I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 77: The pity of the little secretary

[Diary of Alan Dawn, commander of the Beluga Harbor garrison and private secretary of Ann Bach]:

"February 3, 101 of the saint's calendar, it is sunny, but there is a little snow."

"Last night was definitely an unforgettable day for Beluga Harbor - there are about 100 colonies in the whole New World, of which the population exceeds 30,000, and there are about 13 large colonies that can radiate the surrounding area. It is an important center for opening up a new world, and it has extraordinary meaning for its owner.

Among the thirteen colonies, Beluga Harbor was the first to be bombarded by sixty-eight-pound naval guns.

And it was the country's fleet that bombarded the city.

It must be admitted that although my humble clerk has experienced many wars due to work reasons, and has little experience with all kinds of gun sounds, the sound of the sixty-eight-pound Caron gun...

Maybe someday an excellent military factory will be able to produce more powerful weapons, but now, to me, who was two kilometers away from the center of the explosion, the sound was almost an objective description of "the sky is falling and the earth is breaking".

Especially the scene of the burning warehouse collapsing... I believe that the people of Beluga Harbor who were in the "special class" at that time must have a more immersive feeling than me watching on the wall of the military camp.

What kind of consequences this sudden shelling will bring, and what kind of psychological changes it will cause to the colonists and the natives of the New World, whether it will make the two worlds more united or separate... We don't know yet.

The only thing the humble clerk knew was that the North Square finally had an open space that could be used to build a factory, as well as hundreds of displaced workers who had temporarily lost their source of livelihood.

Not only that, but this was actually an accidental bombardment and became a parliamentary reform. The Faithful Alliance rose. After Speaker Harold was dismissed, the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, the Beluga Harbor Council, finally completely surrendered.

It is no longer a stubborn rejection, no longer a confrontation between the yang and the yin, but a complete, five-body surrender.

In order to show their sincerity, they specially nominated His Excellency Mason Weizler as their messenger, invited Lord Anson to attend the unveiling ceremony of the statue of Speaker Harold ten days later, and announced in public at the ceremony that he would be awarded the title of "Honorary Speaker".

For Lord Anson Bach, who had always refrained from the use of force and had hardly caused any major damage to the colony's economy, this was an unprecedented victory - even more significant than the end of the Hogland War in less than a year. .

Keeping the raw material production areas that are vital to the mainland, and establishing an effective rule... This will greatly enrich the resume of Lord Anson, and controlling the economy of a colony will also greatly enhance the Lord's status in the royal army. .

What's not known is that two other things happened that night:

First, there is indeed a group of heretics lurking in Beluga Harbor. They are suspected of using some method to control and turn the escaped Speaker Harold into a monster [this is confidential, this paragraph is deleted], and absconded after the incident, Soldiers who searched found only their stronghold.

This port city on the edge of the world is far more dangerous than people think.

Secondly, the Faithless Knights, wanted by the garrison and secretly reached an agreement with Anson Bach, seems to be stronger than they have shown. So far, I have only found some clues, but this organization It seems to be involved with another underground organization, the truth.

At present, these are just my personal associations. For the sake of the future of Lord Anson Bach, I really hope that I am wrong.

In addition to these, a lot of interesting things happened last night: Miss Lisa Bach used a flare gun rashly, which almost caused her and Lord Anson Bach to be bombed into the sky by naval guns together with the warehouse.

At present, Miss Lisa has been temporarily revoked the title of "sheriff", and she is thinking behind closed doors in her room, so she can't continue to uphold justice for Beluga Port for the time being. I guess many people in Beluga Port should have breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, the commander of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, is actually a talented person who has awakened the power of blood! This may explain why he was so brave at the scene of the fire, taking the place of Major Carl Bain who had planned to rush in.

As for why he kept this secret all the time, even his deputy commander didn't know about it... According to his own words, it was mainly because he was afraid of death.

The Storm Division is a piece of artillery pieced together... a temporary army, any talented person in this kind of army will inevitably be regarded as a treasured resource, desperately squeezed, and used as a commando captain.

He told the secret to Major Carl Bain and asked him to keep it secret; the chief of staff with a high sense of confidentiality respected his idea and only told me the secret.

And I, a humble clerk, also has a high sense of confidentiality, so I didn't tell anyone - I just reported his bloodline power and level of awakening to Lord Anson and Fabianzhong in written documents school.

Of course, this doesn't involve leaking secrets or betraying friends, it's just simply performing the daily work of a humble clerk. As for how to keep friends secret - I'm praying that Lord Anson Bach won't see the stack of documents placed in the At the top, a personal report of Lieutenant Colonel Alexei in four pages of 3,500 words.

Interestingly, in today's social morality, people always say "I swear" or "I swear to the Ring of Order" when reassuring each other, and the Ring of Order acts as a third-party guarantor.

I personally think that it is better to pray directly instead of swearing. The advantage is that the responsible party has changed from himself to the ring of order. After all, you have already prayed, and the effect of the two is exactly the same - it means nothing.

In that case, why not choose the one with less responsibility?

More importantly, I am the clerk of Lord Anson Bach, and I am naturally responsible for the interests of Lord Anson rather than Lieutenant Colonel Alexei; if the final result is regrettable, it can only be blamed on him for not having a competent person. 's secretary.

Fortunately, because the storm division has completely controlled the colony, the Beluga Harbor Council has expressed its submission, and the motion on organizing and building grass-roots clerks has been mentioned, and it can be completely implemented within half a year without any accident.

As a humble clerk, I sincerely wish Beluga Port to move forward steadily on the bureaucratic road and set an excellent example for the whole new world..."


He closed the diary, put away his collection of signature pens, and was dressed in a black formal suit with a small sapphire blue bow tie at the neckline. Smile:

"Good afternoon, Your Excellency Mason Weizler, do you need any help?"

As if he had waited for a long time, Mason, who was holding a glass of warm wine, had a sluggish expression.

"Ah... ah yes, yes! On behalf of the parliament, I want to see Lord Anson Bach."

"I can fully understand the urgent needs of you and the members of parliament, as well as your urgent feelings at the moment." The little secretary said a little apologetically:

"But due to some very special problems, Lord Anson Bach's schedule has been fully booked within two days, and he cannot see any guests."

"Oh?" Mason was taken aback:

"Is it a military issue or a financial issue?"

"Family issues." The little secretary regretted.

To be honest, recalling how angry Miss Lisa Bach and Anson were when they were locked up, the little secretary seriously doubted that the two days were conservative estimates.

Anson, who was almost blown up by naval guns, planned to teach Lisa a "deep enough lesson", but Lisa thought it was because Anson didn't make it clear, not only did the cake she promised before not materialized, but also temporarily canceled her "police". long" title.

As for when the conflict between the two will cease, the probability depends on when Mr. Anson can get a strawberry cake covered with frosting in the frozen Beluga Harbor.

"I'm sorry that I can't arrange a meeting between you and Lord Anson for the time being, but I can assure you that your Lord will definitely go to the unveiling ceremony of the statue of Speaker Harold ten days later...for now." The little secretary smiled still:

"So what do you want?"

"I... Beluga Harbor Council needs help."

Mason's voice was a little dry, and panic flashed in his flustered eyes: "Because of the accident last night, there are now nearly a thousand homeless refugees in Beluga Harbor, including immigrants and 'beast slaves'."

"They are now displaced and have nothing. They can only run around in other communities and cause a lot of riots; especially those 'beast slaves', these dangerous elements are almost everywhere, and the Faithful Alliance and the Council can do nothing against them!"

Mason Weizler's expression was so genuine that if he only listened to him, the little secretary would really think that the indigenous people he called "beast slaves" were stubborn, stupid and ignorant cultists.

In fact, it was the Alliance of the Faithful...or the mad believers of Universalism, who provoked and targeted the homeless indigenous people, which led to the turmoil of nearly half of the community, including North Square.

But the little secretary knows better that the alliance is an important foundation for Lord Anson to rule the Beluga Port, and he needs to try his best to win over the target; until the value of use is drained, it is not easy to discourage these people's enthusiasm for belief.

So he put it another way: "According to my understanding, it should be the responsibility of the Beluga Harbor Council to provide a safe living environment for the residents of Beluga Harbor?"

"That's right, but right now there is a lack of funds, and it can even be said that it is about to make ends meet!" Mason's expression was very embarrassed:

"It's already February, and there are more than a dozen days before the 'tax' - coal, iron ore, seafood... The local prices are quite low, but the trade volume is very large; The council doesn't have much money left to house these poor homeless people until the trade is settled."

"So...you hope the Storm Division can accommodate these people for the council?" The little secretary raised his eyebrows.

"That's right!" Mason nodded quickly and said yes.

"Uh... I want to say that the storm division can help, but you also know that the resettlement of nearly 1,000 people is a huge expense." The little secretary showed a bit of difficulty:

"Right now, the Storm Division is advancing the reclamation of the Legion's farm. Such a huge project is also very embarrassing for us, especially when there is no payment, trying to persuade the logistics to spend such a large amount of expenses will definitely cause..."

"It's not free." Mason said without hesitation:

"To be precise, we hope to make this transaction with Miss Talia Rune."


"That's right, the large warehouses and vacant land occupied by the homeless before, in name, actually belonged to Harrow... Beluga Harbor Council's land, because there are too many poor people living there, it has been left unused."

"Now that it has been bombed into white land, we want to make a deal with Miss Talia - Beluga Harbor Council can sell the land in the urban area to the Rune family to set up a factory at a very low price. , the price is to solve the housing problem of those displaced people, what do you think?"

"I think Miss Talia will be very optimistic about this deal, if the Beluga Harbor Council is willing to pay a good enough price." The little secretary smiled knowingly:

"The ancient Rune family will be very honored to contribute to the well-being of the people of Beluga Harbor, as long as they have such a precious opportunity."

"And I also promise that Miss Talia will be satisfied with the price."

Mason Weizler let out a sigh of relief, as long as the Stormtroopers were willing to take over the trouble they caused—of course he wouldn't come out—the Council certainly wouldn't mind paying some money.

Anyway, that warehouse has been abandoned for a long time, and it is a pleasant surprise for the council to be able to even sell the land to earn a small sum of money.

Of course, this is also because there is a legion of 6,000 people behind the opponent~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, even if Mason Weizler did such a wrathful thing himself, he would be 100% beaten by the colleagues in the parliament. Squeeze the marrow, destroy the family.

The problem of refugees was solved. Mason, who failed to see the commander-in-chief, did not plan to stay for a long time, and left in a hurry without even drinking a drink; the smiling little secretary got up to see off the guests, and watched the other party leave in front of the headquarters gate. .

When he turned around and was about to return to his office, he happened to bump into the cavalry lieutenant who came to deliver the letter; the two had dealt with each other several times when they were in Hantu, and the little secretary was a "friend" who needed to greet each other when they met:

"Good morning, Jason, why are you back?"

"Sending a letter to Lieutenant Colonel Fabien is about the follow-up work on the incident in the warehouse." The cavalry lieutenant had a trace of complaint on his face, and said out of breath:

"This was originally the job of Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, and it was my turn when no one else was there."

"Oh, where did he go?"

"Removed - I don't know why, but it seems that the commander and Lieutenant Colonel Fabian have other arrangements for him."

"Oh, what a pity, I wish I could do something for him."

The little secretary said very sadly.


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