I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 3 Chapter 113: best friend

At the moment when the loud noise roared, the two people who were facing each other subconsciously looked sideways at the same time, looking in the direction of the sound.

over there... it looks like...


Jorah, whose expression was stagnant, was stunned, and even temporarily forgot her mission to assassinate Adran's heir, staring at the figure walking from the direction of the camp with a solemn expression.

It was an imperial knight in full armor, like an imperial knight walking out of an oil painting.

He was wearing a dark red cloak, and his bright silver armor shone like a mirror; he was holding a helmet decorated with pure white horse mane in his right hand, and under the scattered blond hair was a handsome lion-like face, which looked heroic.

The moment he saw Louis and Jorah, the young imperial knight's eyes lit up, and he quickened his pace.


Although she didn't know the identity of the other party, Jorah immediately pointed her right hand with her snapped fingers at the imperial knight who suddenly "appeared", her scarlet eyes staring at each other's every move.


Mollen...why didn't Mollen, who was standing outside, stop him? !

The unexpected situation made Jorah's heart tumble, and she was so nervous that she didn't notice Louis's shocked expression when he saw the figure of the knight behind him.

Facing the warning from the elf caster, the young imperial knight seemed to have not heard it at all, and still swung his arms sharply, rushing towards this side as if he was walking on the right foot.


The moment he snapped his fingers, the golden-red fire turned into a shooting star, like a six-pound solid bullet pounced on the approaching knight.

Looking at the oncoming fireball, the knight raised his chest while trying his best to grow his mouth, stunned as if he was looking stupid.


The burst of fire engulfed the figure of the knight, and Louis, who was standing there, seemed to be stimulated by something, and fell to the ground suddenly, while burying his head in the soft soil.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Jorah's mouth.


There were no shrill screams in the lit woods. On the contrary, the blazing fire was extinguishing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The imperial knight covered by the flames got up from a half-squatting posture, and slowly moved down the crossed arms in front of him, revealing that lion-like face, smiling at him.

Jorah's complexion suddenly changed, and in a hurry, she snapped her fingers with both hands again, and raged fire around her body.

Then, he heard a roar that he would never forget.

The dragon's roar.


Amidst the loud roar of the earth breaking apart, Louis, who was lying on the ground and covering his ears, felt as if he had been kicked **** the head, and as if a hundred sixty-eight-pound Caron guns were being shot beside him. ignite.

Even if he activated the power of the bloodline of "Sea Knight", the severe pain and strong dizziness made him almost unconscious; blood was uncontrollably gushing out from the corners of his eyes, nostrils and ears, and the blood vessels on his cheeks and neck were swollen. The violent rise of the roots... as if even the soul is trembling for it.

The loud voice continued for a long time...three minutes, maybe five minutes; when Louie, who was tinnitus, tried his best to open his bloodshot eyes, the surrounding woods had already disappeared, leaving only a piece of scorched earth.

The remaining tree trunks seemed to have just experienced a double blow of shrapnel and bombs, and only the charred stumps remained; the leaves of burning sparks were mixed with ashes, flying all over the sky.

Louis lowered his head, and there was no trace of him where Jorah was standing just now, only a pair of boots that were deep in the mud and filled with "dust".

There are traces of scorching fire all over the ground under his feet, only the place where he just lay on his stomach and the grass behind him are still intact.

At this moment, the Imperial Knight came over, with a hearty smile, and stretched out his right hand to Louis, who was lying on the ground.



Sitting under the shade of the tree, the knight with a smile on his lips took out a cigarette from his arms as if he was courteous, lit it and handed it to Louis: "It contains my special herbal medicine, which is good for restoring the spirit."

Louis, who was in a trance, was not polite to him. He caught it with three fingers and pursed his lips, and said weakly, "Why are you here?"

"Your father told me." The knight laughed sassily, rubbing his golden hair with his muddy right hand:

"He said that the scum of Clovis will definitely not be able to swallow this breath, so he will definitely let you come back from the Iron Horse Hills; I didn't believe it at first, but the southern defenders said that they had no news of the handover of prisoners, so it must be here. "These bastards!"

As he said that, the knight suddenly turned black, hugging his shoulders with a look of anger.

"That said, but the iron horse hill is so big, I don't know which direction you will come from. At first I planned to wait for you at the outpost, but then I couldn't wait any longer, so I went from the border army barracks. I borrowed a horse..."


Louis interrupted him with a surprised look on his face.

"Uh... I will definitely give it back to them anyway!" The knight continued to scratch his head, then coughed twice, and said with a serious face:

"Besides, I'm a knight! A knight, can what a knight do for a noble mission be called stealing? Borrow... At most, they may just know about it!"

Louis: "...you continue."

"Cough cough cough! Then there's nothing to say. I searched for a few days and didn't find you. I thought you might have just set off, so I planned to wait for two days; but at this time I met a hunter who was willing to sell maps. He's an honest-looking imperial man, so he planned to pick you up along the way."

Speaking of this, the knight was furious again: "In the end, I didn't think that the honest imperial man would sell me a fake map - and he also asked me ten gold coins!"

Louis nodded very calmly. For the first time in his life, he found that Clovis and the Imperials actually had a lot of similarities: "And after that?"

"No! I first found the traces of someone camping, and I found you along the way - first I met the Iser elf guarding the camp, and then..." The knight shrugged and winked at Louis curiously blink:

"Speaking of which, you didn't go to fight for the Yisel elves, why did they want to kill you?"

"...This is not important." Lightly sipping on the cigarette holder, Louis found that his voice was still very weak:

"It's important...you haven't told me why you're here, Arthur Hereid."

The knight's sassy laughter came to an abrupt end.

After Louis finished speaking, those bloodshot eyes stared at his face motionlessly.

The cigarettes with a faint fragrance slowly burned in the silence of the two, turning into soot and falling on the scorched ground.

"One more?"

Having said that, the attentive Arthur ordered a new one and handed it to Louis.

"Why don't you smoke yourself?" Louis took the cigarette curiously:

"I remember you used to be very addicted to smoking."

"Dear Louie, it hurts you to say that - we're not friends anymore?!"

The shocked knight covered his chest with an exaggerated expression, and glared at him fiercely at the same time: "I think so, can you?!"

Louie was startled, and then suddenly remembered something: "You mean... throat?"

"What else could it be?!" The knight's expression was extremely depressed:

"This thing is not very good for the lungs and throat. If I pump too much of the power of my blood, it will be abolished."

Louis nodded slightly, and expressed his sympathy.

The Herid family, the masters of Xiaolong City, the emperor of the empire... They who possess this ancient bloodline are the only families in the world that master the power of the "Dragon Knight" bloodline.

There are various reasons for this - some say it is because the Herid family has refused to intermarry with the great nobles for many years, and some say it is because the dragon knight is the most powerful blood force among the "seven knights" and is born with The power to rule; some people regard this as a symbol of the royal power of the Herid family, and only those who firmly hold this bloodline are worthy to rule the world.

But it is undeniable that almost every knight who has awakened the "Dragon Knight Bloodline" is basically far more powerful than the talent of the same age.

Arthur Herrid, his strength is one of the best even in the Herrid family; because of this powerful bloodline power, although he is not well-known, almost everyone has heard of his nickname .

Dragon Roar.

Just how strong this power is, Louis has seen with his own eyes; compared with the Herid family's favorite artillery, it is the power of a sixty-eight-pound Caron - and it is a face-to-face shot.

Not to mention the line of infantry made of flesh and blood, even if it is an ordinary city gate... If it is not the type that is specially reinforced and the material is relatively good, it may not be able to withstand his voice.

But the power of blood, which is so arrogant and unreasonable, has a huge flaw, or weakness.

That was his own voice, and the health of his lungs.

As long as the cough is a little severe, Arthur Reid's power will be greatly reduced; if the chest is not comfortable, or even just eat too salty, sweet, bitter, sour, and spicy, his blood power may completely fail!

This is almost a dilemma for a young man who loves coffee and wine, likes all kinds of heavy food and is addicted to smoking.

Either get power, or get life...you can only choose one.

Thinking of this, Louis suddenly understood why as soon as he woke up, this guy made all kinds of excuses and hurriedly wanted to light a cigarette for himself - and he was so close!

The sullen Arthur took out a piece of candy wrapped in paper from his arms, opened the wrapping paper, and stared at the candy ball with a look of incomparable expression.

He first held it up slowly and sniffed it in front of his nose. The seductive sweet breath flowed into his brain along the nostrils, and the leisurely smell of tobacco was mixed in. He was very intoxicated.

Immediately afterwards, the hand holding the candy dropped slowly, bringing the sugar coating close to his lips, opening the corners of his mouth little by little with the rhythm of his throat, gently opening his teeth, and sticking out his tongue little by little, in the candy. Touch up.


For a moment, Arthur, who closed his eyes tightly, trembled as if he was electrocuted, showing an expression of extreme enjoyment.

Yes, it's no ordinary candy! At this moment... it's chocolate with milk and honey, the freshest, steaming coffee, a cup of Saints' eight-year-old wine, fresh, salty and spicy roast beef, and the sweetest cherry cake... ...At this moment, it bears the expectations of mankind for all the food in the world!

Louis let out a long sigh.

"Actually... even if you don't say it, I can probably guess the purpose of your coming to me." Louis said softly:

"I have already lost this war. Even if His Majesty has other plans for me, I have promised the Clovis people that I will not return to the battlefield of Iser - I am a knight, and I cannot break my promise."

"Well said, knights should not break their promises." Arthur gave him a thumbs up, and then the conversation changed:

"So... what if it's Hantu?"

"Han Tu?"

"Yes, it's the Seven Cities Alliance, uh... There may not be as many as the Seven Cities now." Arthur scratched his head again:

"Clowe sent a partial division, probably less than 6,000 people to invade the vast land, messing up the entire Seven Cities Alliance, and even at the risk of integrating the entire vast land and becoming a vassal of the Clovis Kingdom."

"In order to prevent the Clovis people from opening up the situation in Hantu and threatening the southern border of the empire, His Majesty is planning to launch the 'Plant of Hantu' ahead of time, marching from both sea and land, liberate Hantu, and drive the Clovis out!"

"And I, Arthur Herrid, a dignified member of the royal family, your best friend!" The knight patted his chest with pride:

"A commander appointed by His Majesty as a commander of the temporarily formed Southern Front Army~www.readwn.com~ to shoulder the important task of attacking and pioneering; at present, there is still a lack of a person who has a special understanding of the military, and knows more about Hantu and how to deal with this group of Clovis people. War adjutant - so I thought of you the first time!"

"How, am I being particularly interesting?!"

Looking at Arthur who became more and more excited, Louis couldn't help laughing:

"How many troops do you have?"

"I don't know, but there is at least one regiment, at least - the commander-in-chief of the regiment is my brother-in-law, and he promised me!" Arthur cocked his hips proudly:

"There are fewer people, but they are definitely elites! The first-level company commanders are all talented, and they are all my good friends!"

"A company commander?" Louis was a little stunned:

"How many people did you find?"

"Four!" Arthur patted his shoulder hard:

"Count you, five!"

So this is an infantry regiment of two battalions and four companies, with less than 500 people... Louis cried and laughed inwardly. He seemed to understand more and more why Arthur could persuade his brother-in-law to allow him to go to the front line to make a fool of himself.

Since it is the future of the family, it will be on the battlefield one day, so let him have a little experience under his own care.

That's right... just like me when I was in Thundercastle.

Louis' eyes became dazed again, and pain spread in his pupils again.

"Come on!" Arthur, who was on the opposite side, hadn't noticed the expression of his best friend:

"Come to my regiment, and I'll make you my deputy captain, okay?!"

"...Okay, I promise you." Louis nodded thoughtfully:

"Only if you tell me something first."

"What's up?"

"The Clovis division who invaded the vast land, their commander... What's the name?"


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