I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 423: food for the enemy

The latest website: Sail City, an unknown chapel.

"The information has been basically confirmed, and the Fernando Corps will arrive in three days at the latest."

In the empty prayer room, Sir Carneau knelt in front of the statue and prayed with his hands folded, while saying to the Wild Hunt knight Drake who was also pretending to pray:

"This corps suffered serious damage during the turbulent sea. Many soldiers in the army lived inland and were very unaccustomed to life at sea. Many ships had outbreaks of infectious diseases. It is said that the company commander Fernando He Rhett himself couldn't be ill...but it's just a legend."

"Yangfan City and Heijiao Port will send a corresponding fleet on June 11th. That's your only chance. I can let you approach as a boatman, and there are only three days left for you."

"Uh... um." Drake replied falteringly, his attention was completely drawn to another matter.

"The information you want to collect is the disease situation of the army, the morale, the level of logistics, and how much of the fleet can be immediately put into battle... This is why you are mixed in as a boatman." Sir Carnot continued:

"After you get the information, you try to infiltrate the fleet returning to Black Reef Harbor, hand it over to Anson Bach at Red Hand Bay, then go directly from Red Hand Bay to Capture Slave Harbor, and then go to the Kingdom of Naxil to collect information about Feller. information about the Legion."

"This matter is very important. For the convenience of action, you can tell Anson Bach part of it, but you must never let him know the real purpose of your trip... The hope of the three of us leaving the new world safely and returning to the old continent is all placed on It's on you, Drake."

"Um... well uh I... I get it."

Drake continued to be absent-minded, his tone even more coping than before.

Karno, who noticed the strangeness, narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced sideways at the guy who was inattentive: "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

What's the problem... The corners of Derek's mouth twitched, his stiff cheeks showed a "don't know where to start" expression, and he stared at each other.

The long golden hair like waterfalls, the delicate blue and white dress, the light makeup on the face, the delicate pearl necklace instead makes the bare neck and shoulders more white and delicate; the calf covered by the lace skirt seems to tell Infinite secrets...

Swallowing his throat hard, Drake forced a less embarrassing smile: "Karnuo, did that **** Ian make you do this...?"

"Huh? You mean the identity I'm pretending to be?" Karno was expressionless:

"Of course I chose it myself. Since the last riot, there have been few liberals left in Yangfan City, and there are even fewer who can get in touch with the Mujahideen Army... There are not many choices left for us, except for women's clothing. It also has the advantage of weakening the vigilance of the other party.”

"For example, the opportunity for you to become a boatman is what I got from a jihadist knight by virtue of this identity... The clever use of the weak link in the enemy's psychological defense line is also an important way to lurk and steal information."

Karno was still explaining in a serious manner, but Drake's expression on the opposite side became more and more strange. The expression of looking at his friend was a bit more mixed with sympathy and gratitude. All in all...

This guy has been on the road of women's clothing and can't go back.

Just when he was full of emotion, there was a messy sound outside the chapel, no less than four or five people's footsteps, and it was very close to the sound of military boots.

Drake's expression changed, and he was about to stand up to be alert, but was stopped by Karno raising his hand.

"Calm down, they are the jihadist soldiers of the Bolei Legion and were ordered to search this chapel." Carno said softly: "I arranged it in advance."

Ok? Mention, arrange in advance... Drake was completely stunned.

"It's too late to explain in detail, you just need to stay calm." Karno closed his eyes and put his hands together:

"Remember, your current identity is the boatman I hired, and the rest don't know anything."

Before the Wild Hunt knight came back to his senses, there was a loud noise from the closed church behind him.


The door was kicked open, and the heavily armed jihadist army troopers filed in; Drake, who was puzzled, had no time to hide his disguise, so he could only stay where he was.

Karno, who was kneeling under the statue of the Ring of Order, seemed to have really become a girl who interrupted her prayers at this moment: she trembled in panic, looked back suddenly, and immediately showed an unhappy expression after seeing the person who came. :

"Sir El, this is not what we said at the beginning."

"The situation has changed, and I can only apologize to you, Miss Justin."

Surrounded by a few line infantry, the knight with the iris cloak on his shoulders chuckled lightly, "It's too tight, we can't do anything about it."

"Of course, we are very grateful to you for taking the initiative to report and expose the liberals who have been active here. You can make some demands as long as you can meet them."

"Oh, is that so?" Carnot stood up, his elegant and calm movements like the moment when flowers were blooming: "Then I want you to leave here immediately, or at least not to destroy this small church where I often come to pray. is it okay?"

"Ah this... I'm afraid not."

While the two were talking, the murderous jihadist soldiers had already started rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the prayer hall.

"Of course, as a hero, Miss Justin, you can leave now. With the Lord Knight himself as a guarantee, no one dares to suspect that you are a spy of the pagans." The knight continued to smile without laughing:

"But in order to avoid suspicion, please refrain from showing your face outside for the time being; if others don't mention it, Lord Knight Chief will be unhappy."

Karno's face was tense, as if he was threatened but unwilling to threaten because of fear, so he could only hold on to his unwillingness to lower his head, making Drake beside him stunned.

"Ah, I forgot something."

Carno, who had already reached the door, suddenly turned his head and looked coldly at Drake, who was surrounded by seven or eight rifles and raised his hands above his head: "This person is the boatman I mentioned earlier, and I asked Sir El to properly arrange it... It's my only request."

"Of course there's no problem with this, the Knight Commander has already ordered it." Sir El waved his hand behind him and smiled at Karno, "Please don't worry, there will be no accidents."

Karno nodded cautiously, then raised his chin, and left proudly in front of everyone's eyes.

"What a beautiful woman... There is a little pride in her tenderness, which makes people want to love her and bully her!" Sir El said with emotion:

"To be protected by such a woman desperately, Your Excellency is really a lucky person blessed by the Ring of Order."

Looking at Jazz's back, he vaguely realized that Drake, who was probably talking about himself, let out an apologetic smile, but his heart was full of hairs.

At this moment, Sir El suddenly turned around, waved his hand to signal the surrounding soldiers to disperse, and then smiled gloomily at Drake, who was still kneeling in front of the statue: "Don't worry, I'm a principled person, no. I'll tell the knight commander about the two of you; hurting such a lady is not what a knight should do."

Both of us? I didn't know what happened to the two of us... Drake could only nod stupidly, pretending to be afraid to please each other: "Then, thank you very much."

"No thanks, because I am also qualified." The corners of Sir El's mouth rose, and the smile became more meaningful:

"Simply put, I just hope you can do me a little favor..."


Early morning, Red Hand Bay.

Anson, who woke up from his sleep, put on his Clovis brigadier general uniform and went to the Universal Religious Church in the city center on time to attend the breakfast meeting hosted by Louis.

The narrow long table and chairs almost occupy most of the space in the house. Everyone must put the chairs in the chest position to leave a passage that can pass normally; the representatives of the Supreme Council and the officers of the high command are free sat on the left and right sides, leaving the middle position to Bishop Ruibo.

Oatmeal porridge, boiled potatoes, pickled vegetables, fried fish, bean soup... The nuns of the Faithful Alliance are busy serving dishes for the "honorable guests", making the not spacious restaurant look extra lively; Seeing Lisa coming with Anson, the nun even added baked apples and crumbled bacon to her oatmeal.

But even so, the girl who was facing the clear soup and lack of water for breakfast still frowned--besides because she became more and more picky, she also brought a rectified company of guards to maintain the law and order in Red Hand Bay last night. I have to rush to build fortifications with others soon, so I really can't eat enough food.

In fact, not only Red Hand Bay, but the entire Free Confederation is currently in a state of scarcity.

The start of the war and the general mobilization of the Free Confederacy was in April, which is the season just after winter; sudden events interrupted the spring ploughing of various colonies, and the forced mobilization of militia soldiers also greatly occupied the important labor force in various places.

In addition, as the most important food producing area in the New World, Yangfan City fell, a large amount of materials were assembled to the rear as military reserves, and the number of retreating people from various colonies continued to increase... All of them were crowding out the reserves that were not sufficient, and the lack of materials was unavoidable. .

Especially in the Red Hand Bay, where tens of thousands of troops have gathered, all kinds of supplies are even more stretched... Not only food, but even luxury goods such as wine and coffee are rapidly consumed after the jihadist army cut off trade, and prices have soared. To an astonishing degree, wantonly hoarded goods inside the colony.

As the Marshal of the Legion of the New World, Louis Bernard, who theoretically held more than 60% of the Confederate's supplies and wealth, set an example and eliminated almost all luxuries. A breakfast meeting that was barely considered a banquet didn't even have beer, and the only drink was beans. Soup, and the beans were also distributed to the soldiers for breakfast, so what they were drinking was actually boiled bean water.

After quickly eating their portion, Anson and Louis pushed the plate forward with a smile almost at the same time, and everyone who had no appetite also sat upright in tacit understanding.

According to the convention of the meeting - or the convention of the Storm Legion - as Carl Bane got up from his chair and opened the new world map behind the statue of the Ring of Order, and then Anson began to brief everyone on the situation, the Chief of Staff added and Responsible for the explanation, the little clerk sitting in the corner took the minutes of the meeting.

After abandoning Sail City, Grey Pigeon Fort and Black Reef Port one after another, the territory of the Free Confederation has been reduced to the scope of Red Hand Bay - Winter Torch City - Slave Port. After the territory is reduced, the pressure on material and manpower mobilization has been significantly reduced. Many, and began to build defensive positions around Red Hand Bay, ready to deal with the next stage of the enemy's attack.

However, according to the previous strategic deployment, this is still not the bottom line of the Free Confederation's defense. Once the enemy launches a large-scale and comprehensive offensive, the New World Legion will still continue to move in, retreat to the Ice Dragon Fjord and the surrounding Winter Torch City, and finally defend it. Winter Torch City, consume the opposite side with winter.

"But even if the ultimate means is to defend Winter Torch City, if you can avoid this situation, of course you have to fight for it, especially now." Facing the heavy-faced crowd, An Sen pointed to the Slave Capture Port and Red Hand with a knife on the map. Area around the bay:

"At present, the enemy has a forward base in the New World, and the next step must be to launch simultaneous attacks from land and sea at the same time, and Black Reef Port will become their new bridgehead; in other words, there will be a large number of supplies and personnel gathered at Black Reef. the area around the port.”

"We want to take advantage of the opportunity to attack the enemy's land supply lines; but not just by means of raids, but also use the road network, the various abandoned colonial strongholds, and create small fortresses that directly threaten the enemy's internal lines - through a large number of skirmishes ~www.readwn.com~ Disperse the enemy's main force."

"Apart from the core reason of lagging the enemy, another goal is to reduce the consumption of reserve materials and obtain supplies from the enemy!"

Ansen tapped the turbulent sea on the edge of the map with the tip of his knife: "From a short-term analysis, the total enemy force is over a hundred thousand, and the logistical pressure is unprecedented. As long as several large-scale damage to its supply line, a large-scale military operation can be terminated; But in the longer term, with the Empire and the Church as the backing, the war potential is far above us!"

"On the way to retreat from Black Reef Port, the New World Corps had already dispersed and controlled nine strongholds in the middle of the journey. According to their reports, the Mujahideen Army has not yet organized an offensive immediately, but is strengthening its control over the occupied area and waiting for Follow-up troops arrive."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A large number of enemy troops are stranded in the city, and it is impossible to invest too many troops to maintain the supply line; and as long as our scope of action is large enough and our troops are dispersed enough, the enemy will not be able to judge the actual movement of our main force. , thereby reducing the dual pressure of defense and material."

"In short, we have to feed the enemy for food!"

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