I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 106: success criteria

The talks turned out to be successful, or at least on the surface.

The shocked representatives of the various colonial councils did not rush to leave immediately after the meeting, but chose to stay in Longhu Town to continue to observe, and even the representatives of Black Reef Harbor and Winter Torch City planned to send their commissioners to Beluga. Hong Kong, for further information.

It’s just that it’s unrealistic to think that everyone can be enlightened in a single meeting—it would be really troublesome if they really have such a high moral awareness, then how can the storm division earn... Provide them justly More help!

Obviously, this is impossible. The difference between these "liberals" and "loyalists" is that they have different interests, but they both have very flexible moral bottom lines.

For them, the choice given by Anson is quite tempting - since it is unrealistic to be independent on your own, then unite and form an "alliance" that can represent all the forces on each colony to jointly fight against the empire from the empire. repression.

There are two advantages to doing this: first of all, it is definitely more beneficial to fight against the empire, and you don't have to worry about being defeated one by one; at the same time, it can prevent the infiltration from Beluga Harbor, and one by one becomes a vassal of the Clovis.

There are certainly disadvantages: unifying tariffs means that the trade barriers between the colonies are broken, and the formation of a common army will inevitably lose control and jurisdiction over the local army, and at the same time bear the burden of war.

The countless entanglements of interests in the middle are enough to make the few colonies that have just united to split immediately, and they will fight first without waiting for the empire to kill them.

But this has nothing to do with Anson - to win over the rebel colonies is to make them resolutely resist the empire, and open the market for Beluga Harbor by the way, the rest does not involve himself, or the interests of Stormmaster and the Rune family.

The day after the meeting, he threw his work over to Carl and Fabian, hiding in the barracks and secretly studying the second half of the St. Isaac's Notebook.

Of course, it is inaccurate to describe it as "secretly", because "it just so happens" that Talia also came to Longhu Town at this time as the representative of the "Animal Animal Husbandry Committee" of Beluga Port.

Regarding the "point-to-point" evolution method mentioned in St. Isaac's notes, although it is very frank that this method does not make much sense for her, a spellcaster with "long kite string" who has become a blasphemous mage , but still showed great interest.

"Although it is arrogant, there is a certain truth to this theory; if Talia knew and knew that this gentleman was doing research in this area, she would probably kill him with her own hands?"

In Anson's opinion, this is probably the highest evaluation a girl can give - as expected of the first man in the Old God World to master the three major magics at the same time.

Anson even suspected that St. Isaac's experimental object was himself, because there seemed to be no other reason to explain why a priest who believed in the Ring of Order could master the three major magics at the same time.

As for why the man who mastered the three major magics still died of assassination... Anson's guess is that it may be related to the way he "evolved": even if the ordinary spellcaster is talented, the speed of advancement is in units of years. There is a step-by-step process to continuously gain a deeper understanding of one's own abilities and to deepen the understanding of magic by learning to master new skills.

But Saint Isaac is different. He is purely "evolution for evolution's sake". The ability obtained each time he advances is completely preparation and foreshadowing for the next evolution. He has never considered whether this ability can be used for fighting.

In addition, as the leader of the Truth Society and a close friend of Carlos I, most of them will not have any combat experience, and it is not impossible to fight back in the face of a well-planned assassination.


[October 31st, record of the fifth experiment.

I seem to have walked into a dead end.

To reiterate, this experiment is very dangerous. It’s essentially the same as rubbing oneself as plasticine, so no matter what, you must have a blood mage friend, preferably an apostle. Invaluable experience after turning into bolognese.

Although he occasionally ridiculed you, kept saying some dejected words next to him, took the trouble to attack your self-confidence, and compared you with some poor people with physical defects...

But these are nothing compared to being alive.

Seriously, if he is just yin and yang, you can bear with it, but I was forced to serve him all day in a maid costume!

Closer to home, the reason for the problem is not a problem in the general direction and thinking, but the transition from ordinary spellcaster to 'blasphemy mage', the span is really too big, and it is almost impossible under the non-uniform magic system. The question of a smooth transition.

And if you give up the "jump" and use the traditional "linear", the stability will be improved, but it will also lay a hidden danger for the future evolution, which is likely to greatly increase the failure rate.

But even if it is successful, the difficulty after that is not optimistic; after becoming a Blasphemer Mage, not only the three major magics, but also the casters who have evolved in different paths under the same magic system are very different, the difference is so big that there are almost two The level of the species hierarchy.

To give an example--damn I'm going to give another example, I hate this--if the previous 'conversion' was the process of going from an apple to an orange, then this time I'm going to turn a banana into a monkey.

That's right, it's not a banana-flavored monkey or a monkey-flavored banana. Damn, I must have been too sleepy to think of this metaphor, but it's completely turning a banana into a monkey... In short, don't pay attention to the details, just understand the spirit.

How to successfully complete the transition between completely different 'species' has become a new problem in the next step; I need some inspiration to solve it.

Carlos said that I have pushed myself too hard recently. If I don't communicate with people or breathe fresh air for a long time, the smartest brain will start to become dull and easy to get into trouble.

I would like to retort that I have been with my best friend all the time, but it doesn't seem very convincing to think that his real body is...

So I'm going to take his advice and go out for a while, go to some salon parties or hang out at the zoo - those ignorant kids watching them learn from Uncle Isaac that unicorns don't exist in this world , the disillusioned look on the goblin's time is really pleasing to the body and mind, and there is nothing more conducive to relaxation than this...]

[On November 3rd, Count Lorenzo invited me to his private banquet. In order to thank him for his generosity, I specifically told him the esteemed Countess Lorenzo—the ruby ​​necklace around his wife’s neck was fake, look The workmanship is worth five silver coins at most.

The strange thing is that he doesn't seem to be happy, and the even more strange thing is that his wife is also very unhappy but thanked me, and then that boring banquet ended so hastily except that the fish was fresh. 】

[On November 5th, Baron Auden’s private salon sent me an invitation card, and he secretly told me that it was the birthday of Countess Lorenzo, and Count Lorenzo, who was addicted to gambling and lost money, had to get a piece of it Fake gems fool wife.

Well, now I finally understand why they were unhappy that day, but why did everyone blame me for their divorce?

Unlike the Count Lorenzo, the gambler, Baron Auden is an adventurer. He claims to have been a ranger knight for a while. He is well-informed. He once saw a blue and white dragon in Moonlight Peak, and he became the same as him. friend.

He must be talking about Lodvico! The timid guy who likes to scare people; so I asked Lodvik where he had left the 'Dragon Scale Brand' and showed him the one the guy had left under my right rib.

Baron Auden stared at the brand on my body, froze for a while as if he had lost his soul, and then suddenly began to talk about other things. He didn't talk to me about Lodvik again until the end of the banquet. Show me his dragon scale brand.

What a cheapskate, I will never go to his banquet again! 】

[On November 10th, St. John's College invited me to visit their laboratory and wanted me to give some advice on their latest research results.

The recent events have hit me a little bit, and I didn't intend to go, but since they wanted me to give my opinion, they had to reluctantly.

Dear little John, here is a reminder for you: when someone says 'I hope you have some opinions', what they really mean is 'I hope you compliment me hard', don't let them The pretended modesty is deceived!

I fell for this evil - after spending two hours trying to explain to them all the problems of the whole experiment, you thought I would get flowers and applause, but in fact it was a cold scene.

And it's a cold field in the true sense, not an exaggerated adjective: a few apprentices who seem to hate me to the point of gnashing their teeth, actually want to put me in the underground cold storage where the test items are kept when I'm not paying attention. 】

[On November 15th, because I couldn’t find a banquet where I could eat and drink, I had to go to the zoo in Whitehall to see if the animals that Carlos paid a lot of money for were enjoying being locked in life in a cage.

I thought it must be another boring day, until I met two lovely children in front of a unicorn statue...]

... An Sen's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

The next few pages are still about St. Isaac wandering around, "publicly executing" those who kindly invited him on various occasions, and offending the city of Clovis from top to bottom.

Although I don't know why Saint Isaac was able to live until the church made up his mind to assassinate him, Anson finally understood why the Knights of No Faith refused to take out this part of the diary at first, but used the "Great Magic Book" as a gift.

Originally thought that he could find another evolutionary path other than the Three Old Gods, but when he got it, he found out that it was St. Isaac's Tucao Diary... With a sigh, An Sen, who was quite disappointed, closed the notebook.

"Although no solution has been found to solve the transition from ordinary spellcasters to blasphemous mages, even the existing information is already of high value."

The smiling Talia raised her head still, and said softly, "Although it will inevitably fail in the end, perhaps this is the best result."

"The best result?" Anson was startled.

"Yeah." Talia, staring with wide eyes, nodded seriously:

"Although his research cannot be completely denied, if the path chosen by Saint Isaac is the correct one, doesn't that mean that dear Anson is also taking a path of failure, destined to fail to evolve into a perfect being?"

Er, I'm actually not quite sure if I want to be perfect... An Sen, who was honest in his heart, became serious and nodded lightly, "That's true."

"I also think that Saint Isaac is too extreme. According to his statement, there can only be one successful evolution. This seems to directly deny the vast majority of possibilities and limit the standard of success to 'immortality and immortality'."

Although it is not clear what the ultimate vision of the other two magic pursuits is, Anson does not think that "immortality" is the goal of conjurers and this is related to this, which can be judged from the characteristics of conjuration magic.

The initial stage is just to have an excellent sense of distance and improve the perception of the surrounding world; the next step is to be able to slightly "distort" certain physical laws, and then to completely break the laws in the real sense, and be able to manipulate the casting range at will. everything of.

Whether it's [Gathering Flames], [Rapid Wind] or [Mist of the Undead]... It seems that all the spells and spells he masters follow this principle.

Coupled with the fact that the shape of the casting range can be changed as the level increases, Anson speculates that if he becomes a Blasphemer Mage, the casting range will further increase~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, he will master some kind of large-scale reality distortion. ability.

Then refer to Ayton, the founder of magic magic, known as the "controller of destiny"... Break the shackles of reality, let your will override the world, and completely control your destiny in the palm of your hand, and no one can interfere... This may be the ultimate goal of conjuration magic.

The ability of black magic is concentrated on the levels of "snooping", "insight" and "perception", and the style is similar to that of scholars who pursue knowledge and truth.

As for why Saint Isaac identified the ultimate goal of the three major magic as "immortality and immortality", it may have something to do with his "blood magic apostle" friend. After all, he is called "extraordinary" Pluto, which is blood magic Lord, what you pursue is the limit of life, it is natural to have such an idea.

Thinking of this, Anson couldn't help but secretly glanced at Talia. According to his speculation, Saint Isaac, who had never left Clovis City in his life, would most likely encounter the blood magic apostle...


Talia said suddenly.

Um? An Sen looked startled, not knowing what she was talking about.

"My father is also the real patriarch of the Rune family." Talia, who was smiling, had no choice but to explain:

"He is about to come to Moby Dick."


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