I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 3 Chapter 108: weight

"I will be crowned king (

When Little Leon stumbled out of the door, Anson's mood collapsed.

Because he was the only one in the room who knew—of course Karl might have guessed—that there was no information leak at all.

The letter was sent four days ago, and the messenger, a soldier of the Storm Division, took it in White Tower from a man who claimed to be Ludwig "the platoon commander of the guard company"; the letter was intact Unpassed, and the messenger didn't get any passwords other than sending letters.

Therefore, before 10:30 this morning, An Sen himself was the only one who knew the entire contents of the letterhead in the entire Iron Bell Fort.

Then there is only another possibility for Leon's appearance - things are changing.

And definitely not in the right direction!

"...On the night of June 21st, our army was ambushed and attacked by the Iser Elf on the way to the cliff fortress; the enemy's plan was very thorough, and our scouts and sentries did not notice it until thirty minutes before the attack... "

"...The enemy used numerous artillery pieces to cover our legion camp with indiscriminate firepower. According to post-war statistics, there were twelve pounder cannons... (The handwriting was scribbled, and Leon accidentally soaked it with wine) A total of no less than 100 artillery pieces. ... shelled our camp for no less than fifteen minutes..."

"...no less than four infantry divisions of Iser elves participated in this attack, including but not limited to the army of the local lords of Iser, as well as the Guard Corps whose main force was annihilated in Eagle Point City and disappeared for a while ; their titular supreme commander is the daughter of the Elf King Iser, Freya Mosesfield..."

"...The battle was fierce until 3:55 in the morning, the enemy's offensive was completely repelled, and its plan to encircle and annihilate our army was completely bankrupt; the stubborn Isel spirits used evil magic in the battle without limit... …”

"...In the battle, the total number of Old God cultists that can be clearly identified is no less than three digits, and they are roughly..."

"...During the transition stage of our army, the despicable cultists not only tried to assassinate Major General Ludwig Franz himself, but also used extremely terrifying magic to turn our army's defense lines into a sea of ​​fire, thousands of The Clovis soldiers were buried in it..."

"...In this campaign, all our heavy artillery pieces were destroyed, and only eight light infantry artillery pieces remained. All ammunition should be lost. The logistical supply of each combat unit can only be maintained for two days..."

"...The entire guard company was annihilated, three-quarters of the grenadier regiments suffered casualties; the third, fifth, seventh, and eighth infantry regiments received one-fifth minor and serious injuries, one-fourth were killed, and middle- and lower-rank officers were lost. Two-thirds; the remaining infantry regiments, cavalry regiments, skirmish regiments, and direct artillery battalions suffered casualties ranging from one-fifth to one-fourth in the first round of shelling, and the total casualties of the regiment were about…”

"...The legion has moved to the cliff fortress and established a solid line of defense; but the army of Iser elf followed and continued to gather towards the fortress. Once the supply line with Eagle Point City was cut off, the southern legion could only hold on at most. three months; and the enemy has shamelessly converted to the old **** belief, betrayed the glory of the ring of order, and is very likely to use more extreme means..."

When Little Leon realized that he seemed to have done something wrong inadvertently and started to try to remedy it, the news about the "failure of the main force of the Southern Legion" had spread to the ears of one-tenth of Iron Bell Castle.

Then, in some more efficient way - "I'm telling you a secret", "I just said that when I saw ** looking for**...", "You must never tell anyone else" ——In less than a day, the other nine-tenths of the people also knew.

a bolt from the blue!

There is no doubt that once the main force of the Southern Legion is hit hard, the Kingdom of Clovis, which had been smooth sailing before, will definitely adjust its eastern strategy immediately; either find a way to stabilize the battle situation and make things hastily; Take back the elven kingdom of Isir.

So what kind of variables will her future usher in in this "little accident" when the curtain of war has just been drawn down and the vast land is welcoming the dawn of peace?

All are waiting.

Waiting for Anson Bach to come forward, wait for him to clarify the truth, or admit the truth; wait for the storm division to pack his bags in a panic, like a bandit who has had his home stolen, just after a victory, he is about to flee in embarrassment Go back, so as not to be cut off by the enemy.

Then...they waited all day.

Under the arrangement of Grenadier Commander Fabian and Chief of Staff Karl, the regimental commanders and even the middle and lower-level officers at the company level collectively received a gag order and kept silent about the "news"; the entire Storm Division seemed extremely quiet, almost as quiet as Like nothing happened, assembling, training, eating, resting as usual.

As for Anson Bach himself, he seemed to have evaporated from the world. After kicking Little Leon out, he did not show up for a whole day.

All the guests who tried to visit were met only by the little clerk with a formulaic smile, a black and white suit, a top hat, and a briefcase in his arms.

Is it because of shock, emotional excitement and... despair?

Leno Emmanuel, who came to the door for the third time and was blocked by the little secretary, couldn't help guessing while looking at the closed door.


"It's more confusion than shock."

In the dark conference room, An Sen, who was lying on the table, hugged his shoulders, stared at the ceiling and muttered to himself.

"Confused?" A voice came out of his head.

"The Thirteenth Council...or the Iser Elves, where did they get the courage to be so flamboyant, in broad daylight... uh... it seems to be at night... in full view of the public, they use magic in battle without any cover up?"

Anson frowned: "They don't know how to do this, doesn't it mean that Clovis's excuse to invade Iser is actually hammered?"

In his opinion, this Her Royal Highness Freya Mosesfield looks majestic and invincible, but in fact, he is already a dead... er... dead elf.

From the description in the letter, she is indeed very strong, so strong that she is a reinforcement artillery regiment; but it is not the spellcaster and the believers of the Three Old Gods that rule this world, but the Church of Order.

Stronger than the apostle of the Rune family, Miss Talia's father, he only dared to hide in the Lund Manor outside Clovis City; he could destroy the city by raising his hand, but still abide by a certain relationship with the church. commitment between.

Now, Her Royal Highness is taking the initiative to self-destruct, not to mention that the church and the orderly world cannot tolerate her, and the other old gods who want to continue to hide will not let her go; the Thirteenth Council has made herself a target .

"Maybe, that's their purpose?"

"Well... I can't rule out this possibility. The goal of the Thirteenth Council is to overthrow the Church's power in the Elven Kingdom of Iser; if you want to achieve the Church's reconstruction glory, a certain degree of 'strength display' may really be necessary. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to prove that their set is better than the church." Anson pondered for a few seconds:

"Since this is the case, then the intervention of the church must be expected by the Thirteenth Council; in order to suppress the old gods, the Church of Order will definitely spare no effort to do everything possible, and I am afraid that it will not be stingy to pay some price when necessary - then let What is the trump card that the Thirteenth Council is confident in doing so?"

"Empire?" The term came to his mind.

"I think if even the old gods of the empire can't persuade His Majesty Herid to support them, a group of Isel elves...I'm afraid they can't do it either." Anson, pouting, shook his head:

"But...if the elf Yser can really be 'great again', she can indeed help the emperor share a lot of pressure, make Clovis fight on two fronts, and finally exhaust his strength and have to surrender."

"So, is the Empire actually using the Elf Kingdom of Iser?"

The voice in my head asked again.

"Well, it's not impossible - since the Elven King Iser has completely handed over the construction of the army to the Imperial Instructor Corps and made Louis Bernard the commander of the army, maybe they even made the battle plan."

An Sen touched his nose and put his right hand under his head: "Let an outsider directly command a legion, why haven't I encountered such a good thing...cough!"

"If this is the case, it means that Clovis's war against Iser has been within the empire's plan since the beginning, but it may have been brought forward due to some accidents."

"Then..." The voice in my head dragged a long tail.

"Then it's not that the empire is not ready for war, but that the plans haven't caught up with the changes-intervention from the empire is only a matter of time and extent!"

"They invested so much for the card of Iser, and now the card has been played ahead of time, and a bunch of old gods who blew themselves up, the Empire... Do they still dare to interfere in this war like before?"

"Emperor Herid, does he dare to bear the consequences of confronting the church head-on?"


He didn't think that the Empire would offend the Church for the Iser Elf, but if he did, in order to punish the Emperor, would the Church definitely turn to support the Kingdom of Clovis?

Hard to say.

From the standpoint of the church, they probably hoped that the Clovis Kingdom would lose the war and merge into the empire; because this would weaken the impact of the rise of Clovis on the entire world of order and maintain the stability created by the church.

For the Church, this is a "rare" opportunity to intervene in secular disputes; but if they want to intervene, they will inevitably stand on the opposite side of the empire and support the Kingdom of Clovis.

As for the Kingdom of Clovis, the Church is also a much-needed but less desirable ally; it is justifiable to draw on the Church, and it can also deter the Empire from acting rashly.

But once the church is involved, the final victory will be greatly reduced - the church definitely wants to expand its influence in the Elven Kingdom of Iser - and it is equivalent to opening the church after the forty-seventh year of the saint's calendar. Interfere with worldly evils.

All powers want more from the battle of the Ysir, but before they can get the victory they want, they must pay a heavier price and face the situation they least want to face.


There is another person who stands up at this time and uses his own strength to completely change the current situation; on the balance of the three parties, put a small piece of inconspicuous weight that is not enough to overwhelm the balance but can change the balance. .

Who will be this little weight?

The three dukes of Fargo, the rebel fleet of Carindia, the truth behind the novelist, Freya Mosesfield, or...


The sudden sound from behind made Ansen startled and turned back suddenly, a small figure appeared behind him.


The girl was wearing her black and white pleated skirt, a small round top hat on her crooked head, and her calf wrapped in white over-the-knee stockings was hugged tightly by her, with her feet together, like a cute He squatted on the chair like a doll, with a pair of red eyes staring at him.

This dress made Anson very happy. He always felt that Lisa was what she should be like. The problem was that Lisa didn't think so; it didn't matter to her what she wore, only that Borne rifle and cans can never be lost.

It's just that it always feels...something's not right.

"When... when did you come in?"


The girl raised her head and thought about it seriously: "I don't remember."

"Can not remember?"

"Yes~www.readwn.com~ I saw you lying there, talking to yourself, talking for a long time, so scary, I didn't dare to interrupt you for fear of scaring you."

Anson: "...So you're always there, aren't you?"

"Yeah." Lisa nodded.

Anson: "...So I just said to myself, did you hear it?"

"Yeah!" Lisa nodded vigorously.

Anson: "..."

For a moment, Anson's heart collapsed.

As a gifted person, a qualified - at least he thinks so - a conjurer, he is still unaware that the person he is most familiar with walks behind the front door!

Wait, no.

Lisa is not such a well-behaved child, except sleeping, eating and "commanding", nothing can keep her in a quiet place for a few hours; let alone in such a quiet time, without a hug in her arms. with her Borne rifle.

Such a well-behaved Lisa could not be the Lisa in Anson's memory.

An Sen's expression suddenly condensed, and some kind of guess that made him suddenly panic was gradually emerging from his mind, and with the smile of the girl in front of him, and those red eyes, it gradually changed. clear up.

Yes, in his memory, there is such a very quiet, polite and very "well-behaved" little girl, her name is...

"You finally reacted, Your Excellency Anson Bach."

"Lisa" tilted her head with a smile, her soft words and tender voice reached a subtle harmony at this moment, mixed with a trace of resentment:

"I thought I had to chat with you for a long time before I could bother you to look at others."

"Dear fiancé~husband~sir."

Anson shivered with fright!

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