I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 3 Chapter 111: Calindia Rebellion

"Boom!!!! Boom!!!! Boom!!!!"

Accompanied by the rumbling sound of the cannons, the fire from the naval guns continued to penetrate the sea level shrouded in dense fog, turning the sleeping port into a sea of ​​fire.

The once prosperous Port of Carindia burned in the billowing black smoke and fire, collapsed in the screeching sound of tearing the air, screamed when it was awakened from sleep, and wailed among the scorched earth and rubble.

The blood-colored unicorn battle flag, ignited by the firelight, fell with the ashes flying in the sky, fell from the top of the collapsed watchtower to the sea, and sank slowly.

The battleship with the iris battle flag began to approach the burning port.

And just as the imperial fleet was approaching, a tragic massacre was quietly being staged in the port of Carindia.

Between the squares and streets shrouded in the morning mist, the sound of gunshots and sharp blades collided one after another; rushing footsteps, shrill bugles and bloodthirsty howls were intertwined, and insults and screams went back and forth. Penetrating the fog... dragging the entire city into the abyss of chaos.

The poor and petty citizens of Port Carindia in ragged clothes and even naked, nobles dressed in luxury, and even wearing old-fashioned helmets and breastplates, they poured out from every corner of the city like ant colonies without warning, Waving a mess of weapons ranging from farm implements to decorations, shouting bloodthirsty slogans flowing in the streets and alleys, besieging the military stations and soldiers wearing red and black military uniforms and carrying the Clovis flag.

When marching towards Mist, Anson had already taken away all the troops, including the coalition, and not a single soldier was left in the entire Port of Carindia; It was the "Carindia Regiment" organized by Fabian.

As an excellent former Guards officer, the security force formed by Fabian is basically a "miniature Guards": oppression of the good is its routine, threats and intimidation are the only language it can speak, and levies are brutal. is its measure of performance.

In order to recruit as many people as possible, Fabien also had to lower the standard of recruiting - tramps, beggars, unemployed sailors and workers, bankrupt peasants, prisoners in prisons, gangsters on the streets...all are recruiting.

At the same time, out of cost control, Anson didn’t even plan to pay the troop, so they could only “generate their own income”. The only benefit of joining the army was to provide “production tools” – a four-day military drill, plus a bayonet. , rifles that have ammo but may not work well.

When compiling and training the "Carindia Regiment", the junior secretary who was in charge of the matter also summed up a set of experience in training foreign security forces based on Fabian's method:

The first step is to find a group of local people who don't have much affection for the local area, or even dissatisfaction, and organize them.

The second step, give them guns;

The third step is to throw them on the street and let them "police" and "tax".

Then...you have an army of "loyal" natives.

One can imagine what kind of hatred will break out between the security forces trained by this model and the locals; when the imperial fleet appeared in the port, the whole city was like a lit powder keg...

Instant explosion!

Thousands of paupers and nobles united like never before, sweeping through the barracks, outposts, camps and arsenals like a frenzy.

Although the number of security forces stationed at Carindia Port is also several thousand, they are scattered in every corner of the city, like reefs and isolated islands in the surging waves, any rolling wave can tear them to pieces.

Amid the screams of killing in the city, the people staring at scarlet eyes brandished crude weapons and rushed to the fortified military station and arsenal. fell down.

Despite the large number of people, the poor people of Carindia did not have many weapons in their hands - the original security team of the city was disarmed on the first day the Storm Division entered the city, and all the arsenals were all destroyed by the Storm Division and Not even a single buckshot was collected and looted by the coalition forces.

Therefore, in the face of the "Carindia Regiment" who were firmly guarding the stronghold, they could only attack with simple cold weapons, to charge, to cover the streets with corpses, and to let blood overflow from the sewage canals... Let flesh and blood fight against Gunpowder and Steel.

The "Carindia Regiment", which was blocked in the stronghold, was surrounded on all sides, but still resisted and showed no sign of surrendering - not because of loyalty or high morale, but because of so long The accumulated hatred made them well aware that the only outcome of surrendering was being cut with a thousand swords.

Rather than fall into the hands of "compatriots" and be abused to the point of death, it is better to carry it to the end and try to find a way out!

Around the simple fortifications left by the storm division, the two sides launched the most brutal fight; the anger and backlog of pain in their hearts on weekdays made the Carindians slammed into the solid walls and full of barbs. The fence and the one-person deep trench stood upright in the face of the hail of bullets shot from the narrow shooting port, scrambled to rush to the passage and gate that could only allow two or three people to enter, but were held by four or five soldiers...

In the sea of ​​blood boiling fire, one after another military station and arsenal gradually fell in desperation with no help from all sides as time went by.

After all, despair may give these "quasi-guards" the courage to fight, but it cannot turn them into real guards in a minute; let alone in desperate situations, there is never a shortage of traitors who shoot black guns , regard the life of weapons and companions as a token of survival.

The destruction of the "Carindia Regiment" did not bring the riot to an end; to a certain extent, it was more like a beginning - when the common enemy was eliminated, the red-eyed civilians and nobles, rich people were killed. Conflict between people broke out immediately.

The Carindians remembered who had no will to fight in the presence of the Clovis and Aiden invaders, who was ready to surrender without waiting for the enemy to show up, who left their army in Green Valley to die, who... They allow outsiders to wantonly exploit and oppress.

And unlike before, this time they have guns!

The wealthy nobles and businessmen who were among the crowd were the first to suffer—they didn’t dare to provoke the Carindia regiment, but they still had the courage to loudly “encourage” others to die when they were mixed behind the rioting group, and it was great.

So the rioters immediately found the loudest and the most popular guy in the crowd. They were surprised to find that they were blushing, wearing clean and neat clothes, and they were completely unscathed.

Then before they could react, he quietly aimed the muzzle at the back of their heads.


Mansions were set on fire, warehouses were washed open, and shops were smashed... The rioters who were instigated by Carindian nobles and wealthy businessmen to overthrow the rule of the Storm Division and regain control of the city, turned their targets to Approve them.

The nobles tried to resist, and then they found their situation... In fact, it was no different from the Carindian regiment they destroyed, and they were an absolute minority in the city.

And what's even more tragic is that after being raided by the storm division, they are no longer armed in any sense; the family guards who were originally flamboyant, did not even have the courage to fight to the death in the face of the rebel mob in the city - They would rather be a thug than fight to the death with thousands of thugs.

And as the chaos spreads further, the whole riot is moving more and more towards an uncontrollable trend. The order of the entire city is annihilated with the destruction of the "Carindia Regiment", and the nobles and wealthy businessmen who are about to be slaughtered are ushered in. a substantial collapse.

Everywhere is killing, everywhere is looting; gangsters who fish for fish in troubled waters, avengers who take the opportunity to vent their anger... The honest people of the past are now transformed into the most ferocious bloodthirsty beasts; the weak and thin little beggar holds a butcher's knife in order to be red with blood. of gold slit someone's throat...

So when the Empire's army easily swept the Carindia regiment in the port and prepared to take the entire city into its pocket, they found that the entire Carindia Port had been completely enveloped in a sea of ​​riotous flames.

The only places where order can still be maintained are the Hantu Cathedral, which is the representative of the Church of Order, and the Council of Carindia—the former has a detached political status and escaped by the last shreds of reverence for the faith of ordinary people. A catastrophe.

The latter was located at the highest point of the whole city, and the remaining nobles of Carindia were desperately defending, and finally withstood the waves of the thugs.

The nobles huddled in the castle looked desperately at the black city outside, blood dripping from the bottom of their hearts.

In their original wishful thinking, it should be to incite the people to exterminate the Carindia regiment left by the Storm Division, and then rely on their "high prestige and credibility" to replace these robbers and rebuild the prosperity and stability of Carindia Port.

In this way, on the one hand, they can regain the dominion of the city, and at the same time, they can avoid reinforcements-that is, the army of the Empire enters the city to fight in the streets, avoiding many meaningless sacrifices and losses, and they and the civilians can benefit from it.

However, what I never expected was that because of the previous series of fiasco and "compromising", they had no credibility among the people, let alone any prestige - there was only infamy.

And these gangster-like Carindians not only do not sympathize with their sacrifice and responsibility, but even throw their anger on them, the real "noble Carindians", turning the city into ruins and wasting their efforts in vain!

Now the only hope of the nobles and wealthy merchants of Carindia is that the imperial army can enter the city as soon as possible, suppress the riots and rebellions in the city one after another, and maintain order for themselves.

As long as the peace can continue to be maintained, so that these "noble Carindians" don't have to face threats to their lives, then... Anyway, Clovis has already been sold once, and it doesn't matter if you sell it to the Empire again.

But what they didn't know was that the army of the empire had no intention of dedicating for them free of charge, let alone throwing a limited army into meaningless urban security battles and wasting soldiers' lives in vain.

There is a more "modern" and more efficient way to end it all for the unwilling surrender of Port Carindia and the thousands of rioters who have killed them.

So under the order of an officer, the imperial warship parked in the port opened the gun doors on both sides of the hull again and aimed the guns at the city.

The sea of ​​fire and thunder shrouded the entire Port of Carindia.


"...According to the cavalry report, the empire used the entire fleet to cover the port of Carindia with firepower, and then organized the army to encircle the rioters one street after another, and the efficiency is very high."

In the conference room, Fabian, the head of the grenadier, who was holding the intelligence, reported to Anson and all the officers present calmly:

"By 17:35 that day, before the reconnaissance cavalry retreated, the riots in the port of Carindia had basically subsided, and the imperial army had completely controlled all urban areas of the entire city, garrisoned fortresses, warehouse supplies and everything else. ."

"Of course, the price is that the entire city has basically been reduced to ruins." Fabian added: "Except for the outermost city walls, four-fifths of the city has been completely destroyed, and the population loss cannot be counted, but it should not be less. Twenty thousand."

"Why?" an officer couldn't help but ask.

"Because the Port of Carindia has a permanent population of less than 80,000."

Fabian glanced at him: "This riot lasted all day~www.readwn.com~ and the entire port of Carindia was almost evacuated by us for supplies, it is unlikely that the Imperials who came by boat would put themselves The supplies were distributed to the locals, and with the riots, four-fifths of the city was burned down, so…”

"In a week, the death of sickness plus starvation, and the death toll of the Carindians who tried to resist...at least 20,000."

"The premise is that the army of the empire and the nobles of Carindia can quickly restore the local order, and the villages near Carindia will be recruited to provide them with sufficient food, otherwise..."

Fabian didn't go on, and the others didn't need him to go on.

"How many people did the empire send in total?"

Anson interrupted the conversation.

"It's about nine thousand...but this number may not be accurate." Fabian's expression was a little unsightly:

"We didn't expect the Empire to log in at the port of Carindia at first, and the scout cavalry also accidentally escorted the baggage team to see the situation in the port of Carindia, and it was not planned - according to him In return, I only saw the flags of two infantry divisions near the port, and the size of the army was used to calculate this number."

Anson nodded slightly, expressing his understanding—the empire would land and invade from the port of Carindia at the first time, which was indeed a little unexpected; he originally thought that the empire would invade from the Principality of Aiden first, and wait until he was left to his own way. When the time comes, take Carindia again and completely cut off your escape route.

Now it seems that the invasion from Carindia was probably planned from the beginning.

"Two infantry divisions, almost half a legion." An Sen nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly looked at Fabian alertly:

"Then who is their commander--isn't it Louis Bernard again?!"


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