I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 154: Anson's sincerity

"I will be crowned king (!

Pushwood...or the Black Cay Harbor Council, finally gave in.

Not only because the retreat was cut off and they were captured collectively, but also because the strength displayed by the advance troops made them feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

Hundreds of soldiers in the area broke through the blockades they had already set up under the premise of being under "house arrest", easily repelled the defenders who were trying to seize the battleship, and took control before the main force of the Black Reef Port militia returned to defense. More than half of Black Reef Harbor, including Parliament.

Being able to control the parliament proves that even if they want to capture the Black Reef Port, it is easy for them.

In fact, when he walked out of the basement of the parliament and saw the confrontation of the advance troops and the Black Reef Harbor militia outside, Pushwood already understood that "Captain Alan Dawn" was lying, and they were not recognized by the defenders at all.

Even so, he did his best to persuade the rest of the council to grant the advance army full command and control of the line of defense.

The reason is simple: to live or to die is an all too clear question.

If the advance troops or "Captain Alan Dawn" dared to lie, they were actually drawing a line on their bottom line: to admit the leadership of the advance troops over Black Reef Harbor, there would still be room for cooperation between the two parties; if they didn't admit it, they would die.

The Black Reef Harbor militiamen who were present were going to die, the parliamentarians and officers held hostage in the basement were going to die, and many militiamen who didn't know the truth were going to die... He, Pushwood, would be the first to die.

And it would definitely die ugly.

Under such outright intimidation, Pushwood had no choice at all—at least he didn't think he had one.

Anson finally got his wish to get the army of Black Reef Harbor, and he dispatched the fortifications and all the supplies in the city, but...

"Although I know that Heijiao Port is almost out of ammunition and food, but... this is a bit too thorough, right?"

Looking at the piles of ledgers that were sent by the deputies after they were sorted out, with ghosts and symbols flying all over the sky, Alexei was so desperate that he even thought of committing suicide by swallowing a gun.

According to the book, the Black Reef Harbor has a total population of over 50,000 at present—of course, only the city and the original surrounding villages and towns, the total population of the entire Black Reef Harbor colony is almost four times that number.

So many people, so how many troops do they have?

Seven thousand people!

Of course, this is not the fact that Heijiao Port is really militant, but the result of strong walls and clear fields and the siege of the empire. A large number of young and strong people poured into the already crowded city with supplies. At the same time, they are facing great urban defense pressure. Hong Kong stuffed these "surplus labor" into the defending army to strengthen the defense line.

As for the influx of new recruits, will the combat effectiveness of the defenders decline...

First of all, the weapons of the New World are not "weapons", but are necessities of life. As long as they are immigrants or colonies who live in normal life, they will definitely use them.

And something that doesn't exist at all, of course, has no downside risk.

Summoning an "army" of 7,000 people overnight, coupled with the strong line of defense created by the unique geographical appearance of Black Reef Harbor, did give them a temporary advantage over the Empire - but the price was also quite heavy.

That's a rapidly depleted material.

How to maintain the morale and combat effectiveness of the army is a subject with different opinions, so complicated that many viewpoints contradict each other or even seriously contradict each other.

But there is one aspect that everyone can still reach consensus on: that is, at least a certain amount must be maintained, at least the most basic materials.

The Heijiaogang Militia Group, which originally only had more than 3,000 soldiers, suddenly doubled, and the consumption of materials also doubled. Coupled with the increase in the refugee population due to the war, the loss and consumption of resisting the empire's alternate attacks... More than ten days, Material reserves have long since bottomed out.

"Now the rations can last the whole city for three days, and the ammunition can only last for one battle. This is literally running out of ammunition and food!"

He casually threw the ledger on the table, and Alexei, who had a bandage on his left shoulder, rolled his eyes, his cheeks twitched slightly: "No wonder these **** were so straightforward when they handed over power, without any hesitation-because they really want to Ruined!"

If the port hadn't been bombed by the Imperials, and the four pirate ships were still there, Alexei felt that he could still think of a way to go by sea; but now, with such a desperate appearance, he really couldn't think of any way to hold it. here.

"There's no need to be so desperate. It's just that the logistics reserve is about to bottom out, and it doesn't mean that Black Reef Harbor really has no bread; if the ammunition is saved, it will be more than enough to hold on to two more battles." An Sen comforted:

"For example, I've heard of such a fortress. Even when the ammunition and food were exhausted, the defenders in it lasted for 28 days before being captured by an accident."

"But we are not a fortress, but a city of tens of thousands of people!"

Alexey took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his despair: "It will take at least a week for the reinforcements to arrive, and the imperial army outside the city will attack at any time, what should I do?"

"Simple." Anson shrugged:

"Let the empire not launch an attack, won't it be done?"

Looking at the indifferent attitude of "Captain Ellen Dawn", Alexei felt his shoulders hurt even more:

"Then ask, what can I do to keep the Empire from attacking, knowing that now is a good time to attack us - if I were Bernard Morwes, I would definitely think so!"

"So we have to make them not think so, and make them feel that it is more beneficial to give up the attack temporarily and use other means." Anson rolled his eyes and gave the answer:

"Like... negotiation."


Alexey scratched his head in confusion.

"Hmm." The corners of An Sen's mouth rose slightly:

"After the turmoil last night, the Imperials may not yet know that the Black Reef Port has 'changed'; we will tell them this information, and by the way, we will release a little goodwill to show our sincerity."

"Then they can give up the attack and turn to negotiate with us?" Alexei wrote in disbelief: "Bernard Morwes is not a fool, he is quite cautious and knows the storm division's consistency well. Style—it's your own words."

"That's right, so we have to release more goodwill, or take out more chips, to let him relax a little bit."

Anson agrees with this: "So the negotiators we send must be very important, not only to convince them that the advance troops have taken control of Black Reef Harbor, but also to convince them that the Clovis intends to give up Black Reef Harbor, and to control the already controlled Black Reef Harbor. The region is very satisfied, and is willing to carve up the new world with the empire."

So he planned to show the enemy's weakness and give the opponent the illusion of "taking Black Reef Harbor without bloodshed"... Alexei nodded slightly knowingly.

"But since we want to negotiate, who should we send?" Alexey was a little confused:

"You are now 'Captain Alan Dawn', but our entire Storm Division officer corps was present when we negotiated in Han soil. Bernard must remember who you and I are, then..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Looking at the still smiling commander-in-chief, Alexei suddenly remembered something, turned his head and glanced at the wound on his left shoulder, and exhaled heavily:

"So...that's what you planned from the beginning, right?"

"It's not exactly like this, at most it's due to careful consideration." An Sen put on an innocent expression with a little smugness, and spread his hands:

"After all... my plan is perfect."


Outside the Black Reef Port City, the Imperial siege position.

A small reception is being held at the headquarters.

Although the siege of the Black Reef Port in the past ten days has not progressed smoothly, and even the confident night show of the Colonial Minister has not ended, but the trade of human resources and logistics resources outside the battlefield is prosperous, and even some The trend of getting bigger and stronger.

In order to thank his "trade partner" and boost his morale, Bernard still managed to put together a light and extravagant feast within his ability, entertaining senior officers in the army and representatives of the colonial chamber of commerce from the rear.

Specially put on military uniforms, with ribbons and various medals, the officers who wiped off the blood on their armor and military boots walked into the brightly lit tent in the respectful salute of the guards, and danced with the graceful ladies and ladies. .

Vivid red wine in purple, rum with black and mellow aroma, dazzling mead like gold, paired with fried sausages, delicate, sweet and colorful macarons, dazzling variety of nuts, colonial style Flavored seafood... It is unimaginable that the imperial army that is besieging the Black Reef Port is already extremely scarce.

But as long as you walk out of the camp, it is not difficult to find those emaciated soldiers who have not received sufficient supplies for many days, dragging their tired bodies to repair fortifications; from time to time there are people who are malnourished, drinking water pollution or eating unclean food. Food fell to the ground.

As for the vassal army who took the initiative to take refuge in, they could not even get any supplies. They could only forage around in the wilderness, and they had to be arrested to do hard labor until they could one day get a share in a certain manor or mine in Yangfan City. "Stable job.

Of course, the participants of all these receptions could not see it at all. In their eyes, the war had already been won. All they thought about was how to sell Black Reef Port at a good price after winning the battle.

The Black Reef Port, which is now firmly on the wall and swearing to resist the invasion of the Empire, has killed all its loyalists, leaving behind all the traitors known as "liberals"; after the city is broken, one of these people will be counted as one, or they will shoot at random. Die or behead.

Their property, even the real estate of the entire Black Reef Harbor, ports, houses, mines, farms, taverns, workshops, livestock, forests, rivers and lakes... will be divided up by everyone present.

A group of old nobles fell, and a group of new nobles rose-for the imperial people, it was almost the general perception of war in their minds.

And this reception is just a prelude to the upcoming carnival.

Seeing the hustle and bustle in the hall, Bernard Morwes was completely unhappy.

As the host of the whole banquet, after presiding over the awards to Sir Sardo, commander of the cuirassiers battalion, and a large number of officers who carried out his "surprise" plan last night, he took a glass of rum and hid in the Silently smoking a pipe in the corner of the banquet, watching from the sidelines.

Bernard didn't really care that his plan was not fully implemented and let the advance army and the Black Reef Port defenders kill each other; after all, he had already cut off the enemy's retreat. If you surrender, you will surrender tomorrow or the day after, so there is no need to rush it.

The real danger was the attitude of the cavalry.

In the absence of any orders, they resolutely disobeyed the military order to protect themselves; this meant that even the most "loyal" cavalry had realized that their "colonial chief minister" could not receive any support from the mainland at all. A puppet thrown out to take the blame.

This is too dangerous!

Except for Ed Levant, who has been sent to the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea, Bernard has no real power or allies in the New World at all; if even the always "loyal" cavalry starts to act against each other, he will be a real loner.

Even if he knew that the other party was doing it on purpose, Bernard couldn't punish them, and even had to reward them, promising various preferential conditions, so that the cavalry would continue to be "loyal" to him at least on the surface.

Thinking of this, Bernard, who was in a good mood, turned gloomy in an instant.

His last hope now is to end the battle at Black Reef Harbor as soon as possible, and at the same time Ed Levant can persuade the three North Sea countries to attack the Clovis colony from the east, cooperate with himself to attack from both sides, and completely destroy the so-called " Free Confederacy" and that **** storm division!

Victory... Only victory can completely reverse the current unfavorable situation, win over and buy officers, suppress conspiracy against their own colonial parliament, and at the same time win the support of the mainland and the favor of the emperor - except victory, no means can solve these problems.

"My lord, why are you sitting here?"

The familiar exclamation sounded in his ears, and the drunk-eyed Bernard turned his head and found that the herald had come to him at some point: "The banquet is not over yet, those adults are looking for you everywhere, and they are dying of anxiety. It's gone!"

"Urgent? They are afraid that without me, the unfortunate scapegoat, it will be difficult to deal with the mainland, right?" Bernard snorted coldly, his eyes full of contempt:

"Tell me, what are they looking for from me? Is it because the logistics are unevenly distributed, or are they planning to enclose the land in Black Reef Port in advance, and which real estates have you booked?"

In Bernard's eyes, those **** can only remember that they are the Colonial Minister because of these things~www.readwn.com~ - without their own endorsement, they can't justifiably embezzle other people's industries.

"No! It's not about the uneven distribution of the spoils, it's because..."

The herald blushed anxiously, looked around, and then leaned carefully beside the drunk Bernard's ear, muttering a few words in a low voice.

Two minutes later, the heart-rending exclamation of the chief minister sounded in the feasting tent:

"What? The commander-in-chief of the advance army is going to come to our camp to negotiate in person - and he has already come?!"

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