I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 419: The flower of freedom will bloom

Latest website: May 30, 102, at 5:55 a.m.

Although it is already the end of the morning, perhaps because of being in the forest, the sky in Grey Dove Castle is still shrouded in the starry night; only when you stand at a high place can you vaguely see the dazzling light at the end of the horizon that is as dazzling as the pupils of giants. is slowly rising.

Before the sky was fully lit, Alexei and Norton, who were already ready, immediately issued an order to organize all the defenders and the few remaining people to gradually evacuate in batches.

At any time, an orderly retreat is always ten thousand times more difficult than a reckless attack—even with advance notice, detailed arrangements and plans, and even under the circumstances of various worst-case scenarios and preparations for presiding over Alexei and Norton of this operation are still indescribably big.

Those who wished to stay with a fluke, wished to put their house on a carriage, dragged their feet and refused to keep the time... Even if it was imminent, and they had seen with their own eyes the brutality and ferocity of the jihadist army, they were unwilling to cooperate with the action. The people of Pigeon Castle still make up the vast majority.

After repeated assembly orders and even sending the army to supervise the situation to no avail, it was Paulina Frey who came forward to persuade the people of Grey Pigeon Castle to finally put down their large and small belongings and pack their shriveled luggage. , supported the old man and the child, and left the castle under the **** of the army.

Before retreating, they did not forget to destroy the houses in the city, bury and smash water wells, smash all the machines in the factory, and burn all the food and various materials that could not be taken away... Except for an empty stone fortress, nothing Not for the jihadists.

With such a large-scale operation and procrastination, it is impossible for the people who have no discipline at all to escape the attention of the jihadist army outside the city - almost at the beginning, every move of the defenders appeared in the army commander Ya. Three Herrid's desk.

Arthur, who received "military advice" from Ludwig, believed that this was the result of his several days of fighting, and everything was planned; so he ordered the entire army to be under martial law, so that the retreating troops and people could only leave in one direction and go to Black Reef Harbor.

Until it was confirmed that the defenders in the city should have retreated, the ecstatic Arthur immediately ordered to shrink the encirclement and launch a full-scale attack on the already empty Grey Pigeon Castle.

At this time, in addition to Paulina Frey, there were less than a hundred colonists and more than 1,000 indigenous people left in Grey Pigeon Castle. The former were basically people who had traveled thousands of miles after the fall of Grey Pigeon Castle last time. The liberals who went to Beluga Harbor to join the Frey sisters; the latter were slaves who were resettled around Grey Pigeon Castle by the Faithful Alliance during the previous beast slave riots and regained their freedom.

For these followers who took the initiative to take refuge in herself, Paulina did everything she could to give; after the Storm Legion recaptured Grey Dove Castle, the first thing she did was to re-acknowledge the colonists' original property, most of whom became members of the Grey Dove Castle Council.

Later, when responding to Ansen Bach's call for "Freedom and Equality", Paulina also held high the banner of the "Declaration of Resistance". She was not only the first colony to free the slaves, but also the first to admit them Factories, even granting land, recognized that they could enjoy equal treatment with other colonists.

Therefore, although the two groups of people are in different situations, their relationship with each other is definitely not friendly - the natives who came from beast slaves hate the colonizers, and the arrogant colonists cannot accept a group of natives as equal to themselves.

But at this moment, they all decided to stay and fight to the last moment for the doomed Grey Pigeon Castle; even if they knew it was impossible, they had to defend this hard-won treasure.

At 12:35, just as the Mujahideen Army launched a fierce attack, a broken blood-colored swallowtail flag was slowly raised at the top of the tower of Grey Pigeon Castle.

"They... are they planning to resist to the end?"

Looking at the flag that was particularly dazzling under the noon sun, Arthur Herreid, whose pupils shrank suddenly, muttered to himself, his face full of disbelief.

After being stunned for several seconds, he silently put down the telescope in his hand, picked up his saber, and strode toward the outside of the headquarters.

"grown ups!"

The guards next to him reacted immediately and rushed over to block him in shock - obviously this is not the first time: "What do you want to do, my lord?!"

"What are you doing, of course it's a challenge!"

Arthur, who was full of fighting intent, rushed straight to the flag at the top of the tower in the distance.

"Speaking of... what does this flag mean, you, an imperial person, don't know what it means?"

"Of course your subordinates know!" The guard immediately shouted loudly. Once the blood-colored swallowtail flag was raised, it meant that the unit decided to fight to the death and would never back down. Usually, the opposing side would do their best to attack as a sign of respect. …

"But you are the commander of the Jihad Legion, the commander of the 20,000-strong army! Even if you want to fight, there is no reason for the commander to go to the front - this will only make the soldiers humiliated and think you don't trust them!"

"Do not trust? Stop joking!"

Arthur grinned disdainfully, and his eyes were full of fighting intent: "Only a commander who is afraid to fight will be abandoned by his army only by shivering and hiding behind the soldiers; an excellent knight should charge the front and serve for the soldiers. We show the way forward!"

After he finished speaking, he pushed the guards away, took a Ring of Order flag from the flag officer next to him, got on his horse, and galloped towards the battlefield down the mountain.

At this moment, both the defenders of Grey Pigeon Castle and the Jihad Legion all looked back, looking at the figure waving the military flag and rushing down from the mountains on horseback.

Riding on the back of a galloping horse, the excited Arthur Herrede gradually stood up straight, the battle flag in his hand shook in the wind, and the hunting sounded.

"Soldiers - in the name of the Ring of Order - advance!"

In the voices resounding through the mountains, Arthur Herreid, who drew his saber, took the lead and rushed to the gate of Grey Pigeon Castle.

A deadly silence lasted for a few seconds, and he was answered by a shocking cry—

"In the name of the Ring of Order—!!"

With the roar of guns and guns, the 20,000 jihadist troops finally launched their final offensive, like lava pouring out from a volcano, unstoppable rushing towards Grey Pigeon Castle.

Only a thousand defenders lined up on the fortifications and parapets, and fired rounds of salvos at the enemy who was killed by Wuyang... There was no officer command and order, everyone was a soldier; but with previous combat experience, They still maintain a high degree of discipline, without the slightest disorder, taught by the Storm Legion.

Under the neat arrangement of guns, the first person to suffer was the regiment commander who was at the forefront of the charge. Before he even got close to the gate, the mounts who died of gunfire were thrown out like sandbags.

However, he didn't care much, like a kid who had messed up with fun, laughing to hide his embarrassment, and continued waving the battle flag and running towards the city gate on foot.

Under the leadership of such a regiment commander, the entire regiment was like a stray dog ​​dragging its reins, barking and attacking from all directions.

Facing an unreasonably crazy enemy dozens of times their strength, the remaining Grey Pigeon Fort defenders soon lost the outer city walls and were forced to withdraw into the fortress, relying on the destroyed ruins and defense facilities, Layers of blocking.

As the first large-scale colonies of the Empire to successfully establish a foothold in the inland of the New World, the Grey Pigeon Fortress, which is responsible for the eastern gate of the sailing city and the inland bridgehead, was designed to be besieged, and even in the case of a few attacks The lower city defense was breached, so relying on the curvature of the hillside, layers of defense lines were built in the city.

For the attackers, breaking through the city gates is just the beginning, and there are the second, third, and fourth sluggish positions built by low walls and slopes in front of them, ensuring that the attackers are being attacked at least all the time. Under the double-team of two firepower nets on the front and overhead.

Even after breaking through the four lines of defense, there is still the innermost main fort tower and the outer courtyard called the courtyard, which can actually accommodate at least hundreds of people.

If Bernard Morwis, or any commander of any moderate sense, who had even the slightest understanding of the structure of Grey Dove Castle, would not have approved of storming the fort, besieging it to death, or cheating It is the best choice for the enemy to take the initiative to open the door to disarm.

However, under the command of Arthur, the jihadist army not only chose to attack, but also continued to attack in one breath, resisting the firepower of two sides, and breaking through one line of defense and one line of defense!

Although the defenders fought hard to fight, in the face of a group of jihadist soldiers who were personally led by the army commander and could continue to attack the city despite huge casualties, the difference in number between each other quickly wiped out the advantages brought by the fortifications; There was not much left, and the line of defense quickly fell one after another.

By 18:30 in the evening, all four lines of defense in the castle had been broken through, and less than 300 defenders had retreated into the main castle tower and set the surrounding courtyard on fire.

This is not only to delay the enemy's attack, but also to cut off the final retreat, showing the determination to fight to the death.

At the top of the tower, Polina Frey, holding the flagpole, looked down with the "Declaration of Resistance" in his arms. The entire Grey Dove Castle had turned into a sea of ​​fire; the cheering jihadist army gathered into a huge torrent, heading for the last isolated island.

At this time, the girl has long lost her original dignity. The long skirt on her body is full of traces of gunpowder and dust. The delicate silk and satin fabrics are torn into strips, and the forehead, arms and calves are covered with coagulated blood; if there are enemies, comrades in arms Yes, also has its own.

Embarrassed like... just like when Grey Dove Castle fell and was rescued by the cavalry of the Storm Legion.

The corners of her mouth evoked a little self-deprecating arc, and Paulina slowly lowered her head, opened the "Declaration of Resistance" in her arms, and read aloud in the eyes full of fireworks:

"The moment when the first colonists bravely crossed the turbulent sea and established settlements under the protection of the ring of order... The brave pioneers won two indisputable rights for themselves and all their successors... The pursuit of happiness The right to live freely and independently in this world in the way you want without any constraints!"

In the smoke of gunpowder, the indigenous people who had run out of ammunition and food formed the last line of defense, taking up bayonets and rushing towards the jihadist soldiers who had reached the lower end of the tower.

Pierced flesh and blood with bayonets, smashed bones with lead bullets, stuffed the muzzle of the gun into the mouth... The two sides with red eyes scuffled into a ball; The native warriors who were freed did not retreat.

Arthur Herreid, who had finally put out the courtyard fire, did not intend to entangle with these people, leaving a knight in charge of destroying the remnants, and personally led the team to the main fort tower.

"...Unexpectedly, the imperial power of 'civilization' is indeed as destructive as it has always been, and it is plundered... The full text of 'justice' and 'jurisprudence', but between the lines, it is full of 'tyranny' and 'dictatorship'!"

"...Since the Empire is so arrogant, then we don't need to continue to count on words to influence his head that never bowed... The salvo of gunfire, our words, the bayonet, will become the sigh of the pen, the exhausted cannon. Ming is our shield, the iron boots of stepping and the hooves of cavalry galloping will turn into our cadence..."

"...Let the banner of revenge fly on the spire of Grey Dove Castle!"

With tears in her eyes, Paulina Frey's face was filled with happiness that could not be described in words.

Under her feet, the desperate colonists are still doing their last stubborn resistance, using traps, cold guns, or simply guarding the powder keg to die together with the enemy—even if they want to die, they will go to **** with the enemy.

But unfortunately, their enemy is Arthur Hereid.

These guys, who are inferior to bandits and bandits in the mountains of the Empire, are not Arthur's opponents at all; the desperate colonists ignited the last powder keg, which was also offset by his "dragon roar", and the flesh and blood that was too late to scream was exploded The air wave tore away the shatters.

At this point, the road to the top of the tower is no longer blocked, and victory has begun to beckon him.

"We are the citizens of the dignified New World... We officially declare that, in the name of countless free people of the New World, we officially... declare war on the Empire!"

The vibration from under her feet made the girl shake, she took a deep breath slowly and stood firm, then turned to look at the figure who had climbed the tower.

The panting Arthur looked at the shadow under the **** swallowtail, and his excited expression suddenly froze: "Oh, you, you..."

"I swear here!" The girl snapped coldly, staring at him with murderous eyes:

"I will do my best to fight the Empire in every way I can, I will fight against the Empire's aggression anytime, anywhere, I will fight alongside any warrior who is willing to fight against the Empire, I will never... never abandon any of the burning The land of liberty!"

The awe-inspiring girl slowly raised her right hand, revealing a revolver that had already buckled its hammer, and aimed the muzzle at Arthur Hered.

The young knight first smiled disdainfully, then suddenly realized something, turned his head sharply, UU read www.uukanshu. com discovered that the top of the entire tower was actually filled with barrels of gunpowder and lead bullets!

Facing his terrified expression, the girl who sneered happily with all her strength, pulled the trigger of the pistol for the first time in her life:

"...Until the land of the New World, no golden iris can bloom again!"


A golden-red flaming flower blooms over Grey Dove Castle.

------off topic-----

The name Paulina is indeed a play on the "Saint of Toulon", and it also draws on a little bit of the shadow of Joan of Arc; but regardless of the source of the name, Kong Kong treats every character seriously, and they all It has its own logic of thought and behavior, and is not an accessory of the protagonist.

So everyone actively contributes, as long as it is confirmed to appear on the role, Kong Kong will take it seriously!


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