I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 137: before going on stage

"I will be crowned king (!

Winter Torch City Council, outside the gate.

Standing on the turret piled up with fragments of the Ring of Order sculpture, Xie Gren looked at the "fortress" in front of him, which was already beleaguered on all sides, and the fully-armed beast slave warriors behind him who were attacking one after another, looking at the center of the road in the distance, slowly. Twenty-four-pounder guns moving this way...

Endless pride arises spontaneously.

Before today, he was just a mercenary leader who was hailed by the councillors and lords outside the city, risking being killed by freezing to death for a few copper coins, hunting and killing his compatriots in the wilderness;

After today, he is the one who conquered Winter Torch City and killed a commander-in-chief of Clovis himself... Imperial Knight!

That's right, while getting the parliamentary reward, he also negotiated a condition with the Colonial Chief Minister - kill Anson Bach, the Lord will personally confer a knighthood on him, and he is a legitimate imperial nobleman.

Of course, it is not difficult for Xie Glenn to guess from the eyes of the other party that the minister in charge does not believe that he can complete this task at all, and most of it is just a "blank check".

Shegren knew all too well about these dignified-looking bigwigs—never rely on a nobleman's promise, just as never trust a liar's oath.

The stinginess of these people can't even compare with the most stingy profiteers. In their eyes, everyone else should serve them consciously and actively, and serve them as an obligation, as an honor, and as some kind of unbreakable rule.

Unless you are forced to, you should never expect the hype that they say will actually come true.

Because of this, Anson Bach's head...he Schegren is bound to win.

At that time, even if it is just to ensure that this credit will not be taken away by the parliament, this contemptuous chief minister will have to give himself a noble title!

He has a general idea of ​​the current situation in Winter Torch City: the "peers" who were attracted by the bounty are still looting their homes, the only army in Winter Torch City has been wiped out by him, and the only remaining threat is the city outside the city. Inside and outside the Clovis army.

But whether it is the main force outside the city or the two infantry battalions in the city, there is a considerable distance from the parliament, and they are all blocked by the riots in the city - want to rescue? Kill half of the Winter Torch City first!

Before that, in addition to those members and Ansen Bach himself, there would be at most a few personal guards in the parliamentary hall, and there could be no more.

In other words, as long as the reinforcements arrive at the parliament before the reinforcements arrive, even if he has to run away in the end, he will not be able to kill Anson Bach himself. No matter how many victories he has, he will make sure that he will not lose; It's worth a hundred gold coins!

Because of this, Xie Glenn is so confident right now, even if the war situation is unfavorable for a while, he can't reduce his bursting ambition; it is even good to die a few more, it is more convenient to escape, and there are fewer people to share the money.

More importantly, the battle is over - with the cheers of excitement, the aged 24-pounder was finally moved to the position of the battery, and several self-proclaimed "experienced" beast slave artillerymen are pushing hard. Muzzle, aim it at the parliament gate.

No matter how stubbornly the group of meat votes in the parliament resisted, they were destined to be meaningless in the face of the 24-pounder.

Looking at the closed door, Xie Glenn, who had become an imperial aristocrat and was enjoying his old age in a native manor, had already seen in his mind the words he had been looking forward to for a long time with all his strength:


The beast slave mercenary who received the order did not dare to neglect, and after some operations, the fuse of the cannon was lit, and the aged steel beast was brought to life again.



The big sheriff covered his little head with his hands, and looked up with teary eyes at the villain who hit her head with a pipe: "It hurts—and it's hot!"

"It hurts? That's right." An Sen, who did not bully the girl consciously, snorted complacently, holding a pipe in his right hand: "Punish a bad girl who steps on other people's feet without speaking!"

"It was Anson who stole Lisa's prey... ah!"

Before the girl could finish speaking, Anson knocked again.

"Second time, punish a bad girl who doesn't admit her fault but still makes excuses." Anson emphasized again: "In that position, you can't see the enemy appear before me - correct it, it should be any situation. Impossible."

Not to mention the newly emerged enemies, Anson could see clearly where they came in when they were outside the parliamentary hall.

"Cheating, Anson cheating!" the girl protested.

"Protests are ineffective—and you're arguing at best," Anson retorted.

"It's not a quibble, Lisa is a good girl, a good girl can't quibble - it's obviously Anson cheating!"

"Is there any rules on the battlefield? I should be of outstanding ability. I hope the enemy will take the lead!"

"It's cheating, it's cheating! Bad Anson, and hit Lisa on the head with a hot pipe!"

"Well then, I'll apologize. Should some bad girl also say sorry for her stepping on my foot?"

"Don't say, don't say, don't say...don't say it! Lisa is a good girl, Anson is the first to grab Lisa's prey first!"

Paulina stood up slowly, looking at Qian Li who was "arguing" with the commander-in-chief, a trace of consternation appeared on her beautiful face.

In her memory, although the eldest lady of the Rune family is young, she has always been graceful and gentle, with the arrogance of contempt of all beings. Ashamed" cold.

More than once, Paulina would have an inexplicable inferiority complex and infinite longing when she saw her-especially knowing that she was from a local wealthy family and was the fiancée of Lord Anson Bach.

So what's the matter with Miss Rune, who is full of childishness on the opposite side and is playing a temper at the commander-in-chief?

And the small military uniform, rifle, revolver, bayonet, armed belt, grenade on her body... Are they all real?

The girl was stunned.

Looking at her appearance, Alan Dawn, who was hiding under a chair, could vaguely guess that the other party was probably misunderstood; the little secretary who was about to remind him hesitated and remained silent.

Showing Miss Paulina more scenes like this should help her to dispel some unrealistic fantasies... The little secretary thought in his heart full of goodwill.

The choking gun smoke drifted in the silent hall, replaced by a strong smell of blood.

Seeing that the attack outside seemed to have stopped temporarily, the shivering Confederate members breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed to have regained their confidence in "defeating the empire".

They climbed out of the chairs one by one, and began to chat with the people around them, discussing the impact of the raid-the damage suffered by the attacked Winter Torch City was huge, which meant that the second-to-last strength was originally They, in the Confederation, have further reduced their right to speak.

Of course, the Speaker of Winter Torch City cannot accept this. He has received Anson's "verbal promise" without fear; as long as it becomes the logistics base of the entire Confederacy and the military base of the Storm Division, the revival of Winter Torch City will be in a blink of an eye.

Quarrel, negotiation, exchange of interests, betrayal of the alliance... There are corpses in front of the gate, and in the parliamentary hall where gunfire is constantly heard outside the gate, the colonial representatives seem to have regained their original feeling.

at this time……

"Everyone - get down!"

A voice full of power echoed under the vault, and everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief tightened their nerves again, turning their heads together like frightened rabbits, looking at the figure standing on the hill where the bones were piled up.

Anson, who was still arguing with Lisa just now, suddenly became solemn. He packed up the guns and ammunition on the ground and piled them into a pile, and loaded the ammunition one by one in an orderly manner.

Seeing this, the **** the side immediately quieted down, and began to seriously check the weapons she carried with her as she did before each war.



"How many guns can you carry besides the ones you already carry?"


The girl gestured her two little hands and stretched out to An Sen: "This... plus this!"

Five rifles... Ignoring the physiological limits of normal people, Anson nodded, and then asked: "Can you still run after you put it on your back?"

"Running!" The girl nodded seriously:

"But not fast."

"It doesn't matter."

Anson raised his head and looked at the girl: "Listen, two minutes... half a minute after I start shouting, you have a chance to fire twenty shots - the enemy will not fight back at this time, so in addition to making sure to destroy the most That important goal, you have to kill nineteen enemies as much as possible within half a minute... Can you do it?"

"Can... uh, what goal?"

"You'll know this right away." Anson picked up the five rifles he had prepared and handed them to the girl neatly:

"Get ready and wait for my order."

Without asking any further questions, the girl with the rifle swayed and hid in the corner of the wall on the left side of the gate, staring wide-eyed, nervously took out a licorice stick from her arms and bit it at the corner of her mouth.

Anson was still standing unhurriedly under the pillar next to the parliament gate, smoking a pipe. The intoxicated smoke drifted in the smoke, covering his face.

He is waiting.

A perfect plan not only requires careful arrangement, but also requires precise grasp of time; it is necessary to grasp not only the enemy's situation, but also one's own deployment, weather conditions, battlefield situation, terrain structure...all must be taken into consideration.

When everything is ready and all the elements are gathered, it is time to perform on stage and witness the miracle.


Gently exhaling the last puff of smoke, Anson put away the misty pipe, then took out the "anonymous glasses" and put it on his left eye, and pulled the corner of his hat to cover it a little to make it less conspicuous, then pulled out the dagger revolver and put the six A lead bullet with a rubbing of [Rising Fire] was stuffed into the magazine.

Finally, count down from the bottom of your heart - three, two, one...


At the moment when the loud noise that shattered everything exploded, the roaring air wave had already tore the door to shreds; surrounding the black shadow that literally broke through the door, like a mirror disintegrating from the center, countless fragments spread inward, The shock wave swept across the hall.

Anson, who was hiding behind the colonnade with his back to the gate, snapped his fingers.

Spell magic, [Yanyujia].

Almost at the same time as the sound of the cannon, he finally completed all preparations for casting the spell - the "smoke" floating in the hall began to gather and solidify; all the gravel fragments that rushed into the gate continued to slow down in the smoke, and finally slowly fell. fall.

Even the cannonball itself was redirected and forcibly changed in angle in the smoke; with the exclamations one after another, a huge skylight was smashed above the vault of the hall, and the falling rubble smashed many colonies. The representative was smashed to death.

Maybe it was a second, maybe a minute, the blue veins under Ansen's temple, who had not released the spell, forcibly burst out, forcibly blocking most of the air waves and explosion debris of the cannonball.


"Come on!!!!"

The shouting girl rushed out of the bunker without hesitation and ran towards the gate in the face of the rolling heat. The Borny rifle in her arms pulled the trigger decisively.


The screeching lead bullet passed through the layers of dense fog and accurately killed the slave gunner who was hiding behind the cannon and was preparing for the second round of shooting.

Without hesitation, the girl decisively threw away Borni in her hand, and while running wildly, she picked up the five front-loading rifles Anson had prepared for her behind her.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Like magic, five bullet marks cut through the sky, and five beast slave mercenaries next to the 24-pound gun fell down; the girl who was running all the way had rushed into the siege position, and hundreds of beast slave mercenaries were still silent. Sleep.

And when they noticed it, the girl had already pulled out her favorite shotgun, aimed at the crowd hiding in the bunker and pulled the trigger, while a string of grenades had been thrown out like a goddess scattered flowers.


The parliament door thundered, and the Shotgun Sheriff appeared.

Looking at the companions who were blown into the sky by the grenade and scattered piece by piece, the beast slave mercenaries finally realized what had just happened; they began to pounce on the girl like crazy. Desperately firing at the petite figure.

Throwing away the hot shotgun in her arms, the girl who took off up and down pulled out the last two revolvers, and fought the enemy around the shallow trenches and bunkers dug by the beast slave mercenaries, and took the initiative to advance towards the hail of bullets.

Maybe it was because everything happened too fast, and Xie Glenn, the leader of the mercenary, didn't even have time to think.

Hiding under the bunker, he stared in horror at the figure jumping up and down in the position, and then at the six corpses lying with the 24-pounder, as if he had some kind of enlightenment.

"No, the other side wants to...?!"

The frightened Xie Glenn jumped out of the bunker~www.readwn.com~ and wanted to give orders to the soldiers beside him.

But... it's still a step too late.

Before he finished speaking, a flash of fire penetrated the thick fog; Xie Glenn, whose expression was frozen, watched as it flew towards the 24-pounder gun placed on the temporary fort.

Spell magic, [Rising Fire].

The golden-red streamer fell on the gun barrel, and immediately ignited a flame that covered the entire gun turret; naturally, it also covered the piled up beside...

ammo box.


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