain."

"I do military industry and transformation."

“In the future, we can truly achieve our goal of “global domination”!

"Dominate the world through technology!"

This is Su Hao’s ambition!

On this planet.

Two big mountains, the Eagle Sauce Bear and the Eagle Sauce Bear, stand tall.

The former has comprehensive hegemony on land, sea and air, and has even achieved US dollar hegemony.

The latter's heavy industry is super developed.

Relying on the inheritance after the disintegration of Big Brother Su.

Just resting on his laurels gave Yingjiang a headache.

Only our country has experienced a downturn for hundreds of years.

We missed the fastest golden period in the history of technological development.

I want to chase two mountains again.

It takes a thousand times more effort.

to this end.

Countless great people have worked hard for this all their lives!

This is compared to Yu Gong moving mountains, Kua Fu chasing the sun, and Jing Wei filling the sea.

Bi Lin Zexu sold out the opium in Humen, and Zuo Zongtang regained the capital.

More than Oppenheimer built the atomic bomb, Gagarin went into space, and Einstein invented the theory of relativity.

It’s a thousand times more difficult, or even ten thousand times more difficult!

Li Hongzhang, a minister of the Qing Dynasty, arrived in New York via the St. Louis cruise ship.

After returning, he faced inquiries from other ministers.

But he avoided talking about all the scenes in New York.

The grandeur of the Qing Dynasty was completely shattered when he saw New York at the height of the Industrial Revolution!

On this magnificent road.

Su Hao also has an ambitious goal to reach the finish line!

Chasing two big mountains and dominating the world at the technological level!

That was never his slogan.

But his behavior!


the next day.

After class, Jiang Yinong called Su Hao to his office.

"Is everything okay this afternoon?"

"Accompany me to the Kyoto Military Region."

"I plan to negotiate with their military research department."

"Let's see if they are willing to accept my cooperation."

It's cooperation.

rather than a job application.

Jiang Yinong wants to become a military scientist.

But she kept in mind the lessons she learned at Jihang Company.

Decided to become a non-staff member.

Just cooperate.

Not onboarding.

Therefore, Jiang Yinong himself was a little uneasy.

I don’t know if the military research department of the military region is willing to accept me.

Su Hao comforted her:

“Drones are an advanced field.”

"Teacher Jiang, you are a leader in your field."

"There is no reason to refuse you."


Kyoto Military District.

When arriving at the Kyoto Military District.

Jiang Yinong took the lead in going to the military research department to negotiate.

Su Hao was waiting outside.

At this time, two staff members passed by.

"I wonder if the Devil is off work at this time."

"Are you talking about her? The devil will never get off work! She will work until ten or eleven at night every day!"

"I really wish she could take a break!"

"Yes. He is only in his early thirties and is already a major-level officer."

"She actually does scientific research non-stop."

"Two days ago, I was tearing up other departments for grabbing scientific research funds!"

"What a research witch."

"Shh, there's someone here, let's talk after we go in."

Saw Su Hao present.

The two staff members did not dare to say anything and walked in immediately.

Su Hao is a little curious.

In the Kyoto Military District, is there another scientist nicknamed the Devil?

So interesting?

Before he could dig into it.

Jiang Yinong walked out of the military research department.

He waved happily to Su Hao.

"Success, I succeeded!"

"I am now a foreigner in the Military Research Department."

Su Hao is happy for Teacher Jiang!

"By the way, Teacher Jiang."

"Is there a scientist nicknamed the Devil in this military research department?"

Jiang Yinong heard this.

He immediately covered Su Hao's mouth.

He looked around for a while.

After making sure there was no one, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What you said is true."

"Be careful in the military research department!"

Su Hao wiped his nose. The surrounding smell was a bit too fragrant, and he was a little uncomfortable with it.

He was very confused: "Is the female devil scary?"


Jiang Yinong said: "She was the one who interviewed me!"

"Her real name is Lu Xiaoyu."

"Because I love scientific research, some even love it to the point of going crazy."

"Plus the surname Lu, it sounds homophonic."

"So the people in the military research department gave her the nickname of the Devil."

"But no one dares to say this in front of her."

"The entire military research department is afraid of her!"

I heard Jiang Yinong say this.

Su Hao suddenly realized.

At the same time, he had new doubts.

"Wait! You just had an interview, how did you know?"

Jiang Yinong rolled his eyes.

"Have you forgotten who my father is?"

"I've heard of her name a long time ago, okay?"

"Let's go and eat. After dinner, go home."


Return to Zhongke Renovation Factory.

Su Hao has been thinking about one thing.

It's not that devil in the military research department.

But he was thinking.

Two Type 59s.

How can we maximize the benefits?

He thought of someone!

Guo Fan!



Guo Fan just finished a day of shooting.

Somewhat tired.

He said to the female producer: "Sorry, Sister Wang."

“My pursuit of quality is too high.”

"So much so that the filming progress was a bit slow."

But Sister Wang is very cheerful.

"It's okay, Director Guo."

"Let's even film it for ten years!"

"I also have money to invest in you!"

"As long as our Wandering 2 can open up the world's reputation!"

Female producer Sister Wang is not short of money.

She was originally a company owner who was well-known at home and abroad.

After seeing Guo Fan's talent.

So he decided to invest in Director Guo.

For nothing else.

Just to make an awesome science fiction movie!

The purpose is to open up word of mouth at home and abroad!

Let foreigners take a look.

We can also make science fiction blockbusters!


Guo Fan nodded!

at this time.

Su Hao appeared in front of them with a bright smile.

"Director Guo, sister producer. Long time no see."

Guo Fan was surprised: "Su Hao? Why are you here?"

"I'll do the selling!"

Su Hao smiled brightly: "I have received an order from the military."

"Modify two Type 59s!"

"Does your movie require tanks to leave the country?"

“The price here is very favorable~”

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