I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 152: fall

"I will be crowned king (!

In an instant, the two people who were shocked and the entire company raised their heads and stared at the night sky overhead.

I saw that under the night shrouded in dark clouds, dozens or hundreds of "meteors" dragged their long tail flames, slicing across the extremely dim dome, like a golden-red waterfall falling from the sky, blooming at the end of the horizon. Countless fireworks.

Countless dazzling brilliance and gorgeous pillars of fire appeared in everyone's field of vision, and Black Reef Harbor, which had been sleeping, was awakened; all the sounds of gunshots, cannons, explosions, arson... In this situation, one after another eclipsed.

"Oh my God……"

Marcus murmured in a low voice, his voice was a little trembling, and even the question raised by the deputy company commander was thrown to the back of his mind. :

"Empire... Is this really going to attack the city overnight?!"

It's not that he has any doubts about the overall quality of the imperial army, but that the other party's previous behavior did not seem to be ready for the night show at all: even if the commander of the other party wants to fight in a hurry, how much physical strength can a soldier who has been tired all day have? ?

And if it is ready... that means that the other party has long known that the advance army will come, that their last round of attack will be defeated, and that there will be an accident tonight, so they plan to launch an attack at this time?

Marcos doesn't know, but he believes that if Chief of Staff Carl Bain comes up with such a "big prophet"-like plan at a military conference, even the commander-in-chief who has been open-minded all the year round will probably not be able to accept it. .

"The landing point is very concentrated, it should not be randomly scattered cover artillery."

The deputy company commander took out a monocular from his arms and observed the orange-red "wall of fire" rising at the end of the horizon and the smoke rising into the sky:

"If you don't know the exact location, the mortar can't hit it so accurately... Probably when the city was broken during the day, the coordinates were already found, and a temporary artillery fort was set up at a very close distance."

Marcus glanced at the deputy company commander - this son-in-law was a forest ranger for a certain country manor before joining the army. It is said that he not only trained eagles, but also had a little knowledge of artillery; it is a pity that artillery belongs to the Kingdom of Clovis. Absolutely technical arms, not even qualified to be a munitionsman without education.

"Can you determine the approximate location of the blasting point?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the extremely unsightly expression of the deputy company commander, and raised his brows in astonishment: "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing! I...I'm not very sure, but it seems like..." The deputy company commander, who was normal just now, suddenly stuttered:

"It's like a port—and that's where the warships are moored."


Marcus widened his eyes, looked at the fire in the distance, and wiped it with his cuff in disbelief:

"you sure?!"


The deputy company commander opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

But he didn't have to decide anything any more soon - just when the two of them were struggling with what the imperial army outside the city wanted to do, the second round of artillery bombardment came as promised, and the bright red bullets cut through the night sky again.

The stunned two looked at the fireworks falling from the dome and opened their mouths wide.

But this is not the last, there are the second round, the third round, the fourth round... The shrieks of tearing air resounded through the dome and shook the earth.



Just as Marcus, disguised as a "local" and the others were completely dumbfounded, the real Black Reef Port defenders fell into the **** of iron and fire under the sudden artillery fire.

One after another, the artillery shells fell into the air, covering the entire port of Heijiaogang directly. Huge fireballs rose one after another on the ground, and the blast wave ravaged the surrounding buildings and facilities.

Because it is a port city, the first consideration of Heijiao Port at the beginning of its construction must be to resist wind and waves, or at least minimize losses. I never thought that it would be "fortunate" to be covered by a large range of artillery fire one day... Quite a lot The house disintegrated directly as soon as the shells landed, and the thick smoke from the fire soared into the sky.

As for the four three-masted sailing ships that were targeted, they received the "key care" of the imperial artillerymen - the pieces of artillery shells are almost regardless of the cost, and they would rather be smashed into the sea to cover them in an all-round way; The warships moored in the port were completely reduced to fixed targets, burning roaringly in the boiling seawater.

If it is a normal situation, the warship facing the shore artillery attack should immediately anchor, use the maneuverability to escape the shore artillery fire, try to fire back from the opponent's blind spot, or simply retreat.

The problem is that there are not even sailors on the four battleships, not even a single person... So when the Black Reef Port defenders finally arrived, what they saw were not battleships, but four incomparably huge torches.

Under the "blessing" of the main mast, the flames that shot straight into the sky reached an astonishing height of nearly 20 meters, which was incomparably dazzling on a dark sea.

When the Black Reef Port defenders who "failed to negotiate" carried a large amount of supplies and were ready to storm and capture the four "torches", they just caught up with the first round of artillery bombardment-before they reached the port, a huge fireball was on them It exploded in front of me, and the hot air waves mixed with countless gravel and rubble, pouring straight into the crowded streets and alleys...

The roar of the shaking earth and countless terrified screams came. Looking at the bombed train and the billowing smoke, the militia leader who led the team thought that he was discovered by the Clovis people on the battleship, and was heading towards them. Opened fire, and immediately ordered cover in place.

Then...they were surprised to see cannonballs falling from the sky.

Under the cannon flames as bright as day, the continuous roar was beating on their hearts like a hammer. They couldn't help themselves, and they were horrified to find that there were fireworks all around, and the whole port was exploding, turning themselves into ants on a hot pot. - Literally.

Everyone was screaming, everyone was running away, crying in panic, throwing away their weapons in despair, and retreating in the direction of the parliament in a mess... The Black Reef Port defenders were completely out of control.

The problem is that they are not marching lightly, but carrying a lot of baggage, ready to flee in the capture of the ship.

The trucks connected to the front and back blocked the retreat, but the cannonballs above their heads were still falling uninterrupted... With the continuous explosion of fire, the routed soldiers were swallowed by the fire, torn apart by the cannonballs, and hit by the air waves. .

The imperial army lasted for more than ten days, and all the shelling on the Black Reef Harbor combined, the casualties were not as good as now; the number of casualties of the Black Reef Harbor defenders who could not hide, the number of casualties soared almost every minute.

"Fight! Let me go and fight, enough to fight!"

Watching the gorgeous flames slowly rise in the harbor of Black Reef Harbor, Bernard Morwes showed a rare and cheerful smile, and his terrifyingly twisted appearance even made the officers around him feel chilled.

It's been a long time since I've experienced the battle of crushing the enemy so freely and wantonly pouring artillery fire!

Due to the special terrain of Black Reef Port, the biggest advantages of the imperial army - artillery and cavalry - have completely lost their meaning. After all, siege warfare, coupled with the construction of the opponent's defense line on the hills, makes the cavalry launch an elevation charge. target.

You must know that those who can join the army and serve as cavalry in the empire are not nobles, but rich manor owners or rich peasants; even if Bernard agrees to order, they are not necessarily willing to die.

The same is true for artillery... In the face of perfect fortifications with terrain bonuses, the covered artillery fire does not cause much damage at all except for the great momentum; even if it can really force the enemy to surrender, the shells fired are definitely an astronomical figure.

In addition, this is a new world, a new world with almost zero manufacturing and military industries, and vital weapons and equipment need to be provided locally; even if the entire Black Reef Port is packaged and sold, it cannot afford a fraction of the cost.

Therefore, whether it was sailing the city to suppress the rebellion, or trying to capture the Grey Dove Castle, Bernard showed great restraint, trying to avoid the necessity of using artillery fire, basically only using it as a means to deter the enemy, and it was indeed very effective.

But this time, in order to eradicate some of the enemies that he was particularly disgusted with, he finally stopped being "stingy" - gathered all the artillery fire, and covered the harbor of Black Reef Harbor with artillery fire for fifteen minutes until the four warships were blown up and sunk.

He wants to completely destroy the last hope of escape for the entire Black Reef Port, so that neither the advance troops in the city nor the self-proclaimed "liberal" traitors can escape this city that has been besieged by him. perish together!

In this way, I don't have to dispatch one soldier and one soldier - except the cavalry who are responsible for causing the chaos - just use a few tons of artillery shells and let them kill each other... The Black Reef Harbor, which eventually fell into chaos, will take the initiative to beg her to occupy her, Maintain order in the city.

"But such a large-scale shelling, will it still be too wasteful?"

Looking at the smoke-filled sponge in the distance, the messenger said worriedly: "I know you must have already made plans, but... tonight's artillery bombardment alone has wiped out nearly a quarter of our reserves. ."

"What if the traitors from Beluga Harbor and Bang... Colony really gather their troops and come to rescue Black Reef Harbor—and the outpost of reinforcements has already arrived!"

"Indeed... If the enemy really gathers heavy troops and immediately marches towards Black Reef Harbor, with our current logistical situation, it seems that there is really no other better option than retreat."

Of course, Bernard is very clear about the herald's worries, and this is also his biggest headache.

In the past, when he was chief of the general staff, all he had to do was sort out the information collected and formulate a battle plan;

Now that he has become the Colonial Chief Minister personally appointed by His Majesty, he seems to be in control of the military and government, but in fact he is a puppet who has been pushed out to take the blame.

In this case, the logistics of the army under his command is basically an empty shell. How much supplies ordinary soldiers can receive mainly depends on the energy of their immediate commanders, and secondly depends on whether the wealthy businessmen who sell military supplies have any leftovers or Not for sale.

Of course, the Colonial Minister has nothing to say in this regard, because he is also a member of a gang who sells munitions—not entirely because of greed, but because he seriously suspects that the commander-in-chief of the last counter-insurgency army died unexpectedly and tragically, it is very likely that It is inseparable from his unwillingness to join forces.

In such an environment of "getting rich together", the food of the imperial army besieging the Black Reef Port was initially able to maintain food and clothing by looting and looting, but recently it has become more and more in line with livestock: anything that grows out of the land around the position , have basically been brutally murdered.

"But... will the Clovis really come to support Black Reef Harbor?" Bernard sneered:

"Once the Black Reef Harbor falls, coupled with the previous results of these traitors' strongholds, the entire colony will have almost no place to provide supplies except this city."

"You must know that this is a new world. If you want to maintain the supply of thousands or even tens of thousands of troops, it is impossible to rely on the rear line for transportation, and the cost is ridiculously high - unless they want to watch hundreds of soldiers. Frozen to death in the wilderness, starved to death, diseased... Otherwise, there will be no rescue of Black Reef Harbor that is about to fall!"

"As for the so-called advance army, they are probably the abandoned sons thrown by Anson Bach. The purpose is nothing more than to let the Black Reef Port hold on for a while longer, so as to buy time for the defense line he built in the Red Hand Bay area."

"But he would never have thought that the abandoned son he sent to 'rescue' the Black Reef Port became the key to the fall of the entire city!"

Bernard was so smug now that he even had the illusion that Anson Bach was kneeling in front of him now, admitting that he was ashamed.

The messenger on the side looked at the high-spirited appearance of the minister in charge, and silently swallowed the sentence "If the advance army does not appear, in fact, it may have been able to capture the Black Reef Harbor during the day".

With the indiscriminate bombardment of artillery positions, the port of Heijiao Port was completely turned into a sea of ​​fire, turning the already chaotic Heijiao Port into a burning city.

At the port, the only defenders in the city were all buried in the sea of ​​fire. Along with them, they went to **** with piles of supplies. The movable and immovable properties of the members of the parliament and officers' homes were destroyed in the raging fire.

In residential areas and in the city center, the advance troops, whose jaws had been shaken by the artillery fire, were still gathering rapidly; on the one hand, they wanted to control the parliament, and on the other hand, they wanted to minimize the impact of the chaos on the city.

On the outskirts of the town ~www.readwn.com~, the Imperial cavalry, disguised as Black Cay Harbor militiamen, continued to advance towards the Council, at the same time creating chaos around them, delaying the gathering of the advance army—trying to take control of the Council ahead of the Storm Division.

And Bernard Morwes didn't care about this, he only cared about the movement of a group of people who were sticking to the Black Reef Harbor defense line—that is, the main force of the militia.

10:30... Fifteen minutes after the shelling ended, nearly a thousand militiamen stationed on the right flank blew their rallying horns and marched towards the chaotic city.

Almost at the same time, the defenders of each line of defense began to gather troops to prepare to enter the town to suppress the commotion, and to encircle and suppress the legendary "imperial assassin".

The fall of Heijiao Port is imminent.

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