I Will Assign You Ten Female Secretaries And Build A Space Carrier On The Spot.

Chapter 76 The Unknown And Peerless Assassin! The Hummingbird Mecha Was Exposed By A Civilian Airlin

Nuclear powered individual armor?


Lieutenant General Chu heard such a term.

Fell into confusion.

"When did you say you were going to study nuclear-powered individual armor?"

Su Hao explained: "I forgot to say it."

“What I wanted to study at that time was nuclear-powered individual armor.

"It's just that when I was able to speak, I didn't tell everything."

Lieutenant General Chu heard this.


"If I knew, you were researching nuclear-powered individual armor."

"No matter how crazy I am, I can never agree with you!"

"This is crazy!"

Lieutenant General Chu looked Su Hao up and down.

All the details of the Hummingbird mecha.

They were all seen by Lieutenant General Chu.

"So, this is the lower back."

"It's a small nuclear reactor!?"

Lieutenant General Chu asked.

Su Hao nodded: "Yes."

“I originally wanted to put a small nuclear reactor on my chest.

"But it's easy to damage."

"So in the end I put it in the midfielder position."

Lieutenant General Chu asked again: "How is the performance of this thing?"


"Very strong!"

Su Hao finished.

Smile slightly.

Immediately afterwards.

A button was pressed.


At the back waist of the Hummingbird mecha, a small nuclear reactor began to work.

A large amount of electricity caused the Hummingbird mecha to start working.


A fan-shaped jet like a bird's tail shoots out a large amount of flames.

Just the blink of an eye.

Su Hao soared into the sky!

"What a shame..."

Zhang Shunchang was stunned.

He muttered to himself: "No one told me. This thing can fly!"

No one told him!

Lieutenant General Chu was also stunned: "Flying? Flying so high!"

Above the sky.

Su Hao has become a small black dot like sesame seeds.

This portends.

He has flown high enough.


Su Hao pressed the "330" button again before landing on the ground.

He looked at Lieutenant General Chu and Commander Zhang who were already stunned.

"The flying speed of the Hummingbird mecha is about 400 kilometers per hour."

"A person equipped with a Hummingbird mecha can increase the endurance by about five tons out of thin air."

"The Hummingbird mecha adopts triple shock-absorbing technology, which can reduce 80% of the impact force. Ordinary bullets hitting it will not break the defense at all!"

"The most important thing is the flexibility of the Hummingbird mecha."

"Wearing the Hummingbird mecha, the disease will not affect the flexibility of various actions.

"What it should be like."

"That's what it looks like!"

at this time.

Su Hao's words.

Lieutenant General Chu and Commander Zhang were shocked again.

Zhang Shunchang took a deep breath.

This time.

He stops talking nonsense.

"How much do you plan to sell a piece of individual armor?"

"Xiao Su, give us fifty pieces from the Kyoto Military Region first!"

Su Hao smiled and said: "Commander, we haven't set up our own assembly line yet."

"Counting the one on me, the twenty pieces in front of me, and the one my colleague took away, there are now only twenty-two Hummingbird mechas.

Zhang Shunchang said directly and domineeringly: "I will give you funds! Build the assembly line quickly!"

"Also, how much does one cost? I'll buy it!"

Because Su Hao is not the Kyoto Military Region's own scientist.

In addition, the 100 million given by the Kyoto Military Region is only used for scientific research and development.

Therefore, if you want to buy it, you have to spend additional money.

"One piece, ten million." Su Hao said.

In fact. The cost of a Hummingbird mecha is only over 300,000 yuan.

Much of this is due to enriched uranium.

A Hummingbird mecha costing more than 300,000 yuan can be sold for 10 million yuan each time it changes hands.

Almost thirty times the profit!

"Then I'll stop talking nonsense and give 5,000 pieces to the Kyoto Military Region first!"

Zhang Shunchang waved his hand directly: "It's only 500 million, come out!"

"Besides, if you build an assembly line, you might as well use a pilot factory."

"I make the decision, and that experimental factory will be yours from now on."

"As for me, I have only one request, hurry up and tie up this baby!"

Such a baby ahead of its time.

One piece is only 10 million.

Zhang Shunchang just felt like he had picked it up and missed it!

Only five hundred million is needed.

You can create a group of top soldiers!

This kind of business.


Well worth it!

Because as long as the top soldiers are born.

Cooperate with the coordinated tactics of the three soldiers.

Its combat efficiency will immediately reach a terrifying level!

When the time comes, Asan? Sakura? Lao Bangzi?

Everyone has to be a sheep safely!

Yingjiang on the other side of the ocean also has to suffer from insomnia!

But just when Zhang Shunchang was dreaming about the future.

Chu Zhengguo took a step forward and whispered:

"Commander, although the performance of this batch of Hummingbird mechas is very good."

"But it hasn't been tested after all."

“It has not been tested in actual combat.

Zhang Shunchang thought for a while: "It makes sense."

But Su Hao took a step forward and said: "Commander Zhang.

"The current batch of Hummingbird mechas."

"There is no problem with the quality."

"But it has indeed not been tested in actual combat. I am not sure whether it will be effective in actual combat."

"However, I have an idea to see more clearly the actual combat effects of these Hummingbird mechas.

When Zhang Shunchang heard this, he immediately waved his hand: "Tell me and listen."

"Police station!"

Su Hao said word for word:

"I have cooperated with Director Qin of the police station many times before."

"Interpols often need to perform the dangerous work of tracking enemies and arresting criminals.

“It’s better to equip it for them to use first.

"Let's see the actual effect."

"This will not only facilitate the criminal police comrades, but also get the data we want."

Hear this.

Zhang Shunchang's eyes lit up: "This is not a bad idea."

Lieutenant General Chu on the side also nodded: "I think it's quite appropriate."

"Then leave it to me to contact you."

Major General Jiang stepped forward and said.

Su Hao shook his head: "No need for Lao Jiang, I'll do it."


Su Hao dialed Qin Dajiang's phone number in front of several people.

Over there on the phone.

Qin Dajiang is very enthusiastic.


"Su Hao, what's wrong?"

"What's matter?"

Su Hao smiled and said: "Director Qin, I have something to ask you."


Qin Dajiang laughed and said, "Do we still need to say please in our relationship?"

"Just say what's wrong."

"As long as you don't violate discipline, I will definitely help you."

Su Hao nodded: "I have produced a batch of nuclear-powered individual armors."

"It needs to be tested in actual combat."

"Thinking about it, I'll give it to the criminal police to give it a try."

Qin Dajiang was shocked when he heard this: "What?"

"Nuclear power?"

"Individual armor?"

"What the hell? When did you study this thing?"

"Isn't it said on the Internet that this field is a bottomless pit and that ordinary people who study it will be unlucky?"

Su Hao smiled and said: "I am not an ordinary person."

Qin Dajiang also laughed when he heard this: "Okay, okay, you're awesome, you're awesome."

"I agreed to this."

"It just so happens that tonight, there is an arrest operation in our bureau. It can be used just in time!"

"in addition...…"

Qin Dajiang asked in a low voice: "Do you sell your nuclear-powered individual armor?"

Su Hao has not answered yet.

Lieutenant General Chu on the side quickly replied: "No selling! Military secrets!"

Qin Dajiang shrank his neck and said: "Military secrets? Yes, yes."

Su Hao laughed and said: "The main thing is that this thing is nuclear powered. It has a reactor inside. It is not safe to put it in the police station. And one piece costs 10 million, which the police station cannot afford."

Qin Dajiang: "That's right."

Qin Dajiang: "Come to the bureau and look for me. I happen to be there right now."

Su Hao said: "Okay. I'll be there soon."

End the call.

Su Hao looked at Zhang Shunchang: "Commander Zhang, if nothing happens."

"I'll transport the Hummingbird mecha first."

Zhang Shunchang nodded: "Well, drive slower..."

But the words are not finished yet.

He suddenly realized something.

Look at Su Hao still wearing the Hummingbird mecha.

I couldn't help but ask: "Are you planning to fly over directly?"

Su Hao nodded, matter-of-factly: "Yes. Fly directly over."

“This thing has a speed of 400 kilometers per hour.

"And it's flying in the sky. You don't have to worry about a car accident."

"How safe. How appropriate."

Zhang Shunchang couldn't help but smacked his tongue: "What a shame...this is such an appropriate reason!"

After a while.

Su Hao is preparing to go to the police station.

This time.

He also called Qin Yaoyao.


Qin Yaoyao was still sleeping.

After being woken up by Su Hao, I was still a little angry.

There was also a hazy look on his face.

Su Hao smiled and handed a Hummingbird mecha to Qin Yaoyao: "Where is your dad?"

Qin Yaoyao asked instinctively: "Do you want to drive your A8?"


Su Hao pointed at the Hummingbird mecha and smiled: "Of course it flew over."

Qin Yaoyao's brain paused for a few seconds: "Just fly over like this?"

"Yeah. Don't you like it?"

Qin Yaoyao shook his head instinctively: "No! I like it very much!

She loved this kind of adventure the most.

It was just too unexpected.

"Ready for takeoff."

Su Hao held two Hummingbird mechas, and asked Qin Yaoyao to take two as well, and stood at the gate of the military area.

The takeoff button was pressed at the same time.


The two people immediately took off!

"Let's go, Kyoto Police Station!"

In the eyes of everyone in the Kyoto Military Region, the figures of the two men quickly turned into black dots like sesame seeds, and then disappeared into the clouds.

"What the fuck."

"It's so exciting."

"If it weren't for my old bones."

"I really want to experience it."

Zhang Shunchang's eyes flashed with emotion, feeling that he was getting old.

Lieutenant General Chu patted Zhang Shunchang on the shoulder: "Commander, you will get stronger as time goes by, you will get stronger as time goes by.

Major General Jiang's eyes also shone with excitement and emotion.

Hu Xingguo, on the other hand, was deep in thought, thinking about a very important question.

The question is:

"They fly so high."

"You shouldn't encounter a plane, right?"

Su Hao and Qin Yaoyao were flying in the sky.

The speed was maintained at about 400 kilometers!

If a normal person were to maintain such a fast speed at this height, he would have lost his temperature and become a moving ice sculpture...

But they were in the Hummingbird mecha.

The Hummingbird mecha not only has an oxygen circulation system, but also a constant temperature system to protect the driver himself.


Qin Yaoyao shouted excitedly.

Such an exciting experience.

She and Su Hao are probably the only two people in the world.

Traveling at a speed of 400 kilometers at an altitude of several thousand meters!

This kind of stimulation goes from outside the body to the body, from the outside to the inside!

Words are hard to describe!

Su Hao reminded: "Be careful, you are holding a Hummingbird machine worth 10 million pieces!"

Hearing this, Qin Yaoyao immediately took control.

at the same time.

They dive into the clouds.

When you come out again.

Not far away, a civil aviation aircraft passed by.

Inside a civil aviation aircraft.

One passenger exclaimed: "I'm going!"

"Look, there's a trapeze artist outside!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Some passengers immediately wondered: "Flying Man? Where is Flying Man Liu Xiang!"

But soon, this misunderstanding was resolved.

More and more people looked at the two gray-white figures passing by outside the window, with shock in their eyes!

"Oh my God!"

"Really flying man!"

"Mecha? Is this a mecha!?"

"So handsome!"

"who are they?"

As for who the flying man is.

The vast majority of people on the plane had no idea.


But there is only one exception!

This person is none other than Chen Xi!

She excitedly slapped Chen Yuan on the shoulder: "Father! Look! Look!"

"One of these two people is Su Hao!"

"They're flying!"

Chen Yuan said in a deep voice: "I have already seen it!"

His heart was shocked beyond measure.

Humans now only need a pair of mechas to fly at an altitude of several thousand meters.

This shock is beyond words!

at the same time.

He recognized it too.

The mechas they were wearing were exactly the hummingbirds and fish the sister brought back!

at this time.

Chen Xi said excitedly: "Father, the one on the left is Su Hao!"

"do you know?"

"That's the Hummingbird mecha he specially customized for himself!"

"Because his legs are extremely long, the mecha on his thighs was deliberately extended, you see!"

Chen Yuan looked over.

as expected.

The legs of the Hummingbird mecha on the left are indeed longer than the legs of the Hummingbird mecha on the right!

"It surprised me that!"

"Humans can fly wearing only one piece of armor!"

"This flight was indeed done right!"

Chen Yuan took a deep breath.

The shock in my heart cannot be overemphasized!

Ever since his daughter came home and showed him the Hummingbird Mecha.

He wanted to recruit Su Hao, a student from the University of Science and Technology of China, into the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

At first.

He planned to wait until Su Hao was in his junior year.

Or after graduation, I will be transferred to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt it couldn't be done.

too late!

If such a good talent is not recruited now, he will become someone else’s talent in the future!


Chen Yuan directly purchased the fastest ticket to come over.

I want to talk to Su Hao in person about entering the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Now see the flying speed of the Hummingbird mecha.

Chen Yuan became more and more sure of his idea!

Chen Yuan 2.9 suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Since I'm going to meet Su Hao for a face-to-face interview."

"And the mecha that just passed by was Su Hao again..."

Didn't he miss Su Hao?


When the entire plane was shouting: "Awesome", "Fuck you", "So handsome" and "Rabbit version of Iron Man".

Only Chen Yuan shouted: "Stop! You're going to miss it!"

In the sky.

Su Hao sneezed without knowing why.

Qin Yaoyao was suspicious: "Did you adjust the temperature inside the mecha too low?"

"have no idea."

Su Hao shook his head: "It feels like someone is talking about me, but I can't think of who it is for a moment."

Qin Yaoyao maliciously speculated: "It should be Lu Xiaoyu."

Su Hao shrugged: "Who knows? Keep flying. We are almost at the police station."


So the two continued flying towards the police station.

Little did I know.

When a commercial aircraft lands.

Countless spectators who took the flight excitedly took out their mobile phones and posted news about the flying man on the Internet.

"Can you imagine?"

"Dude, I took a plane today and saw the Flying Man!"

"Not Liu Xiang, an Asian trapeze artist! He is a genuine trapeze artist!"

"The kind that can fly in the sky!"

"Yes, they are wearing mechas, not one, but two!"

"very handsome!"

"Dude, I was on a plane at the time. My phone was not on, otherwise I could have taken a photo. It would definitely be clearer than some blurry photo of a UFO!"

"That mecha is really handsome!"

“The gray and white color scheme, you can’t tell at first glance, it blends completely into the sky.

"You know that kind of ancient Western assassin? Like Assassin's Creed."

"That mecha gives me the same feeling. It's a peerless assassin with no name. Once he takes action, he can kill someone in ten steps. He's a murderer who leaves no trace behind!"

"One word, handsome!".

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