I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 111: Beginning of the crackdown

Gray Pigeon Castle, sunny.

The time is approaching noon, and the pattering rain still shows no sign of stopping; the icy rain smashes on the blue bricks and stone walls of Grey Pigeon Castle, and the fog that rises almost shrouds the entire city.

From the distant horizon, it looks like a castle in the clouds.

There was not a single figure in the narrow and rugged street, only the sound of raindrops falling in the quiet air, and the occasional whistling wind passing through the alley, disappeared after a brief whimper.



As the knight on horseback swung down the long knife, the soldiers in a line raised their guns at the same time, and pulled the trigger at the "criminals" who were tied in a line by ropes by the wall.

Some of them are members of parliament, some are new immigrants, some are manor owners, some are porters at the wharf, some are strong men, some are girls who are obviously malnourished, some still wear top hats on their heads, and some are still wearing clothes. ...

The dazzling fire was fleeting in the sound of the gunfire. The criminals who were still crying and begging for mercy one second learned that silence is golden in the choking smoke the next - in a rather eternal way.

But the gunfire didn't stop.

Before the smoke dissipated, another group of people with their hands bound by ropes behind their backs was pinned by bayonets, pushed forward and back to the wall, and forced to stand in a row amid the sound of cursing. Just stepped on the corpses of the last group of people.

The deafening gunshots sounded again, and the mourning figures were shot through their skulls by lead bullets, smashed their ribs, tore their abdomens, and slashed their necks... One after another, they fell down like puppets, and the hot blood overflowed their chests. It was diluted again in the cold rain and there is no trace.

Across the thick rain screen, the knight stared blankly at the figures crawling on the ground, and there was not a trace of fluctuation on his wet cheeks: "The next batch!"

Hearing the knight's shouts, several criminals who realized that the catastrophe was imminent immediately wanted to turn around and run away, but before they could leave, the **** of the gun was heavily smashed on the cheek, and their mouths were full of blood, and the soldiers were driven to the heap like livestock. A wall full of corpses.

No pain, no joy... The knight mechanically raised the saber in his hand, the soldiers were loading ammunition in an orderly manner, everything was orderly, and no accident happened.


The same scene is also played out in other corners of Grey Pigeon Castle.

The dazzling gun flames lit up under the city walls. Under the threat of the bayonet wall, groups of people were pulled out of the streets and alleys of the city, and a simple gallows was erected in the crowded square... Because Gray Pigeon Castle It was originally a fortress, with a narrow space and many towers and turrets, so a large number of "criminals" were pushed to the top of the tower and hanged.

The soldiers mechanically tied the noose to one person after another, and before the other party was ready, they pushed out the window like a release... In less than a morning, the windows at the top of all the towers were covered with colorful "pigeons".

With the support of Bernard Morwis, "the former Minister of the Colonial Colony", the loyalists of Grey Dove Castle launched a thorough reckoning with the liberal voices in the Parliament.

In this colony, which is only a day away from Yangfan City, the loyalists have an overwhelming advantage, especially after the rebellion in Yangfan City was completely quelled, the last hope of the liberals also followed the "seemly chance of winning" The army disappeared together and ceased to exist.

Because of this, when Red Hand Bay complied with the agreement with Beluga Port and went to various colonies to contact the resistance forces, it was not notified here, and only a copy of "Beluga Port Good People" was placed on a farm owned by a liberal. .

Of course, even if they do inform, it doesn't make any sense - as the first stop to quell the colonial rebellion, the empire is destined to be unable to let such an important bridgehead go, and it will not show any kindness to let the rioters treat the emperor's actions. Kindness produces any misunderstanding.

With the active cooperation of the Loyalists, two infantry regiments and a cavalry regiment of Imperial soldiers quickly took control of the city and carried out house-to-house cleaning.

Under the menacing bayonet wall and iron hoofs, the desperate liberals still organized a counterattack. Hundreds of militiamen who had only received simple training and had shot at the indigenous people from fifty paces away were strangled in one face. Exhausted, annihilated in a suicide charge.

And another small group of people took advantage of the opportunity of the entanglement between the imperial soldiers and the militia, and escaped from Grey Dove Castle while the chaos broke up. The imperial knights who received the news immediately issued an order to hunt down and became the cavalry after work. " Leisure and entertainment".

In just five days, the entire Grey Dove Castle was brutally bloodbathed. All those who participated in the militia organization or launched a protest against the tyranny of the empire were all arrested, hanged, shot, and tortured to death...even just to express After a little dissatisfaction, those who received the flyers were also "fortunate" to receive a lead bullet or a noose from the hands of the imperial soldiers.

As for how many unjust, false and wrongful convictions occurred during the five-day crackdown, how many people were falsely accused because of their family's property and assets, how many were sent to the gallows by business competitors, and how many were just a few words The corner of the mouth was targeted by the army. How many people were just implicated, coerced, misunderstood, caught wrongly, and accidentally bumped into...

No one knows, and will never even be known.


"So what do we know now?"

An Sen, who frowned slightly, held his forehead and said, following his gaze, the eyes on both sides of the long table also turned to Fabian on the left side of the long table.

"Not much, but the information can confirm that it is basically true."

Feeling the gazes of his superiors and colleagues, the former Guards officer said unhurriedly: "We have two sources of intelligence, the first is the caravan going to Grey Dove Castle, and the other is the survivors who have been purged, After the comparison, the intelligence content of the two sides is basically the same, with only minor differences."

"In the entire purge operation, the empire only mobilized 200 cavalry and less than 1,000 infantry, and did not carry any siege equipment. At 5:00 in the morning, the loyalists in the city opened the city gates for the army, and the purge operation began at 7:00. ."

"The liberals, especially the militia in Grey Dove Castle, organized a counter-attack around ten o'clock, but they should all be wiped out soon; the gunfire continued from ten o'clock on the first day to the afternoon five days later. "

"As for how many people were killed, and whether more troops were stationed in Grey Dove Castle in other ways after the event... I don't know."

"That's all." Anson's tone was a little impatient.

"Yes, that's all."

Fabian lowered his head slightly: "I'm very sorry, it happened too suddenly, and it's the situation in Grey Pigeon Castle. The storm division's ability to detect is limited, so we can only collect so much information for the time being."

An Sen, who fell into silence, showed a dissatisfied expression.

After a long time, he sighed softly: "Okay, I also understand that intelligence work is not easy, and it is indeed a bit embarrassing for you - what about the caravan, are they back?"

"I just arrived in Changhu Town and temporarily settled in the military camp."

"What about the liberals in Pigeon Grey, what's the situation now?"

"Not good...very bad." Fabian settled down, his voice louder than before:

"Except for two adult men, among the remaining twenty-eight people, there are two old people, four young women, and all the rest are children, ranging in age from ten to fifteen years old."

"They fled separately, and after being attacked, they separated from the original team or escaped, and finally gathered together; supplies and transportation were all gone, and almost everyone was injured or sick. "

"When the caravan at Beluga Harbor met them, they lent the group a carriage and a small amount of supplies; they are currently heading towards Red Hand Bay along the road, and Chief of Staff Carl and I have sent a team of cavalry to carry the supplies. Go to pick up, and at the same time, I am discussing with some friends to let them quietly board the ship at the port of Black Reef Port and send it to Beluga Port."

"As for how many people can insist on arriving, it's hard to say."

"As much as possible to ensure their safety and health." Anson said after thinking for a few seconds:

"If the ship hasn't set off yet, send a few medics from the Storm Division on board, and let the warships parked in Changhu Town distribute some shells to the merchant ships transporting them to prevent accidents."

"Yes!" Fabian nodded slightly, and then said:

"In addition to the **** cleansing of Grey Pigeon Castle, there are still some rumors in the direction of Sail City that cannot be confirmed: after the Empire sent a battleship to the port and appointed a new Colonial Chief Minister, no reinforcements or warships appeared. "

"There are rumors, because the empire has attracted too much energy in the mainland, and it is temporarily unable to put too much power into the new world..."

"Rumours are rumors, just leave them alone!"

Before Fabien could finish speaking, Anson raised his hand and interrupted: "Since we have declared war on the empire, we can't expect the kindness of our opponents, let alone that they will be stupid enough to make mistakes on purpose; war is a very complicated thing. There are too many unknowns in the matter, and rumors cannot be used to increase its uncertainty!"

"Unless conclusive evidence is found, all strategic deployments must be planned according to the empire's full-scale counterattack - at least one legion-sized reinforcement is required, and all colonies in the entire New World, except for ourselves, will turn to Beluga Harbor. Have you heard the worst plan for launching an attack?!"


The officers on both sides of the long table shouted in unison.

"Very good, because I won't tell you a second time." Anson said solemnly, tapped the table with his right knuckle, then pushed away the chair and stood up, turned and walked to the side of the long table - Changhu Town City Hall of Parliament.

The long table for this military meeting is placed under the big map on the podium in the hall.

Anson, with his hands behind his back, walked to the edge of the podium and glanced at the seats in the entire hall.

He saw a pair of eyes full of anger, excitement, grief and horror.

Eyes full of scarlet blood.

If these liberal colonial representatives were only afraid, timid and panicked before, then no matter how much, their hearts are now burning with anger.

Before the massacre at Pigeon Castle, they could still deceive themselves into believing that as long as they used euphemisms and made enough concessions, they could reach a compromise with the Empire on a very good terms; even if there would be some loss of property, at least personal Safety and security.

But after that, all illusions have been shattered, and the cruel reality is in front of them - as long as they are traitors, the empire cannot let them go.

Not only will they not let it go, but their families, their friends, their employees... all those who are involved in protesting and expressing dissatisfaction, and all enemies who are hostile to those "loyalists" will not end well.

Especially the representative of Red Hand Bay, Pete Chatham... He is now bloodless, shaking from head to toe, terrified as if he will be pushed to the gallows in the next second and hang on the red hand. on the mast of a sailboat in the bay harbor.

He himself is not really a liberal, but he is also not a qualified loyalist - this is actually the general situation in the various colonial councils, and those black and white diodes are the core of the two factions - but Based on his experience of lobbying the Clovis people to send troops, he will definitely be branded as a liberal!

It's not just him, the representatives present also have some insights in this regard: originally, it was only on behalf of the parliament to come to test the movements of the Clovis people, and it is very likely that they will be identified as "traitors of the empire".

"I can understand everyone's feelings, but I still have to say... This is the empire, or this is the real hideous face of the empire." Anson said loudly:

"In the south of the mainland, I once led the army to participate in the unification war of the Han soil; in order to prevent this former ally from restoring the former glory from the weak split alliance~www.readwn.com~The empire brazenly sent troops to intervene."

"At the top of the tower, they carried out a brutal massacre on the surrendered fortress soldiers;"

"In the prosperous and prosperous Port of Carindia, they slaughtered a third of the city's inhabitants, and reduced half of the city to ashes with naval guns;"

"But in the Barren Stone Castle, the bridgehead where the people of the vast land resisted the invaders; the army of Clovis and the knights of the vast land fought side by side against the imperial army several times their size for nearly half a month. They are safe and sound!"

"This war has taught me a lot, and now I'm going to tell you the most important thing about it; on the road against the Empire, it's the only thing that must be remembered forever."

"That is—don't surrender!"

"Whether you are active or passive, as long as you embark on the road of becoming an enemy of the empire, then never surrender!"

"Only by letting them see clearly and letting them know that when they launched an attack, what greeted them was not an open city gate, not a figure who was ready to be captured, but a sharp bayonet and an oncoming lead bullet, and then let them know that they wanted to To kill us, to enslave us..."

"There is a price to pay!"

"The price of blood!"


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