I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 396: want to talk

Compared to Anson's full confidence, Louis and Alexei, who had just made contact and successfully reunited, had the exact opposite scene.

Despite successfully suppressing the once arrogant artillery positions of the Mujahideen Army, the defense line of the farm, which had been torn apart by the column assault, has become more and more obvious. The militia fronts of Yangfan City, which seemed to be numerous but were actually uncooperative, interspersed arbitrarily.

Perhaps in small-scale battles, untrained militiamen can rely on their familiarity with the terrain and the tacit cooperation between relatives and friends to gain a little advantage in raids and defensive battles; In a head-to-head confrontation, the gap between discipline and quality is overwhelming.

Despite the timely support of the Second Infantry Regiment, despite the high morale of the Yangfan City militia, and even as the battle continues, they have begun to take the initiative to organize the defense line, desperately pulling each other with the interspersed Mujahideen... But this effort and sacrifice have only been exchanged for It's just a slight delay in the time of the collapse.

And even this little effort will soon be completely in vain.

After being dug up by several guards from the ruined artillery position, Ludwig, who had just recovered his sobriety, immediately ordered that all the troops from the central position and the right flank should be assembled to the western front and advance in columns to the positions of the Confederate army. .

After being shelled head-on and the previous experience of fighting in the grass and forest, Ludwig had clearly seen the essence of the Confederate Legion, which was a mass of loose sand.

It's not that they are not united or that their strength is not strong, but that they simply cannot act in unity when facing the enemy, and act independently of each other - whether it is the militia of Yangfan City who suddenly launched a general attack, or the Storm Legion that made a surprise attack on their right flank, they are completely ineffective. There is cooperation, and you go into battle on your own.

More vividly, it is a giant without a head, with hands, feet, limbs...even every organ in the body, all have their own ideas; the first reaction when encountering a problem is not to communicate with allies, but how to solve it independently and avoid being attacked. Other people joke.

The result is the current state...Although the situation seems to be embarrassed by myself, the stunned jihadist army is still a whole; as long as it regroups and obtains contact with each combat unit, whether it is attacking or retreating, it is still possible. achieve unified action.

And the best way to deal with a beach of scattered sand enemies is to concentrate all of your strength and get rid of them partially before other parts react;

Ludwig, who was completely enlightened by Carl Bain's indiscriminate bombing, gave the order to launch an all-out attack on the western front without hesitation.

As the army of the central and eastern fronts quickly broke away from the shooting army and the storm army, and successively entered the battlefield of the western front, the militiamen and the 2nd Infantry Regiment of Yangfan City, whose pressure had risen suddenly, could no longer be supported; Attacked south, organized a counter-charge, but was quickly defeated by Wuyangyang's enemies.

During this period, the Storm Legion, which was constantly attacking the right flank of the Mujahideen, was aware of the situation on the Western Front and tried to support it, but they all encountered counterattacks from the central position and the threat of the Mujahideen artillery: as long as they tried to cross the battlefield, they were either greeted by fierce fire. platoons of guns, or solid rounds and shrapnel rounds falling from the sky.

As the current main force of the Storm Legion and the only designated cannon fodder shooting corps, it has long been completely out of control like a wild dog dragging its reins. Together; although morale is high and each other is losing ground, there is no hope of pulling them out any time soon.

As the entire battlefield was completely divided into two, several forces with their own ideas started their own actions.

"Lord Louis Bernard, give the order to retreat!"

Supporting his body with a long knife full of cracks, Alexei, covered in blood, shouted eagerly, "If we keep fighting like this, we will be killed by Major General Ludwig!"

"Now is not the time!"

Under the shouts of killing and the sound of gunfire, the young knight, who was also embarrassed, had a surprisingly calm expression, his eyes like torches quickly glanced at the battlefield in front of him:

"Ansen Bach's Shooting Corps and Storm Legion have entered the Eastern Front of the Crusaders. As long as one more hour is needed, they will be able to annihilate the remaining enemies there. After that, they can drive straight in and attack Ludwig's flank and rear, causing fatal damage."

"If we retreat now, it means giving the enemy room to breathe. We can calmly turn around to face Ansen Bach, who has already achieved an absolute advantage, and bury the upcoming victory with our own hands!"

"Exactly, but only if we can hold on for another hour!" Alexei was so anxious that he wanted to rush up to knock him out:

"Just asking out of curiosity, nothing else... Are you planning to finish this battle and ask the commander-in-chief to collect your corpse for you?!"

Excitedly, the Second Infantry Commander realized that he had said the wrong thing as soon as he finished speaking, and fear filled his heart; but what made him even more frightened was that after he finished speaking, Louis did not get angry, and was even very calm. smiled at himself.

That indifferent smile made Alexei shiver uncontrollably.

"The goal on the other side is not to wipe us out, but to retake the farm position and gain an advantage over the Confederate Legion."

Clearly at the critical moment of life and death, Louis, who was constantly looking around the surrounding battlefields, was still able to analyze the battle situation for Alexei unhurriedly:

"Lieutenant Colonel Alexei, I approve of your retreat plan, but on the premise of losing contact with Ansen Bach and unable to judge the target of his actions, a quick retreat is not only giving up the chance of victory, but also betraying the friendly army; In the current battle situation, it is impossible to organize an orderly retreat."

"Therefore, I order you to immediately take your second infantry regiment, organize all the troops that have not yet fought the enemy, immediately launch an assault on the central battlefield, and use all the methods you can think of to join the Storm Legion."

"Me?!" Alexei was taken aback: "No no no, this kind of task should still be done by you..."

"That won't work!"

Louis categorically vetoed: "Once I leave, the morale of Yangfan City's militia will collapse instantly; so after you turn in, I will immediately launch a counter-charge against the enemy, trying to gain as much time and space as possible."

"I repeat, everything I do is only for victory and to preserve the Confederacy's vitality as much as possible. This is not a bargain with you, this is an order!"

The young knight's tone was unprecedentedly tough, so much so that Alexei even forgot to refute, he could only silently accept the other party's request, and he did not forget to perform a standard Clovis salute before leaving.

"As expected of the direct heir to the Bernard family, even in the melee, he can still maintain a calm and calm attitude, and make as objective judgments as possible on the battle situation."

Looking at Louis' back, Roman, who was hiding in the corner, said silently: "I seem to be beginning to understand why Anson Bach attaches so much importance to him... I'm afraid it's not just the Bernard family behind him, and the Iser elf. For the Queen's sake."

"It's not just talent, Sir Louis is also slowly improving." Alexey couldn't help but sigh:

"The battle of Thundercastle, the battle of Eaglehorn City, and the battle of Hantu... This young master and our commander-in-chief are really a wonderful pair of opponents and friends!"

"Yes." Roman nodded and narrowed his eyes meaningfully:

"If I knew it would be like this now, I should have killed him in Thundercastle."

Alexei Dukasky: "..."


Sporadic gunshots and shouts of killing echoed over the farm position. After the 2nd Infantry Regiment and thousands of Yangfan City militia moved in to break through, the jihadist army finally took control of the entire position and began to clear out the remaining resistance forces against the eastern front. The crazy attack of the shooting army.

As for the counter-charge organized by Louis Bernard... In addition to causing some trouble at the beginning, it was quickly destroyed by the siege of line fire and skirmishers, and even Louis himself was forced to lead the remaining troops. Retreat in the direction of Confederate positions.

Stepping on the still burning position, the jihadist army, which finally won a great victory, decisively chose to continue to advance, trying to attack Huanglong in one breath, and completely wipe out the enemy who was still stubbornly resisting.

Although the headquarters was attacked and the right-wing position was completely broken through by the enemy, it did not have much impact on the morale of the Mujahideen Army; in addition to the victory just won, another important reason was the impact on the battlefield. form of judgment.

Regardless of whether the Yangfan City militia or the shooting army are "low-quality consumables" visible to the naked eye, they are only equipped to fill the trenches; the entire battle so far, the jihadist army has never been able to confront the enemy's "regular army" head-on.

The intuitive impression this gave them—even Ludwig—was that all the people who were currently fighting with him were the enemy’s cannon fodder to support the scene.

Even the battlefield selected by Anson "inadvertently" shaped this judgment: the Confederate army's position was located on the high ground, and it also deliberately chose the reverse **** behind the slope, which led to Ludwig's position below unless Go all the way to attack, otherwise there is no way to judge the true deployment of the enemy's troops.

On the battlefield they can see, the enemy's western front has been completely defeated, and the rashly attacked eastern front has also been entangled by a small number of their own troops. Next, as long as they rush to the position and defeat the last few elites, the battle is over. .

Not only most of the officers of the Mujahideen, but even Ludwig thought so.

Even if Anson Bach really has a way to defeat himself, but he cannot effectively control the army under his command, no matter how good the plan is, it is just a castle in the air; it turns out that compared with the leader, a staff officer and a deputy with a certain degree of autonomy can only is a platform that truly suits his abilities.

Commanding the army is not just "planning" enough!

With this unparalleled self-confidence, Ludwig raised his sword aloft amid the cheers of the soldiers, pointing to the direction where the 13-star ring flag fluttered:

"Crowe people, go forward!"

"Blessed by the Ring of Order——!!!"

The loud battle roar resounded in the sky, and the passionate bugle was deafening; the main force of the jihadist army of nearly 10,000 people bypassed the central battlefield in columns, and went straight to the rear of the Confederate army from the western front. A huge and beautiful arc appeared just like a machete. above the earth.

At the same time as the rapid advance, the artillery shelling on the Confederate army's positions began to become more and more violent, and the choking smoke of gunpowder continued to permeate the battlefield; in addition to the casualties, it also had a great impact on the vision of the jihadist army.

This also greatly increased the confidence of the jihadist army in its own judgment - the counterattack is so strong, doesn't it just prove that the enemy is already at the end of the force, and is making the last stubborn resistance? !

Of course they didn't know that it was Carl Bain who was about to kill the enemy as soon as he saw the enemy.

So in the face of the rumble of cannons, the fighting spirit of the jihadist army rushed into the position like the autumn wind sweeping leaves. In order to avoid the painful lesson of the previous troops "routing" one after another in the face of the enemy's attack, Ludwig released the cavalry this time. At the end of the line, a line phalanx of infantry played the front.

So by the time you found out that something didn't seem right, it was too late.


The sun turns around, and the setting sun is like blood.

On the battlefield in the distance, an exciting battle has just come to an end.

If facing the joint strangulation of the Storm Army and the Shooting Army, the more than 3,000 jihadist troops could still rely on the fortifications on their positions to resist stubbornly, then the militiamen of Yangfan City who suddenly rushed out from behind were the final death knell for them. .

In less than a quarter of an hour, the entire jihadist army position was completely lost~www.readwn.com~ Hundreds of Ring of Order flags were replaced by 13-star Ring Flags; however, many King Clovis flags for some reason , was specially preserved.

In addition, the artillery positions and supplies that were too late to escape were also captured by the Confederates and turned into Anson Bach's trophies.

But all of this has nothing to do with the Crusaders and their commander, Ludwig Franz.

Looking at the empty position, looking at the "Confederate army position" behind which there was not even a single person, and then looking at the Confederate army that had already controlled his position in the distance, Ludwig understood everything.

Anson Bach... He never thought of confronting himself from the very beginning, but trapped himself in this "desperate situation" that seemed to be very unfavorable to him; now he and the fleet of the sailing city port, the grass forest The defenders were completely cut off, and all the baggage was seized.

And the Confederate army, which seemed to have nowhere to go, could win as long as it stuck to the line of defense and had nothing to do.

Looking up to the sky with a long sigh, Ludwig hopes to go behind him:

"The messenger!"


"Let the cavalry unit send someone and hold a white flag to the opposite... Confederate army position." Ludwig, who couldn't help smiling bitterly, showed a self-deprecating arc at the corner of his mouth:

"Just say...I want to talk to them."

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