I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 380: Conclusion and guesswork

The latest website: "...It's roughly like this."

In the Rune Mansion in Beluga Port, Talia, who had been missing for a full week, held a hot coffee cup and told Anson the process in detail: "Although the ban could not be lifted in the end, in a sense it may be Good thing - there are other existences in the tomb of the true god, which is beyond Talia's expectations."

"That eye... and the smoke that surrounds it, what could it be?"

The girl murmured in a low voice, as if she was asking, but also as if she was talking to herself; perhaps because the impression was too deep, she didn't even notice that she was lost for a moment, and there was a twinkle in those emerald eyes. past fear.

An Sen, who had never seen such a scene before, used silence to cover up the strangeness in his heart.

Whether it was facing Iser's Thirteenth Council, the local old gods, the tomb keeper, the Church of Order or even the apostles, when talking about each other, Talia's expression was always so calm and graceful. A somewhat contemptuous arrogance, at best a respectful expression of approval.

It was the first time that he had completely exposed his inner fears like this.

"We might as well sort out the information we have already obtained, and see if we can find any useful clues." Anson glanced at the girl cautiously, and said softly, pretending to be calm:

"You have cracked, or temporarily broke the outer restrictions of Boredim, and found that the city and the original tower have disappeared, leaving only the ancient well as the entrance to the land of rest."

"Before that, according to what the indigenous believers mentioned, there were at least three grave keepers, and many strong alternatives like 'Norula'; and we have defeated or encountered in the current position. Yes, only the Shadow Demon, the Lord of the Abyss, and Norula."

"In the process of contacting the resting land, you only encountered the outer ban and the obstacles caused by the tomb itself, and there were no enemies or tomb guards to stop you - including the indigenous believers, of course, they may have been killed in the previous riots. ."

"Although the seal on the outside of the mausoleum is intact, the gate of the palace below the main body has been opened, and the original ring mark on the door has also been damaged and broken by external force, and it is suspected that there is some kind of powerful presence guarding or invading the door."

An Sen took a sip of coffee and looked at the girl curled up on the sofa: "Is there anything else that needs to be added?"

Talia thought for a moment seriously, and silently shook her head towards the other end of the sofa.

Maybe it was the time they spent together, or the change in strength. She no longer cared about her appearance in front of An Sen like she did in the past, and began to treat the relationship between the two in a more "equal" way.

"Since this is the case, then we can draw a few basic conclusions, and infer two possibilities." Gently put down the coffee cup, Anson said seriously:

"First of all, the gravekeepers must be aware of the status quo of the Resting Land and the existence of the tomb, even if they are not fully aware of it; for this reason, they will not stop the intruders approaching the Resting Land, or even not. Restrict the appearance of human strongholds so close to the mausoleum in Winter Torch City."

"Because ordinary people can't find or approach at all, even if they can approach, most of them will lose their minds because of greed and madness, and commit suicide; and even if they can overcome madness, once the timeline attached to it is approached, it is still equivalent to suicide. road."

"Even if there are outsiders who can enter the mausoleum, they have to face the powerful existence behind the door... If there is a spell caster who can pass through these boundaries, and continue to stick there with the strength of the tomb guard, it also makes sense. Not much."

"Their mission should be to maintain the influence of the True God on this land and reduce the number of outsiders who set foot here, but they should not interfere too much to avoid attracting attention."

This may be the reason why they are unwilling to intervene in the fight between the Old God Sect and the Ring of Order, but they are still trying to continue the big plan and resurrect the Three Old Gods... An Sen secretly said in his heart.

Because in essence the tomb keeper and the old gods have different (real) interests; the latter's goal is to regain its former position, at least not to be interfered with; the former is to protect the heritage, at least not to suffer losses, If there is a chance, try to restore the faith - it is not an exaggeration to call it complete opposition.

As for the Iser elves, they are very powerful. They want to establish a pure-blooded royal family with the descendants of the true gods as the core, and rule the world - they have never done it in the past, and they have just suffered heavy losses now, and there is no hope in the future.

But although the number of pure-blooded elves is rare, once they awaken their power, their lifespan will be very long. In addition, the number of pure-blooded elves will be larger than that of the fallen old gods. There are also mixed-race descendants.

It is estimated that it will probably be like this in the future, as a fringe force that can be drawn, occasionally jumping up and down, reviving the "glorious past" and the like.

"From this, we also draw two possibilities." Anson continued to speculate:

"The first type is that the monster was an intruder from the Mausoleum of the True God, or other forces had invaded the Mausoleum, which destroyed the restrictions on the door of the Mausoleum. In the end, for some reason, that existence was forced to stay in the Mausoleum and could not easily Get out."

"But one thing is certain, and that is the time when it invaded, at least a thousand years ago."

Talia nodded thoughtfully, then gave her own question:

"Why a thousand years ago?"

"Well, it's because..."

Anson originally wanted to say that because I had been to Boredim, at least the Mausoleum of the True God was still intact at that time. It was impossible for the intruder to enter without leaving a trace in front of several apostles. It must be a little later than that time; I shouldn't reveal information about another timeline, so I can only change my mouth:

"Because if it happened in these thousand years, it happened to be the time period when the Church of the Ring of Order rose. If such a major event really happened, it is impossible to leave no trace in the history recorded by the church - so it must be before this time. , maybe... not unrelated to Boredim's disappearance."

"Indeed...it's very possible." The brooding girl seemed to think of something, and said softly:

"Perhaps it was the disappearance of Boredim and the departure of the apostles that allowed foreign invaders to take advantage; or the invaders themselves were part of the entire incident of Boredim's disappearance."

"If this is the case, Talia probably understands why her father refuses to tell the truth; this must have something to do with the only remaining Old God clan in the Old World, and even related to the decline of the Old God Sect and the rise of the Ring of Order. reason!"

No, He just doesn't want you to get entangled with other timelines, because the apostles have reached the level of confrontation with the world, and every move must be careful... Anson listened intently, and then continued to put forward his conjecture:

"As for the second type, that powerful existence is not an intruder, but an existing existence in the mausoleum; it was only because of other reasons that the original ring mark on the gate was damaged, which made it possible to escape a little. "

"I actually prefer this possibility, because according to the information we just summed up, if the tomb is an enemy, even if the tomb keeper does not destroy it, it is impossible for other outsiders to continue to invade the tomb. Highly inconsistent with their interests."

"And they have repeatedly stated that they want to resurrect the dead true gods... The premise of this is at least based on the still intact foundation of the gods; if that powerful existence is the enemy, how do they ensure that there are still people who can be resurrected? things?"

"So...that powerful existence is really related to the true gods?" Talia's eyes were a little lost:

Gu Xu

"Then what is it that destroys the original ring mark on the gate, and why is it sealed in the mausoleum?"

This question is completely beyond the information that the two have currently grasped, and after a long silence, they can only settle it hastily and leave it behind.

Fortunately, Anson had some other "good news" to share, so that the long-lost heart-to-heart conversation didn't fall into awkward silence.

Take, for example, the translation of St. Isaac's own notes.

Anson also asked Talia about the translation, because the ancient runes are not obvious, but it is definitely not a secret to the old gods family, especially the Rune family, but Talia did not know it.

To this Talia's answer was yes, but not necessary.

Aside from the feature of "communicating with all things", ancient runes are no different from ordinary characters, and even more "simple", and the purpose is only to communicate and transmit information; Useful for spying spellcasters, but no help for blood mages.

As for communication, the Rune family is a thousand-year-old wealthy family of the old gods, with extremely strong strength and background; if you want to communicate, you should communicate in a way that the Rune family feels comfortable and decent, not the other way around.

"That's it... As expected of Isaac Rand, who was once praised by his father, he didn't expect that he could find the fourth possibility from the three evolutionary paths!"

After reading the compiled translation, the girl's surprise and admiration were beyond words: "Talia originally thought that his goal was to master the three major pathways at the same time, but it seems that he was aware of the fatal flaws of this pathway earlier than expected. , it's really amazing."

"Of course, although the talent is extraordinary, it will take more than ten years to reach the fifth stage, and it is only the level of ordinary mortals." The girl suddenly changed the conversation, and the flowing eyes looked at the figure opposite the sofa:

"Compared to Anson, who has gone from an ordinary spellcaster to a blasphemous mage in just two years, it's still the difference between clouds and mud!"

In the face of the girl's undisguised praise, which contained a strong "love", An Sen could only smile, and at the same time led the topic to another direction: "The fourth way, is there any possibility of success?"

This time Talia did not answer immediately, and was silent for a long time:

"It's hard, it's hard."

"To be one with the world...a very creative idea indeed, but he should not be the first to suggest it; the Lord of the Abyss, the Shadowfiend, and other spellcasters who may have mastered both evolutionary paths. , their choice is, in a sense, a continuation of this path."

"Even if you put aside the proud 'origin' of the Ysir elves, the way in which power is integrated into the bloodline and continues to be continued can be regarded as one of the ways to integrate with the world; but from the results, It’s still not a path to success.”

"But there is one thing, maybe he is right." Talia considered carefully: "Compared to the first three paths, if you want to find the fourth evolutionary path, I am afraid that it will take a huge deduction to get the result."

"Whether it's Boredim a thousand years ago, or us a thousand years later, an important reason for the failure is that there are still not enough samples in the experiment, and the targets selected by a large number of evolutionaries are already mature. The road further reduces the possibility of innovation and breakthrough.”

"If the... machine he mentioned, called 'Babbage', can really replace the spell caster and perform thousands of deductions, there may be a possibility of him being discovered." Talia turned her attention to Anson :

"So, we're only one question away."

That's right... Anson nodded indiscernibly.

The biggest problem is that the manufacturing technology of the difference engine is all in the hands of the Church of the Ring of Order; in any case, it is impossible for the Church to open up this technology.

Anson, who was a little regretful, sighed softly, and was about to ask a technical consultant who was proficient in ancient runes to verify whether he knew nothing about the difference engine technology.

If you really don't know... then you can only think of a way from the truth club.

As a result, in the early morning of the next day, Anson, who had not finished his breakfast, learned from the little clerk that Carlin Jacques had returned to Beluga Port and was eager to see himself—and with Roman!

"Did he really say that?"

"It's absolutely true!" The little secretary nodded vigorously, and the horrified expression on his face was a bit more exaggerated than seeing a monster:

"They said there was a very important piece of information that they had to tell you in person!"


Clovis Kingdom, North Harbor.

"The order to go has been given, and we will anchor early tomorrow morning."

Colonel William Cecil, who pushed in the door, was not polite. uukanshu.com said directly to Ludwig, who was about to fall asleep: "The order is the same as before, as the vanguard of the Jihad Legion, to capture the bridgehead in the New World and wait for the follow-up army to arrive."

"very good."

Ludwig took a deep breath and turned his head to look at the night sky outside the window: "Arrival at Beluga Harbour within one, and don't make any stops in between; I hope you remember the landforms and port conditions of Ice Dragon Fjord, William?"

"Do not."


After being stunned for a long time, Ludwig realized something was wrong, and turned his head to look in surprise: "What did you just say?"

"The order has changed." William Cecil's expression was also a little weird:

"The target we are going to attack is not Beluga Port."


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