I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 432: gamblers

In order to ensure that the New World Legion with limited strength and even more limited combat power would not really collapse at the touch of a button, after earnestly inspecting the "Red Hand Bay Defense Line" that Anson presided over and spent several months building up, Louis, who had begun to feel desperate, suddenly became Confident.

There is no reason for it, but what I see is a real iron wall.

A qualified defense line aside from the structure, all that matters is the number of troops stationed, logistical reserves, and what materials are you using to build it - a luxurious fortress with granite base, concrete pouring, and steel support is definitely better than just paving a few. The trenches of planks are much stronger.

There is no cement factory in the New World, and the production of steel and even production tools and weapons is pitiful, and it is impossible to use it to build a defense line that covers a colony on a scale.

But the New World also had advantages that the Old World did not—cheap wood, and stone from mining.

These newly felled trees and the **** and **** from the mine are of no value at all. Ansen dispatched the New World Company to hire workers to transport the **** and **** around the Red Hand Bay and Changhu Town, and directly buy their **** from the lumbering farm owner. Logs are transported to the defense line and used as building materials for the defense line.

After solving the material problem, the next step is site selection; in the New World from June to August, except for a few roads that were leveled, the thawed land basically turned into muddy fields, undeveloped grasslands, swamps, puddles and jungles; small-scale Fortunately, it is almost impossible for the army to pass through these places.

Therefore, the control of the road is the top priority of the entire line of defense. Anson built the northern line of defense here, a position sufficient for the defense of at least 10,000 legions, and built small artillery forts and bunkers on the three surrounding highlands. .

To be honest, he was a skirmisher who didn't have much skills in building large fortifications and regiment-level positions, but Ludwig was more proficient; but he had an experienced adjutant, plus a technical advisor proficient in mathematics.

The former had seen the structure of large fortresses and had personally built defensive positions at the regiment and division levels; the latter knew nothing about the military, but could point out unreasonable errors in the design of the defense line.

Especially after investigating the good terrain of Red Hand Bay on the spot, and obtaining building materials, logistics material transportation lines, and labor force from the New World Company, William Gottfried specially designed a set of transportation and engineering methods for the New World Corps. Eucalyptus.

After his optimization and design, the transportation speed and the daily working hours have not increased, but the arrival of the materials is at the time, and the work scope and speed of the personnel are seamlessly connected. The optimization has improved the efficiency by 20%, which can be as different as an assembly line. Intermittent construction work.

Similar to the previous "train factory equation", this time he called his plan "the legion camp equation" - how to plan resource transportation routes, reduce unnecessary losses and wasted time, and use the fastest speed Design and build army camps to suit your needs.

The two joined forces, so they had the perfect and reasonable structure that Louis saw in front of him.

In addition, there are a total of twenty-five defensive positions around the entire Red Hand Bay colony, taking into account the functions of reconnaissance posts and slowing the enemy's attack speed; these positions and the road network behind them, the northern positions, and the Red Hand Bay The town itself, together constitute the entire line of defense.

Since the enemy is going to attack from the land, the northern line of defense is the only way for its main force.

If it was Anson or any officer that Louis did not know, he would have to beware that the opponent would attack from this direction, attacking a certain post with a small group of elites, and penetrated the defense line. Create chaos on the inside of the line of defense and give the navy a chance to land.

But this time the commander-in-chief of the army was Arthur Herreid... Louis didn't even think about it, so he concentrated all the remaining main force of the entire New World Corps on the northern line of defense.

Each sentry only left a small number of troops to be responsible for reconnaissance, and also set up their own headquarters in the forward position, leaving not even the slightest backhand.

He was betting, betting that Arthur would not take a detour or make a sneak attack, but be open and aboveboard, launch a full-scale attack from the front to the north position, and use his sharpest spear to stab his strongest shield.

This is also another reason why the entire New World Legion will raise objections: in case of misjudgment, Louis Bernard is still in an accident at the front position, and the fall of Red Hand Bay is nothing. .

It was only under Louis' rare and tough order that the officers and knights had to comply with his request, but they still sent messengers to Beluga Harbor, hoping that the deputy commander of the Storm Legion would be ready to rescue at any time.

Even the elf girls who didn't take these to heart, insisted that they must accompany Louis and protect them anytime and anywhere to prevent accidents.

Under the influence of a pessimistic atmosphere, only Louis himself still believed in his own judgment, put all his bets on it, and was ready to give it a shot on the northern line of defense.


On the deck of the flagship of the Clovis Crusader Fleet, the Kingship, Colonel William Cecil with an unbelievable face handed Ludwig Franz the message that the messenger had just sent:

"The land troops were not divided, and all marched along the road to Red Hand Bay. The commander of the Army of Arthur Hereid personally led the frontal attack on the defense line that had been built by the Free Confederacy, leaving no reserves or rearguards."

"He asked you to suspend the attack on the Red Hand Bay port and give priority to ensuring the logistics of the land army; and promised that it would only take three days to break through the defense line and attack the Red Hand Bay with the fleet from north to south."

William Cecil sighed, and there was a bit of resignation in his expression of surprise:

"Congratulations, you won the bet."

"Thanks, but nothing to congratulate was expected."

Ludwig took the letter from the other party's hand lightly, without even the slightest excitement in his eyes, and stared coldly at the direction of Red Hand Bay on the horizon:

"With this letter, we can reasonably suspend the attack on Red Hand Bay for at least three to five days, continue to operate Yangfan City to retain control over there, and avoid being occupied by the newly arrived Phileas Corps. ."

"According to the information we have now, this legion commander is likely to be a bad visitor... He has a deep relationship with the Church of Order and the Knights of Judgment, but he is very secretive about it. It is very likely that the church specially arranged it to ensure that The white glove that solves the problem if the rest of the Legion doesn't obey."

"If my guess is correct, then the church is very likely to go back on the matter of sailing city, or force us Clovis to attack and capture the Ice Dragon Fjord to prove its loyalty to the church."

"This situation must be avoided as much as possible. Even if it is unavoidable in the end, it is necessary to ensure that the city of sailing is safe; this is the only interest that Clovis can keep. It is better to hand it over to the Free Confederation after the war than to let the church and the empire take it. Go—that's the bottom line at the very least..."

Ludwig said in a calm and serious voice, and there was no trace of waves in his eyes under his stern expression, like a steam differential engine covered in human skin.

William Cecil stood silently beside him without saying a word, staring at the other party's eyes, with infinite emotion in his heart.

In the past, he also despised the Franz family, believing that this family was nothing more than a nouveau riche who suddenly rose up by virtue of Luther, the archbishop, and was fundamentally different from the Cecil family, which was like a local snake.

But after seeing the Franz brothers and sisters with his own eyes, he had to admit that the current prosperity and mightiness of the other party was not unreasonable; Ludwig, who had been a little emotional before departure, was subjected to a fight in Sail City. Frustration quickly becomes very practical, calm and rational even scary.

As a commander of the Clovis Legion, the other party controlled the powerful colony of the empire, almost colluded with the enemy in an open-minded way, wooed the commanders of the jihadist army of the empire, isolated and did not cooperate with his commander...

In all fairness, William Cecil thought it was impossible.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the other party's gaze, Ludwig stopped and said curiously.

"It's nothing, just a little emotional." William Cecil shook his head, his eyes were a little lost:

"Ludwig Franz, you are indeed the son of Archbishop Luther."

"...?" Ludwig was stunned, not sure what this guy meant.

But these are not important, he just frowned slightly and threw it behind his head, and refocused his attention on the full-scale siege of the Free Confederation in front of him:

"The Fernando Legion also sent a messenger for help, asking us to provide supplies and reinforcements as soon as possible to ensure the attack on Beluga Harbor."

"Our previous excuse did not seem to be approved by the other party. The Holy See's high command also rejected the proposal of Yang's attack on Beluga Port, ordering us to maintain two fronts at the same time."

William Cecil nodded slightly: "So the plan didn't work out, is this a bad thing?"

"On the contrary, this is a good thing!" Ludwig's mouth rose slightly:

"Maintaining two fronts at the same time... That is to say, the Holy See has given us official permission, and we don't need to worry about the life and death of the Bolei Legion - even if there are 10,000 letters of help every day, we can ignore it!"

So the key point is here... William Cecil was slightly stunned, the expression of the commander-in-chief of the Crusaders in front of him made him think he was talking to Anson Bach.

Well, it's so despicable, so shameless.

"In that case, what should I do in the direction of Beluga Port?"

"Of course I agree. The reinforcements can be delayed further, and the supplies must be sent to them as soon as possible - we cannot let the Fernando Legion catch our disobedience to the command of the Mujahideen Army." Ludwig narrowed his eyes:

"But what materials to send, how to send them, and whether to send other things besides the materials..."

"Hmph, that's not what they said."


"The information from Major General Ludwig has arrived, and the enemy will get supplies in three days."

In the Beluga Port Command, Fabian looked at the officers present and said coldly: "In other words, the enemy will not, or only a small group of troops will make a tentative attack on us in the past three days, and understand the defense here. situation and deployment of troops."

"Once the supplies arrive, the opposing Fernando Legion will launch a full-scale attack - the terrain determines that the enemy can only enter the Ice Dragon Fjord to raid the port, and cannot bypass the land to attack the town."

"So our task is to find a way to lure the enemy to launch a general attack in advance, be completely delayed in the case of insufficient logistics, and at the same time consume the enemy's forces to the maximum extent."

"So we have to convince the enemy's sheep attack troops that the Beluga Harbor is empty, and it doesn't even have any defensive power at all?"

A Grenadier regiment commander got up and asked, his face full of confusion: "But how is this possible? In order to defend against the Mujahideen attack, we have destroyed the port of Beluga Harbor, and there are still two sides of the fjord. A fort was built on the mountain - with such an obvious preparation, how can we convince the other side that our defense is empty?"


The confident Fabian took out two letters from his arms and placed them directly in front of the officers present:

"The two letters here, one from the east, the main force of the Storm Legion is rushing towards Chanugang, but the enemy's strength and movement speed exceeded expectations, 20,000 jihadists have occupied Chanugang."

"The other one is from Red Hand Bay. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Marshal Louis has concentrated all the remaining main force of the New World Legion on the northern position. The defense line is empty and there is a risk of taking the opportunity to break through. Please ask us for support."

"Of course both letters are true, and I have just issued an order to the farms and strongholds around the town of Beluga Port, asking them to prepare for the evacuation of the people and the evacuation to Winter Torch City." Fabiansao Glancing at the people sitting:

"What do you think, if the opposite Fernando Corps got this information, what would they think?"

how to think?

The officers were stunned for a moment, and instantly understood Fabian's thoughts:

"You are trying to convince them that our troops are likely to leave soon, and Beluga Harbor is a... empty city?!"

"And we really want to evacuate and take the initiative to empty all the city defense facilities." Fabian nodded slightly: "But at the same time, we also have to plant the 10-star ring flag all over the fortresses and watchtowers, and put out a good response. The attack of the enemy."

"We have to convince the other party that the defenders of Beluga Harbor are just bluffing, and their defenses are simply vulnerable; if they don't attack the city as soon as possible, the lessons of Black Reef Harbor will be staged - leaving them empty warehouses and people waiting to feed. Besides, there is nothing in Beluga Harbor!"

"Then what if the enemy just refuses to be fooled and has to wait until the supplies are in place before launching an attack?" The officer was still a little worried:

"Isn't it very passive that we toss back and forth like this?"

"If the enemy is really unmoved, it means that they don't really want to seize Beluga Port, just to deal with the order above." Fabian suddenly showed a weird smile:

"Tell this information to Major General Ludwig, and he will be very happy to let the Holy See and the Empire know about this inadvertently."

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