I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 405: Suspicion

The turbulent sea, sailing the city port.

The dusky afterglow was scattered on the sparkling water, and a huge fleet of dozens of warships hung a white-ground gold-ringed flag with the Ring of Order, and marched mightily to the bay that was already close at hand.

"It's finally here!"

Standing beside the helm of the flagship, wearing a bright blue gilded dragon breastplate and wearing an iris cloak on his waist, Arthur Herrede sighed in the direction of the landing in high spirits; in front of him was the mild sea breeze, and behind him was The blood-like sunset was dyed with bright red blond hair and the cloak danced in the wind, showing the heroic color.

The weather was clear, and the young army commander was in a very happy mood.

"Yeah, the protection of the Ring of Order... It's finally here."

Compared to Arthur's good mood, Bernard's exhausted face only felt relieved and a little worried about his uncertain future.

Starting from Port Edland and arriving at Sail City, this long journey, which lasted 30 days, was not smooth sailing, or at least bad luck.

Storms, calm days, plagues, rumors... Even just a little recollection makes people feel that this journey is so fulfilling, and it feels like a whole life has been spent!

But now this nightmarish journey has come to an end, and what awaits him will be another war that is destined to end easily, but still has to bite the bullet.

Although he only collected very little information about the new world when he set off, it was enough to make him tremble... The **** Clovis officer who started the rebellion not only took away Beluga Harbor and Grey Snow Town, but also took the eastern The five colonies that originally belonged to the Beihai Three Kingdoms were also rolled up, integrating all the large colonies in the entire New World.

Even if these traitors report to the group to keep warm, it will not change the nature of their stinky fish and shrimps, but it will still increase the difficulty of the jihadist army to conquer them; not to mention the seemingly invincible, invincible jihadist army. What kind of quality, as an organization Bernard, one of them, couldn't be more clear.

Bernard, who has fought against Anson Bach twice, has a very bad premonition. Perhaps even himself and Archduke Edland have misjudged. I am afraid that the final result of this war is likely to exceed everyone's imagination.

It turned out that Bernard's guess was completely correct, and it soon came true.

"What the **** is going on here, why is the port of Sail City broken?!"

Pointing to the wrecked pier, which is full of ruins and sunken ships that have not been fully salvaged, the disappointed Arthur Hereid complained: "Isn't it because the colony's heretical navy is weak, and it is impossible to compare with the jihadist fleet? ?!"

"Because of this, the port of Sail City will look like this." Ludwig, who took the initiative to greet him in person, said coldly: "They knew that they were not the opponents of the jihadist fleet, so they simply destroyed all the ports and put the ships in the air. All the ships sank and blocked the wharf, preventing the fleet from entering the port."

"Then just watched from the side, indifferent?" Arthur's eyes widened: "You Clovis people arrived in the new world more than a full month ahead of us, except for taking the credit for conquering the sailing city, everything. Don't do it?!"

Ludwig's face sank instantly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the blue veins in his right hand holding the hilt of the knife were exposed.

"of course not!"

Sensing that the atmosphere was not quite right, William Cecil immediately retorted and took the initiative to stand in the middle of the two army commanders: Long before the capture of Sail City, Major General Ludwig had already begun to send people to clean up the port; it was just that The mess left by the enemy is really difficult to clean up, and it has been delayed until now. "

"In addition, the major general will also suppress the residents in the city who have just surrendered but have not yet fully surrendered, recover other colonists' settlements around them, and make them submit to the flag of the jihad, and send troops to guard against the enemy troops near the colony of Grey Pigeon Castle."

"Even the fleets that were unable to enter the port were searched along the coastline of the entire New World, obtaining enemy intelligence and trying to get in touch with the rest of the Mujahideen... As the first outpost to arrive, the Ludwig Legion has an extremely heavy task and is definitely not like you. As said, nothing is done!"

"Yes, the Pioneer Corps not only has to fight the enemy in unfamiliar environments, but also undertakes very important responsibilities such as establishing outposts, opening the situation, and collecting intelligence. The difficulty is beyond imagination." Bernard also agreed with this, followed by Agreed:

"As a follow-up unit, our duty should be to be a reinforcement for the vanguard, not a pressure and burden; if there is a problem, we should unite and help each other and try to find a way to solve the problem!"

Arthur, who was reprimanded, shrank his neck and looked suspiciously at his brother-in-law's upright and awe-inspiring face.

Bernard did not pay any attention to him, but turned his attention to Ludwig behind the navy captain: "We met some of the Levant family's fleet on the way here, and I heard that they organized a small fleet to raid. The result was resistance, and the colony destroyed all the ports?"

"It's not just the port, even many beachheads that can barely hold warships are full of sunken ships, logs and construction waste that have been inserted under the sea; nearby ships will run aground or even be smashed if they are not careful. Go through the bottom of the boat." Taking a deep breath, Ludwig's face improved slightly:

"But according to the information we have, the enemy should still control a certain number of hidden docks for many smuggling merchant ships and pirates to berth, but they have not yet been discovered, otherwise they will not be able to know the intelligence of the fleet. Every time we can repel the attack of the Levant family organization."

"In order to avoid being attacked by the sea, he did not hesitate to destroy the ports and docks on which the colonies depended for their survival... There is really no lower limit."

Bernard couldn't help but sighed that although he knew that Ansen Bach was a **** who would do anything to win, he was still shocked to be able to do this:

"That being the case, the tactic of raiding the ports, compressing the enemy to the vicinity of Beluga Port and then annihilating them at the beginning of the jihadist commander's headquarters is unlikely to succeed."

Even if the artillery fire of the fleet can inflict damage on the towns of the colony, there are not enough open beaches or ports for the army to land, and no matter how weak the enemy is, the landing of small groups of troops by rowing is pure death.

"Not only that, the strength of the enemy is not so weak that if they conquer a coastal town, they can be expelled to the colony in one breath; the original idea of ​​the high command really greatly underestimated them." Ludwig said lightly:

"If the original plan is enforced, even if the impact of the port's destruction will be minimized, all coastal ports will be conquered within a week, taking into account the geographical environment of the new world, the distribution of the enemy's population and settlements, and the organization and efficiency of the army. , it is impossible to end the fight before October."

"And once it's winter, returning to the voyage is the next thing, how the army will spend the winter, how should the fleet solve the problem of not being able to enter the port for rest, how to maintain the supply line of the hundreds of thousands of troops... These are extremely serious problems that must be solved as soon as possible!"

Bernard nodded slightly, agreeing with Ludwig's concerns.

He was once isolated by the colony and had to lead troops to counter the rebellion. He was really clear about fighting the Clovis; the most terrifying enemy for the hundreds of thousands of jihadists was not the traitor, but the environment and weather of the new world.

"It will take some time for the main force to gather all together. What are your plans now?"

"Clean up the port, investigate the enemy's intelligence, collect food and livestock, rest the army, and control the key roads." Ludwig opened the five fingers of his right hand, and then clenched it into a fist:

"It is impossible for the jihadist army to fight a protracted war with these traitors and heretics in the new world, and if you want to fight quickly, you must prepare enough in the early stage."

"Makes sense!"

Bernard smiled and praised without hesitation: "As expected of the son of Archbishop Clovis, Major General Ludwig Franz, who was entrusted by His Majesty Carlos, has really thoughtful consideration."

"There are many sailors from Edland in our army, who are very familiar with the work of cleaning up the port and salvaging sunken ships; if you don't dislike it, please let me know, and you will never excuse what you can do."

"Where, Your Excellency is so polite." Ludwig's expression changed slightly, and he glanced at William Cecil next to him:

"The content of the specific division of labor may be released first. We have prepared a banquet for you at the Governor's Palace in Yangfan City. As for the soldiers of the legion... Whether you want to be placed in the city or stationed outside the city, you can arrange it immediately."

"Okay, then when we let all the legions go ashore, we will go immediately!" Bernard agreed boldly.

Ludwig and Wilhelm no longer delayed, and they all left.

Arthur, who was reprimanded for not being able to speak for a long time, turned his head and looked at his brother-in-law with a puzzled face until the two of them had gone far away, "I remember you used to look down on the Clovis people? Is it because I was defeated twice by the same Clovis, so I finally figured it out?"

"If you don't speak, no one treats you as dumb!" Bernard rolled his eyes, sighed first, and then his expression suddenly became serious:

"Have you noticed anything wrong with what you said just now?"


With an inexplicable look on his face, Arthur was stunned. After confirming again and again that Bernard's expression was not a joke, he thought about it for a while, and finally...


The hesitant Arthur frowned: "Although I am a little unconvinced, I have to admit that the son of Archbishop Clovis opposite is indeed quite competent."

"With no reinforcements at all, and when you have to open the situation by yourself, not only have you conquered Yangfan City and controlled the entire colony area, but you can also prepare for the follow-up legion in advance... You're welcome, it's your brother-in-law, I I don't think I can do better than him."

"That's right, I think so too." Bernard's words changed: "But it is precisely because of this that it seems particularly wrong."

"Ludwig Franz... He is a newcomer, and his 20,000 soldiers are the reserve corps of the Clovis Army. How did he bring this unrelated and disobedient army to the city of sailing quickly. , can still accomplish so much work?"

"I was the governor of the colony. No one knows better than me how much energy it takes to suppress the resistance of the colony and maintain even the surface stability... So I can guarantee that without foreign aid, it is absolutely impossible for him to do it by himself. The scale he speaks of!"

Arthur was shocked: "You...you mean..."

"This is just speculation!" Bernard interrupted quickly:

"We have only just arrived in Sail City, and we still know very little about various situations and information, so we can't make judgments; maybe this Major General Ludwig Franz really has superhuman abilities or charm, maybe it's just him Very lucky, maybe..."

Bernard gave Arthur a deep look: "We don't know, and it's better not to know, understand?"

The young legion commander twitched his throat deeply, completely lost his high-spirited look at the beginning.


"Our contact with Anson Bach may have been discovered by the other party."

On the way back, Ludwig, who did not look back, suddenly spoke up.

"What did you say?!"

William Cecil was shocked: "How is this possible, they have just arrived in Sail City, and we have not exposed anything that may be related to Anson!"

"The problem is that the guy named Bernard Morweis is the Minister of Colonial Colony who fought against Anson Bach before." Ludwig, who was expressionless, was already extremely regretful at this moment:

"We talked a lot about the work carried out in Yangfan City, and a guy like him who has been in the new world can definitely hear something wrong from those words, really... After being slightly stimulated by the other party, it turned out to be careless! "

"Then what should we do now?" The captain of the navy suddenly tightened his nerves: "Should we destroy some evidence that may be grasped in the early morning before they have grasped the situation~www.readwn.com~?!"

William Cecil felt uneasy in his heart. He was carrying the Cecil family's reputation for "being involved with traitors" and ensuring that Clovis could get enough benefits from this war. It's a tightrope walk on a cliff, egg-tip dancing.

"There's no need to be so nervous now. Even if the other party is suspicious, they don't dare to act immediately and collect evidence--or if it's true, wouldn't there be a risk that we and Anson Bach will join forces to kill and destroy the corpse?"

Ludwig shook his head calmly and comforted the navy colonel: "But this situation is indeed a problem, we must find a way to let Bernard leave Sail City temporarily, and it is best to be killed in a small-scale battle. Better...that guy named Arthur Hered looks much better than him."

"Send this information to Anson Bach as soon as possible, and let that guy figure out a way for us to solve this big trouble."

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

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