I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 119: Uncrowned King

"Cheers to our honorable Governor of Ice Dragon Fjord--"

The crisp sound of clinking glasses and the passionate voice reverberated for a long time under the crystal chandelier in the hall of the Northland Chamber of Commerce.

A unique salon is being staged between the flickering candlelight and the starry sky outside the window.

If it is insisted that the Clovis have made any contribution to the socialization of the whole world of order, salon activities are definitely one of them; it is different from simple family banquets, charity sales, dance parties... This kind of "ship new" social way There is strong privacy and organization.

A group of people with different backgrounds and personalities, but with a common language in some aspects, organized spontaneously, held regular meetings, exchanged ideas with each other or simply chatted, and shared each other's fresh anecdotes - more formal than a cocktail party, more than The club is casual.

It can be said that each club represents a certain social circle. As long as you can join it, you can share their contacts and certain resources. Of course, the price is that you have to pay your own share; any new person who wants to join , must be recommended by at least one member and approved by all.

The Nature Symposium is one of them.

On the surface, this is an academic salon on geography and astronomy, where a group of "amateur scientists" and hobbyists discuss each other's research findings; for better academic research, the members of this salon even raised funds to hire a few students professors who regularly conduct small lectures and professional courses.

In fact, its members include many high-level executives of the Clovis Railway Committee, big industry owners, mine owners, bankers... Controlling the steel and coal resource trade network in the north of the ordered world.

And not only the Clovis people, the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea, the imperial giants... The important members of the northern raw material market in the order world are all among them.

This is also another characteristic of salons. Participants often cross identities; or it is precisely because of their different backgrounds that they can integrate more personal networks and upstream and downstream resources.

As the eldest daughter of the Franz family, Sophia actually had little contact with these people in the past. In addition to the fan club of a novelist, Sophia's social circle was a family that had significant interests in the Franz family.

However, she has a deep relationship with Mrs. Katarina, the chief of the railway committee, and both are core members of the detective book club; under the introduction of Mrs. "With the dual status of "Honorary Governor", the seminar convened most of the members in Clovis City to hold an initiation ceremony for her in the Northland Chamber of Commerce.

In order to ensure smooth operation, she specially put on light makeup, and put on a dark imperial old-style dress that was slightly solemn but not overwhelming. A small "Qiuzhenzong" sterling silver emblem hung on her chest, which she carried with her. An original copy of St. John's Fifty Years of the Calendar of Saints - A Geographical Overview.

Young and eager to learn, full of intellectual beauty, loves imperial chivalry, and at the same time has a lot of assets - Sophia, who is keen on detective novels, knows how to convey the message she wants to convey with her costumes.

Everything is as expected... Between cups and cups, she has won the curiosity and admiration of most people in the nature seminar with the introduction of Madam Katarina and her status as the "Honorary Governor".

Of course, that included the chairman of the Northland Chamber of Commerce, Philip Roland.

"Dear Miss Sophia, you are truly an extraordinary woman."

Philip, who was tall and dressed in a knightly attire, approached and praised without hesitation: "Even in the history of the empire, apart from a few queens, I really can't think of any other woman who could have the same as you. Achievement!"

"It's just an honorary governor." With her eyes flowing, Sophia chuckled shyly:

"I believe that this is only because His Majesty attaches great importance to my father and elder brother. Aiwu and Wuxia will grant me such an honor - apart from the title, I am just an ordinary girl who loves detective novels and is curious about the natural world."

"No, no, you shouldn't be too arrogant." Philip corrected seriously:

"As a man, I believe in the vision of Carlos II - especially for such an important title as Colonial Governor, your appointment will become a signal; if it is not for an extraordinary woman with sufficient ability, His Majesty Carlos will never take it so determined."

Determination as a man... Sophia kept a calm smile: "You're really too much. Why are you complimenting Sophia like this, where did Mrs. Katarina go?"

"Mrs. Katarina has her unique charm, which is completely different from what you have shown." Philip changed his words, showing a little playfulness.

"Oh, so what's the difference?"

Sophia asked curiously.

"Mrs. Katarina...she is like a towering camphor tree, mature, noble, and awe-inspiring, with her there is no regard for gender differences, she sits there to represent herself, Not a man or a woman." Philip explained with a little compliment:

"And you, you are different; when you appeared in the Northland Chamber of Commerce, I seemed to see a young oriole, showing its uniqueness with the most crisp and melodious singing."

"...This is the most wonderful metaphor I've ever heard." Sophia smiled lightly and took a sip of the nectar in her cup.

She suddenly regretted chatting with the president of the Northland Chamber of Commerce. Listening to this person's words was like forcing herself to swallow butter raw, and she felt greasy from the inside out.

"More importantly, you can bring some more novel insights to those of us who love nature; Mrs. Katarina is a learned elder, but many of her theories are already old-fashioned."

Philip Roland, who had no idea that he was utterly disgusted, continued to hint in his playful tone.

The girl's eyes lit up, and it only took a few breaths to guess the true meaning of the other party's words:

"You mean... a colony?"

"Miss Sophia, you are indeed an outstanding woman." Philip praised again:

"His Majesty Carlos conferring upon you the title of Governor is a very important sign that Clovis will really begin to look at the new world and vigorously exploit the inexhaustible resources there - for your colleagues at the Nature Symposium, this means the whole industry turned upside down.”

"Who wouldn't admire a young oriole who is about to bring changes to the entire industry?"

No, there won't be any changes... Sophia secretly said in her heart.

She has already obtained first-hand information from her father, and the Osteria Palace has decided to abandon the colony... canonized herself as the honorary governor, and acquiesced in all the actions of the Storm Division in the new world, which are just tricks to confuse the empire.

But since the other party believes it to be true, I might as well take advantage of the situation to deeply bind the interests of the Roland family behind the North Border Chamber of Commerce and the Beluga Port...

"Speaking of colonies, my father did mention this to me."

Taking advantage of the other party's endless talk, Sophia suddenly changed the subject: "This year, there seems to be some problems with the efficiency of the Royal Bank. In order to ensure the income in the colony, the Osteria Palace plans to open a private bank in Beluga Port. "

"Private Banking?" Philip became interested in an instant, and put the unpleasantness of being interrupted behind him: "You mean..."

"More precisely, it is an investment institution that can be developed more conveniently and serve the resource exploitation of the New World."

Sophia explained with a chuckle, "With coal ore as collateral, we crowdfunded funds from all walks of life to jointly develop various resources in Clovis Colony."

"So you thought of the Nature Symposium?"

"To be more precise, it is the Northland Chamber of Commerce." The girl flattered a little, her innocent eyes seemed to be able to speak:

"Mrs. Katarina told me that if there is anyone in the entire Clovis City who can help in this matter, especially financial resources and connections, then it must be the Northern Chamber of Commerce."

"As expected of the Iron Lady of the Privy Council, she really has extraordinary eyes."

After a long sigh, Philip said with emotion: "She is right, even within the nature seminar, there are not many people who can help you - as the eldest daughter of the Franz family, you need affirmation Not the capital, but the trade network and more powerful buyers, which happens to be the strength of the Northern Chamber of Commerce."

"Of course, it is more accurate to say that it is the strength of the Roland family; we have the most complete trade network in the entire empire, with thousands of warehouses and facades all over the world of order; On every sleeper, you can see the sweat stains left by the employees of the Northland Chamber of Commerce..."

Facing the ignorant and curious girl, Philip talked freely, enjoying the pleasure of being a condescending "mentor", completely ignoring the flash of disgust in those big eyes.

According to the information disclosed by Mrs. Katarina, this Philip Roland is one of the heirs appointed by the Roland family of this generation; because of his "poor ability" and lack of the power to awaken his blood, he was unable to enter the imperial front to serve the emperor, so he was arrested by Crow. Weicheng served as the representative of the Northland Chamber of Commerce.

Relying on the profound background of the Roland family, Philip had a smooth life in Clovis City, and the owners who were thirsty for steel and coal mines offered him as a family heirloom (fat sheep), and expanded countless businesses—even Allows the Imperial Fleet to smuggle raw materials specifically for the buyers of Clovis City.

Under the operation of Philip, this smuggling network, which is absolutely against the interests of the empire, went down to ordinary sailors, up to the royal family and even the queen, and all except the emperor himself got a share of the pie.

Sophia, who endured her anger, listened "attentively", while thinking about how to tie the Roland family to her chariot and become a force to resist the empire's expansion of the colonial war in the new world.


"So that's why Sophia sent you - just to open a private bank?"

An Sen, who was so sleepy, held back his drowsiness, and tried his best to open the eyelids of the non-stop fighting to look at the black-robed priest.

It must be admitted that Colonel William Cecil's ability in warfare is debatable, but he is definitely a master in storytelling - five hours of uninterrupted bombardment almost made Anson a near breaking point for spellcasting The person is exhausted, and the coffee and the pipe can't stand it.

"You can also regard me as the one who sent me to monitor you, plus the liaison between the two of you."

Carin Jacques picked up a glass of water on the table, took out a small blue pill from his jacket pocket, and threw it in. After confirming that the color had not changed, he sighed in relief:

"After all, in Miss Sophia's heart, you are still her loyal subordinate, and the storm division is also one of her most important investments and assets. No one looks at her very worried."

Especially if the eldest daughter of the Rune family is in Beluga Harbor... The black-robed priest only murmured in the bottom of his heart.

"Closer to the subject, the homeland-Osteria Palace has acquiesced you to use some more 'extreme' means to defend Clovis's colonies in the New World under 'necessary' circumstances, especially important raw material supply places and There is absolutely no room for loss of trade routes, and no reduction in production is allowed.”

acquiescence? That's not surprising... eh? Anson was stunned:

"Defend Clovis' colony in the New World?"

"Not only Ice Dragon Fjord and Beluga Harbor, Grey Snow Town is also included." The black-robed priest explained:

"The title that His Majesty Carlos II conferred on Miss Sofia was 'Honorary Governor of the Colony'; this honor covers both Beluga Harbour and Ashesnow Town; and as the first military chief under the Governor's rule, you naturally also To be responsible for the security work in all areas!"

"Well, to put it more bluntly - from now on, you are the governor of the two colonies."

"It's the commander-in-chief of the garrison!" An Sen corrected, then paused deliberately, and asked in a slightly tentative tone:

"Then...the city councils in the two regions still have taxes, don't they..."

"It's also up to you~www.readwn.com~ to replace the Honorary Governor in charge of overall management." Carlin Jacques rolled his eyes in his heart and said patiently:

"As for the taxation work, it will naturally be all handed over to the private bank to be established at that time, with multiple parties holding shares and joint development. In addition, although the information I received did not state clearly, the future local 'taxation' work on the colonies should be It will also be transferred from the Royal Bank, which means..."

"Because the shareholders of this bank will replace His Majesty as the ruler of the colony; and the person who holds the most shares will become the uncrowned king of the colony." Anson said solemnly:

"And if this bank's business scope continues to expand and at the same time extends its tentacles to all the colonies in the entire New World, then those colonial property owners who lack investment will fall at its feet one after another and accept its investment willingly, just like knights willingly The fiefs that received the king's gifts became the cornerstones of the kingdom."

"The new world... A new king and his kingdom will be born."

Karin Jacques was stunned:

"I... uh... I didn't say that."

"It doesn't matter." An Sen chuckled, and glanced at the empty wall and closed door behind him:

"I'm not talking to you either."


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