I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 3 Chapter 97: Archduke Mister

Facts have proved that Ruko Visania still "underestimated" the combat effectiveness of the Storm Division and the coalition forces, or was too "optimistic" about the determination of the Iron Bell Fort defenders to fight to the end.

In the face of the artillery company of the Storm Division firing four consecutive shots in one minute, the artillery fire coverage lasted for nearly fifteen minutes, as well as the advance of the grenadier regiment, the cover of skirmish fire, and the opening of the grenade. His will to resist fell to the freezing point as early as the rumbling explosion, completely relying on the last bit of inertia and not surrendering immediately.

But when they calmed down from their panic, they realized that when this kind of retreat was completely blocked, the city defense was completely lost, and the enemy's troops and firepower were several times their own, it was a fool's errand to want to turn the tables.

On the 11th day of the seventh month of the 100th year of the saint's calendar, at 15:30, after the grenadier regiment finally smashed the main entrance of the hall of the inner castle with a grenade, the loyal Mist nobles directly put the eighty-seven-year-old Mist. The Archduke was captured and declared his surrender.

As the King Clovis flag was raised one after another at the top of the dozen remaining towers of Iron Bell Fort, the 20,000-strong coalition officially announced the occupation of the capital of the Grand Duchy of Mist.

This not only marked the end of the Mist Civil War, but also marked the official end of the "Bangtu War" that lasted for a few months.

What followed was the coronation ceremony of Archduke Mist, who symbolized the "new birth" of this ancient country and even the entire vast land.


Iron Bell Fort, banquet hall.

Eighteen o'clock sharp.

The gradually fading sunset rolled up the fiery sunset glow in the sky, making the smoke filled the siege position and the embers of the Iron Bell Castle to be stained with a blood-red light.

Although many officers in the coalition, and even the nobles of Mist, were quite critical of the sunset, but at the insistence of an old man in his 70s who was unable to walk steadily due to continuous coma, the coronation ceremony was still " As scheduled" was held.

In the spacious hall, the door that was blown open by the grenade has been dismantled, and a bright red carpet has been urgently laid on the floor soaked with blood plasma, various body fluids, and minced meat and bone residue; the hall is filled with cheap perfume, Incense, fireplaces, and the smell of blood and corpse mixed with pus; rifles and ammunition boxes piled up in the corners were replaced by portraits, sculptures still stained with blood, and temporarily dug from outside the city without a name at all. The trees, grass and flowers...

In short, under the cover of the coalition forces and the nobles of Mist, this hall, which has just experienced the war, finally has the appearance of a "banquet hall".

Of course, compared with the real "coronation ceremony", it still looks too shabby.

Not to mention the "guests", almost all of them were fully armed, and some of their clothes were covered with blood, and their bodies also smelled of gunpowder, blood mixed with sweat; even their identities were unbearable to look directly at— There was not a single big aristocrat in Mist, and there were not even a few minor nobles in Clovis.

In the era of the Seven Cities Alliance, guests of this level are only worthy of participating in the kind of open banquet that "have fun with the people"; if they are witnesses to the coronation of the Grand Duke, this is even equivalent to humiliation and an excuse for war between the two countries.

But for Ruco Visania, that was enough.

Really enough.

Standing outside the door, looking at the crowded hall, which is very lively, and at the same time looking at his guests, at the red carpet extending from under his feet, straight to the seat of the Grand Duke, at the red carpet standing beside the red carpet The black-robed priest holding the sterling silver crown... Luko Visania was deeply moved.

Under everyone's attention, the old man took the crutches from the attendant behind him and walked down the red carpet into the hall.

With his limping steps, the crowd in the hall was like a wave split by a sailboat, consciously or unconsciously making way for the old man.

The bright red carpet continued to stretch under his feet, coupled with the stimulation of the **** smell in the air, the old man involuntarily accelerated his pace; as he walked faster and faster, the red carpet stretched faster and faster.

Until the chair that belonged to the Grand Duke and the black-robed priest standing in front of the stairs with a crown in hand blocked his way.

"In the name of the Ring of Order, his humble servant hereby declares."

I saw the priest raise the sterling silver crown above his head, and said indifferently with an expressionless face.

His voice was not loud, but the whispers in the entire hall were quieted down with his movements, and he silently turned his eyes to the old man who was breathing heavily.

"A few hours ago, the former Grand Duke of Mist, Elga Visenia officially announced his abdication."

"Following the traditions of the vast land, the wishes of the previous grand dukes, and the ancient law of succession of Mist; his eldest son, Ruko Visenia, will inherit the throne of Grand Duke Mist."

"Enjoy Mister's Silver Crown!"

The voice fell, and the old man, who was so excited that his breathing became more and more rapid, hurriedly turned his back to the priest, so that the other party could put a crown on him; and because his legs were really weak, his movements seemed very comical, as if he was being pressed by the crown. Almost unsteady.

However, Luko Visania himself did not notice it. Except for a few officers of the Storm Division, the guests present secretly laughed, and the others also chose to pretend to ignore it.

"Who...will be his witness, in the right name?"

As the priest's voice fell, Little Leon, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped out of the crowd, lifted the purple one-shoulder cloak trimmed with gold, and bowed respectfully to the equally excited "Archduke Mister":

"I... Claude's son, Leon Francois, on behalf of the Francois family and the Grand Duchy of Thun, volunteered to be a witness to the coronation of Grand Duke Mist!"

As soon as the words fell, Little Leon couldn't help but turn his head sharply, looking at another figure hiding in the crowd with incomparably eager eyes.

Feeling the creepy look in his eyes, Reno, who was trembling all over, twitched the corners of his mouth and walked out of the crowd with a reluctance. A salute:

"Lenore Emmanuel, on behalf of the Emmanuel family and the Duchy of Aiden, is willing to be a witness to the coronation of Grand Duke Mist."

The old man wearing the crown nodded excitedly, and gave two young people with different expressions grateful eyes, and then turned his eyes to the crowd again, waiting for the last person to appear.


Uh, no then.

Following the brief silence, there was a small commotion in the crowd in the hall - only at this time did the coalition forces and the nobles of Mist realize that someone who should be present at the scene... doesn't seem to have appeared? !

"Cough, cough, cough!"

With a sudden sound, all eyes in the audience instantly swept to Carl Bain, who was desperately coughing - the blushing chief of staff had complicated eyes, and his expression was extremely embarrassing.

In the strange atmosphere, Leon's confusion, and Renault's meaningful gaze, he twitched his throat and walked out of the crowd, as if he was thinking about something while figuring out what to say, and stepped forward.

"That... just... what..." Facing the old man's suddenly panicked eyes, Carl stammered and said:

"An Sen... No! It's the Deputy Commander. He... suddenly got a little tired and wanted to take a break... After all, it is understandable after so many days of work, and... uh... I don't mean to say this, I mean... uh... say …Um……"

He hesitated for a long time until the little clerk hiding behind sneaked behind him and stuffed a small note in his hand.

"Ah! This... oh, I mean... me! Carl Bane! Major Clovis, Chief of Staff Southern Corps Storm Division! Deputy Commander of Southern Corps, Southern Corps...and! Clovis Kingdom, Oster The Royal Family and Privy Council of Leah!"

"Wish to be! The coronation of Archduke Mist! Witness! Applause!"

The voice fell, and without waiting for the stunned old man to react, Carl, who was so nervous and embarrassed that he was dying, took care of himself and tried his best to "clap clap!" and applauded.

As soon as he applauded, even the officers of the Storm Division in the hall also applauded, and soon the applause began to spread to the surrounding: Thun people, Aiden people, Mist people...

In the end, everyone started to applaud, and while applauding, they looked at each other inexplicably, confused and didn't know what had just happened.

The shabby coronation ceremony also began in this lively and inexplicable atmosphere.

A guy who should have appeared but didn't appear, was then forgotten by everyone.


Iron Bell Fort, an underground prison.

The moment he pushed open the prison door, Anson Bach's expression suddenly froze.

"Don't look for it, it's me."

A weak voice sounded in the dark cell, blocking An Sen's footsteps as he was about to leave, causing him to raise his eyebrows:

"It's you?"

"it's me."

The one who spoke was a well-proportioned young man who looked to be in his twenties, slightly older than Anson himself.

He was wearing an extravagant, tattered silk flower robe, his hair was messy and stained with chalky paint, his face was dirty and bloodstained, his right eye was swollen, and wounds and bruises could be seen all over his body. .

Despite being very embarrassed, he seemed cheerful; cheerful even a little too much, not at all like a mistreated prisoner.

The astonishment in his eyes gradually disappeared, An Sen looked at the young man in front of him while closing the cell door:

"Who are you?"

"Don't you know it all!" The young man laughed, raising the only eye he could open to look at An Sen:

"But you're definitely not asking about that... well, I'm a spellcaster."

"Blood Mage?" Anson asked casually.


The young man shrugged: "But not the very powerful kind...otherwise we wouldn't have met here."

"Why do you want to meet me so much?"

"Because I'm your defeated general, isn't it natural to want to meet the person who defeated you?" The young man smiled again, and the corners of his mouth rose happily:

"It's Mr. Anson Bach, you surprised me a little. The deputy commander of the dignified Southern Legion did not go to the coronation ceremony of the new archduke, but went to the cell to meet a prisoner... tsk tsk tsk, I guess Luko must be very disappointed now. Bar?"

"Of course, it might be better to do so."

After the conversation changed, the young man suddenly said seriously: "As his biggest supporter, he didn't show up on the most critical occasion, so he chose to put pigeons... This is also a way to show his strength, so that he can see clearly that he is just a person without real power. Just a puppet with a title in the air."

"But then again, based on what I know about him, I'm afraid it's difficult for him to understand such a profound question; um..." The young man's expression was sneering, as if he had a panoramic view of the coronation ceremony that was going on at the moment.

Anson, who looked at him quietly, never interrupted.

"Okay, let's not talk about the guy who was disappointing and disappointing." The young man sighed, and his eyes fell on Anson again:

"Let's talk about you, Your Excellency Anson Bach."

"Talk to me?"

"Yes, you." The young man nodded solemnly:

"Why are you here?"

"You found me." An Sen said calmly:

"Isn't it a matter of course to want to meet your defeated generals?"

"If you are a guy who likes to show off his power, probably." The young man pursed his bleeding lips, and the only remaining intact eye flashed a strange light:

"But it looks like you're not ~www.readwn.com~ how do you know?"

"Because the first look you looked at me was obviously to make sure that I was the one you knew—if it was someone who likes to show off their power, then it's not a question, but a beating first, and then asking me if I know. I don't know where that person is."

"You know very well."

"Yeah, because that's who I am, or . . . a spellcaster."

The young man was very calm, as if he had completely accepted his fate: "So why did you come?"

"I said, see my defeated generals." An Sen said with a calm expression:

"I have to admit, you gave me a lot of surprises."

"You mean the fact that I'm a spellcaster? Um...it might be a little strange to say that, but I'm not the spellcaster you think I am, I'm..."

"The Thirteenth Council." Anson interrupted softly.

"You know?" The young man's eyes widened, and he gasped:

"No wonder, no wonder Archduke Thun was so decisive to take refuge with you Clovis people... So you already knew all this?"

"I didn't need to answer you."

An Sen's eyes narrowed slightly: "What's more, you haven't answered my question yet."

"What's the problem?" The young man was startled.

"Since you are a spellcaster, neither the Iron Bell Castle nor the siege position outside can stop you - don't deny it, I have seen with my own eyes what a blood mage can do." An Sen slowly crouched down, and three Eye to eye:

"So why do you have to stay and meet me instead of leaving when the city is broken? What are you and the Thirteenth Council behind you plotting?"

"Archduke Mist, His Excellency Elega Visania!"


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