I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 131: free price


"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach! It was he who defied all opinions and made the small Winter Torch City have such an honor to be the venue for the first session of the Free Confederacy - this is the 20,000 people in the Winter Torch City. The luck of the people is also the common luck of countless colonists who have stepped into the unknown new world!"

The style is rough, like a castle in the dark age. In the hall of the castle in the dark age, Duncan, the speaker of Winter Torch City, wearing a fur coat and a felt hat, is holding a foaming beer, and his blushing face is waving his stubby right hand to the audience. Five fingers:

"Gentlemen! Raise your wine glasses, and let us wish that Lord Anson Bach's body is like a beacon that does not go out in Winter Torch City, and he is always healthy!"

"Always be healthy-!!!!"

The cheers like thunder echoed in the center of the hall, and along with the cheers rushed to the ceiling, there were also countless people's hats and golden wine pulp; hundreds of wooden mugs were raised above their heads, and they gathered together to tumble. waves.

Compared with those colonies in the south, the style of Winter Torch City is more crude; this is not only in eating habits and architectural decoration, but also in some "customs".

In this colonial outpost in the extreme north, people here pay more attention to the importance of food and fuel to production activities; after all, in the extreme cold, heat is life and hope; for a city surrounded by snow and inconvenient transportation, these is always scarce.

The more scarce something is, the easier it is to become a kind of "hard currency", a symbol of identity and status; and the way people in Winter Torch City express their gratitude is reflected in these hard currencies.

As an ally of the "United Front" of the Free Confederacy, Anson was not only arranged in the position closest to the "big fireplace" - facing the gate, but on both sides of the dining table there was a charcoal pile on each side, a half-person-high brazier. The chair below was also covered with thick bearskin.

Feeling the heat waves rolling in from behind and on both sides, An Sen, who was only wearing a military coat, sat paralyzed on the bearskin, sweating all over his body like a bath, and the military uniform that was soaked over and over again tightly adhered to his skin. , his eyes became more and more sluggish under the blessing of rapid dehydration...

In comparison, even the speakers and important representatives of other colonies were treated much "inferior" than his guest - not only was it far away from the big fireplace, there was only a small brazier on the ground next to the dining table...as a fiancée As for Talia, who is "honored", the charcoal in the brazier is only a few more pieces than others.

As for the officer corps and entourage of the Storm Division, Lieutenant Colonel Fabien, Secretary Alan Dawn, Chief of Staff Carl Bain... They didn't even have a brazier, and two or three people had to put together a table.

Looking at the "well-respected" commander-in-chief, the loyal adjutant didn't have the slightest idea of ​​being left out, let alone complaining because he lost the bet... he even wanted to laugh out loud.

After chatting with a few Winter Torch City councilors, Carl probably figured out why the other party made such a big splash, that is, Anson's "favoritism" towards Winter Torch City when he purged the loyalists.

When the rest of the colonies were beheaded, shot, and hanged... Winter Torch City just exiled the loyalists in the city and let them go to the north to open up new colonies.

It is true that the risk of doing this is also very high, and it is almost impossible for the exiled loyalists to survive in the wind and snow and the wilderness; but such a "benevolent" approach can easily lead to the already marginalized Winter Torch City being further colonized by other colonies. crowd out.

At this time, Anson Bach, as an "outsider" and an "ally", mediates and even supports it, and makes the originally uncompetitive Winter Torch City the venue for the first session of the Free Confederation. They are grateful to Dade.

It's just "fire-like enthusiasm" in the literal sense. Even if you look at it from a distance, you can feel the scorching hot, and the sweat on your forehead and back flows like raindrops.

In order to prevent himself from dying of dehydration at the banquet, and he didn't want to lose face, Anson could only quickly replenish water: no matter who took the initiative to toast, he would take a drink and drink it up. The Clovis, who use beer as drinking water, has certain organs that are completely different from those of the Imperials.

Of course, as the representative of the Clovis colony—yes, Anson did not come as the commander-in-chief of the garrison, but as the chief councilor of Beluga Harbor—Grey Snow Town—except for the trivial consideration of face. The reason is to use this kind of existence to declare the attitude to ensure that the Free Confederation is absolutely independent and free under the protection of Clovis.

To put it more bluntly, it is to not give them the opportunity to negotiate independently without the storm division in any public places.

And this is another benefit of having the meeting place in Winter Torch: the weak and marginalized Winter Torch must have his support to gain a firm foothold in the Free Confederacy; Supplies are also the hard currency that is in short supply in this extreme northern colony.

"...The supply of salt in Winter Torch City is also a problem that Beluga Port has always wanted to solve."

Resisting the drunkenness, An Sen, who was dizzy, said sternly to the speaker of Winter Torch City who took the initiative to inquire: "In the past, we relied on the trade with the three countries of the North Sea very much in this regard. Powerless."

"But after the development of the past six months, Beluga Port has established the first salt-making factory, which has initially become self-sufficient. At the same time, we are still negotiating with the three Beihai countries to increase the number of imports - as long as the negotiation is successful, we can Sold to Winter Torch City at half the current price."

"Respected Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach, you are truly the savior bestowed upon us by the Ring of Order!"

The chairman of Winter Torch City was overjoyed, his already flushed cheeks almost turned purple—although the price of the salt in the Winter Torch City, which had been fired into the sky, was still sky-high, but it was already a great benefit: "That's not good. Do you know what Winter Torch City will give in exchange for this salt trade?"

After all, precious metals and currencies are very scarce in the New World, and barter trade is the mainstream, and the specialties of Winter Torch City: wood, aquatic products, animal husbandry, animal skins... Beluga Port is not lacking, even the "beast slave" trade, There are also more suitable options such as Black Reef Harbor and Grey Pigeon Fort.

But it is clear that Anson will never do business at a loss:



The Speaker of Winter Torch City, who was stunned for a few seconds before he reacted, was a little confused.

"Yes, we hope to lease land from Winter Torch City in the name of Storm Division and build a semi-permanent military camp." An Sen said sincerely:

"We intend to use this barracks as a transit point and advance base for the Storm Division westwards to support our next battle against the Empire."

"Forward base... But don't you already have Longhu Town? And I believe that both Red Hand Bay and Black Reef Port are more suitable than Winter Torch City - they are both coastal ports."

Perhaps because of the stimulation of "barracks" and "land lease", the excited Speaker of Winter Torch City instantly sobered up: "Why choose the inland Winter Torch City?"

"Because they are coastal ports, and Winter Torch City is the only large colony in the inland, we chose the base here." An Senqiang explained as patiently as possible:

"Relying on the port to quickly mobilize troops and supplies is indeed a more convenient choice; but since we can think of things, the Empire can't think of it - I heard that you were also a noble in Edland, so it's impossible not to know How powerful is the Empire's 'Grand Fleet'."

"Master Anson Bach, you are saying that the Empire may..."

"It's not possible, it's definitely - watching all of your colonies become independent, and even establish your own country, do you think it's possible for Emperor Herid of Xiaolong City to be indifferent?" Anson asked sarcastically. road:

"Give up the illusion, it is impossible; not only is it impossible, they will re-enslaved all the colonies at any cost; in order to ensure that the Free Confederation can no longer resist, by the way, make up for the losses in the process of repression, the strength of oppression and exploitation is even It will be a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than before."

"Therefore, as the only large inland colony, the location of Winter Torch City is very important; after all, no matter how invincible the imperial fleet is, it cannot cut off our supply line on land."

"……I see."

Since An Sen can come up with reasonable and reasonable reasons, of course, the Speaker of Winter Torch City can't refuse - he of course knows that once the military camp is established, Winter Torch City will become a vassal of Beluga Harbor just like Changhu Town; nominally independent, In fact, every move is under the supervision of the Clovis army.

Why are Black Reef Harbor and Red Hand Bay so hard at purging loyalists? It is to "defend" their independence and freedom without giving Beluga Port any excuse to enter.

Of course Anson could guess what the other party was thinking; in order to ensure the stability of this "transit station", the candy he prepared for the other party was not just the salt trade.

"If that's the case, then there are still a few things that have to be mentioned." Not caring about the loneliness that flashed across the other party's eyes, An Sen seemed to think to himself:

"The barracks and a series of corresponding ancillary buildings will be built by Beluga Harbor and Storm Division alone; but the work of widening roads and building large warehouses must be entrusted to you and Winter Torch City."

"Warehouse?" The Speaker of Winter Torch City was taken aback.

"Yes, warehouses - used to store and mobilize military supplies." An Sen said of course:

"We are going to fight the empire next. Winter Torch City is the logistics base of the army. Naturally, we have to prepare enough supplies. A steady stream of supplies will gather here, and then go to the front line from Winter Torch City."

"I have entrusted the councils of Beluga Harbor and Grey Snow Town to start mobilizing supplies to Winter Torch City; at the same time, the Animal Husbandry Committee led by Miss Talia Rune has also negotiated with Long Lake Town and will recruit no less than 1,000 animals. Pack beasts, all delivered to Winter Torch City."

"A thousand heads..." The surprised speaker of Winter Torch City couldn't even utter a word: "All these are to be handed over to us?!"

"At tomorrow's meeting, I will propose to the Free Confederation to set up a special 'logistics department' to be responsible for the transportation and scheduling of military supplies." Anson smiled indifferently:

"I sincerely hope that the Winter Torch City Autonomous Council can play a key role in it."

"Thanks for your trust!"

The speaker of Winter Torch City immediately said: "I also assure you that Winter Torch City will never fail your trust and the Beluga Harbor!"

He undertakes the logistical dispatch of thousands or even nearly 10,000 soldiers. Of course, he will not know how much oil and water can be captured. Even if the Winter Torch City Council is upright and honest, it will never take a single needle from the warehouse. Contracting the cashier, transportation, and mobilization of the logistics warehouse... is already a huge and unimaginable income for the sparsely populated Winter Torch City.

The Speaker of Winter Torch City was overjoyed. He guessed that he would definitely spend money for this military base Beluga Port, but he did not expect the other party to be so sincere—if this is the condition, then it is not entirely impossible for Beluga Port to be a vassal.

"If this work can not only ensure the logistics of the army, but also benefit the development of Winter Torch City, that would be great." Anson continued to hint to the other party:

"As a frontier for the colonists to expand inland, Winter Torch is of extraordinary significance to the entire Free Confederacy; even if it does not ultimately become the capital of the Confederacy, it should have a very unique status - just like Grey Dove Castle."

"What you said is so reasonable!" Of course, the Speaker of Winter Torch City knew what he was implying: "For Grey Pigeon Castle and Sister Frey, Winter Torch City has always been very saddened by what happened to them."

"Speaker Frey's death is a tragic lesson, and we must always remember this lesson, and never let it repeat itself in the land of the New World - freedom, must belong to all the people of the Free Confederation!"

"I can assure you~www.readwn.com~ at tomorrow's meeting, Torch City will be their most steadfast ally, to get what they deserve for Grey Dove Castle - be it freedom, or something special status."

"As for Miss Polina Frey, who drafted the Declaration of Rebellion...On behalf of Torch City, we believe that although she is young, she is fully qualified to compete for the Supreme Leader of the Free Confederation, both in terms of political experience and rebellious spirit. position and become a banner against the Empire."

His expression was very serious, as if he had really made a bold decision after careful deliberation - it had nothing to do with being bought off, let alone pressure from any side, everything was voluntary and free.

"Really? Then I'll thank you and the members of the Winter Torch City for her first; a great legend like you is willing to stand for her and teach her experience behind her back, which will become an inexhaustible wealth for her throughout her life." An Sen with the corners of his mouth raised showed his white teeth, ignoring the fact that he didn't even know the other party's name.

"Where is it, you have to educate her more deeply." The speaker of the Winter Torch City with a mouth full of yellow teeth grinned, flattering and flattering on his face.

When two men touched their upper and lower teeth, the fate of a certain girl was decided.

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