I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 127: weakness

"I have a question - what do you think Anson Bach's weakness is?"

Inside the Long Lake Town military camp, Carl Bain suddenly said.

Sitting directly opposite him, the little secretary who was working hard raised his head and looked blankly at the chief of staff who asked an inexplicable question.

"Nothing else, I just want to chat for a while." Looking at Aaron, who was full of confusion, Carl waved his hand and said:

"Just take it easy—it's been ten days with this **** coordinating job, and there's nothing going on for another half an hour."

"Um... well."

Hearing what the chief of staff said, the little secretary had to obediently put down the work at hand, got up and walked to the coffee pot next to him:

"I am the clerk of Lord Anson Bach. As a clerk, it is my responsibility to fully understand my master - so I have consulted his own student file, checked all his accounts, and learned Most of his resume... After joining the job, he was responsible for most of the paperwork for adults."

"Responsibly, I should be one of the people who know him best in the world."

After a light meal, the little clerk holding a clay pot smiled and poured a cup of coffee for the chief of staff: "But even I can't imagine that a boss like Mr. Ansen Bach would have any weaknesses."

Carl rolled his eyes.

"He must have some weaknesses, right? I mean that as long as he is a human being, it is impossible to have any flaws, preferences, habits, some stubbornness - there must be some!" After thinking about it seriously, Carl couldn't bear it. live:

"Like, uh... money?"

The little secretary thought for a while, then shook his head regretfully: "No."

"Although Lord Anson does seem to have some kind of fondness for money, from what I've observed, this is probably just an appearance; to be precise, all he wants is 'enough money' - as long as it's not necessary, he's spending money In terms of generosity, it can even be described as spending money.”

This is true, otherwise he wouldn't be able to let so many Stormmasters willingly risk death with him... Carl pursed his lips: "Then... title?"

"I really want to recognize you, but I'm afraid not." The little secretary shook his head again:

"Although it may damage the image of an adult, in many cases, his performance is very close to being a little rich... Ordinary people, very lack of motivation to climb the class."

"I once specially fought for the adults to join the Clovis City Officers Club and the opportunity to go to the Osteria Palace for a banquet, but he was not interested."

"The same is true for nobility and fame - after becoming the head of the Storm Corps, he still chooses to live in a townhouse with only a few dozen square meters, even if his monthly salary can already buy a suite in a good hotel in the inner city. already."

"If you insist on saying that your lord has any 'weakness', it is probably because he is too approachable, which makes it easy to be despised; but after Miss Talia Rune became his fiancée, it has disappeared." The little secretary chuckled lightly. :

"But it's more appropriate to call it a 'character trait' than a weakness."

"If you really want to compliment him, just say it directly, you don't need to be so circumspect." Carl pulled the corners of his mouth and sighed heavily:

"But although I don't know what his shortcomings are, this guy's advantages are obvious."

"Exactly." The little secretary nodded slightly and poured himself a cup:

"And the answer, of course, is beyond doubt."

The two looked at each other, and a powerful word appeared in their hearts at the same time:

fear death.



Without warning, Anson slammed down Paulina's shoulders and pulled her into his arms; the strength was so great that the girl almost screamed out.

"Master Anson, you..."

As soon as Paulina showed a little bit of joy, she found that the commander-in-chief in front of him had a dignified expression, and then he was covered his lips again.

"There is someone in the room, maybe it's next door." An Sen, who had bright eyes, said in a low voice:

"Don't make a sound, don't panic... Can you hear it clearly?"

The girl wanted to answer, but because her mouth was tightly covered, she could only stare at her big helpless eyes, and nodded in horror and stunned.

Seeing her well-behaved appearance in his arms, An Sen, whose heartstrings were tense, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He just subconsciously activated the "ability" in a moment of stunnedness. He never expected to be half a step away... Maybe only a thousandth of a second of time difference, and the unsuspecting self may very likely be smashed into corpses. paragraph!

You must know that this is the parliamentary area of ​​Beluga Harbor, the mansion of the Rune family; although it was temporarily lent to the liberals of Grey Pigeon Castle, the level of security is still quite high. Members of parliament are checked in and out.

The other party can sneak in here quietly, proving that the other party is not only a spell caster, but should also be quite good at concealment - I don't know if it is an illusion, the new world seems to be very good at concealment skills, no matter the talent or the spell caster, On the contrary, it is quite rare among the local old gods, and only the black mage is good at this.

And the black mage also visited Beluga Harbor, and even saw the Lord of the Abyss with his own eyes... Is it related to this?

Paulina, who was covering her mouth tightly, blinked and stared at the calm and composed commander-in-chief of the garrison with a determined expression.

After a few seconds of silence, An Sen suddenly lowered his head and whispered in her ear:

"Found...he's in the room behind you, spying on us."

The frightened girl shuddered, and her body trembled as if she had received some kind of stimulation.

"Don't be nervous, I've locked the target... He won't hurt you." An Sen said again in a gentle tone, and released the right hand that was holding the girl's shoulder slightly:

"Now, what I have to do is to confirm his specific identity... So I need you to recall whether you were chased by the old gods or some natives who had bad intentions for you during your escape. civil?"

Paulina frowned lightly, thought for a while, and cast a negative look at him.


He asked again, this time the girl only hesitated for a few seconds before shaking her head again.

"Very good." An Sen said softly, patted the girl's shoulder lightly:

"In this way, from now on, I need you to stay calm. No matter what happens outside, don't make a sound, pretend you don't know anything, and stay in the living room quietly until evening."

"If I come back soon, or let the housekeeper tell you that I have left, it means that the matter is over and you are safe; if I don't leave any message, don't be nervous, and immediately flee with your sister Sarah. Council, let the soldiers there **** you to the barracks, without delay... remember?"

Paulina, who was still covering her mouth, blinked quickly.

An Sen got up, quickly removed his right hand, wiped it on his clothes, and walked towards the closed door; the sharp bayonet slowly protruded from the left sleeve, and the slightly raised collar , and also set the "dagger" revolver inside at an angle suitable for quick extraction.

On the sofa, Polina leaned forward slightly, lying in front of the coffee table "seriously" reading the "Declaration of Resistance" spread out, but the corner of her eyes never left the figure that always protected her, and complex emotions were in her pupils. constantly intertwined.


Holding the doorknob with his left hand, Anson, who had already reached into his collar with his right hand, exerted a little force, and pushed the door open while pulling the hammer.

The slight sound of the door scroll echoed in the dead living room, so that the **** the sofa clenched the scroll tightly to hide her nervousness.

The door opened, and An Sen, who entered the door sideways, perfectly blocked everything behind the door, and immediately locked the door with a "bang!"

In the heavy echoes, the crystal of fear fell on the "Declaration of Resistance", stunned, and came to an end.


"So... it's over?"

With his back against the door, An Sen looked around with a stunned expression.

The scene in his sight made him hard to believe that this was a small restaurant that was originally warm: the ceiling and walls were stained blood red, the dining table was smashed in half by the falling chandelier, and the four chairs were broken into wood slag. The leather blankets and wallpaper were littered with shotgun craters, all the metal cutlery was missing, and china and buckshot were all over the place.

Looking forward, the smug Lisa was standing in front of a **** corpse with a shotgun, holding a licorice stick dyed with gun dust, her face was full of "please praise me" expression.

As for the corpse... it was so broken that it could only be judged by the blood on the edge that it was probably once in the shape of a human. The center of the torso was rotten into a mess, and knives and forks were inserted in a mess - so the missing tableware was originally in the here.

"Yes, it's over!" Lisa waved the shotgun in her hand and raised her round chin happily:

"This bad guy wants to attack Anson, but Lisa and Talia are already waiting here!"

I've been here a long time ago... An Sen's stiff cheeks twitched slightly, but it quickly eased, and he thanked the proud girl: "Fortunately, you showed up in time, otherwise it might really be too late!"

"Should it appear in time, or should it not appear?"

Talia on the side slowly stepped forward, chuckling and looking meaningfully at the closed door behind Anson.

"It appeared in time, it appeared too timely!" Ansen resolutely emphasized:

"Really... I didn't react at all at that time, and the situation was completely beyond my expectations - when I noticed it, I immediately took measures to avoid the worst."

"The worst outcome?" Talia blinked curiously.

"The worst possible outcome!"

Anson nodded vigorously, his eyes serious and upright: "But if you didn't show up in time, the situation might not end well - at least not like it is now."

"What would that look like?" Talia suddenly became a curious baby.

"It's like... the big warehouse." An Sen said with a "squeak" in his heart, and said without changing his face: "In order to stop the loss quickly, there may be some big disturbances."

"But that's not good for everyone, and the ending will be very complicated, so it's great that we didn't make a mess, very good, very good!"

"Is it that good?"

Lisa scratched her head blankly, her eyes shifting between the two of them.

"Let's leave this aside for now." Anson quickly changed the subject:

"Is the investigation clear? Who are they trying to attack, and does it have anything to do with Ed Levent's death?"

The voice fell, and Talia finally restrained her playful expression a little, and her scarlet pupils revealed a trace of solemnity:

"Yes and no."

"It is indeed the old gods who want to assassinate you. The cause is related to the establishment of the Faithful Alliance and the previous Great Warehouse incident; they have been looking for opportunities to disrupt the order of Beluga Harbor and create chaos in order to welcome the 'True God' 'Be prepared for everything."

"True God?" An Sen asked subconsciously.

"Maybe it's like the Lord of the Abyss... a blasphemous mage with very special abilities and existence, maybe a certain high-rank apostle." Talia's expression became more and more solemn:

"This may be closely related to the direction of their evolution - the high-level casters of the resting land can only appear if they meet certain very strict prerequisites; and once they appear, they often have a strong impact on the surrounding 'reality'. distortion."

"Usually only high-level conjurers can do this, but here... some principles of the three major magics don't seem to apply."

Anson nodded slightly. When he was talking to Phil Crecy in the "Lord of the Abyss" he encountered in the turbulent sea and in the secret gold mine, the shadow demon in the other party's mouth was very consistent with this characteristic.

"But this... sir." Talia slowly turned her head back and looked at the blurred human-shaped bloodstain:

"His abilities are more in line with the characteristics of black magic - the one who silently assassinated Sir Edd Levant was a blood mage; the way of action and strength of the two sides is also very different, I don't think they will have A strong connection."

"Is it possible that they just belong to the same Old God sect organization, or belief group?" Anson asked.

"... Talia can only say that this possibility cannot be ruled out."

She turned her head back slowly and lowered her voice seriously: "But you can't stay here any more, there are too many people in the city, if the other party really wants to do something, Talia doesn't have a 100% certainty that she can protect everyone. people."

"Then what?"

"Return to the military camp immediately, and Lisa will also go back. Don't come to the Beluga Harbor city for the time being; if it is in the wild, at least it won't hurt innocent people."

"Okay!" An Sen decisively agreed:

"Let's go now~www.readwn.com~ I will ask the cavalry company in the city to prepare, strengthen the martial law in the city, and continue to increase the arming of the Faithful Alliance - just as the military factory is about to be built, I can start to equip them in large quantities. Rifle shot."

"Only these?" Talia raised the corners of her mouth again:

"Then... what about her?"

"Who?" An Sen looked blank, sincerely blank.

"Polina, Paulina Frey--won't you take it with you?"

"She? Still not."


"Because that would be bad for her influence within the Grey Doveburg liberals, and she shouldn't be threatened as long as she's not with us - I'm a very ally-minded person."

And cherish life very much... Anson added in his heart.

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