I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 383: always come

The latest website: Under the lead-grey dome, the damp and icy cold wind howled recklessly on the turbulent sea, rolling up black waves after waves; The ice floes that have not melted floated in the middle, drifting recklessly on the sea.

At any time, crossing rough seas is not a comfortable voyage; ice floes, reefs, currents, storms...and long voyages, and threats that have not yet been fully uncovered.

Even the most experienced captains and old sailors can't guarantee that they will be safe every time they go to sea.

It's just that the unbelievably huge profit has urged countless people to build ships and set sail on one stormy day after another.

And just in late April, when the ice and snow were melting, a huge fleet carrying the Clovis king flag and the church flag at the same time had crossed the most dangerous waters in the entire sea and entered the second half of the journey. , began to move closer to the new world covered in ice and snow.

More than 30 battleships, including even two main battleships, were all damaged to varying degrees. The hulls on both sides were torn and torn, and some of the main masts were already crumbling. The deck has long been pitted.

As for the interior of the fleet, there are also various problems and contradictions. The Wang family army and the navy are naturally disliked by each other. The former is particularly jealous of the latter's extremely high treatment, while the latter occupies a high position for the former, resulting in the perennial political marginalization of naval generals. And extremely dissatisfied.

In addition, the entire Clovis Mujahideen Army is not an excellent team that has been tried and tested for a long time, but the stinky fish and rotten shrimp cobbled together from hundreds of thousands of troops all over the country. Unity of opinion, it is even more difficult to unite.

As the vanguard, the mission of this legion is to go to the battlefield as soon as possible to open up the situation - since the speed is to be ensured, then of course there must be some discounts in terms of materials, but it is just a sufficient level.

But for the Wang Family Navy, which has long-term ocean voyage missions, they know how much material reserves this kind of mission requires, and all kinds of necessities are prepared in advance. supplies.

So when an army company commander was nibbling on a biscuit with worms and drinking beer mixed with water, he saw that a sailor who was lower than himself had rum and canned meat, and the contradiction broke out completely.

But when the problem of unfair treatment subsided a little, it was revealed that logistics personnel had deducted materials, and even secretly smuggled precious warehouse space...

Discontent is like a raging fire, burning between the decks and cabins of every ship.

Just when the army was in turmoil, because the lookouts were rioting and striking, they didn't notice the weather changes, and they encountered a sea storm directly; Right in the center.

On the dark sea, the pitch-black sea water rolled up huge waves, which turned into white foam in the loud sound of bombardment and thunder, mixed with unmelted ice floes like shells fired by siege guns, swept away frantically. Deck with hull on both sides.

The icy rain poured into the cabin along the pitted deck, and the hull smashed by ice cubes; malnutrition, cold and other diseases also spread rapidly.

Origin, class, region, interests, plague, environment... All the factors that may lead to the low morale and collapse of an army, the entire fleet broke out one by one.

When they were most desperate, the soldiers and sailors who were originally opposed to the army and the sea also put aside their prejudices, and opened a bet on "how many cabins will be smashed through today" and "which ship will sink first". Games big and small are in full swing.

This kind of "desperate entertainment" with a bit of black humor quickly resolved the gap between each other; under the threat of death, having fun and surviving became the most concerned thing for everyone - of course, this is not conducive to resolving the crisis and not There is no promotion.

In the end, the corps of naval officers united around the Cecil family under William Cecil stood up; these people, relying on their rich experience and bold enough action, successfully led the fleet out of the storm area, and finally avoided it. The ship sank and people died, and the tragic end of 20,000 to 30,000 people directly sacrificed to the Lord of the Abyss.

Of course, things like the loss of materials, the unfortunate people who fell into the water, frozen to death, drowned, died of illness... There are basically countless similar situations, so many that the entire fleet does not even plan to count; the jihadist army that finally escaped was born in addition to the size, It's almost the same as some of the more miserable pirates.

After extensive internal discussions, the corps of naval officers made their recommendations, and the fleet changed course and headed to the port of Nakhir first, and after a short rest and resupply, set off again and returned to its original route.

The reason they say this is also very simple: given the current state of the fleet, it is not clear whether the city can be captured if it does not find a nearby port to rest as soon as possible, and more than half of the sailors and soldiers are afraid that a rebellion will not break out immediately.

Sailors' rebellions actually happen from time to time in the navy, but considering the serious damage to the entire fleet of ships; even if the rebellion can be successfully suppressed, maybe two-thirds of the ships will be sunk to feed the fish.

This time, there is finally no objection or dissatisfaction with the proposal. From officers to soldiers and sailors in the fleet, it was unanimously approved - or those "opinion leaders" who like to challenge things have basically gone to see the Lord of the Abyss.

As it turns out, they were right.

Despite the excuse of "the civil war is not over", the royal family of Nakhir declined the invitation to participate in the war, hoping to remain neutral, but they were still willing to open the port to the jihadist army and provide the necessary materials at market prices - the church will take care of the logistics Guarantee, of course, do not worry about the risk of default.

The fleet that had just suffered a disaster had a week-long rest, not only replenishing a lot of lost materials, but also purchasing raw materials such as cheap wood, asphalt and iron products from the Nakhir royal family, which were used to carry out damage to the damaged ships. Simple tinkering.

Some people in the fleet expressed doubts about this unexpected joy, but more people believed that it was the Kingdom of Nakhir deliberately trying to please the Holy See and the Holy War army to avoid being involved in the civil war.

The Nakhir royal family is also very happy that the various materials purchased from the Free Confederation at a low price have finally found a reliable and stable market.

Seven days later, the recovered fleet set sail again, successfully entered the waters nominally controlled by the Free Confederation, and began to head for its final destination.

At the forefront of the entire fleet, on the deck of the Crown, which was used as the flagship, Rear Admiral Ludwig Franz, standing on the side of the ship, held a monocular and looked at the coastline that was already visible to the naked eye.

Although the unsettled sponges rise and fall one after another, the well-proportioned figure is still stable, as if it has been integrated with the battleship.

Behind him, countless figures are running back and forth; although there are still a few days before reaching the destination, the entire fleet is already preparing for the landing in advance.

This is not only a habit of Ludwig, but also a method of commanding the army; using coercive orders to make subordinates perform "reluctant" tasks, and then through continuous running-in to make them obey himself, and will not easily raise objections Conditioning of opinions.

If it was in the Southern Army, Ludwig would not have done such "superfluous things", but on the one hand, the jihadist army under his command this time is a stinky piece of stinky stuff from hundreds of thousands of royal troops. On the other hand, the opponent this time is not someone else...


Ludwig, who was murmuring, put down the telescope and took a deep breath; the cold and humid sea breeze poured into his limbs from his nose, and the whole person suddenly became more awake.

"In three more days, we will be able to reach Sail City."

William Cecil silently walked behind him and handed Ludwig a bottle of rum as if he had heard nothing: "It's a very good deep-water port, but as a battlefield, it's not big enough to hold thirty warships. siege."

"I suggest dividing the legion into two parts, the main force is responsible for besieging the city of sailing, and the rest, together with other light cruisers, to harass other ports in the colony, and at the same time block the entire coastal waters to prevent the enemy from using ships to quickly transport supplies and troops. ."

"There's no need for that."

Ludwig, who took the wine bottle, didn't turn his head and said, "The entire army will keep the status quo and go to Yangfan City, and then besiege from both land and water battlefields at the same time. There is no need to change the plan."


William Cecil was very puzzled: "According to the information we have, the An... Free Confederation has only a group of lightly armed, even unarmed three-masted sailing ships, and there are no coastal defense facilities such as forts in each port. May resist attack from the sea."

"As long as the sea is blocked and the port is harassed, the reinforcements east of Grey Dove Castle can be blocked, forcing them to move by land; I don't know if you are aware of the road conditions in the colony, because..."

"I really don't know this." Ludwig, who suddenly looked back, interrupted: "Colonel William Cecil, you are right, I really don't know much about the Free Confederacy, and I don't know anything about the Navy; but there is one I am very sure of things.”


"That's Anson Bach, certainly not reinforcements from the sea!"

Looking at the bewildered expression on the other side, Ludwig said solemnly: "Once we divide our troops, it will be meaningless except to slow down the speed of the siege and let him seize the opportunity for rescue."

"And those small groups of troops we sent to attack the port are likely to be ambushed by him, causing meaningless losses and casualties, or even capturing ships and attacking us in turn."

William Cecil frowned, as if in disbelief but could not find any reason to refute: "...Your Excellency the Legion Commander, we are discussing the Free Confederation, not Anson Bach... um, Anson Bach."

"Yeah, you're right." Ludwig nodded vaguely:

"So we might as well make a bet to see if that's the case."

After he finished speaking, he bit the cork and took a gulp of rum against the sea breeze.


At the same time, in the Supreme Council of Beluga Harbor, Anson, who had hastily ended the meeting, was talking with Louis about defense.

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. It was originally planned to at least wait until the commander of the Confederate Legion is elected... Forget it, that's it."

Shaking his head regretfully, An Sen looked at the young knight with a helpless expression: "You should return to Yangfan City immediately and start preparing for defense work. The faster you are, the better."

"But be sure to start by land, and try to avoid moving from the sea as long as it's not too late - time is of the essence, and I won't explain the reason to you."

Louis nodded slightly and looked at Anson with trusting eyes: "I'll set off with Freya. If it goes well... in five days, I can return to Sail City within five days."

"Although I think Major General Ludwig is more likely to attack Beluga Port, it is not ruled out that the Mujahideen Legion will take Sail City as their first stop." Anson sighed softly:

"He is the kind of safe type who won't easily divide his troops unless necessary. There are many tidal flats around Yangfan City, so he will most likely be besieged from both sea and land at the same time, control the surrounding traffic throats, and smash the town bit by bit. The perimeter defense... Unless he is cornered, or he catches a key flaw, don't worry that he will risk a surprise attack on the city."

"Like when... Thundercastle?"

Louis gave him a meaningful look.

"Yes, just like the time of Fort Thunder." Anson shrugged and admitted with a wry smile:

"Once there is a situation to determine that the jihadist army's attack target is really sailing city, I will send troops to support it immediately... but you'd better not go back alone, the army should bring some; militia groups, mercenaries, adventurers in various colonies... Pull up everything you can."

"I don't expect them to really have any effect, but at least they can help Yangfan City share some of the attention and delay Ludwig's offensive efficiency - not to clean up the hidden dangers on the periphery~www.readwn.com~ He is not Dare to push it all over easily."

"Of course, even if it's just a pretend army, you must at least have a core elite with decent combat effectiveness; I will send you an infantry regiment and a cavalry company from the Storm Legion; so that we can communicate and communicate with each other. It saves a lot of obstacles.”

"Which infantry regiment?"

The young knight said without hesitation, not even considering whether Anson did it on purpose to monitor and control his shackles.

"The one I trust the most."

Anson said softly with the corners of his mouth raised.



In the headquarters barracks not far away, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Dukasky, who was organizing training, suddenly fought a cold war. He looked around in horror as if he was being targeted by something.

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