I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 3 Chapter 94: excited

Gently patted the dazed Lenore on the shoulder, the contented little Leon strode out of the tent and walked towards the trench outside.

Under the azure blue sky, the huge siege position was like layers of chains, trapping the Iron Bell Fortress in the center like a giant iron pincer, and one-third of the area was even directly exposed to the firepower of the Storm Division artillery position. Scope.

Although for the Storm Division and the coalition forces, this battle was basically a must-win battle without any suspense, but Ansen Bach, the deputy commander of the Supreme Commander, insisted on building a siege position.

And not only the Storm Division must be repaired, but the armies of Aiden and Thun must also be repaired, and they must follow the tradition of the Storm Division—in fact, the tradition of the Thunder Fort levies—high standards and strict requirements.

So Leon, who was standing on the trench at this moment, looked around and saw that the entire military camp had become a huge construction site, and shouts of different accents could be heard everywhere. A figure carrying dirt.

As a skirmisher, Anson didn't have much experience in repairing positions, but it didn't matter because he had a very sophisticated (fear of death) chief of staff.

Although preparations were rushed and most of the soldiers had no experience in civil engineering, with the efforts of Carl Bain, the nearly 20,000-strong Storm Division coalition built a half-person-deep trench in less than two days, intricately like a spider web. The traffic ditches, the forward positions covered by the firepower of the fortresses, the roadblocks and the cross-fire nets that contain the cavalry raids...

Looking at the sweaty figures on the ground, Leon Francois's eyes were filled with admiration and surprise.

For the Hantu people who have been in Chengping for many years, such a large-scale and efficient civil engineering is not only an understanding of war, but a "miraculous" feat.

Through the "study" around Anson during this period of time, Leon finally knew that it was not that the Clovis people were smarter than the Hantu people, but that there was a generational difference in the organization of the two armies - even under the same conditions, with more The highly organized Clovis army is capable of accomplishing more complicated tasks than the Hantu army, and building fortifications is just one of them.

And he also understood why Ansen Bach insisted on building a large-scale siege position.

That is, through this method of collective mobilization, the organization and cohesion of the coalition are strengthened, and the speed of building fortifications, which can be called "miracles", greatly shocks the Archduke Mist and his followers in the city. get more.

As expected of Anson Bach, he did things he didn't even think of with ease... Leon sighed inwardly in his heart, and fell into the ground with all his admiration for this "cousin" who couldn't beat him.

But just as his thoughts diverged, the corner of his eye caught a certain figure inadvertently, passing by in front of him carrying a hoe; but this is not the key, the key is that the figure is so petite that the **** in his arms Even bigger...


Leon's exclamation made the girl stop, she turned her head with big round eyes, and there were two small tiger teeth showing at the mouth of biting a piece of bacon.

"Why are you here... I mean... Anson?"

Looking at the hoe, dirty face and dusty military uniform in the girl's arms, Leon's expression immediately changed from stunned to sad.

In order to unite the soldiers of the coalition army, An Sen did not hesitate to make himself cute and weak, and his younger sister, who did not have a high rifle, also participated in the construction of the fortifications!

Anson Bach, how many sacrifices he didn't know he made for the vast soil!

Thinking of Leon here, a certain emotion in my heart has risen to a higher level at this moment.

"Anson was in that big tent, watching others quarrel with Grandpa Whitebeard."

Lisa pointed to the direction behind him and said with a milky voice, and carefully observed his reaction with wide eyes - in the girl's impression, this guy named Leon is always a bit... um, stupid.

Anson said that the weak should be taken care of, Lisa should pay attention, and can't say anything that Leon might not understand... The girl secretly said in her heart.

Grandpa Whitebeard? Ruko Visania - the Mist heir?

Leon, who was stunned for three seconds, understood who Lisa was talking about, and then looked at Lisa with a dirty face in front of him, and a continuous picture immediately appeared in his mind:

In the dimly lit conference room, Anson Bach with a gloomy face was smoking a cigarette... Wait, he doesn't smoke a pipe - a cigarette, sitting at the end of the long table.

Beside him, the red-faced officers and the Hantu nobles were still quarreling over their interests, and they were arguing for the loot of a mere dozen gold coins; no matter how hoarse he was, no one was willing to listen to his vision for the future of Hantu. A vision for peace and unity.

So he was silent, letting Ruco Visania and Fabian—for some reason, Leon always felt that this guy didn't look like a good person—to shout in front of him.

He raised his head silently, his eyes passed through the arguing crowd in front of him, through the curtains of the tent, through the ravines and trenches... Silently staring at the back of someone he had placed infinite hope in...


Leon was suddenly shocked, and his whole body seemed to be hit by a thunderbolt that fell from the sky, penetrating from the top of the head to the soles of the feet!

Then he came back to his senses, and his eyes suddenly became sharp and swept to the girl in front of him.



The frightened girl couldn't help but take a half step back, looking at Leon who seemed to be even more stupid than before, carefully holding the wooden handle of the **** in her arms, thinking if she should give him a shot.

Mrs. Bogner said that when a person's head becomes stupid, it is like a machine that is occasionally not very smart, and it can be changed with a tap.

But I don't know if it's lucky or unfortunate, Leon's head doesn't seem to have reached that step yet; he squatted down and looked at Lisa excitedly: "Let's go dig trenches together!"


Lisa's eyes widened.

"Yes, together!" Leon nodded vigorously:

"I figured it out - if you want to unify the vast land, it is not enough to be a bystander, a leader or a noble! You have to start with the most basic things, so that you can understand how peace comes from It's not easy!"


Lisa, who couldn't understand what he was thinking at all, was stunned for more than ten seconds. She looked at the **** in her arms, and then at Leon, who wanted to drink fake wine, and then...

"This **** is a gift from Anson to Lisa." Lisa said slowly:

"Lisa can't give it to you unless..."

"I know, I don't want your hoe, I mean..."

"Unless you exchange it for yellow peach cake!"


Meanwhile, the quarrel in the conference room continued.

After three days of "long waiting", the smug Ruko Visania once again lost his incomparably fragile patience, and with a posture that did not look like a seventy-year-old man, he excitedly proposed an offensive iron. Bell's "suggestion".

Unsurprisingly, this "recommendation" was unanimously opposed by all officers except the Mists.

Just kidding, how many troops does Mister have? There are only a few thousand, and once an attack is launched, it is not for us Clovis people to mobilize.

Even if not, do we need to provide artillery support, do we need spare ammunition, do we need to send medical teams to treat the wounded - are these all free of money?

Since we can win as long as we are besieged, Iron Bell Castle is already in our pocket, so why risk our lives and spend a lot of unnecessary expenses, our pockets are not very rich!

As for the Thun and Aiden... they originally participated in the war as servants, not to mention siege battles, even if they were sure to win battles, they had no interest in them, nor did they have the slightest desire to "dedicate themselves to the great cause of the unification of Hantu".

But for Ruko Visenia, the "future Grand Duke of Mist", whether he can be crowned as soon as possible is also very important to him - the two dukes of Aiden and Thun have already defeated Mies on the east and west battlefields respectively. The special rebels, if they continue to drag on, their army will sweep the entire territory of Mist!

At that time, not only will he have no chance to recruit the rebels, but the once powerful Grand Duchy of Mist will be devastated by the army of 100,000 troops, and the weak will even need to rely on the breath of the two duchies.

Therefore, no matter how many times he was rejected, the white-haired Luko Visania had to stand up and make requests to Ansen Bach again and again, no longer giving his father time to think, and immediately attack the Iron Bell Castle. End the Mist Civil War.

"Allow me to say it again, it's impossible."

The former Guards officer, who was smiling but not smiling, once again "gently" interrupted the generous speech of the seventy-year-old old man, and said without haste:

"It doesn't matter what we think, the point is that we don't just want to win a battle, we want to end the entire War in the Far Lands; which means it's useless to just defeat the enemy, they need to be allowed to Only if you can understand the situation - otherwise, the battle of Iron Bell Castle will be meaningless."

"But it's pointless to wait any longer, Your Excellency Fabien!"

The gray-bearded Luko glared at his bloodshot eyes and roared: "My father is not the gentleman you imagined, nor a noble knight, who can frankly cheer for his opponent's victory!"

"On the contrary, he is a despicable villain, a **** who cannot afford to lose, and a hypocritical heretic! On the surface he pretends to be a very devout Ring of Order, but in fact I have seen him secretly in his study more than once. Study the things of the Three Old Gods!"

"Is he an old **** heresy?"

Fabian's eyes jumped, his eyes swept over Anson intentionally or unintentionally, but he quickly returned to normal: "This is a very serious accusation, do you have any evidence?"

"Catch him, or attack the Iron Bell Fort, I can give you as much evidence as you want!" The old man's beard kept shaking:

"No one has ever lived past the age of eighty in the history of the Visania family. He is eighty-seven this year. This is irrefutable proof!"

"Sorry, this can only count as your father's longevity at most." Fabian said solemnly:

"Your Excellency, we are all devout believers in the Ring of Order. We can't be so superstitious, we must believe in science."

"Then send that old immortal to heaven, and let the Ring of Order tell him what science is!"

"Allow me to remind you again that he is your father."

"He is a devil! For the sake of the great Ring of Order, I would gladly kill him with my own hands!"

"I'm moved by your piety, but that would really seriously damage your legitimacy in the Grand Duchy of Mist." Fabian advised with sincerity:

"Let him surrender voluntarily, it will be more beneficial to your future rule in Mist."

"But unless you strangle this old immortal, I have nothing to rule!" The old man roared hysterically, and a pair of eyes that seemed to be selected and devoured suddenly threw at An Sen:

"Listen! Your Excellency Deputy Commander, I am very grateful for your help, really very grateful! So now if you are willing to send troops, I can tell you where the secret cemetery of the Visania family is!"

"Sir, I think..."

Fabian still wanted to stop him, but this time the old man didn't give him another chance: "There are at least 20 past Visenian family heads buried there-according to family tradition, each coffin contains the information of that generation's head of the family before he died. One-third of the wealth!"

"Take the Iron Bell Fort for me, they are all yours!"

The meeting room was instantly silent.

Fabian, who wanted to stop the old man a second ago, half-opened his mouth, and turned his eyes to His Excellency the Deputy Commander silently like everyone else.

Anson Bach, who was sitting at the end of the long table, lowered his head, resting his chin with his hands on the table, with a rare cigarette at the corner of his mouth, puffing clouds and mist, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking~www. readwn.com~ Only Carl looked at him thoughtfully, vaguely remembering something, and there was a little bad premonition in his slightly frowning brows.

The dead silence lasted for a minute. The silent Anson suddenly raised his head to meet the eyes of the old man, and took the cigarette from the corner of his mouth:


Um? !

Not only Ruko Visania, everyone in the room was shocked.

"Deputy Commander, will this..."

"In the early morning of tomorrow, start the general attack on Iron Bell Castle." Ansen directly stole Fabian, who wanted to say something:

"Before evening, I want to see Clovis's king flag on the top of the tower on the outer city wall!"

"But... ugh?!"

Before Fabian could try to persuade Anson to take his life back, he heard a strange scream suddenly coming from beside him, followed by a "Bang!", and the excited Ruco Visania suddenly collapsed. On the ground, his hunched body began to twitch violently, his eyes turned white, and the corners of his mouth "gudugudu" foamed.

Then the whole room was quiet again.

"What's wrong with him?" Anson was stunned.

"I don't know." Fabian was equally shocked:

"Maybe you're too happy?"

"Too happy?"

"Yes, it is easy to lose reason when people are excited, and he is not too young, so..."

Before he could finish speaking, Carl, who was beside him, stood up abruptly, took the baton on the table and swiped at the heads of the two of them:

"What's the point?! If this old thing dies, what reason do you use to take down the Iron Bell Fort - why don't you call a military doctor?!"

The shocked people suddenly realized, and then they rushed out of the conference room in a chaotic manner, scattered as birds and beasts.


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