I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 146: nonexistent betrayal

"I will be crowned king (!

Accompanied by a deafening loud noise, the golden-red fire on the sea outside the Black Reef Port suddenly gushed out, and the air-tearing ballistics swept low above the city in countless screams and exclamations.

In the next second, dozens of naval shells instantly covered the high ground on the right flank that had been breached by the empire, leaving only a few shattered lines of defense completely overwhelmed by the fire and smoke from the solid shells, together with the temporary defense constructed by the imperial soldiers. The fortifications were also smashed to pieces together, and the air waves swept in all directions with the landing of the shells.

Although these shells are basically inaccurate, it is absolutely enough to deal with the attacking force squeezed in a small gap-nearly a thousand imperial soldiers were crushed in the trench by the cannon fire. Anyone who dared to show his head would be instantly killed. The blast of the cannonball sent a pair of invisible wings.

At this time, the artillery positions of the Empire had stopped firing, and Bernard, who went to the front, could only command two six-pounder cavalry guns, and the shells had already been consumed in the process of the attack just now. Of course, it is impossible to prepare a lot of ammunition in order to seize the time for the general attack of the temporary organization.

The originally high-spirited imperial army was interrupted in an instant.

"Sir, what should we do next?!"

The roar sounded like thunder, and the six godless officers shouted eagerly at Bernard: "The attack was completely suppressed by the artillery fire of the port fleet. If we don't think of a way, we may not be able to defend the only gap!"

In the face of overwhelmed subordinates, Bernard Morwes was indifferent.

Looking at the direction of the artillery fire, the Colonial Minister's expression was extremely confused; no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't understand why the pirates who had been bought by him would fall to the colonial traitors and Clovis people?

Also, there are no more than three people in Yangfan City who know about this. Where did they get the information, and how did they control the pirates?

Bernard was extremely confused.

But he didn't need to be confused soon... Just as he was about to continue to observe, a sudden intuition made him subconsciously rush forward.

The next second, a black shadow whistled past his head and landed on the cannon behind him with great precision.


With a loud noise mixed with a few screams, the entire artillery fort "blooms" like a flower ready to go; in some mud pit.

The surrounding officers were stunned, watching the soldiers hiding in the gun fortress torn apart, and the remnants that were blown into pieces were blown away in the firelight, bombing everywhere.

Bernard, who was sprayed with blood mixed with mud and sand, woke up instantly, and immediately made the most rational decision in his heart at the moment:


After speaking, without waiting for everyone around him to hear it, Bernard kicked open the ammunition box that was in the way, turned his head decisively and ran away.

Almost at the same time, another roar exploded behind him - another cavalry gun was also blasted into the sky.

Qi Shushua looked at the "flying to the sky" gun barrel, and saw the back of the chief minister who was already running away. The knight officers just woke up from a dream and followed them, using their hands and feet to move quickly in the trench fortifications. Turn in, embarrassed to the extreme.

Five minutes later, when the artillery bombardment finally settled, the sound of the retreating bugle sounded again and again on the outer defense line of Heijiao Port.

The sudden reversal of the surging sea pirates not only destroyed the "backstab" plan carefully designed by Bernard Morwes, but also made up for the lack of sea defense and artillery cover in Black Reef Harbor.

This meant that unless these barques were destroyed, the possibility of shelling the entire city would be completely bankrupt by breaking a single breach in the defense line.

And the influence of pirates against the water is even more than that... In large-scale battles, morale can almost be said to be the decisive factor in many cases; the betrayal of allies not only severely hampered the confidence of the imperial soldiers in victory, but also caused the morale of the Black Reef Port, which was already on the verge of despair. Great vibration.

In such a situation, Bernard realized that even if he could still drive straight into the city center, he could not expect the traitors to surrender easily; unless the Imperial Army could withstand the artillery bombardment of the port to destroy the entire defense line, retreating was the only option.

So in the last second, the high-spirited imperial soldiers fell into the abyss without knowing it. They retreated after hearing the wind without knowing the situation, and at the same time, they had to block the rushing out from the defense line. Organize Black reef harbor militia counterattack.

Among them, the troops that have already broken through the defense line and have already entered the city have directly cut off contact with the rear as the retreat order is issued, and they are still exchanging fire with the last line of defense of the Heijiaogang defenders, so they will definitely not be able to withdraw. Without the necessary flank cover and artillery support, the offensive was unsustainable.

In the end, hundreds of imperial soldiers watched as the main force was getting farther and farther away from themselves, and in desperation, they were divided and surrounded by the black reef port defenders who were gradually pouring up on the positions destroyed by artillery fire.

When the last buckshot in the gun was emptied, both sides who killed the red-eyed chose to abandon the original "civilized" form of warfare, which originated from the bloodiest and most brutal hand-to-hand combat in the previous era, and began in a chaotic position. staged.

Although the Black Reef Harbor militia lacks training, its combat effectiveness is a rabble in the literal sense; but the morale of the completely surrounded imperial line soldiers has dropped to freezing point, and there is no reinforcement at all, and gradually from tenacious resistance to dying struggle, a little One point was wiped out.

When the imperial soldiers who suffered heavy casualties took the initiative to bring down the iris flag, dropped their weapons and surrendered, the offensive and defensive battle that lasted for nearly a whole day finally came to an end with the cheers of the defenders of Black Reef Harbor.

"Ahhhh... how did it end like this?!"

Just as Bernard Morwes fled in embarrassment, on the deck of one of the four pirate ships outside the Black Reef Harbor, the girl lying behind the 18-pound naval gun had "unhappy" written all over her face. cried in despair.

It's almost... Lisa can swear, it's just a little bit, if it wasn't for running too fast, it wouldn't have been two cavalry guns that had just been blasted into the sky by herself, it should be the one named Bernard Morwes Badass!

But now the opponent not only ran away by himself, but even the entire imperial army withdrew from the position; the battle was won, but the girl did not feel any sense of accomplishment at all.

It's a bit like the game is at the end of the game, and the opponent surrenders when the whole game is only one round away from winning, just to prevent you from making the final triumphant lore... Lisa, who is not happy at all, stares at the opposite, and pouted in grievance. mouth.

However, the officers and soldiers of the other storm divisions on the deck and the surging sea pirates who surrendered were very happy. They were either cheering, or lying on the railing of the ship, talking and laughing, pointing at the fleeing imperial army... The atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

Except for Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Dukasky.

The head of the Storm Division Line Corps, a top ten important role in the garrison, felt like he had just finished an unprecedented thrilling roller coaster plus ten high-altitude bungee jumps, his body had just landed, but his soul had not yet Fully homing.

This feeling of dislocation of spirit and flesh did not just appear, but accompanied him on his long journey of the past ten days... To be honest, after experiencing such an "exciting" adventure, Alexei, who was not very firm in his beliefs, Now it is more and more pious.

It's very simple, without the protection of the Ring of Order, even at the most conservative level, he would probably have died more than ten times in the past ten days.

But now... he arrived at Black Reef Harbor without a hitch.

Alexei was in a dream.

Just as he stared at the Black Reef Harbor not far away in a trance, a slightly swaying figure walked to the side and patted his shoulder hard:

"How, am I right? The plan is perfect, no problems!"

What? !

Alexei's eyes widened instantly, his pupils shrank suddenly, his expression was as shocked as someone serious and his theory "the sun is actually pink".

He turned his head, and the commander-in-chief next to him was smiling at him with a bloodless face. His slightly trembling body obviously still hadn't completely overcome the problem of seasickness, but was just supporting:

"No problem... If I remember correctly, the troop got lost in the primeval forest on the third day after departure, and was attacked by three brown bears at the camp!"

"That's right, but Lisa found them in time and killed them. According to the traces of the beasts and the indigenous people's activities, they quickly found the correct route!" Anson corrected:

"And it's realistic to say that without those bears, plus the sustenance and thermal gear they provide, the journey would never have been as easy as we've experienced."

easy? !

Alexei was shocked, as if he was almost out of breath: "You mean the continuous avalanche, the countless bandits blocking it from morning to night, and the cold shot by the indigenous people hiding in the woods?"

"That's right, isn't it?" An Sen nodded in a pretentious manner:

"It was because of the bearskin quilt, meat and fat that we did not reduce our personnel due to the extremely cold weather, and we determined that there were traces of the activities of indigenous people and robbers around based on their activity range. We decisively changed the marching direction, Greatly improved the efficiency of the march..."

"Then I didn't know why I went all the way south. I was going to Black Reef Port, but when I came to my senses, not only did I run out of ammunition and food, but also ran to the vicinity of Red Hand Bay, and finally crashed into the black smuggled by pirates and Red Hand Bay merchants. Port camp!" Alexei couldn't help but steal:

"This... is this also in your plan?"

"Of course, this is the marching route I carefully designed." Anson's expression was quite proud:

"Didn't the robbers who attacked us on the road say that the imperial army is besieging the Black Reef Port. Since there is no way to get through on land, we can only sneak into the Black Reef Harbor from the sea - it also saves us a lot of time!"

"But aren't those pirates bought by Yangfan City and ready to attack Black Reef Harbor?"

Alexey was even more confused: "How on earth did you convince them to betray the Empire and willingly serve the Free Confederation?"

"Convince, I didn't convince anything." Anson shrugged:

"From the beginning, they have been with the Free Confederation."


"The two main economic pillars of Red Hand Bay are the local planting industry and the black market smuggling. Since the beginning of the colonial rebellion, the smuggling trade in Red Hand Bay has become increasingly prosperous and has become an important livelihood for many local people. Broken hand."

Anson raised his right hand and pointed to the pirates behind him who were chatting with the soldiers of the Storm Division: "Many of these people are even locals. Once they have a complete relationship with Red Hand Bay and even the entire Confederacy, they will not only lose their financial resources, but also their families. My relatives and friends are all in the colony."

"So there is no need to rebel at all. As long as the price is higher than that of the empire, 'reverse water' is a natural thing."

Alexei was completely stunned, is it really as the commander-in-chief said, everything is in his plan?

If Anson is telling the truth...not all.

In the original plan, he did intend to go directly to Black Reef Harbor from Shegren's "secret shortcut"; but he ignored the most critical factor in this shortcut - the natives.

Why can Shegren and his subordinates be able to travel across the wilderness without being affected? Because almost all of them are indigenous people, Xie Gren himself is a famous beast slave mercenary leader.

This means that they can get supplies from nearby or migrating native tribes, and they will not be attacked by them. At the same time, they are very aware of where there are beasts, where the terrain is dangerous, where there are robbers. These advantages are all the storm divisions. not available.

Aware of this, An Sen decisively changed his marching route. Of course, he couldn't have predicted in advance where there were pirates' smuggling dens near Red Hand Bay, but as long as he got close to this place, the probability of getting a boat was 100%.

As for the reason why the pirates surrendered, there is another important reason he did not tell Alexei, that is, although the smuggling trade in Red Hand Bay is developed, the entire colony has begun to operate more "high-end" under the influence of Beluga Harbor. The manufacturing industry, using the technology and equipment provided by Beluga Port, is preparing to build a steel plant locally.

If these pirates can't "transform" as soon as possible, they will sooner or later decline along with the gradually depressing smuggling industry; Anson offered them the "Free Confederate Navy", a fair and open maritime trade between the colony and Beluga Harbor, and Can get "most favored treatment" and stable supply guarantee.

In the face of huge interests and hundreds of well-armed ~www.readwn.com~ well-trained armies, it is clear at a glance what the pirates will choose.

"So, my plan is perfect, nothing to worry about at all!"

Gently patted Alexei on the shoulder, Anson comforted: "You just need to execute the order with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me to handle."

"Oh, speaking of this, in the next plan, I may need to trouble you to help, cooperate a little... How about it, are you confident?"

Listening to the commander-in-chief's sincere tone, Alexei shuddered.

A familiar feeling came to me again.

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