I Will Assign You Ten Female Secretaries And Build A Space Carrier On The Spot.

Chapter 47 The Chief Of The Military Discipline Inspection Commission Arrives! Su Hao Comes Forward!

Major General Jiang has been under tremendous pressure these past two months!

Because it wasn’t just King Mine who found him!

There are many people who remind him explicitly or covertly!

There are even lieutenant generals among them!

Everyone around Major General Jiang knows one thing.

That is, Major General Jiang is an absolutely impartial major general.

No one's back door will be opened.

Principles that have been adhered to for decades.

Will it break inexplicably?

Everyone around me knows it won’t.

But others don't know.

Until now.

Major General Jiang had been suppressed for two months.

Only then was he finally relieved.

It's been two months of tremendous pressure.

With the roar of this cannon.

Gone far away!

To what Wang Kuang said before.

All he wanted to say now was.

What happened to the young people?

you need to know.

A hundred years ago, there was also a group of young people in their 19s and 20s who were doing life-long work for the country and the people!

at this time.

Wang Kuang was stunned.

Because he didn't expect that the Type 59 modified by a group of young people would be so powerful.

Lu Xiaoyu was also in a daze.

She didn't expect that even the 100 moves she had studied so hard for so long could not be broken by a level nine device.

He was directly crushed into scum by Su Hao's modified Type 59!

A cannon blast passed.

Half of the ninth-level area is gone?

You know, one shot of 99A can only destroy half of the seventh-level device.

Want to destroy the level nine device.

It must be an extremely penetrating anti-tank missile.

So can one thing be proven now?

The modified Type 59.

In terms of power.

Already far beyond anti-tank missiles?

Just when Lu Xiaoyu was still shocked.

Su Hao came forward with a smile: "How is it?"

"Are you ready to join my research team?"

Lu Xiaoyu glanced at him.

Still talking hard.

"Although you are very powerful."

"But what we agreed in advance is not just to compare power."

"But compare the full performance of the tank!"

"A thirty centimeter cannon barrel, plus a thirty centimeter caliber cannon shell."

"Your Type 59 is seriously overloaded!"

"Unless it has a rocket-grade engine."

"Otherwise, running this tank will be a trouble!"

Su Hao smiled brightly.

Thirty minutes later.

When Zhang Wei received the order to open the tank at full speed.

Stepped on the accelerator.

Then in the astonished eyes of everyone. twenty one

The Type 59 is supposed to be bulky.

But he kept sprinting at a super exaggerated speed!

On an airstrip in the Kyoto Military District.

A big tank.

On this road, you can fly faster than an airplane on land!

Everyone was almost dumbfounded!

The tester prepared in advance shows the speed as:

"Average speed: 312 kilometers. 11

"Maximum speed: four hundred and sixty-seven kilometers."


Even Major General Jiang didn't know what to say for a while.

Can you imagine a tank rushing towards you at a top speed of 400 kilometers?

Wang Kuang even cursed directly.


"Are you really sure this is a tank?"

"Are you sure it's not an enlarged version of Schumacher's F1 car?"

"Four hundred kilometers, what the hell is a tank?"

"With this impact, the elephant would die on the spot if it was hit, right?"


"Even if you get hit by a blue whale."

"Then there must be a big hole in the belly, right?"

Lu Xiaoyu on the side was even more frustrated.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Come again!"

Off-road ability test!

Then everyone saw this scene:

In a rough wild mountain forest.

Exploding the 59 style is like walking on flat ground.

Arrive at the finish line quickly.

There wasn't even any shaking during the process, just like walking on flat ground.

Look at the other side.

Although the Type 100 has strong off-road capabilities.

It can be compared with the Explosive Type 59.

There is a visible difference.

"how come..."

Lu Xiaoyu gritted his teeth.

After she entered the army to engage in scientific research.

For the first time, I felt the frustration in people!

"I don't accept it!"

Lu Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and said.

Su Hao looked at her with a bright smile:

"What other test items are there? Just test them all together."

Lu Xiaoyu gritted his teeth:

“And flexibility!”

Flexibility: 59 moves and 100 moves.

"And informatization!"

The 59th style also completely beats the 100th style.


No matter how many test items Lu Xiaoyu named.

She had studied the 100 poses for so long.

They were all easily beaten by Su Hao's 59 style.


Even the members of the military research department couldn't stand it anymore.

"Boss, if it really doesn't work, forget it."

"Yes, anyone with a discerning eye can see the outcome.

"we lose."

"This tank is so awesome."

"Even if Lao Dezi's Leopard 2, the number one tank in the world, comes over, I think it's still scum in front of this thing!"

"The 100-style is already very strong, but it's just against the wrong opponent."

"Yes. The performance of Type 100 can actually be compared with Leopard 2."

"It's just that this tank doesn't look like something that could be born in this era."

the team members said.

The modified Type 59.

In terms of performance, it has a dimensionality reduction impact on almost all tanks.

The Type 100 is a tank that surpasses the 99A, and is a tank of the same level that can be compared with the Leopard 2 tank, the number one tank in the world today.

But he was completely beaten by Type 59 in a clean and tidy manner.

this means.

Even if Leopard 2 shows up here.

They will be tortured to pieces.

The extent of this dimensionality reduction blow.

It's beyond normal people's thinking logic.

The appearance of this tank.

Some staff in the military research department felt confused!

Such an incredible tank.

At least it will take a few more years.

It even took more than ten years to develop it, right?

The people under my command spoke to each other.

Lu Xiaoyu heard everything.

She bit her red lips.

I know it very well.

She did lose to Su Hao.

Although the bet was just to join someone else's scientific research group.

But what Lu Xiaoyu couldn't swallow was.

Start by joining the army and engaging in scientific research.

She never got frustrated with anyone.

When she doesn't care about promotions.

When she only focused on scientific research.

When facing any leader, her attitude is always in four words:

No worries!

Until now.

A young man of eighteen or nineteen years old gave her a strong sense of frustration in her life.

at this time.

Su Hao came over.

He used his hand to brush away the dirt on his face.

He smiled at her and said:

"The devil, you won't be so decadent, will you?"

"You are the devil."

"If you really want to be depressed because of such a blow."

"I just look down on you a little bit."

Lu Xiaoyu looked at each other angrily: "Am I decadent?"

"Look for a fight!"


This time, Lu Xiaoyu's fist hit Su Hao firmly in the stomach.

Su Hao didn't hide.

Instead, he held his hands up with a calm expression and swept away the soil stained on them.

"Devil, you haven't told me yet.

"What brand of hand cream did you use?"

"The skin on these little hands is so tender."

Lu Xiaoyu looked at Su Hao at this time.

I don't know why, my heart trembled.

She quickly lowered her head and pulled her hand away.

"I am naturally beautiful!"

It actually has a bit of a coquettish flavor!


Staff of the military research department, you look at me, and I look at you.

There is a tacit sense of commonality.

"There is someone in this world who can subdue the female devil."

"Is he Superman?"

However, Yin Jie can subdue the female devil.

Good thing for them!

It’s best to get married tomorrow and take three-month pregnancy leave the day after tomorrow!

at the same time.

Major General Jiang saw this scene.

I couldn't help but smack my lips a little.

Su Hao really has magic power in her body!

Not only did he let his daughter join the scientific research team.

Now he can actually subdue a master like Lu Xiaoyu who is not afraid of anything.

at this time.

Hu Xingguo never appeared.

At this time, he ran over panting.

"Chief, chief, something big happened!"

Major General Jiang looked at Hu Xingguo:

"What's wrong? You're in a panic.

"And what did you just do?"

"You don't even know how exciting the tank scene just was!"

Hu Xingguo took a deep breath:

"I just received a call from the Military Commission for Discipline Inspection!"

"They are here for your business, chief!"

"They were already here just now!"

"Chief! Do you want to hide now?"

Major General Jiang was stunned: "Military Commission for Discipline Inspection?"


"What am I hiding from?"

"Let them come over!"

When Hu Xingguo saw Major General Jiang's attitude, he immediately became anxious!


"I know you don't do that kind of thing."

"But the Military Discipline Inspection Commission doesn't care about this."

"Let's avoid it first!"

Major General Jiang waved his hand:

"If you are upright, you are not afraid of slanted shadows!"

"I have been in the army for so many years."

"I have never done anything like cheating for personal gain, cheating, opening back doors for others, or wearing small shoes in my life!"

"Today, let alone the Military Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is here, and I have to stand here straight and let them investigate!

The words just fell.

A middle-aged man wearing an executive jacket appeared.

Walking slowly towards here.

"Major General Jiang is so ambitious!"

"Hello, my name is Zhao Renliang."

"Today, I'm here for the 20 million scientific research funds you allocated."

Zhao Renliang squinted his eyes and walked step by step.

Soon, he walked up to Major General Jiang.

Said word for word:

"Two months ago, you allocated 20 million in research funding.

"Awarded to an unknown scientific research group."

"After investigation, it was found that all members of this scientific research team are from the University of Science and Technology of China."

"The captain's name is Su Hao, and he is a freshman at the University of Science and Technology of China."

"And in this team, there is also a person named Jiang."

"That's your daughter, Jiang Yinong!"

"Am I right?"

Major General Jiang nodded: "Yes! That's right!"

Zhao Renliang's eyes became amused.


"You still agreed so confidently?"

"Leave our own military research department alone."

"Inexplicably, a scientific research team was invited to the Kyoto Military Region.

"A huge scientific research fund of 20 million has also been allocated."

"One of the team members is your daughter!"

"Don't you think this is suspicious? It's also very deliberate!"

Faced with Zhao Renliang's cross-examination.

If it was before.

Major General Jiang may still be a little stressed.

But now, his attitude is the same as Lu Xiaoyu's.

Just come if you come.

No worries!

A modified Type 59.

Who can't tell me that my 20 million yuan is worth it?

Zhao Renliang was still there, unwilling to let go.

"Jiang Mingguo, let me tell you the truth.

"That's what I came here for today!"

"Do you know how bad this matter is?"

"A major general, going to open the back door for his daughter?"

"If you make such a start."

"Isn't everyone down there in chaos?"

"And let me ask you, what is going on in your head?"

Zhao Renliang hates that iron cannot become steel:

"What on earth are you thinking about?"

"What's your plan?"

"What you did is full of loopholes!"

"One check revealed several problems!"

Major General Jiang snorted coldly:

"That's because I never thought about opening the back door!"

"They deserve the 20 million!"

"They have the strength and the qualifications!"

Zhao Renliang smiled: "Jiang Mingguo, are you still stubborn?"

"Then let's analyze the stupid thing you did!"

"First, our military research department ignored it and hired a group of students from the University of Science and Technology of China. One of them happened to be my own daughter."

"Second, allocate 20 million scientific research funds to an unknown scientific research group."

"Third, the project of this scientific research team is to transform two retired Type 59 vehicles?"

"Use your own brain and think about it."

"Just renovate two broken retired Type 59s."

Can I spend 20 million using 897?"

"You can't give a reasonable explanation today.

"Then you come with us!"

Major General Jiang was true to his word: "I said it!"

"I do this without any selfish motives!"

"Since you want a reasonable explanation?"

"Okay! Then I will give you a reasonable explanation!"

Logically speaking, every military officer is afraid of the Military Commission for Discipline Inspection.

But Major General Jiang was not afraid.

He firmly believes in one truth.

If you are upright, you are not afraid of slanted shadows!

Don’t do bad things during the day, and don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night!

He had no selfish intentions from beginning to end.

So even Zhao Renliang represents the Military Discipline Inspection Commission.

He is not timid at all!

"Su Hao!" Major General Jiang shouted.


Su Hao came forward with a bright smile: "What orders does Major General Jiang have?"

"sorry to bother you."

"Explain this to this comrade from the Military Commission for Discipline Inspection."

"What is a 'reasonable explanation'!"

Major General Jiang's words were sonorous and powerful, and he was full of confidence.

On the contrary, Zhao Renliang laughed angrily.


"Jiang Mingguo, I have caught dozens of criminals in my life.

"There are some who are clamoring."

"But I'm already here, and I still dare to scream here."

"you are the first!"

"Okay, I'm all ears to hear what your so-called reasonable explanation is!"

Zhao Renliang looked at Su Hao.

Su Hao smiled brightly: "Actually, this is a misunderstanding that cannot be understood by normal people."

Zhao Renliang waved his hand:

"Try to speak quickly, I'm in a hurry."

As he spoke, he glanced at Major General Jiang.

Major General Jiang was furious: "Fuck! I'm not afraid of slanting shadows when I'm upright!"

"Su Hao, just say it."

"do not be afraid!"

Su Hao looked innocent: "I'm not afraid either.

"I'm not a soldier, so what does the Baixing Discipline Inspection Commission do?


Su Hao looked at Zhao Renliang.

"This is actually what happened."

"Major General Jiang asked me for 20 million yuan to renovate two retired Type 59s..."

Zhao Renliang interrupted: "This is the most suspicious point!"

Su Hao said: "I haven't finished speaking yet. Don't interrupt in a hurry."

"Major General Jiang did not give the 20 million research funds for no reason.

"Not because his daughter is on my team."

"But because of————me."


Zhao Renliang looked at Su Hao disbelievingly: "Aren't you a freshman at the University of Science and Technology of China?"

Su Hao nodded: "Yes."

"But I'm still the director of Zhongke Renovation Factory."

"We have cooperation with the Kyoto Fire Brigade, the director, and the police chief Qin Dajiang."

"Major General Jiang gave this order entirely because of me."

"You see, you don't do enough background tone.

I saw Su Hao say this.

Zhao Renliang's veins popped out.

A child actually said it!

But in fact, it is so.

There are only two important people in the whole incident:

Jiang Yinong, and Major General Jiang.

Su Hao was ignored by him and did not do a complete background check. .

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