I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 3 Chapter 105: Miss Talia's Hospitality

"I will be crowned king (


The bursting flames blocked the long and narrow knight's sword just a few centimeters from Draco's throat.

"Is he your friend?"

The Elf Princess looked at Ludwig, who drew a knife to block her, with a hint of surprise in her solemn eyes—in her original idea, the other party should take this opportunity to escape.

"No." Ludwig said coldly:

"But he's a Clovis--the worst Clovis."

"I am a Clovis soldier, and it is my mission to protect my king and people..."

Draco, who was standing between the two, raised his hand, his face was stiff with an embarrassing smile, cold sweat fell from the top of his head like a waterfall, his whole body was tense and motionless.

Ludwig, who was too lazy to pay attention to him, clenched the handle of his right hand knife, and his attention was completely on the elf princess opposite - Freya Moses Field, the future elf queen in the mouth of "someone".

In her hand, she held the knight's longsword—a conical blade specially forged to pierce armor. It was far more cumbersome than a saber or an officer's saber. It was neither convenient nor flexible. , belonging to the "obsolete" weapons.

But such a cumbersome and outdated weapon was tightly grasped by a weak and boneless slender catkin, as light as a quill, sharp and deadly.

Ludwig wasn't sure if this was the "power" of Iser or the power of the "caster".

There was only one thing he could be sure of—the revolver around his waist only had six bullets, and the moment he pulled the trigger, he didn't have many chances to miss.

The head and the heart, only by hitting these two positions at the same time, can kill a spellcaster.

"very good."

Freya slowly restrained her smile, and her blood-filled pupils became colder:

"Then take you together..."


Draco, who was caught in the middle, suddenly spoke, suddenly raised his hands, and made a standard surrender posture recognized by the world: "I have something to say!"

"Louis! Louie is alive, he's not dead!"

The Elf Princess was startled, and the blood in her pupils showed signs of fading slightly.

Ludwig frowned, and he almost missed shooting, he didn't understand what the **** this guy was trying to do.

"Former commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard, Louis Bernard...he's still alive!" The novelist, who was shaking like a sieve, broke out in cold sweat, and his voice involuntarily raised an octave:

"He's still alive! He's alive and well, unscathed!"

Freya looked a little unbelievable, but the next second her pupils were filled with blood again:


"I'm not lying, really!"

Draco screamed and pointed at Ludwig behind him in a panic: "He! He can testify that what I said is true, true!"

Feeling Freya's sudden gaze, although he didn't know what trick Draco was playing, Ludwig didn't think it was necessary for him to lie and hurt an elf girl.

"It's true, Louis Bernard wasn't dead - we took him alive."

"Then now...?!" There was a trace of urgency and panic on the face of the elf girl.

"Now... he should be on the border between the Empire and the Kingdom of Clovis, and head to the Duchy of Edland—his father's domain."

Ludwig said righteously: "I assure you in the name of the Franz family that before entering the borders of the Empire, Sir Louis Bernard was not subjected to any abuse or humiliation, let alone any blackmail or coercion. "

"We are enemies on the battlefield, adversaries; but as a knight, I admire him for being a man, and I would never do anything that would bring shame to him or myself!"

"Really?" Freya's expression was still in disbelief.

"Believe it or not." Ludwig said without changing his face, looking very calm:

"Not many people know about this, but it's not a secret - didn't even this **** get the news?"

Freya's expression became solemn. She stared at the commander-in-chief's eyes, as if she was desperately trying to find evidence that he was lying, but the little hand holding the sword was trembling slightly.

Ludwig was unmoved, still maintaining a 120,000-point vigilance.

The dead silence lasted for a minute, and Freya, whose face became more and more grim, gradually regained her composure, and nodded to the commander-in-chief very solemnly:

"I trust you - your mental fluctuations and heartbeat tell me you're not lying."

Draco, who was sweating profusely, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Even though it was a cool forest night in June, he seemed to be dehydrated.

Just as he was about to take Ludwig's words, he first consoled and comforted Her Royal Highness Princess Freya, who was not in a stable mood, analyzed the stakes between the two sides, and then added two cold jokes to liven up the atmosphere...

But things didn't go the way he expected.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, the long sword in Freya's hand drew a string of sparks on the edge of Ludwig's blade and stabbed him in the neck.

"Wait for me……"

As soon as the novelist of the dead man was about to say something, he felt an unstoppable force coming from his lower back, making his cheeks full of blue and purple come into intimate contact with the ground again.

"Get down!"

The moment the roaring Ludwig kicked down the novelist, his left hand pulled the trigger at the same time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Six shots in a row - three head shots, three heart shots, blocking all angles that can dodge and block.

Then he opened his pupils to see the screaming lead bullet, which "burned" at an alarming speed at the moment when it rushed out of the muzzle - when he really touched the elf girl, there were only ashes that were not even smoke left. .

But the long sword in Freya's hand had turned into a silver ray, attacking Ludwig with the momentum of tearing through his armor.

Before the sword's edge arrived, the fierce wind that was torn apart caused him to have the illusion of "seeing death".


The blade and the blade were in "close contact" again, and the powerful blow made Ludwig almost let go of the weapon. The word "wrong" describes his expression at the moment.

"You—" Ludwig's expression was almost contorted.

"For the sake of Louis still alive..." Freya spoke coldly, her blood-red eyes no longer able to see the pupils:

"I give you the punishment of the punishment column - you will be burned in my pain."

"Turn to ashes and pay back the humiliation that Louis has endured!"

At the same time as the words fell, Ludwig suddenly felt that the surrounding air was starting to dry out—even though the battlefield was hundreds of meters away, he felt as if he was standing next to a crater that had just exploded.

Freya didn't give him any time to hesitate, the knight's long sword with a slightly reddish edge began to roll up a wave of heat and continued to slash towards Ludwig.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The sparks exploded, and the powerful slashes forced Ludwig to retreat again and again; as an officer who was a gunner and the son of the archbishop, one-on-one combat was not his specialty, and he only accepted some Just basic training.

At the same time, through the girl's movements, he could also see that the elf princess in front of him had not received any actual combat training, but was simply swaying randomly with brute force.

But this did not weaken the sense of oppression brought by the elf girl at all, and even made it stronger!

Wherever the two passed, the weeds on the ground dried up and shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the soil hardened and cracked little by little;


At the moment when the blade and the sword light touched, the sparks suddenly ignited a raging fire, and the sword light slashed towards Ludwig with Freya's slashing sword light.

Ludwig, who had no time to dodge, could only squat down on the spot, holding his sword in front of him with both hands.

First, there was a loud noise of sharp blades, followed by a golden-red flame like a flowing entity, completely swallowing Ludwig's figure.


With Draco's exclamation, dazzling fireworks bloomed in the woods; wherever the smoke and dust filled, it was full of scorched earth.

But Freya's face did not show any joy of revenge, instead... she was stunned.

The smoke dissipated, and Ludwig, who was squatting on the ground, was completely intact. Only the military uniform on his body was faintly scorched on his body. I don't know when a faint golden light appeared.


Freya's expression was a little surprised.

"The bloodline of the Holy Grail Knight. The effect is to allow me to 'wear armor' before being mortally wounded - so that I can withstand a six-pound solid bullet without dying." A self-deprecating smile appeared on Ludwig's face:

"It's useless ability, but my adjutant said he wouldn't allow me to come within a kilometer of the battlefield if I didn't keep practicing."

The moment the voice fell, the golden-red sword glow had already struck like thunder.

The entire knight's sword has been covered by golden red firelight, and the swept away is full of heat waves!


The moment the sharp blade touched, bursts of fire erupted from the blade, and the long knife in Ludwig's hand let out a harsh whine.

"Keep your distance!"

Draco, who was hiding not far away, suddenly shouted to this side: "Don't get close to her, keep your distance - at least keep a distance of more than 20 meters!"

"The distance the caster can control is limited, and she cannot distort the reality beyond the casting distance!"

Freya's expression suddenly turned hideous, and her angry blood pupil suddenly turned her head to look behind her:

"Traitor, go to hell!"

The panic-stricken novelist decisively squatted down with his head folded, his entire body shrunk into a ball in an instant.


The roar sounded, and behind him a big tree as thick as a person surrounded him burst from the center of the torso, and the raging flames turned into an extremely eye-catching "torch".

Ludwig didn't waste the opportunity he had worked hard for, he turned his head and ran away to distance himself from the elf girl; golden red flames kept blasting around him, chasing and blocking him.

Draco, who had escaped the catastrophe, was lying on the ground under the burning tree, looking at the elf girl who was chasing after Ludwig with trepidation.


The fire suddenly exploded in front of him, and the scalding heat wave mixed with gravel and dust hit him; Ludwig, who realized that he was being outflanked, immediately turned around and fell to the side.

Suddenly, in the direction in which he fell, a dazzling golden red hit Ludwig's neck from bottom to top.


A crisp collision sounded, and the overwhelmed saber was divided into two while blocking the fatal blow. The cross section of the broken blade was still warm from the flames swept away.

Ludwig rolled to the ground and raised his head. Freya, who had a cold face, was looking down at his embarrassed appearance, her blood-colored pupils were full of malice.

The golden-red sword edge stopped in front of his neck.

She was not in a hurry to kill the Clovis who had defeated Louis at once. She wanted to torture him, humiliate him, make him kneel and beg for mercy, and beg her to grant him the honor of being bound at the stake as a sacrifice.

Ludwig gasped violently, staring at the tip of the sword in front of his neck, and the faint golden light on his body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

An icy smile slowly rose at the corner of Freya's mouth, and her fair and delicate left arm was slowly lifted up with her open palm. With her movements, the surrounding ground began to ignite.

The flame was dark red at first, then quickly turned golden red, and as the elf princess's slender pancreas rose, it became more and more dazzling, turning into golden white that illuminated everything... and enveloped the two of them.

Ludwig, who was dripping with sweat, remained motionless, not showing a trace of panic as the girl expected.

And at this time...


The faint sound of the wind suddenly sounded from behind, and Freya, who was stunned, looked behind her subconsciously.

Then, in those blood-red pupils, a figure running like a fierce beast was reflected~www.readwn.com~ and the long knife in his hand that split the flames.


The figure moved so fast that Freya hadn't fully reacted and returned when her limbs were separated. She didn't know that her left arm had been severed until the flying white reflection appeared in her pupils.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Amidst the shrill screams, Roman, who was covered in blood, swung into the sea of ​​​​fire with a saber full of gaps, and jumped up with bloodshot eyes.

Without any hesitation, Ludwig, whose eyes shrank suddenly, directly grabbed the flaming sword that stretched out to his throat with both hands, and endured the severe pain of burning and tearing the flesh, and abruptly took the weapon from Freya's hand.


The wailing Freya blew the saber in Roman's hand into pieces, and the right hand holding the knife caught fire.

But Roman, who had opened the "Wild Hunter Knight Bloodline", had also rushed in front of her, raised his right elbow, and smashed directly at Freya's temple.


The long-haired elf princess fell straight to the ground in response-she seemed to want to dodge, but the "sense of distance" of the conjurer could not make up for the lack of experience, and the power obtained by relying on magic was defeated by "Wild Hunter" Roman Completely crushed.


Ludwig made a decisive move—raised his foot and slammed into the chest of the Elf Princess, and then stomped on it.

Seizing this opportunity, Roman put out the flames in his right hand, and with his left hand he took out a cold metal ball from his arms and stuffed it into Freya's mouth while she was still screaming.

"A new type of grenade produced by the August Armoury Factory." Roman said to the elf princess who was in a semi-conscious state on the ground:

"Codename, Miss Talia's hospitality!"

When the voice fell, he yanked the fuze away, and Ludwig and Ludwig suddenly fell to both sides.


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