I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 121: "Model Cleaning"

Red Hand Bay City Council, Speaker's Office.

According to Anson Bach's assignment, Fabian, who was granted full authority, led the Storm Division Grenadier Regiment to Red Hand Bay to purge the local loyalists.

Inside the locked door, the former Guards officer was sitting behind the desk that once belonged to the Speaker a few minutes ago, orderly sorting out the list of work left over the past few days, and using a red pen to write one by one behind the names. Draw a fork.

In the corner of the table on the right, there is also a copy of the latest issue of "Beluga Port Good People".

After contacting Pete Chatham, a representative of the Red Hands Bay Council, Fabian discovered that not only Clovis, but the Imperials also had a scientific, professional maintenance of the rule of "faction cleansing". Social stability work is full of misunderstandings.

In their impressions, it seems that it only requires erecting the gallows and beheading platforms in the square, the soldiers kicking the door with their guns, sending people to the sky one by one, and the matter is complete.

Obviously, things can't be that simple.

Although there are many people who have acted rudely in the past, Fabian, who is a "rookie in the industry", has a completely different view on this - at least in terms of "process justice", he and Secretary Alan Dawn Officers have a common language.

A good process can not only have a clear division of labor, but also ensure that everyone is responsible for the handover of the work before and after, so that the entire work will not be paralyzed due to a sudden situation in a certain link or the need to change people. There is another advantage, that It's about sharing responsibility.

Jobs, especially those involving extremely high risks, usually mean taking on a considerable degree of responsibility; in addition to motivation and temporary power, as well as subsequent rewards, these responsibilities often mean enormous psychological pressure; At this time, it is particularly important to be able to clarify the work and the process of sharing responsibility.

Conversely, if your boss entrusts you with an important job alone, and implies "take responsibility", chances are he wants more than just getting the job done...

In Fabian's view, the loyalists who want to get rid of the Red Hand Bay as quickly as possible, and at the same time they have to demonstrate to other colonies, can't scare them too much, at least split the whole process into three step.

The first step is to identify the goal.

[…At the invitation of the city council, Lieutenant Colonel Fabien and some Clovis soldiers entered Red Hand Bay to cooperate with the locals to "eradicate the civilization" of some discordant voices in the council.

They did not immediately ruthlessly suppress and slaughter the city like some brutal armies; the first thing Clovis troops did when they entered Red Hand Bay was to count everyone's information and detailed their speeches. verification.

In order to prevent errors in written documents, he and the officers visited all the families designated as "loyalists" in private, and had close contact and conversations with the parties.

The whole process was intimate and harmonious, without any violent incidents, and most of the interviewees cooperated very well with the work of the Clovis army... The officers and soldiers who obeyed the discipline and were full of gentlemanly demeanor left a deep impression on the people of Red Hand Bay.

After on-the-spot visits and document information, Lieutenant Colonel Fabien found that the local 'loyalists' had strong strength, bad influence, numerous crimes, economic decline in the Red Hand Bay, trade development was close to stagnation, industries could not develop, and the people at the bottom had difficulties in living. There is an inescapable responsibility...]

Checking and verifying the list, large-scale public reports, affiliation with the identity network... All methods are not only to find out who the loyalists are, but also to make up charges for this group of people by confirming their identities, and kill them and the empire. sue people”, and by the way “clean up” the “liberals” who have a certain relationship with them.

In the colonies of the New World, there may be differences in the positions of the "superior people" who can join the autonomous parliament, but the style and attitude of doing things are basically the same; they squeeze the natives, exploit new immigrants, and exploit tax evasion and tax evasion. Basically, no one is the real Innocent in the sense.

But now that you have the absolutely incorrect identity of "loyalty faction", you can accurately throw all the dirty water and the resulting consequences on a specific group of people in one breath, so that those who are willing to cooperate with Beluga Harbor will be thrown away. The liberals got a clean pick.

Of course, in this process, you can also thoroughly understand the details of the entire Red Hand Bay: population, taxation, resources, transportation, industry...even the entire situation and background of those liberals, all the information will fall into the hands of the storm division.

Whether they plan to go against the water in the future, or are unwilling to cooperate with the interests of the Rune family or Moby-Dick Harbor, the storm division will have hundreds of ways to catch them all in an instant.

And the second step after thoroughly understanding the situation is arrest.

[…In order to save the crisis-ridden Red Hand Bay and rescue the people who were in dire straits, Lieutenant Colonel Fabian, who thoroughly grasped the details, acted decisively and carried out a careful arrest plan at the most critical moment.

Under the premise of no violent use of force, the Storm Division captured all the loyalists in Red Hand Bay in just one night, and did not do any harm to innocent people; Unanimous approval and cooperation.

Among them, the Red Hand Bay Council provided most of the help, and all the processes were effectively and strictly supervised by special members, which ensured the friendship and trust between the two parties, and turned the whole incident into an important proof of the close relationship between the two parties.

For the illegal property of the loyalists, the Red Hand Bay Council has also carried out all the accounting and clearing work. All movable and immovable properties have been confiscated and will be auctioned to the public at an absolutely legal price. Pie's outstanding achievements...]

For those rebellious imperial colonies, the most vigilant or feared thing is whether Clovis will occupy the magpie's nest, intervene in their sphere of influence by purging the loyalists, and even become a Clovis colony completely. a part of.

This kind of unprovoked speculation is obviously meaningless - no need to guess, Anson Bach and a group of Storm Division officers really want to do this, but the price to pay for it is too great due to their own size. However, there is only a cheaper way.

So in order to let them down, Fabian adopted a more gentle and more "transparent" method: let the whole city of Red Hand Bay Council intervene, put the whole process of arrest in front of them, and eliminate their doubt.

As for the use of force... This kind of thing is of course impossible to avoid, but the liberals in Red Hand Bay don't care; it's not them who are unlucky anyway, as long as they don't show these "easy to be misunderstood" points in their propaganda.

What Stormmaster really cares about is the "illegal asset auction" after the arrest.

In addition to showing the integrity of the storm division, another important reason for the public auction is because this is the only way for Beluga Port to get these assets for granted.

If it is confiscated, then 100% will be divided among the liberal members of the city council. If it is auctioned privately, they can also gain an absolute majority by virtue of their relationship.

Only by public auction and relying on the sufficient financial resources of Beluga Port (the seizure of Longhu Town and the secret gold mine) can we have an absolute advantage and win the vast majority of the real estate of the loyalists in Red Hand Bay, while leaving everyone speechless. can be said.

According to the previous agreement, one-quarter of these real estate belonged to the Rune family, and three-quarters became the "common property" of the Storm Division, which was distributed proportionally to the entire officer corps.

This is also an important method for Anson to win over and buy the storm division, and continue to tie them to his chariot; after all, it is impossible to let the "colleagues" who have already obtained the system continue to take risks without showing enough sincerity.

At the same time, controlling these important real estate can also further tie the local economy and Beluga Harbor; even if the empire raids and breaks these colonies, the storm division will have time to transfer the property and destroy the real estate, so that the imperial people will gain nothing and start from scratch. colony.

In this war destined to be unequal in strength, who can obtain more adequate supplies at a lower cost is also the key to which side can win in the end.

When all those who are confirmed to be loyalists have been arrested, the final judgment can begin.

[…The righteous Storm Division army disclosed all their crimes to all members of the self-governing council and the onlookers, and fully handed over the right to judge the loyalists to the people of Red Hand Bay.

In a wave of cries, all the loyalists suspected of being the mastermind were sentenced to hang, while the implicated family members were sentenced to exile, never allowed to return to Red Hand Bay, but were free to go beyond that. anywhere.

Lieutenant Colonel Fabien and the Clovis soldiers, representing the commander-in-chief of the garrison, firmly implemented the decision of all the people of Red Hand Bay, and allowed the families of these loyalists to go to Beluga Harbor to start a new life...]

In the entire purge process, the most troublesome and most responsible part is how to deal with the arrested loyalists; as long as the storm division is a little more involved, the final fate of these people will become the responsibility of Clovis and Moby Dick. , became a "crime" that could be used by the Empire.

In order to avoid being dealt with by the empire, Fabian resolutely threw this issue to the liberals in Red Hand Bay; the reasons are also very good - this belongs to Red Hand Bay's own internal affairs, as an ally and an outsider Moby Dick Hong Kong can only assist, but has no right to intervene.

But if anyone dares to refuse, it proves that he is a "deeply hidden" loyalist, and the storm division can justifiably eradicate this person, confiscate the property, and exile the whole family.

Under this undisguised and obvious threat, the liberals in Red Hand Bay resolutely persuaded all the loyalists to hang. Thirty councillors were hung on the newly erected lights in the central square. on the rod.

And their family, escorted by the storm division, boarded a merchant ship responsible for "exile" them to Beluga Harbor.

There, they will become the "peripheral members" of the Rune family, just like the arms dealer Erich, who will become the obvious forces of the Rune family, responsible for a certain aspect of special affairs.

Naturally, in addition to the important reason of Fabian and Anson's kindness from the heart, it is also to expand and strengthen the power of the Rune family in the new world in the shortest possible time.

Although it has been the 101st year of the saint's calendar, many things still do not seem to have changed much for the entire orderly world; even if there is no real feudalism, but a new family wants to establish a stable rule, It also needs to expand its own strength and establish a huge "vassal system" and "retainer group".

In addition to this, there is another reason that is not worth mentioning: these "exiled" loyalist remnants are also "records" for Beluga Port to deal with certain special circumstances.

If the liberals cooperate with Moby-Dick in a correct attitude and stand firm against the Empire, it is of course the best; but if they try to negotiate with the Empire, abandon or even sell Moby-Dick... These former loyalists who were exiled by their own hands are the future. The best candidates to replace them.

Anyway, Anson's ultimate goal is to ensure that the Rune family has a firm foothold in the new world, and even become the real ruler behind the scenes; as for who is in front of the colony except Moby Dick, he and Talia don't care.

"The situation is roughly like this now, and the Red Hand Bay Council will be in charge of the next work."

Putting down the pen and document in his hand, Fabien looked up at the opposite side, showing a bit of joking in his respect: "Everything is done, Mr. Pete Chatham Speaker."

"Don't dare!"

The trembling Pete Chatham twitched his cheeks, desperately trying to ingratiate himself: "I... I will definitely, definitely implement Lord Anson Bach and all the instructions from Beluga Harbor~www.readwn.com~ I will never. Any negligence!"

"It's not necessary to force obedience in everything. If you have any difficulties, you can speak out boldly. The commander-in-chief is not an unreasonable person." Fabian chuckled and handed him the newspaper on the table:

"As for the commander-in-chief's instructions... from what I understand, he probably won't ask for anything on purpose most of the time; so if you want to know what to do next, just read the paper and talk to Lieutenant Jason Fruhoff at the same time. Communicate more."


Pete nodded again and again as if pounding garlic, and at the same time asked cautiously, "Then you... do you need our cooperation in the next work?"


Fabian paused for a moment, then shook his head slightly lonely: "That's not true, but I won't leave Red Hand Bay for the time being -- don't get me wrong, it's over, it's just that I don't really want to go back for the time being. "

"Oh, why is that?"

"Because of a certain person - to be precise, a certain novelist, I have a little holiday with him, but this person is Miss Talia Rune's guest at the moment." Fabien said to himself, slightly absent-minded. Said to himself:

"In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, it is better not to see each other."


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